Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?

Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus
Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?

Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus
Where's the alt-right......uhmmmmm????????
Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?

Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus
Where's the alt-right......uhmmmmm????????
Staying home they don't have the time for stupid crap.
Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?

Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus
Where's the alt-right......uhmmmmm????????

Out killing monkeys.
Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?

Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus
Fair play, isnt it great that young Americans are taking an interest in their history ? And its probably good for the country that these issues are discussed.

Columbus was a fraud anyway. A Welshman, Prince Madog, was the first European to land on your shores.
Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?

Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus
Fair play, isnt it great that young Americans are taking an interest in their history ? And its probably good for the country that these issues are discussed.

Columbus was a fraud anyway. A Welshman, Prince Madog, was the first European to land on your shores.

If America was discovered by the Welsh our legal drinking age would be 12 and all our road signs would look like drunken texts.

Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?

Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus
Fair play, isnt it great that young Americans are taking an interest in their history ? And its probably good for the country that these issues are discussed.

Columbus was a fraud anyway. A Welshman, Prince Madog, was the first European to land on your shores.

If America was discovered by the Welsh our legal drinking age would be 12 and all our road signs would look like drunken texts.

Unlike later visitors the Welsh assimilated with the local people. We were not oppressors.
Christopher Columbus has a real disturbing legacy in the United States," said demonstrator Antonio Cosme. "He's a central central narrative to white nationalism. He's one of the key figures in this whole Western identity. This whole idea that the civilization of the world started in England, that it started in France, that it started in Germany."
. Morons are in control of our history and American heritage.
Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?

Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus
Where's the alt-right......uhmmmmm????????

All 12 of them stayed home.
Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?
Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

This whole matter is nothing more than reverse racism taught them for years by anarchist professors in the universities. It is the birth of "white privilege," and all else like it, you have but to substitute the word "black" in there to see the hypocrisy. If people were going around talking about it THAT way, it would be a national outrage! By just being born white, by default alone, now you are a bad person. How can that possibly bring unity, but rather just sow more division??? Pretty soon we will only be allowed in the backs of buses and have to use separate bathrooms.

Never mind that slavery goes back to 3100 B.C., never mind that the Africans themselves had and sold their own people as slaves, never mind that it was just an accepted common practice of the day, never mind that it still goes on today, and never mind that it was a white person who ended it here.

If the Democrats say it is only what they stand for today that matters, WHY DOES THAT NOT APPLY TO THE REST OF AMERICA? Why does that not apply to the white races? You can't change history, all you can do is deny and hide from it; if one wants to protest slavery, why not protest it where it still goes on today?

Every dictator down through history and alive today enslaved its own people and others.
The people of North Korea are slaves.
The people of Tibet are now enslaved by the Chinese, denied their own religion, freedom and history.
Even the illegal aliens that come here are slaves; they don't WANT to leave their own country, they are forced to in order to try to find opportunity. Then once here, they are forced onto government programs where if they earn a little too much, they lose all their needed benefits, so they are kept poor.

The problem with this new racial movement sweeping America is that it doesn't stand up to close examination at all, it doesn't make sense to any rational person, which means that half its people must be too stupid to think, and the other half, they know and don't care. They are all about just making noise out of a need to feel relevant about something. And the idiots of the GOP are all too anxious as usual to rush to bend over backwards to accommodate them. They STILL have not learned that you don't gain friends nor respect by only showing weakness to all, and they condemn Trump for not acting weak along side them.
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Chris got lost, the real discoverer of this country are the latino's and Indians...and some guy named vanpussy!!
Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?

Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus
Fair play, isnt it great that young Americans are taking an interest in their history ? And its probably good for the country that these issues are discussed.

Columbus was a fraud anyway. A Welshman, Prince Madog, was the first European to land on your shores.

If America was discovered by the Welsh our legal drinking age would be 12 and all our road signs would look like drunken texts.

Unlike later visitors the Welsh assimilated with the local people. We were not oppressors.
The conquered people then?
Now history is going to be (re) written that anyone who did anything in the past and they were white are and were white supremacists. In another thread it was said that even though the democrat party is the party of slavery, jim crow and the KKK it is what they stand for today that matters. Who, before the revisionists changed things, ever thought of Columbus as anything other then the man who discovered America, whether he actually did or not?

Funny how the subversives will paint him as a white supremacist but the democrat party, not so much.

Dozens demonstrate in Detroit against white supremacy, Christopher Columbus
Leftists taking baby steps on the way to full fascism.
Dozens of demonstrators converged under a raised bust of Christopher Columbus in downtown Detroit on Saturday and demanded the monument come down as they protested against white supremacy and a list of perceived affronts to black Detroiters.
Dozens Demonstrate in Detroit against White Supremacy, Christopher Columbus

It's not going to end , Rome is falling and the idiots of America won't ever see it coming sooner or later it will hit the assholes of society right in their heads like a ton of bricks.
I won't click on one of your links because they're always garbage but --

Columbus should never have been made into some kind of hero and there should not be a paid holiday off.

OTOH, neither should we all be forced to pay extra taxes for xmas and easter.
I won't click on one of your links because they're always garbage but --

Columbus should never have been made into some kind of hero and there should not be a paid holiday off.

OTOH, neither should we all be forced to pay extra taxes for xmas and easter.
Hell..I bet a very high percentage of Americans don't give a shit about Columbus. This is all manufactured rage by the radical left, but dummies can't see it.
I bet if they polled Americans asking who is Robert E Lee, most would have no idea.

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