Dozens Die From Storms. No Obama Visit?

Oh grow up and find someone else to put on your list. Or are we ticked off because we got taken in for a little while?

Suit yourself. I always thought you were just stupid. Now that you have lowered the bar to out right lying sack of shit.. I promise that your trail of shit will follow you. Enjoy!

edit response: You do not "take anyone in". Frankly I barely pay attention to your hack bullshit. The fact that you think you can pass this lying thread off as some kind of joke by "taking people in" will not serve you as well as you might hope.
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Oh grow up and find someone else to put on your list. Or are we ticked off because we got taken in for a little while?

Suit yourself. I always thought you were just stupid. Now that you have lowered the bar to out right lying sack of shit.. I promise that your trail of shit will follow you. Enjoy!

edit response: You do not "take anyone in". Frankly I barely pay attention to your hack bullshit. The fact that you think you can pass this lying thread off as some kind of joke by "taking people in" will not serve you as well as you might hope.
Huggy, like you, I just don't give a crap about what you think of me.

But on a positive note, all I did was act like a liberal. Allege some questionable shit easily disproven and hold you guys to the same standard you hold others to on false allegations memories and twisted logic, and I'm considered to have 'lowered the bar' as if that implies your ilk is somehow better than me? How about raising YOUR standards after being shown how hypocritical most liberal attacks are?

The irony is delicious.
Suit yourself. I always thought you were just stupid. Now that you have lowered the bar to out right lying sack of shit.. I promise that your trail of shit will follow you. Enjoy!

edit response: You do not "take anyone in". Frankly I barely pay attention to your hack bullshit. The fact that you think you can pass this lying thread off as some kind of joke by "taking people in" will not serve you as well as you might hope.
Huggy, like you, I just don't give a crap about what you think of me.

But on a positive note, all I did was act like a liberal. Allege some questionable shit easily disproven and hold you guys to the same standard you hold others to on false allegations memories and twisted logic, and I'm considered to have 'lowered the bar' as if that implies your ilk is somehow better than me? How about raising YOUR standards after being shown how hypocritical most liberal attacks are?

The irony is delicious.

Keep telling yourself that. We'll see how it tastes for you as time goes on. I like it when morons like you lie and then more morons like you line up to co-sign your lies. It exposes the truth of how easily you idiots can be brainwashed.

No Fizzy ... The only ones you fooled were Willow, Moron102, InfoDumb and TheDuncer. Their complicity will be noted in the future as well. Thanks for the "gift".
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Huggy, like you, I just don't give a crap about what you think of me.

But on a positive note, all I did was act like a liberal. Allege some questionable shit easily disproven and hold you guys to the same standard you hold others to on false allegations memories and twisted logic, and I'm considered to have 'lowered the bar' as if that implies your ilk is somehow better than me? How about raising YOUR standards after being shown how hypocritical most liberal attacks are?

The irony is delicious.

Keep telling yourself that. We'll see how it tastes for you as time goes on.
You are a lying sack of shit. Idiotfidel, Willow, Whore102, DumbDancer are morons for thanking you for your lies.

President Obama tours Joplin Missouri Tornado Damage (May 29, 2011) - YouTube

Piss on you ya dumb lying fuck!

Und der Katze sagt:

Seriously, Shmendrik, would you talk like that in front of your mother?
Took you guys long enough. And Huggy's been reading the whole thread.
The president has been BUSY on the PHONE:

Indiana tornado: Winds as high as 200 mph | The Indianapolis Star |

Requests for help are pouring in, several states need FEDERAL help.
Thank goodness Brown isn't running FEMA anymore.

John Kasich declares state of emergency in Ohio after tornados

Kasich turned down Federal assistance. Coats, Daniels, and Lugar want it.

It's totally their Right to turn down Federal Assistance. I actually admire a politician who goes on about self-sufficiency and stands by that philosophy during a disaster. Let's hope his political career "weathers" that decision......assuming he sticks by it, that is.
Ah, I see. So which reason is it that there's no visit?

1. Lack of importance.

2. Not severe enough.

3. Not enough people died.

4. The Race Card. (Not enough black people to care)

5. Hmm what? Sportscenter?

6. Rush, STFU is more important.

I should have made this a poll.
Bush also showed up after the danger had passed, in NO. Which does NOT excuse his cuts to the NOLA budget which may have allowed the deluge. Obama needs to get Rush off the brain, Rush is piling in ENOUGH from the suckers without Obama giving him MORE free publicity.

You forget "WE DODGED A BULLET" with Katrina.

I have not read this thread, but just for the record, and to shed some like on this answer, the danger has not passed in the midwest several more died yesterday.

President Obama should not be there yet.

You are getting close to a bye-bye. We have rules here that specifically forbid bringing others "family" into posts.

I will accept your and Fitz's apology at your earliest convenience.
I have something to apologize to you for? What, pray tell is that?
How long do you keep other's posts Fitz? I cannot imagine the purpose except to FLAME every day.

Salacious Super Sets Saturday, Tainted Thermal Thread Thursday, Mean Malicious Malevolence Monday, etc.
Ah, I see. So which reason is it that there's no visit?

1. Lack of importance.

2. Not severe enough.

3. Not enough people died.

4. The Race Card. (Not enough black people to care)

5. Hmm what? Sportscenter?

6. Rush, STFU is more important.

I should have made this a poll.
Bush also showed up after the danger had passed, in NO. Which does NOT excuse his cuts to the NOLA budget which may have allowed the deluge. Obama needs to get Rush off the brain, Rush is piling in ENOUGH from the suckers without Obama giving him MORE free publicity.

You forget "WE DODGED A BULLET" with Katrina.

I have not read this thread, but just for the record, and to shed some like on this answer, the danger has not passed in the midwest several more died yesterday.

President Obama should not be there yet.


Agreed. He shouldn't go.

And, he's too busy addressing the sex lives of college women to make a statement.

John Kasich declares state of emergency in Ohio after tornados

Kasich turned down Federal assistance. Coats, Daniels, and Lugar want it.

It's totally their Right to turn down Federal Assistance. I actually admire a politician who goes on about self-sufficiency and stands by that philosophy during a disaster. Let's hope his political career "weathers" that decision......assuming he sticks by it, that is.
You mean "HECK OF A JOB BROWNIE"? I remember "WE DODGED A BULLET" so well.

Threads and posts remain tiny, why I do not know.
Bush also showed up after the danger had passed, in NO. Which does NOT excuse his cuts to the NOLA budget which may have allowed the deluge. Obama needs to get Rush off the brain, Rush is piling in ENOUGH from the suckers without Obama giving him MORE free publicity.

You forget "WE DODGED A BULLET" with Katrina.

I have not read this thread, but just for the record, and to shed some like on this answer, the danger has not passed in the midwest several more died yesterday.

President Obama should not be there yet.


Agreed. He shouldn't go.

And, he's too busy addressing the sex lives of college women to make a statement.
No Katz, on the phone with Governors in several states.
It's totally their Right to turn down Federal Assistance. I actually admire a politician who goes on about self-sufficiency and stands by that philosophy during a disaster. Let's hope his political career "weathers" that decision......assuming he sticks by it, that is.
You mean "HECK OF A JOB BROWNIE"? I remember "WE DODGED A BULLET" so well.

Threads and posts remain tiny, why I do not know.

Do you think the repub governors will say we will get back to you later as LA governor did?
It's totally their Right to turn down Federal Assistance. I actually admire a politician who goes on about self-sufficiency and stands by that philosophy during a disaster. Let's hope his political career "weathers" that decision......assuming he sticks by it, that is.
You mean "HECK OF A JOB BROWNIE"? I remember "WE DODGED A BULLET" so well.

Threads and posts remain tiny, why I do not know.

Bush was too busy getting guitar lessons as I recall.
You must have really hated Eisenhower and Ford then.

Oh well....back to your Altar Boys, eh?

Speaking of perversion, assbreath - shouldn't you be lubing-up your dildos and saddle-soaping your strap-ons right now. It's Saturday. If a roll of paper towels is needed, please email me at [email protected]

Ah, the Sting of Truth. What a surprise.
Sounds (more) like the ruminations of a sexually-frustrated 13-year-old virgin....and, an inability to reconcile a predisposition to homosexuality.​

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