Dozens Die From Storms. No Obama Visit?

Amazing how that works...

but but but... W would have been forced to go! Why not Obama? What's so important he's not going to show sympathy and promising billions in aid? He damn near does it for everything else.
I posted a link where both Senators and the Gov. have said they will be seeking Federal assistance. All republicans, doing their jobs. There IS no particular place TO go. TEN states are hit, so far.

So, that Federal help is Good now?
I think the proper (or, preferable) Libertarian-terminology would be "different".

the rain must have shorted out the lectric golf carts, no wait march.... must be busy with the brackets.
True... tis time for "Brackets" Obama to make an appearance.

Trust me, if Obama thinks it's important he shows his face. The Superbowl was a prime example. If he thinks it's worth his time you can't keep him away.

I don't see Obama attending the funerals of the guys that got shot in the back of the head in Afghanistan. He doesn't have the patience to hang around another hour with the troops when they want to be with him. But he finds time to remind everyone how he got Bin Laden every chance he gets, like he's a great Commander In Chief.

John Kasich declares state of emergency in Ohio after tornados

Kasich turned down Federal assistance. Coats, Daniels, and Lugar want it.

It's totally their Right to turn down Federal Assistance. I actually admire a politician who goes on about self-sufficiency and stands by that philosophy during a disaster. Let's hope his political career "weathers" that decision......assuming he sticks by it, that is.
Ohio may not be as hard hit as Indiana, & KY; a "visit" isn't going to be more than a fly over:

Kentucky Emergency Management spokesman Buddy Rogers said officials were having difficulty getting into the area to confirm the damage.

"We can't even get into some of these counties," he said Friday night. "The power is out, phones are out, roads are blocked and now it's dark, which complicates things."

Read more here: Violent storms kill 29, death toll could rise -

I've read the Panhandle here took a punch, but it went somewhat north of my county around two am; downed some trees here, some 30 mph winds, nothing to complain about. Now, a fire watch due to higher than normal winds, and the soon to USUAL 25 drop in temps in 18 hours.
Font size problem resolved!
How long do you keep other's posts Fitz? I cannot imagine the purpose except to FLAME every day.

Salacious Super Sets Saturday, Tainted Thermal Thread Thursday, Mean Malicious Malevolence Monday, etc.

Fizzzy's Sunday's truth sodomizing! :lol:
I'm sorry, I need a Libberish to English translation of all that. Are you saying it's not okay to hold a president to an impossible standard backed by incorrect statements? Huh... when'd that attitude change? Jan 21st 2008?
the rain must have shorted out the lectric golf carts, no wait march.... must be busy with the brackets.
True... tis time for "Brackets" Obama to make an appearance.

Trust me, if Obama thinks it's important he shows his face. The Superbowl was a prime example. If he thinks it's worth his time you can't keep him away.

I don't see Obama attending the funerals of the guys that got shot in the back of the head in Afghanistan. He doesn't have the patience to hang around another hour with the troops when they want to be with him. But he finds time to remind everyone how he got Bin Laden every chance he gets, like he's a great Commander In Chief.

NOR is he at the devistation wrought by early Spring weather. He is on a continuing campaign ...:eusa_shhh:
Ah, I see. So which reason is it that there's no visit?

1. Lack of importance.

2. Not severe enough.

3. Not enough people died.

4. The Race Card. (Not enough black people to care)

5. Hmm what? Sportscenter?

6. Rush, STFU is more important.

I should have made this a poll.

This just happened you fool. I don't live too far away from it and the last thing they need now are visitors and anything that would draw crowds. The area is sealed off and guarded.

Besides, being the angry bitter right wing loon you seem to be, if he did go you'd be bitchin' about him using it as a photo op to use campaigning.

According to the loonies he would be wrong if he shat gold bricks and handed out ham sandwiches...
You mean.... just like W was screwed no matter what he did, eh?

Kind of goes with the territory doesn't it?
This just happened you fool. I don't live too far away from it and the last thing they need now are visitors and anything that would draw crowds. The area is sealed off and guarded.

Besides, being the angry bitter right wing loon you seem to be, if he did go you'd be bitchin' about him using it as a photo op to use campaigning.

According to the loonies he would be wrong if he shat gold bricks and handed out ham sandwiches...
You mean.... just like W was screwed no matter what he did, eh?

Kind of goes with the territory doesn't it?
So why does P-BO deserve kid glove treatment in your mind? Ain't he able to handle the criticism and demands like a white president? Or is it because he is a liberal?

Double standards are bullshit. Obama should be held to the same one as W.
You mean.... just like W was screwed no matter what he did, eh?

Kind of goes with the territory doesn't it?
So why does P-BO deserve kid glove treatment in your mind? Ain't he able to handle the criticism and demands like a white president? Or is it because he is a liberal?

Double standards are bullshit. Obama should be held to the same one as W.
National Guard troops on the way to get to those trapped that local authorities cannot reach. Requests for Federal money being received. OBAMA ISN'T POSING ABOUT IT SO SOME THINK NOTHING IS BEING DONE.
Kind of goes with the territory doesn't it?
So why does P-BO deserve kid glove treatment in your mind? Ain't he able to handle the criticism and demands like a white president? Or is it because he is a liberal?

Double standards are bullshit. Obama should be held to the same one as W.
National Guard troops on the way to get to those trapped that local authorities cannot reach. Requests for Federal money being received. OBAMA ISN'T POSING ABOUT IT SO SOME THINK NOTHING IS BEING DONE.
You still have missed the entire point about this thread, haven't you. I know Huggy did.

It's about the double standard that gives P-BO a pass, while it screamed for the head of W without cessation.

Oh, and Obama doesn't call out state national guards. Governors do. But let's just give him credit for that anyway... mmkay?
Oh I get it...

These tornados are the equivalent of Katrina

Nice try but....FAIL
You mean.... just like W was screwed no matter what he did, eh?

Um, no – GWB went out of his way to screw up; I never blamed Bush for Katrina or the like, but two illegal wars, a new deficit, and more government is where Bush had only himself to blame.
So of course you're going to denounce P-BO for not only continuing those wars for 3 whole years, but also starting up with Lybia, Syria and now maybe Iran?

Does P-BO have only himself to blame here?
So why does P-BO deserve kid glove treatment in your mind? Ain't he able to handle the criticism and demands like a white president? Or is it because he is a liberal?

Double standards are bullshit. Obama should be held to the same one as W.
National Guard troops on the way to get to those trapped that local authorities cannot reach. Requests for Federal money being received. OBAMA ISN'T POSING ABOUT IT SO SOME THINK NOTHING IS BEING DONE.
You still have missed the entire point about this thread, haven't you. I know Huggy did.

It's about the double standard that gives P-BO a pass, while it screamed for the head of W without cessation.

Oh, and Obama doesn't call out state national guards. Governors do. But let's just give him credit for that anyway... mmkay?
No VISIT yes; TROOPS are on their way, no one has requested a visit. I did not write that Obama sent National Guard troops; I noted they were on the way to point out the seriousness of the situation, and the HINDRANCE of such VISITS. One Governor said the situation was too bad to handle the little visits requested, and I noted reports that Governors have been conferring over the phone with the President.
National Guard troops on the way to get to those trapped that local authorities cannot reach. Requests for Federal money being received. OBAMA ISN'T POSING ABOUT IT SO SOME THINK NOTHING IS BEING DONE.
You still have missed the entire point about this thread, haven't you. I know Huggy did.

It's about the double standard that gives P-BO a pass, while it screamed for the head of W without cessation.

Oh, and Obama doesn't call out state national guards. Governors do. But let's just give him credit for that anyway... mmkay?
No VISIT yes; TROOPS are on their way, no one has requested a visit. I did not write that Obama sent National Guard troops; I noted they were on the way to point out the seriousness of the situation, and the HINDRANCE of such VISITS. One Governor said the situation was too bad to handle the little visits requested, and I noted reports that Governors have been conferring over the phone with the President.
Again. You're missing the point. It's not about the REALITY of the situation. It's about the double standard. Jeez. If you explain the joke, it's no longer funny.
NO visit? I haven't even heard him mention it. He gave some hairy assed speech today on how MUCH he DEARLY loves Isreal..:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Kind of goes with the territory doesn't it?
So why does P-BO deserve kid glove treatment in your mind? Ain't he able to handle the criticism and demands like a white president? Or is it because he is a liberal?

Double standards are bullshit. Obama should be held to the same one as W.
National Guard troops on the way to get to those trapped that local authorities cannot reach. Requests for Federal money being received. OBAMA ISN'T POSING ABOUT IT SO SOME THINK NOTHING IS BEING DONE.

National Guard?

That's as state run operation. The state also makes any requests for federal money.

Nice try though.
You still have missed the entire point about this thread, haven't you. I know Huggy did.

It's about the double standard that gives P-BO a pass, while it screamed for the head of W without cessation.

Oh, and Obama doesn't call out state national guards. Governors do. But let's just give him credit for that anyway... mmkay?
No VISIT yes; TROOPS are on their way, no one has requested a visit. I did not write that Obama sent National Guard troops; I noted they were on the way to point out the seriousness of the situation, and the HINDRANCE of such VISITS. One Governor said the situation was too bad to handle the little visits requested, and I noted reports that Governors have been conferring over the phone with the President.
Again. You're missing the point. It's not about the REALITY of the situation. It's about the double standard. Jeez. If you explain the joke, it's no longer funny.
Double standard? Bush got a pass on almost everything POST 9/11, like Iraq. Obama is attacked at every turn. The right is pushing people like me to FAVOR Obama!
No VISIT yes; TROOPS are on their way, no one has requested a visit. I did not write that Obama sent National Guard troops; I noted they were on the way to point out the seriousness of the situation, and the HINDRANCE of such VISITS. One Governor said the situation was too bad to handle the little visits requested, and I noted reports that Governors have been conferring over the phone with the President.
Again. You're missing the point. It's not about the REALITY of the situation. It's about the double standard. Jeez. If you explain the joke, it's no longer funny.
Double standard? Bush got a pass on almost everything POST 9/11, like Iraq. Obama is attacked at every turn. The right is pushing people like me to FAVOR Obama!

I guess you like rewarding incompetence then.
So why does P-BO deserve kid glove treatment in your mind? Ain't he able to handle the criticism and demands like a white president? Or is it because he is a liberal?

Double standards are bullshit. Obama should be held to the same one as W.
National Guard troops on the way to get to those trapped that local authorities cannot reach. Requests for Federal money being received. OBAMA ISN'T POSING ABOUT IT SO SOME THINK NOTHING IS BEING DONE.

National Guard?

That's as state run operation. The state also makes any requests for federal money.

Nice try though.
Read carefully; the situation IS dire, the NEED for NG troops emphasizes that. Thus a cup of coffee in Henryville will be of no use.

Thousands still without power after Ind. tornadoes -

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