Dozens Die From Storms. No Obama Visit?

No VISIT yes; TROOPS are on their way, no one has requested a visit. I did not write that Obama sent National Guard troops; I noted they were on the way to point out the seriousness of the situation, and the HINDRANCE of such VISITS. One Governor said the situation was too bad to handle the little visits requested, and I noted reports that Governors have been conferring over the phone with the President.
Again. You're missing the point. It's not about the REALITY of the situation. It's about the double standard. Jeez. If you explain the joke, it's no longer funny.
Double standard? Bush got a pass on almost everything POST 9/11, like Iraq. Obama is attacked at every turn. The right is pushing people like me to FAVOR Obama!

W got a pass from the press for about one month, then the long knives came back out and we got Shrillery screaming about having a right to protest and disagree with any administration. W was torn into over Katrina not even 36 hours after it was over When "Chocolate City" Nagin and Blanco screwed the pooch handling the disaster and FEMA doubled down on fucktardery shortly after. But it was all Bush's fault.

You guys forget the open mendacity the left committed against W for everything from compassionate conservatism initiatives, to NCLB and Katrina. Then you had that nutcase Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink and so many other screwball shock troops of the left harrassing him... no. You don't get a pass on it either, and you can live up to the same standard that you lefties forced on W.

I disagreed with Bush on a LOT of things, particularly in his second term, but I wasn't screaming for blood instantly and unceasingly. The only reason I do it here to P-BO is to illustrate the double standard you have towards the ManChildian Candyass in office now.
National Guard troops on the way to get to those trapped that local authorities cannot reach. Requests for Federal money being received. OBAMA ISN'T POSING ABOUT IT SO SOME THINK NOTHING IS BEING DONE.

National Guard?

That's as state run operation. The state also makes any requests for federal money.

Nice try though.
Read carefully; the situation IS dire, the NEED for NG troops emphasizes that. Thus a cup of coffee in Henryville will be of no use.

Thousands still without power after Ind. tornadoes -
yes, and the states are taking care of it themselves, as should have been done before, with the federal government getting involved in it later down the line.
You mean.... just like W was screwed no matter what he did, eh?

Um, no – GWB went out of his way to screw up; I never blamed Bush for Katrina or the like, but two illegal wars, a new deficit, and more government is where Bush had only himself to blame.
So of course you're going to denounce P-BO for not only continuing those wars for 3 whole years, but also starting up with Lybia, Syria and now maybe Iran?

Does P-BO have only himself to blame here?

Well yes, with all those American deaths in Libya, Syria,And Iran. I DO blame the deaths of all those Americans on Obama.
Um, no – GWB went out of his way to screw up; I never blamed Bush for Katrina or the like, but two illegal wars, a new deficit, and more government is where Bush had only himself to blame.
So of course you're going to denounce P-BO for not only continuing those wars for 3 whole years, but also starting up with Lybia, Syria and now maybe Iran?

Does P-BO have only himself to blame here?

Well yes, with all those American deaths in Libya, Syria,And Iran. I DO blame the deaths of all those Americans on Obama.
Impressive. I normally don't assign that level of intellectual consistency to you. I stand corrected on that front.
National Guard?

That's as state run operation. The state also makes any requests for federal money.

Nice try though.
Read carefully; the situation IS dire, the NEED for NG troops emphasizes that. Thus a cup of coffee in Henryville will be of no use.

Thousands still without power after Ind. tornadoes -
yes, and the states are taking care of it themselves, as should have been done before, with the federal government getting involved in it later down the line.

Some forget that the States are Soverign in thier own right as outlined in the Constitution...The Federal Government was supposed to be limitied, and the brunt of law was to eminate withing the individual States as they saw fit as long as they did not collide with the Constitution.

Our form of government as the States were concerned was never designed to be 'One size fits all' as the Federal Government is doing to the individual Staes as we see it doing now.
National Guard troops on the way to get to those trapped that local authorities cannot reach. Requests for Federal money being received. OBAMA ISN'T POSING ABOUT IT SO SOME THINK NOTHING IS BEING DONE.

National Guard?

That's as state run operation. The state also makes any requests for federal money.

Nice try though.
Read carefully; the situation IS dire, the NEED for NG troops emphasizes that. Thus a cup of coffee in Henryville will be of no use.

Thousands still without power after Ind. tornadoes -

Peach. They. Don't. Care.

If they could get fools to believe Obama caused the tornados, they" d have 5 threads on that by now.
Again. You're missing the point. It's not about the REALITY of the situation. It's about the double standard. Jeez. If you explain the joke, it's no longer funny.
Double standard? Bush got a pass on almost everything POST 9/11, like Iraq. Obama is attacked at every turn. The right is pushing people like me to FAVOR Obama!

W got a pass from the press for about one month, then the long knives came back out and we got Shrillery screaming about having a right to protest and disagree with any administration. W was torn into over Katrina not even 36 hours after it was over When "Chocolate City" Nagin and Blanco screwed the pooch handling the disaster and FEMA doubled down on fucktardery shortly after. But it was all Bush's fault.

You guys forget the open mendacity the left committed against W for everything from compassionate conservatism initiatives, to NCLB and Katrina. Then you had that nutcase Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink and so many other screwball shock troops of the left harrassing him... no. You don't get a pass on it either, and you can live up to the same standard that you lefties forced on W.

I disagreed with Bush on a LOT of things, particularly in his second term, but I wasn't screaming for blood instantly and unceasingly. The only reason I do it here to P-BO is to illustrate the double standard you have towards the ManChildian Candyass in office now.
Bush's approval ratings were low pre 9/11, shortly thereafter he rose to 90% support.
Again. You're missing the point. It's not about the REALITY of the situation. It's about the double standard. Jeez. If you explain the joke, it's no longer funny.
Double standard? Bush got a pass on almost everything POST 9/11, like Iraq. Obama is attacked at every turn. The right is pushing people like me to FAVOR Obama!

W got a pass from the press for about one month, then the long knives came back out and we got Shrillery screaming about having a right to protest and disagree with any administration. W was torn into over Katrina not even 36 hours after it was over When "Chocolate City" Nagin and Blanco screwed the pooch handling the disaster and FEMA doubled down on fucktardery shortly after. But it was all Bush's fault.

You guys forget the open mendacity the left committed against W for everything from compassionate conservatism initiatives, to NCLB and Katrina. Then you had that nutcase Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink and so many other screwball shock troops of the left harrassing him... no. You don't get a pass on it either, and you can live up to the same standard that you lefties forced on W.

I disagreed with Bush on a LOT of things, particularly in his second term, but I wasn't screaming for blood instantly and unceasingly. The only reason I do it here to P-BO is to illustrate the double standard you have towards the ManChildian Candyass in office now.

Bush was given a free hand after 9-11 to do whatever he needed to get the terrorists. That was both at home and abroad.

It was not until he abandoned the war on terrorism to fight the threat of WMDs in Iraq that he used up all his good will. Once it was clear there were no WMDs Bushs credibility was gone
National Guard?

That's as state run operation. The state also makes any requests for federal money.

Nice try though.
Read carefully; the situation IS dire, the NEED for NG troops emphasizes that. Thus a cup of coffee in Henryville will be of no use.

Thousands still without power after Ind. tornadoes -

Peach. They. Don't. Care.

If they could get fools to believe Obama caused the tornados, they" d have 5 threads on that by now.
Oh so maybe we should start the Obama Tornado Machines... just like Dick Cheney's evil weather machines and FEMA blowing up the levees to make it impossible for black people to return to New Orleans?
Double standard? Bush got a pass on almost everything POST 9/11, like Iraq. Obama is attacked at every turn. The right is pushing people like me to FAVOR Obama!

W got a pass from the press for about one month, then the long knives came back out and we got Shrillery screaming about having a right to protest and disagree with any administration. W was torn into over Katrina not even 36 hours after it was over When "Chocolate City" Nagin and Blanco screwed the pooch handling the disaster and FEMA doubled down on fucktardery shortly after. But it was all Bush's fault.

You guys forget the open mendacity the left committed against W for everything from compassionate conservatism initiatives, to NCLB and Katrina. Then you had that nutcase Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink and so many other screwball shock troops of the left harrassing him... no. You don't get a pass on it either, and you can live up to the same standard that you lefties forced on W.

I disagreed with Bush on a LOT of things, particularly in his second term, but I wasn't screaming for blood instantly and unceasingly. The only reason I do it here to P-BO is to illustrate the double standard you have towards the ManChildian Candyass in office now.

Bush was given a free hand after 9-11 to do whatever he needed to get the terrorists. That was both at home and abroad.

It was not until he abandoned the war on terrorism to fight the threat of WMDs in Iraq that he used up all his good will. Once it was clear there were no WMDs Bushs credibility was gone

And you lefties bitched and moaned about it...Obama continues it and it is a 'good thing'.


Son? Get OUT of that sewergas Zone.:cuckoo:
National Guard?

That's as state run operation. The state also makes any requests for federal money.

Nice try though.
Read carefully; the situation IS dire, the NEED for NG troops emphasizes that. Thus a cup of coffee in Henryville will be of no use.

Thousands still without power after Ind. tornadoes -

Peach. They. Don't. Care.

If they could get fools to believe Obama caused the tornados, they" d have 5 threads on that by now.
I DISAGREE! It would be 15 threads.......PLUS more pictures of actors who appeared in movies ABOUT wars. Now, as one who SERVED, what do you think about Iran & Syria? I note you blame Obama for the deaths in Libya, as would I had their been any. I did not realize until now NO US deaths was bad, thousands of US deaths was GOOD. I can't find my copy of 1984.
Read carefully; the situation IS dire, the NEED for NG troops emphasizes that. Thus a cup of coffee in Henryville will be of no use.

Thousands still without power after Ind. tornadoes -

Peach. They. Don't. Care.

If they could get fools to believe Obama caused the tornados, they" d have 5 threads on that by now.
I DISAGREE! It would be 15 threads.......PLUS more pictures of actors who appeared in movies ABOUT wars. Now, as one who SERVED, what do you think about Iran & Syria? I note you blame Obama for the deaths in Libya, as would I had their been any. I did not realize until now NO US deaths was bad, thousands of US deaths was GOOD. I can't find my copy of 1984.

Actually they tried to make everyone believe Bush caused Katrina. Even accused him of setting charges on the dikes.

Let's not forget the 9/11 crackpots. There are a few of those in the White House right now.

W got a pass from the press for about one month, then the long knives came back out and we got Shrillery screaming about having a right to protest and disagree with any administration. W was torn into over Katrina not even 36 hours after it was over When "Chocolate City" Nagin and Blanco screwed the pooch handling the disaster and FEMA doubled down on fucktardery shortly after. But it was all Bush's fault.

You guys forget the open mendacity the left committed against W for everything from compassionate conservatism initiatives, to NCLB and Katrina. Then you had that nutcase Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink and so many other screwball shock troops of the left harrassing him... no. You don't get a pass on it either, and you can live up to the same standard that you lefties forced on W.

I disagreed with Bush on a LOT of things, particularly in his second term, but I wasn't screaming for blood instantly and unceasingly. The only reason I do it here to P-BO is to illustrate the double standard you have towards the ManChildian Candyass in office now.

Bush was given a free hand after 9-11 to do whatever he needed to get the terrorists. That was both at home and abroad.

It was not until he abandoned the war on terrorism to fight the threat of WMDs in Iraq that he used up all his good will. Once it was clear there were no WMDs Bushs credibility was gone

And you lefties bitched and moaned about it...Obama continues it and it is a 'good thing'.


Son? Get OUT of that sewergas Zone.:cuckoo:
Something like this come 2003.

[ame=""]Hillary Clinton - I am Sick & Tired (Right to Protest) - YouTube[/ame]

What was good then, is racist evil nasty bastards who should be punished for thinking so, today.
Last edited:
Read carefully; the situation IS dire, the NEED for NG troops emphasizes that. Thus a cup of coffee in Henryville will be of no use.

Thousands still without power after Ind. tornadoes -
yes, and the states are taking care of it themselves, as should have been done before, with the federal government getting involved in it later down the line.

Some forget that the States are Soverign in thier own right as outlined in the Constitution...The Federal Government was supposed to be limitied, and the brunt of law was to eminate withing the individual States as they saw fit as long as they did not collide with the Constitution.

Our form of government as the States were concerned was never designed to be 'One size fits all' as the Federal Government is doing to the individual Staes as we see it doing now.
Yeah, you keep The Federalist Papers in your back, Hollywood didn't make a MOVIE of it.
yes, and the states are taking care of it themselves, as should have been done before, with the federal government getting involved in it later down the line.

Some forget that the States are Soverign in thier own right as outlined in the Constitution...The Federal Government was supposed to be limitied, and the brunt of law was to eminate withing the individual States as they saw fit as long as they did not collide with the Constitution.

Our form of government as the States were concerned was never designed to be 'One size fits all' as the Federal Government is doing to the individual Staes as we see it doing now.
Yeah, you keep The Federalist Papers in your back, Hollywood didn't make a MOVIE of it.
Translation: I'm boned and got nothing.
Peach. They. Don't. Care.

If they could get fools to believe Obama caused the tornados, they" d have 5 threads on that by now.
I DISAGREE! It would be 15 threads.......PLUS more pictures of actors who appeared in movies ABOUT wars. Now, as one who SERVED, what do you think about Iran & Syria? I note you blame Obama for the deaths in Libya, as would I had their been any. I did not realize until now NO US deaths was bad, thousands of US deaths was GOOD. I can't find my copy of 1984.

Actually they tried to make everyone believe Bush caused Katrina. Even accused him of setting charges on the dikes.

Let's not forget the 9/11 crackpots. There are a few of those in the White House right now.
Where are the TRUTHERS in the White House? They need to be REMOVED.
Some forget that the States are Soverign in thier own right as outlined in the Constitution...The Federal Government was supposed to be limitied, and the brunt of law was to eminate withing the individual States as they saw fit as long as they did not collide with the Constitution.

Our form of government as the States were concerned was never designed to be 'One size fits all' as the Federal Government is doing to the individual Staes as we see it doing now.
Yeah, you keep The Federalist Papers in your back, Hollywood didn't make a MOVIE of it.
Translation: I'm boned and got nothing.
No, the translation is READ THE FEDERALIST PAPERS before stating what the Founders intended.
Not "boned", freezing.
I DISAGREE! It would be 15 threads.......PLUS more pictures of actors who appeared in movies ABOUT wars. Now, as one who SERVED, what do you think about Iran & Syria? I note you blame Obama for the deaths in Libya, as would I had their been any. I did not realize until now NO US deaths was bad, thousands of US deaths was GOOD. I can't find my copy of 1984.

Actually they tried to make everyone believe Bush caused Katrina. Even accused him of setting charges on the dikes.

Let's not forget the 9/11 crackpots. There are a few of those in the White House right now.
Where are the TRUTHERS in the White House? They need to be REMOVED.
At least Van Jones has been removed. One Truther down.
I DISAGREE! It would be 15 threads.......PLUS more pictures of actors who appeared in movies ABOUT wars. Now, as one who SERVED, what do you think about Iran & Syria? I note you blame Obama for the deaths in Libya, as would I had their been any. I did not realize until now NO US deaths was bad, thousands of US deaths was GOOD. I can't find my copy of 1984.

Actually they tried to make everyone believe Bush caused Katrina. Even accused him of setting charges on the dikes.

Let's not forget the 9/11 crackpots. There are a few of those in the White House right now.
Where are the TRUTHERS in the White House? They need to be REMOVED.

They'll just send them down the street to the Center For American Progress like they did Van Jones. They make up most of the White House policies there anyway.

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