Dozens of ANTIFA Terrorists Arrested for Violence During ‘Straight Pride Parade’

Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

and then he killed over 20 million of his own countrymen.

How many has the United States killed? Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia

over 50 million unborn children.

The USA has killed a ton.

Without a doubt between abortion, war, street murders, and military interventions have lead to a mass murder total in the USA similar to Stalin, and Hitler.

That's what states do. Kill. The state is simply the reflection of mankind and who we are in the mirror.
I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.
and then he killed over 20 million of his own countrymen.
How many has the United States killed? Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia
over 50 million unborn children.

The USA has killed a ton.

Without a doubt between abortion, war, street murders, and military interventions have lead to a mass murder total in the USA similar to Stalin, and Hitler.
That's what states do. Kill. The state is simply the reflection of mankind and who we are in the mirror.

In the case of abortion it is actually a liberty that has killed so many.
and then he killed over 20 million of his own countrymen.
How many has the United States killed? Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia
over 50 million unborn children.

The USA has killed a ton.

Without a doubt between abortion, war, street murders, and military interventions have lead to a mass murder total in the USA similar to Stalin, and Hitler.
That's what states do. Kill. The state is simply the reflection of mankind and who we are in the mirror.

In the case of abortion it is actually a liberty that has killed so many.
I don't disagree. That should not be a liberty...infanticide is the greatest evil.
so gay pride parades held by democrats is ok and straight pride held by conservatives is not ??you are a fucking nazi !
Straight pride is meant to be antagonistic. How can I be a Nazi? I am Jewish.

Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?

It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.
Hilarious. Antifa aren't fascist. Where would you get a silly idea like that from?

Herpderpaderperpity derp derp derp? "Where did you get the silly idea that water is wet?"

You're nothing but a troll.

If ANTIFA wants to end fascism, they merely need commit suicide.
You sound like a troll telling Antifa to commit suicide. The truth is Antifa are fighting fascist Nazis.

There are no fascists in America, other than the ANTIFA Brown Shirts. Moron. ANTIFA has the power to end fascism in America, they just need to kill themselves and "poof" no more fascists.
There are fascists on this forum, like Odium, Sobieski, Ptfwforever, Street juice, and Capri.

Odium is no fascist. Don't agree with him much of the time but there is nothing fascist about him. Supporting a sovereign nation is not fascist. Sobieski is like you, a troll. He posts for the reaction. The others I don't really know.

BUT the only ones advocating for violence and denying civil rights are you scumbag Nazi filth of the left, particularly the ANTIFA Brown Shirts.

Never again, fuckwad.
I'm actually not a troll. Just because people think differently than you doesn't make them a troll.

I actually think that Fascism is necessary now more than ever, to combat social Liberal Capitalist ills like the degenerates having more kids than the normal people, illegals being hired, outsourcing jobs, abortion, pornography, media, Hollywood you name it.

Capitalism has absolutely appalling central planning. You get what ever freedom gives you which is a bunch of nonsense.
What other 19th century theory is so cult like and repeatedly wrong as is Marxism?

It's associated homosexual brother cults 'Evolution' and 'Social Darwinism'.
Another Republican who doesn't understand the science of evolution.

Another troll who doesn't understand empiricism or science, period.
Anyone who doesn't understand evolution should be classified as mentally retarded.

One of the few things I agree with you on.

Republicans basically don't believe in evolution.

Democrats basically get evolution wrong, thinking it lead to racial equality.

This is why our country is becoming such a pile of gowna.
Straight pride is meant to be antagonistic. How can I be a Nazi? I am Jewish.

Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?

It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.

Wrong. That's an excuse for the Bolshevik atrocities. Don't buy the hype.
Straight pride is meant to be antagonistic. How can I be a Nazi? I am Jewish.

Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?

It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.

No. Bolshevism made it worse. At least the Tsar saw his people as property to maintain and defend, take care of them...even if for selfish reasons. The Bolshiviks treated the people as chattel.
Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?

It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.

Wrong. That's an excuse for the Bolshevik atrocities. Don't buy the hype. Ruddia
Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?

It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.

No. Bolshevism made it worse. At least the Tsar saw his people as property to maintain and defend, take care of them...even if for selfish reasons. The Bolshiviks treated the people as chattel.

Correct. The Tsar was a moron, but he didn't actively want to murder his people. Stalin did. Huge difference. The bolsheviks murdered more people in a dozen years, than all of the Tsars murdered over a period of three hundred years.
Antifa is fighting Normative Americans here.
Normal Americans aren't proud to be anything other than their own achievements.
so gay pride parades held by democrats is ok and straight pride held by conservatives is not ??you are a fucking nazi !
Straight pride is meant to be antagonistic. How can I be a Nazi? I am Jewish.

Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

Stalin actually supplied Hitler with a ton of raw materials for his war effort.

Stalin was more of an alliance with Hitler gone south, rather than an actual anti-Fascist.

Stalin was basically a Fascist too. He thought undesirables should be deported, killed, or sent to Gulags.
Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?

It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.

Wrong. That's an excuse for the Bolshevik atrocities. Don't buy the hype.
Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?

It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.

No. Bolshevism made it worse. At least the Tsar saw his people as property to maintain and defend, take care of them...even if for selfish reasons. The Bolshiviks treated the people as chattel.

Mass murder wise the Soviets killed more.

But, economically speaking Communism was a slight improvement over Serfdom.
Antifa is fighting the Fascists. By all means necessary you fight Fascism.

Antifa is fighting Normative Americans here.
Normal Americans aren't proud to be anything other than their own achievements.
so gay pride parades held by democrats is ok and straight pride held by conservatives is not ??you are a fucking nazi !
Straight pride is meant to be antagonistic. How can I be a Nazi? I am Jewish.

Either all pride is acceptable, or none of it is. Otherwise you're an ignorant hypocrite.
Antifa is fighting the Fascists. By all means necessary you fight Fascism.

The democrat Brown Shirts known as ANTIFA were out on another Kristalnacht. If ANTIFA wants to end fascism, they merely need commit suicide.
Hilarious. Antifa aren't fascist. Where would you get a silly idea like that from?

Umm because they are you fucking moron. Any group that declares free speech null and void is by definition fascist.

Real Fascists are Nationalists, and social Conservatives. I think the term you are searching for is Totalitarianism.

Wrong. You keep getting lost in the minutia. Collectivism is fascism, socialism, communism. They are all the same house, just painted a slightly different color. What they choose to believe in as far as racism and all the other shit is immaterial. They are COLLECTIVIST first. The choice of targets is merely a tool to direct the followers.
Antifa is fighting the Fascists. By all means necessary you fight Fascism.

The democrat Brown Shirts known as ANTIFA were out on another Kristalnacht. If ANTIFA wants to end fascism, they merely need commit suicide.
Hilarious. Antifa aren't fascist. Where would you get a silly idea like that from?

Umm because they are you fucking moron. Any group that declares free speech null and void is by definition fascist.

Real Fascists are Nationalists, and social Conservatives. I think the term you are searching for is Totalitarianism.

Wrong. You keep getting lost in the minutia. Collectivism is fascism, socialism, communism. They are all the same house, just painted a slightly different color. What they choose to believe in as far as racism and all the other shit is immaterial. They are COLLECTIVIST first. The choice of targets is merely a tool to direct the followers.

Collectivists tend to be far more Socially Conservative, and Nationalistic than the Individualist.

Individualist is by definition the Liberal Left.

You don't get socially Conservative values by being an Individualist.

In fact Individualism is all about the self. It really has no value in the real World.
I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?
It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.
Wrong. That's an excuse for the Bolshevik atrocities. Don't buy the hype.
I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?
It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.
No. Bolshevism made it worse. At least the Tsar saw his people as property to maintain and defend, take care of them...even if for selfish reasons. The Bolshiviks treated the people as chattel.

Mass murder wise the Soviets killed more.

But, economically speaking Communism was a slight improvement over Serfdom.

The hell it was. Take a look at the cities of Moscow and Stalingrad. People living in blocks of apartments that were absolute shit. Forced to work longer hours, and no chance at all of bettering your social situation. As a serf it was possible to advance. Exceedingly rare, but possible. As a socialist drone you were merely expected to be a drone. And when you no longer had a use, you were killed.
The democrat Brown Shirts known as ANTIFA were out on another Kristalnacht. If ANTIFA wants to end fascism, they merely need commit suicide.
Hilarious. Antifa aren't fascist. Where would you get a silly idea like that from?

Umm because they are you fucking moron. Any group that declares free speech null and void is by definition fascist.

Real Fascists are Nationalists, and social Conservatives. I think the term you are searching for is Totalitarianism.

Wrong. You keep getting lost in the minutia. Collectivism is fascism, socialism, communism. They are all the same house, just painted a slightly different color. What they choose to believe in as far as racism and all the other shit is immaterial. They are COLLECTIVIST first. The choice of targets is merely a tool to direct the followers.

Collectivists tend to be far more Socially Conservative, and Nationalistic than the Individualist.

Individualist is by definition the Liberal Left.

You don't get socially Conservative values by being an Individualist.

In fact Individualism is all about the self. It really has no value in the real World.

Don't be stupid. Collectivists care about POWER. That's all. The rest is merely window dressing to confuse the enemies, and harness the useful idiots.
The democrat Brown Shirts known as ANTIFA were out on another Kristalnacht. If ANTIFA wants to end fascism, they merely need commit suicide.
Hilarious. Antifa aren't fascist. Where would you get a silly idea like that from?

Umm because they are you fucking moron. Any group that declares free speech null and void is by definition fascist.

Real Fascists are Nationalists, and social Conservatives. I think the term you are searching for is Totalitarianism.

Wrong. You keep getting lost in the minutia. Collectivism is fascism, socialism, communism. They are all the same house, just painted a slightly different color. What they choose to believe in as far as racism and all the other shit is immaterial. They are COLLECTIVIST first. The choice of targets is merely a tool to direct the followers.

Collectivists tend to be far more Socially Conservative, and Nationalistic than the Individualist.

Individualist is by definition the Liberal Left.

You don't get socially Conservative values by being an Individualist.

In fact Individualism is all about the self. It really has no value in the real World.
Wait a second..

Conservatives by nature are independent/individuals

I can't stand a lot of my fellow conservatives.

But we come together
Hilarious. Antifa aren't fascist. Where would you get a silly idea like that from?

Umm because they are you fucking moron. Any group that declares free speech null and void is by definition fascist.

Real Fascists are Nationalists, and social Conservatives. I think the term you are searching for is Totalitarianism.

Wrong. You keep getting lost in the minutia. Collectivism is fascism, socialism, communism. They are all the same house, just painted a slightly different color. What they choose to believe in as far as racism and all the other shit is immaterial. They are COLLECTIVIST first. The choice of targets is merely a tool to direct the followers.

Collectivists tend to be far more Socially Conservative, and Nationalistic than the Individualist.

Individualist is by definition the Liberal Left.

You don't get socially Conservative values by being an Individualist.

In fact Individualism is all about the self. It really has no value in the real World.
Wait a second..

Conservatives by nature are independent/individuals

I can't stand a lot of my fellow conservatives.

But we come together

And to their credit conservatives don't demand that you adhere to their beliefs. You are free to believe what you wish.
But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?
It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.
Wrong. That's an excuse for the Bolshevik atrocities. Don't buy the hype.
But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?
It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.
No. Bolshevism made it worse. At least the Tsar saw his people as property to maintain and defend, take care of them...even if for selfish reasons. The Bolshiviks treated the people as chattel.

Mass murder wise the Soviets killed more.

But, economically speaking Communism was a slight improvement over Serfdom.

The hell it was. Take a look at the cities of Moscow and Stalingrad. People living in blocks of apartments that were absolute shit. Forced to work longer hours, and no chance at all of bettering your social situation. As a serf it was possible to advance. Exceedingly rare, but possible. As a socialist drone you were merely expected to be a drone. And when you no longer had a use, you were killed.

In terms of economy Russia, or any country for that matter, would be better off Capitalist than Communism. Still Serfdom is the worst for economic growth.

In terms of keeping Russia, or any country intact culturally, and keeping socially Conservative in values, Capitalism is actually the worst.

Capitalism is a greed driven system, which values Individualism, and profits. Where the elites sell you down the road to Illegal Immigrants, Outsourced jobs, Pornography, Prostitution, Illicit Drugs, LGBTQ Bars, it is all Capitalist profits in action.
Umm because they are you fucking moron. Any group that declares free speech null and void is by definition fascist.

Real Fascists are Nationalists, and social Conservatives. I think the term you are searching for is Totalitarianism.

Wrong. You keep getting lost in the minutia. Collectivism is fascism, socialism, communism. They are all the same house, just painted a slightly different color. What they choose to believe in as far as racism and all the other shit is immaterial. They are COLLECTIVIST first. The choice of targets is merely a tool to direct the followers.

Collectivists tend to be far more Socially Conservative, and Nationalistic than the Individualist.

Individualist is by definition the Liberal Left.

You don't get socially Conservative values by being an Individualist.

In fact Individualism is all about the self. It really has no value in the real World.
Wait a second..

Conservatives by nature are independent/individuals

I can't stand a lot of my fellow conservatives.

But we come together

And to their credit conservatives don't demand that you adhere to their beliefs. You are free to believe what you wish.

Holy crap!
While there had
Normal Americans aren't proud to be anything other than their own achievements.
so gay pride parades held by democrats is ok and straight pride held by conservatives is not ??you are a fucking nazi !
Straight pride is meant to be antagonistic. How can I be a Nazi? I am Jewish.

Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

Stalin actually supplied Hitler with a ton of raw materials for his war effort.

Stalin was more of an alliance with Hitler gone south, rather than an actual anti-Fascist.

Stalin was basically a Fascist too. He thought undesirables should be deported, killed, or sent to Gulags.

Stalin was a piece of shit asshole too
I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?
It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.
Wrong. That's an excuse for the Bolshevik atrocities. Don't buy the hype.
I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?
It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.
No. Bolshevism made it worse. At least the Tsar saw his people as property to maintain and defend, take care of them...even if for selfish reasons. The Bolshiviks treated the people as chattel.

Mass murder wise the Soviets killed more.

But, economically speaking Communism was a slight improvement over Serfdom.
How so? I'm willing to hear you out. But I must warn you...I will push back strongly against the idea Tsarist Russia was worse than communist rule. Let's have a lively debate, no personal attacks.

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