Dozens of House Republicans will stand up for Trump.

State legislatures in EVERY state have made laws that require all Electors to be determined by the popular vote. It is ILLEGAL for state legislatures to choose electors ad hoc, as you apparently believe they can.

Do you realize how IDIOTIC it would be for state legislatures to choose the electors and ignore the popular vote?

Seriously, grow a brain!!!
It's the same old shit he's been spouting for two months that has been REFUTED and REJECTED and will never convince any reasonable official of any fraud. He's tried it in state legislatures elsewhere and bombed. He will here, too.

The only fraud is Rudy and Co.
Where did he lie? What is he wrong about? Where is he purposely leading you astray?

That's alright. Never mind. I know you can't say and you are just blowing hot air out of your
old ass because you can't bear the thought of reality coming down on you and fellow plotters.
The only plot was by Trump and them. I could say, because it's all been covered before, but there's no sense wasting my time on it. You obviously can't hear anything but what you WANT to hear.
Although Clause 2 seemingly vests complete discretion in the states, certain older cases had recognized a federal interest in protecting the integrity of the process. Thus, the Court upheld the power of Congress to protect the right of all citizens who are entitled to vote to lend aid and support in any legal manner to the election of any legally qualified person as a presidential elector.3 Its power to protect the choice of electors from fraud or corruption was sustained.4 "If this government is anything more than a mere aggregation of delegated agents of other States and governments, each of which is superior to the general government, it must have the power to protect the elections on which its existence depends from violence and corruption. If it has not this power it is helpless before the two great natural and historical enemies of all republics, open violence and insidious corruption."5
The only plot was by Trump and them. I could say, because it's all been covered before, but there's no sense wasting my time on it. You obviously can't hear anything but what you WANT to hear.
Thanks for the irony. And thanks for the tacit admission you could find not one single thing false or wrong
with Rudy Giuliani's case for dumping Joe Biden's corrupt fake votes.
State legislatures in EVERY state have made laws that require all Electors to be determined by the popular vote. It is ILLEGAL for state legislatures to choose electors ad hoc, as you apparently believe they can.

Do you realize how IDIOTIC it would be for state legislatures to choose the electors and ignore the popular vote?

Seriously, grow a brain!!!
I cited exactly where in the Constitution the legislators are given the authority to cast electoral votes for their states when the need in the case of rampant election fraud.

Either read and learn or drop dead. I don't care which it is.

If Georgia decides to use their state legislature
to nullify and decertify the vote for Corrupt Joe Biden that's just what will happen, genius and Biden will lose
his electoral votes from Georgia and Trump will gain them which is exactly how it would have been in
a fair election anyway.

There is no Constitutional right to cheat, dumb ass!
I believe that YOU are the dumbass

Can State Legislatures Override the Choice of Presidential Electors? (
State legislatures can override the results of elections and designate whichever presidential electors they choose.

False Archives -

“Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress …”

This passage meant that state legislatures could opt to choose electors themselves, or appoint a commission to designate electors, or hold a lottery, or flip a coin, or employ whatever other method they saw fit. However, it does not mean that, as suggested by the above tweet, state legislatures now have carte blanche to simply ignore election results and choose whichever presidential electors they want.

After the U.S. Constitution was ratified and went into effect in 1788, states generally used a combination of selection by legislatures and selection by popular vote for designating their electors. By 1864, though, every state had adopted laws establishing the practice of popular voting for electors.
The only plot was by Trump and them. I could say, because it's all been covered before, but there's no sense wasting my time on it. You obviously can't hear anything but what you WANT to hear.
Thanks for the irony. And thanks for the tacit admission you could find not one single thing false or wrong
with Rudy Giuliani's case for dumping Joe Biden's corrupt fake votes.
I'm not playing your game on this, Eric. Don't be dishonest as well as misinformed.
I believe it takes one Congressman and one Senator to bring the matter up for a vote ... no way do Republicans have the votes in the House ... BUT, I'm sure there's a number of Congressman and Senator who have to object to the election results on Jan 6th, or never get re-elected again ... if not get immediately recalled ... so instead of attacking the person, attack their district ... kick them out of the Union ... let the USA be more like the EU and only let rich Blue States in ...

Pence is not bound by the vote he only needs to preside over it.

The only plot was by Trump and them. I could say, because it's all been covered before, but there's no sense wasting my time on it. You obviously can't hear anything but what you WANT to hear.
Thanks for the irony. And thanks for the tacit admission you could find not one single thing false or wrong
with Rudy Giuliani's case for dumping Joe Biden's corrupt fake votes.

This entire election season is a construct of confirmation biases .... people believe things based on what they prefer.

And after Nancy Pelosi gets through laughing, she will reject a house vote, the prank will be over, Mike Pence will exercise his 12th Amendment responsibility, and Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th at noon. You can count on it.
These are Constitutionally prescribed matters. Pelosi can no more ignore and do away with them than she
can just ignore the Second Amendment.

What you DON'T know about the Constitution is frightening.

The Constitution doesn't specify the procedure for the Electoral college.

Those are specified in the 1887 Electoral count act. (see below).

So apparently you don't know much about what the Constitution says!


Actually, it does.

This is just another trump Circus....THERE WAS NO MASSIVE FRAUD! trump went down like a Dog.
B. Clinton and Obama can now look up to Biden. Biden got more votes than they did in any of their elections...... all from sitting in his basement. Amazing.
Yeah. Incredible is what it is. How does this old brain damaged party hack, who has been in the senate since The Archies were on Saturday morning kiddie cartoons, and who three times before has failed
miserably to become president, out of nowhere become the greatest vote getter ever?

It's implausible to say the least.
Only to the conspiracy afflicted. The election was a referendum on Trump. Period.
They are Cowardly Traitors...supporting a failed Coup attempt by a failed president.
B. Clinton and Obama can now look up to Biden. Biden got more votes than they did in any of their elections...... all from sitting in his basement. Amazing.
Yeah. Incredible is what it is. How does this old brain damaged party hack, who has been in the senate since The Archies were on Saturday morning kiddie cartoons, and who three times before has failed
miserably to become president, out of nowhere become the greatest vote getter ever?

It's implausible to say the least.
Only to the conspiracy afflicted. The election was a referendum on Trump. Period.

Doubtful.....the numbers are not natural and most likely infused with fraud.


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