Dozens of House Republicans will stand up for Trump.

It's at times like this that decent folks are glad he does not have a dog.
Where is your citation for all this filth? Or are you just imagining the "news" you'd like to see now
and pretending it's all true? That's what a real lose would do.
No, he doesn't like the remodel at Mar a Lago that Melania ordered and he did make them take out a lot of white marble and dark wood. He don't like wood--he likes GOLD. Did you ever see his place in Trump Tower? Looks like fucking Versailles.
Upon what judicial ruling do you base your self-serving dogma in demanding that the will of the People, in the most secure election in U.S. history, be overthrown because you don't like the democratic verdict?
Stop with your bloviating bull shit! The "will of the poeple" was thwarted, stomped and shat upon that
evening when the election was stolen by agents of a left wing coup.
You're a detestable liar who is transparently spewing out falsehoods. Save your predictable garbage for
someone else who is weak minded and gullible, like you are.

Rudy Giuliani kills it! Look at the videos. Listen to the testimony. No one with a since ounce of honesty can
deny the blatant corruption in Georgia. It's shocking!

It's the same old shit he's been spouting for two months that has been REFUTED and REJECTED and will never convince any reasonable official of any fraud. He's tried it in state legislatures elsewhere and bombed. He will here, too.

The only fraud is Rudy and Co.
No, he doesn't like the remodel at Mar a Lago that Melania ordered and he did make them take out a lot of white marble and dark wood. He don't like wood--he likes GOLD. Did you ever see his place in Trump Tower? Looks like fucking Versailles.
I specifically asked for a citation the verifies what you claim. I don't need the same unsubstantiated story twice.
Stop with your bloviating bull shit! The "will of the poeple" was thwarted, stomped and shat upon that
evening when the election was stolen by agents of a left wing coup.
You're a detestable liar who is transparently spewing out falsehoods. Save your predictable garbage for
someone else who is weak minded and gullible, like you are.

Your raving aside, please cite whatever legal ruling, among the dozens of meritless ones thrown out of court, sustains your fantasy.
The Constitution doesn't specify the procedure for the Electoral college.

Those are specified in the 1887 Electoral count act. (see below).

So apparently you don't know much about what the Constitution says!
You aren't even in the same ball park. I'm specifically pointing out how the Constitution gives state legislatures the authority to over ride electoral delegates if they deem it necessary.
Pull your head out, for God's sake.
Too late. The states had that chance and didn't do it. They certified the votes and BIDEN WON.
The Constitution doesn't specify the procedure for the Electoral college.

Those are specified in the 1887 Electoral count act. (see below).

So apparently you don't know much about what the Constitution says!
You aren't even in the same ball park. I'm specifically pointing out how the Constitution gives state legislatures the authority to over ride electoral delegates if they deem it necessary.
Pull your head out, for God's sake.

State legislatures in EVERY state have made laws that require all Electors to be determined by the popular vote. It is ILLEGAL for state legislatures to choose electors ad hoc, as you apparently believe they can.

Do you realize how IDIOTIC it would be for state legislatures to choose the electors and ignore the popular vote?

Seriously, grow a brain!!!
No, he doesn't like the remodel at Mar a Lago that Melania ordered and he did make them take out a lot of white marble and dark wood. He don't like wood--he likes GOLD. Did you ever see his place in Trump Tower? Looks like fucking Versailles.
I specifically asked for a citation the verifies what you claim. I don't need the same unsubstantiated story twice.
There's a whole page of them.
It's the same old shit he's been spouting for two months that has been REFUTED and REJECTED and will never convince any reasonable official of any fraud. He's tried it in state legislatures elsewhere and bombed. He will here, too.

The only fraud is Rudy and Co.
Bullshit! Have you seen video of the State Farm Center in Atlanta when all the poll watchers were sent home
because supposedly the work for the day was over?
NO! Of course not.
Either you didn't see it or you don't mind lying and ignoring what you saw which is five
female election workers who continue tabulating votes fro Corrupt Joe by running the same ballots over and over again through the Dominion vote changing machines for the next three hours.

That's fraud you deceitful old creep! All you liars can drop dead.
And after Nancy Pelosi gets through laughing, she will reject a house vote, the prank will be over, Mike Pence will exercise his 12th Amendment responsibility, and Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th at noon. You can count on it.
These are Constitutionally prescribed matters. Pelosi can no more ignore and do away with them than she
can just ignore the Second Amendment.

What you DON'T know about the Constitution is frightening. Article one, Section two.
It's not really up to Pelosi. It only takes a simple majority to reject the objection and that is a done deal in the house where there is still a Democratic majority. At that point it does not matter what the Senate does because both chambers must vote to uphold the objection. That proceedure is specified in the US code, not the constitution
Too late. The states had that chance and didn't do it. They certified the votes and BIDEN WON.
In the absence of even a single ruling, not even by a Trump appointee, to give a modicum of credence to any of the fake claims of the Cry Baby Sore Loser and his rabid lickspittles, Cry Baby Sore Loser is striking out hysterically at Republicans:

Screen Shot 2019-10-12 at 11.56.19 AM.png
“@BrianKempGA should resign from office,” Trump wrote in a tweet that encouraged supporters to watch a broadcast of a hearing on purported election irregularities. “He is an obstructionist who refuses to admit that we won Georgia, BIG! Also won the other Swing States.”
Kemp, long considered a staunch ally of the president, has refused to embrace Trump’s meritless accusations that the state’s vote count was tainted. Earlier this month, Kemp re-certified Georgia’s 16 electoral votes for Biden after multiple recounts affirmed Biden’s victory in the state.

What a pathetic exhibition of narcissism-induced moral depravity and contempt for the American electorate and the U.S. Constitution!
State legislatures in EVERY state have made laws that require all Electors to be determined by the popular vote. It is ILLEGAL for state legislatures to choose electors ad hoc, as you apparently believe they can.

Do you realize how IDIOTIC it would be for state legislatures to choose the electors and ignore the popular vote?

Seriously, grow a brain!!!
I cited exactly where in the Constitution the legislators are given the authority to cast electoral votes for their states when the need in the case of rampant election fraud.

Either read and learn or drop dead. I don't care which it is.

If Georgia decides to use their state legislature
to nullify and decertify the vote for Corrupt Joe Biden that's just what will happen, genius and Biden will lose
his electoral votes from Georgia and Trump will gain them which is exactly how it would have been in
a fair election anyway.

There is no Constitutional right to cheat, dumb ass!
It's the same old shit he's been spouting for two months that has been REFUTED and REJECTED and will never convince any reasonable official of any fraud. He's tried it in state legislatures elsewhere and bombed. He will here, too.

The only fraud is Rudy and Co.
Bullshit! Have you seen video of the State Farm Center in Atlanta when all the poll watchers were sent home
because supposedly the work for the day was over?
NO! Of course not.
Either you didn't see it or you don't mind lying and ignoring what you saw which is five
female election workers who continue tabulating votes fro Corrupt Joe by running the same ballots over and over again through the Dominion vote changing machines for the next three hours.

That's fraud you deceitful old creep! All you liars can drop dead.
That's the hill you're gonna die on, huh?

Yes, I've seen the videos. So has the SoS of Georgia and the voting officials have explained it about a bazillion times. It was not fraud, no one was told they had to leave, and the activities in the video looked perfectly normal to the people who actually know how processing ballots work.

if they were scanning ballots three times, the hand counts would have been off, but they weren't.
Upon what judicial ruling do you base your self-serving dogma in demanding that the will of the People, in the most secure election in U.S. history, be overthrown because you don't like the democratic verdict?
Stop with your bloviating bull shit! The "will of the poeple" was thwarted, stomped and shat upon that
evening when the election was stolen by agents of a left wing coup.
You're a detestable liar who is transparently spewing out falsehoods. Save your predictable garbage for
someone else who is weak minded and gullible, like you are.
State legislatures in EVERY state have made laws that require all Electors to be determined by the popular vote. It is ILLEGAL for state legislatures to choose electors ad hoc, as you apparently believe they can.

Do you realize how IDIOTIC it would be for state legislatures to choose the electors and ignore the popular vote?

Seriously, grow a brain!!!
I cited exactly where in the Constitution the legislators are given the authority to cast electoral votes for their states when the need in the case of rampant election fraud.

Either read and learn or drop dead. I don't care which it is.

If Georgia decides to use their state legislature
to nullify and decertify the vote for Corrupt Joe Biden that's just what will happen, genius and Biden will lose
his electoral votes from Georgia and Trump will gain them which is exactly how it would have been in
a fair election anyway.

There is no Constitutional right to cheat, dumb ass!

The Constitution states:

" Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors "

Every state has directed, through law, that the electors be chosen according to the popular vote.

Every state has certified their election results.

It's over. That's all there is to it.

You lost. Whine all you want loser!
It's the same old shit he's been spouting for two months that has been REFUTED and REJECTED and will never convince any reasonable official of any fraud. He's tried it in state legislatures elsewhere and bombed. He will here, too.

The only fraud is Rudy and Co.
Where did he lie? What is he wrong about? Where is he purposely leading you astray?

That's alright. Never mind. I know you can't say and you are just blowing hot air out of your
old ass because you can't bear the thought of reality coming down on you and fellow plotters.

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