Dozens of House Republicans will stand up for Trump.

The Clown Coup continues
I am sure we will have jugglers by the end of the day...

The 2016 votes were contested by the Dems asswipe. Short memory eh?

Was Obama going around claiming massive fraud?
B. Clinton and Obama can now look up to Biden. Biden got more votes than they did in any of their elections...... all from sitting in his basement. Amazing.
Yeah. Incredible is what it is. How does this old brain damaged party hack, who has been in the senate since The Archies were on Saturday morning kiddie cartoons, and who three times before has failed
miserably to become president, out of nowhere become the greatest vote getter ever?

It's implausible to say the least.
Only to the conspiracy afflicted. The election was a referendum on Trump. Period.

Doubtful.....the numbers are not natural and most likely infused with fraud.

Just reflection of sore losers.
Having more of our privacy taking from us is sore losing! Tens of millions of more people will be destroyed for making a stupid comment. With many of the people making those decisions with lower IQ's but totalitarian enabled.
The Clown Coup continues
I am sure we will have jugglers by the end of the day...

The 2016 votes were contested by the Dems asswipe. Short memory eh?

Was Obama going around claiming massive fraud?
B. Clinton and Obama can now look up to Biden. Biden got more votes than they did in any of their elections...... all from sitting in his basement. Amazing.
Yeah. Incredible is what it is. How does this old brain damaged party hack, who has been in the senate since The Archies were on Saturday morning kiddie cartoons, and who three times before has failed
miserably to become president, out of nowhere become the greatest vote getter ever?

It's implausible to say the least.
Only to the conspiracy afflicted. The election was a referendum on Trump. Period.

Doubtful.....the numbers are not natural and most likely infused with fraud.

Just reflection of sore losers.

What? The sore losers here are you and yours who for four years pissed, moaned and howled unceasingly.
Shut the fuck up please.


:lol: and you are, exactly?

First of all you still haven't stopped whining about 2016 and probably never will. 2020 will pass and Trump supporters will move on...what they will not do is march in the streets, burn down cities, beat up elderly citizens
Threaten women and children and spend all day every day thinking up new nic god you people are something to watch. The vote contest is part of the legal just doesn't get used that often.
I think everyone realizes who is going to occupy the White house in January.... If the fraud claims are not accurate then so be it....the highly unlikely numbers will stand. But that is going to take quite some time to determine.

trump is actively encouraging violence on January 6th. Let's see how much violence that he and his henchmen, The Proud Boys cause.

Oh Bullshit....there has been four years of violence you mentally constipated ninny.....all sponsored by the left for the most part. The big difference is that the proud boys take on adults instead of women and children so I'm not too worried since most of the lefty adults are total milquetoasts. Also....what the fuck are you talking about?

If Trump made any kind of statement at all about violence it would dominate the news cycles for days. OH....i get are interpreting disagreement as violence needing to be quashed......but then again what else is new?

"Take on adults"? Is that what you call running over someone in your car?
"Take on adults"? Is that what you call shooting up a Wal Mart because "brown people shop there"?
"Take on adults"? Is that what you call mailing bombs to people?
This is just another trump Circus....THERE WAS NO MASSIVE FRAUD! trump went down like a Dog.

Not likely....Obama got 69 million votes so Trump whooped Obama's ass with as many as 76 million....the idea that Biden clocked out at 80 million is suspect at best....

Obama can sleep well knowing he got his ass kicked by his boy Biden and Trump.

Somehow, I don't think Obama has any trouble sleeping.
The Clown Coup continues
I am sure we will have jugglers by the end of the day...

The 2016 votes were contested by the Dems asswipe. Short memory eh?

Was Obama going around claiming massive fraud?
B. Clinton and Obama can now look up to Biden. Biden got more votes than they did in any of their elections...... all from sitting in his basement. Amazing.
Yeah. Incredible is what it is. How does this old brain damaged party hack, who has been in the senate since The Archies were on Saturday morning kiddie cartoons, and who three times before has failed
miserably to become president, out of nowhere become the greatest vote getter ever?

It's implausible to say the least.
Only to the conspiracy afflicted. The election was a referendum on Trump. Period.

Doubtful.....the numbers are not natural and most likely infused with fraud.

Just reflection of sore losers.

The day after Hillary conceded, Obama had Trump at the White House.
Class and dignity all the way.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the GOP leader of a plan to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, said that “dozens” of House members are going to sponsor a measure to object.

“There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion that I have; we’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Monday morning.
McConnell, understandably, hoped to avoid such an exhibition of mass impotence, but the fact is that, in the realm of reality where credible evidence is demanded, in the courts, Trump toadies have failed to provide any, in over 50 opportunities to do so.

Wishful thinking, baseless propaganda, and crackpot conspiracy theories have little impact upon a nation of laws, and so the will of the People - who officially affirmed their relentless and consistent disapproval of the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer in survey after survey for four years - has prevailed.

Crass and empty gestures by sore losers aside, Democracy endures.

The Clown Coup continues
I am sure we will have jugglers by the end of the day...

The 2016 votes were contested by the Dems asswipe. Short memory eh?

Was Obama going around claiming massive fraud?
B. Clinton and Obama can now look up to Biden. Biden got more votes than they did in any of their elections...... all from sitting in his basement. Amazing.
Yeah. Incredible is what it is. How does this old brain damaged party hack, who has been in the senate since The Archies were on Saturday morning kiddie cartoons, and who three times before has failed
miserably to become president, out of nowhere become the greatest vote getter ever?

It's implausible to say the least.
Only to the conspiracy afflicted. The election was a referendum on Trump. Period.

Doubtful.....the numbers are not natural and most likely infused with fraud.

Just reflection of sore losers.
Having more of our privacy taking from us is sore losing! Tens of millions of more people will be destroyed for making a stupid comment. With many of the people making those decisions with lower IQ's but totalitarian enabled.
WTH does that have to do with this?
Although Clause 2 seemingly vests complete discretion in the states, certain older cases had recognized a federal interest in protecting the integrity of the process. Thus, the Court upheld the power of Congress to protect the right of all citizens who are entitled to vote to lend aid and support in any legal manner to the election of any legally qualified person as a presidential elector.3 Its power to protect the choice of electors from fraud or corruption was sustained.4 "If this government is anything more than a mere aggregation of delegated agents of other States and governments, each of which is superior to the general government, it must have the power to protect the elections on which its existence depends from violence and corruption. If it has not this power it is helpless before the two great natural and historical enemies of all republics, open violence and insidious corruption."5
Thank you for proving that the electors must follow the will of the people. While the constitution is vague on the issue of how states appoint electors, the fact is that every state has passed laws,... laws that have not been challanged on constititional grounds, that require the electors to adhead to the popular vote. Since there is no proof that there has been to breach of the integrety of ther process, your post is nothing but desparate and pathetic bullshit.

See also Electoral Count Act - Wikipedia
Last edited:
I believe it takes one Congressman and one Senator to bring the matter up for a vote ... no way do Republicans have the votes in the House ... BUT, I'm sure there's a number of Congressman and Senator who have to object to the election results on Jan 6th, or never get re-elected again ... if not get immediately recalled ... so instead of attacking the person, attack their district ... kick them out of the Union ... let the USA be more like the EU and only let rich Blue States in ...

Pence is not bound by the vote he only needs to preside over it.

What in the name of hell does that mean?
This is just another trump Circus....THERE WAS NO MASSIVE FRAUD! trump went down like a Dog.

Not likely....Obama got 69 million votes so Trump whooped Obama's ass with as many as 76 million....the idea that Biden clocked out at 80 million is suspect at best....
There were more registered voters and a better tunout. No mystery. No fraud. Deal with it. Your hisrionics do not become you
This is just another trump Circus....THERE WAS NO MASSIVE FRAUD! trump went down like a Dog.

Not likely....Obama got 69 million votes so Trump whooped Obama's ass with as many as 76 million....the idea that Biden clocked out at 80 million is suspect at best....

Obama can sleep well knowing he got his ass kicked by his boy Biden and Trump.
He got his ass kicked? What an crock of shit! Very stupid indeed!
The Clown Coup continues
I am sure we will have jugglers by the end of the day...

The 2016 votes were contested by the Dems asswipe. Short memory eh?

Was Obama going around claiming massive fraud?
B. Clinton and Obama can now look up to Biden. Biden got more votes than they did in any of their elections...... all from sitting in his basement. Amazing.
Yeah. Incredible is what it is. How does this old brain damaged party hack, who has been in the senate since The Archies were on Saturday morning kiddie cartoons, and who three times before has failed
miserably to become president, out of nowhere become the greatest vote getter ever?

It's implausible to say the least.
Only to the conspiracy afflicted. The election was a referendum on Trump. Period.

Doubtful.....the numbers are not natural and most likely infused with fraud.

Just reflection of sore losers.

What? The sore losers here are you and yours who for four years pissed, moaned and howled unceasingly.
Shut the fuck up please.


:lol: and you are, exactly?

First of all you still haven't stopped whining about 2016 and probably never will. 2020 will pass and Trump supporters will move on...what they will not do is march in the streets, burn down cities, beat up elderly citizens
Threaten women and children and spend all day every day thinking up new nic god you people are something to watch. The vote contest is part of the legal just doesn't get used that often.
I think everyone realizes who is going to occupy the White house in January.... If the fraud claims are not accurate then so be it....the highly unlikely numbers will stand. But that is going to take quite some time to determine.

trump is actively encouraging violence on January 6th. Let's see how much violence that he and his henchmen, The Proud Boys cause.

Oh Bullshit....there has been four years of violence you mentally constipated ninny.....all sponsored by the left for the most part. The big difference is that the proud boys take on adults instead of women and children so I'm not too worried since most of the lefty adults are total milquetoasts. Also....what the fuck are you talking about?

If Trump made any kind of statement at all about violence it would dominate the news cycles for days. OH....i get are interpreting disagreement as violence needing to be quashed......but then again what else is new?

You sound miserable......SWEET!
They are Cowardly Traitors...supporting a failed Coup attempt by a failed president. actually takes great courage to stand up to the violence of the left and their election theft effort.
Cowardly is failing to admit that Trump got more votes than Obama by millions and still somehow lost?
It doesn't take a genius to realize something is amiss.

That isn’t courage. It is nothing less than the Trumpists un Democratic, authoritarian impulses coming out after losing a free and fair election. The ends justifies the means In their view.

Oh? moving the goal posts now are we? If that's the case then what the hell do you call what you have been doing for the past four years asswipe?
I’ve been doing nothing, scumwaffle. Unlike you, I accepted the results of a free and fair election. But, as an FYI, winning tbe election doesn’t give you carte Blanche to abuse your power. Unfortunately you guys don’t seem to understand that.

Well you certainly are the exception.... I don't that this election was free and fact I don't believe Bernie's
fate at the hands of the DNC twice now was free and fair either. I strongly suspect that Dominion has been selling elections to the highest bidder ( both dem and repub) for some time now. The democrats did not win the white house your goddamed retarded eyes...... Beijing won the white house. Biden will no doubt be seated and just watch the Chinese interests blossom like fungus between your toes. I'm not going to research your mbtu to see whether or not you're just bullshitting me...I'll take your word for it. If that's how you behaved then you set an example....we're going to need that going forward that's for sure.

The Clown Coup continues
I am sure we will have jugglers by the end of the day...

The 2016 votes were contested by the Dems asswipe. Short memory eh?

Was Obama going around claiming massive fraud?
B. Clinton and Obama can now look up to Biden. Biden got more votes than they did in any of their elections...... all from sitting in his basement. Amazing.
Yeah. Incredible is what it is. How does this old brain damaged party hack, who has been in the senate since The Archies were on Saturday morning kiddie cartoons, and who three times before has failed
miserably to become president, out of nowhere become the greatest vote getter ever?

It's implausible to say the least.
Only to the conspiracy afflicted. The election was a referendum on Trump. Period.

Doubtful.....the numbers are not natural and most likely infused with fraud.

Just reflection of sore losers.

What? The sore losers here are you and yours who for four years pissed, moaned and howled unceasingly.
Shut the fuck up please.


:lol: and you are, exactly?

First of all you still haven't stopped whining about 2016 and probably never will. 2020 will pass and Trump supporters will move on...what they will not do is march in the streets, burn down cities, beat up elderly citizens
Threaten women and children and spend all day every day thinking up new nic god you people are something to watch. The vote contest is part of the legal just doesn't get used that often.
I think everyone realizes who is going to occupy the White house in January.... If the fraud claims are not accurate then so be it....the highly unlikely numbers will stand. But that is going to take quite some time to determine.

trump is actively encouraging violence on January 6th. Let's see how much violence that he and his henchmen, The Proud Boys cause.

Oh Bullshit....there has been four years of violence you mentally constipated ninny.....all sponsored by the left for the most part. The big difference is that the proud boys take on adults instead of women and children so I'm not too worried since most of the lefty adults are total milquetoasts. Also....what the fuck are you talking about?

If Trump made any kind of statement at all about violence it would dominate the news cycles for days. OH....i get are interpreting disagreement as violence needing to be quashed......but then again what else is new?

You sound miserable......SWEET!

Meh....Trump was gong to have to leave either now or four years from's only a matter of viewpoint. We have not yet finished rectifying the Chinese theft of our economy and now it will go backwards. Biden is owned by the Chinese in the real sense unlike the fairytales about Trump and Russia....Trump nearly destroyed the Ruble completely....if you have been paying attention which of course you have not been. During that time the Chinese have more or less illegally pegged their yuan at 8 to 1 forcing their GDP to assume false positions in order to match the variances in the exchange put it more simply they have inserted an intravenous blood sucker into our arm and are pumping it freely at will with no oversight until Trump. Now Biden will hand them a second IV kit....

The Clown Coup continues
I am sure we will have jugglers by the end of the day...

The 2016 votes were contested by the Dems asswipe. Short memory eh?

Was Obama going around claiming massive fraud?
B. Clinton and Obama can now look up to Biden. Biden got more votes than they did in any of their elections...... all from sitting in his basement. Amazing.
Yeah. Incredible is what it is. How does this old brain damaged party hack, who has been in the senate since The Archies were on Saturday morning kiddie cartoons, and who three times before has failed
miserably to become president, out of nowhere become the greatest vote getter ever?

It's implausible to say the least.
Only to the conspiracy afflicted. The election was a referendum on Trump. Period.

Doubtful.....the numbers are not natural and most likely infused with fraud.

Just reflection of sore losers.

What? The sore losers here are you and yours who for four years pissed, moaned and howled unceasingly.
Shut the fuck up please.


:lol: and you are, exactly?

First of all you still haven't stopped whining about 2016 and probably never will. 2020 will pass and Trump supporters will move on...what they will not do is march in the streets, burn down cities, beat up elderly citizens
Threaten women and children and spend all day every day thinking up new nic god you people are something to watch. The vote contest is part of the legal just doesn't get used that often.
I think everyone realizes who is going to occupy the White house in January.... If the fraud claims are not accurate then so be it....the highly unlikely numbers will stand. But that is going to take quite some time to determine.

trump is actively encouraging violence on January 6th. Let's see how much violence that he and his henchmen, The Proud Boys cause.

Oh Bullshit....there has been four years of violence you mentally constipated ninny.....all sponsored by the left for the most part. The big difference is that the proud boys take on adults instead of women and children so I'm not too worried since most of the lefty adults are total milquetoasts. Also....what the fuck are you talking about?

If Trump made any kind of statement at all about violence it would dominate the news cycles for days. OH....i get are interpreting disagreement as violence needing to be quashed......but then again what else is new?

You sound miserable......SWEET!

Meh....Trump was gong to have to leave either now or four years from's only a matter of viewpoint. We have not yet finished rectifying the Chinese theft of our economy and now it will go backwards. Biden is owned by the Chinese in the real sense unlike the fairytales about Trump and Russia....Trump nearly destroyed the Ruble completely....if you have been paying attention which of course you have not been. During that time the Chinese have more or less illegally pegged their yuan at 8 to 1 forcing their GDP to assume false positions in order to match the variances in the exchange put it more simply they have inserted an intravenous blood sucker into our arm and are pumping it freely at will with no oversight until Trump. Now Biden will hand them a second IV kit....


Poooor Miserable you.....:abgg2q.jpg:
A Republican Senator has said he will join the objections:

Republicans who are echoing Trump’s baseless claims of fraud have said they will officially object to the results, forcing votes in the Republican-run Senate and the Democratic-controlled House that will almost certainly fail. A group of House Republicans had been looking for a senator to sign on because there must be support from at least one member of each chamber to force the votes. That support came Wednesday from Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, a possible contender in the 2024 GOP presidential primary.

Hawley’s challenge comes despite a plea from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that Republican senators not join the futile House effort. McConnell told his caucus on a private call earlier this month that it would be a “terrible vote” for Senate Republicans to have to take.

I love it...

This part is the best:


After a teller reads the certificate from a state, any member can stand up and object to that state’s vote on any grounds. But the presiding officer will not hear the objection unless it is in writing and signed by both a member of the House and a member of the Senate.

If there is such a joint request, then the joint session suspends and the House and Senate go into separate sessions to consider it. For the objection to be sustained, both chambers must agree to it by a simple majority vote. If they do not both agree, the original electoral votes are counted.

So if there are 6 objections issued by these dumbfucks...the joint session suspends 6 times...the blob loses six times. It's like death by a thousand cuts.

Nothing could be better for the blob to get slapped down 6 times and for Pence to have to stand there and announce each defeat.

“Baseless claim”? This coming from many from the side that believe Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 Election.
.... I don't that this election was free and fact I don't believe Bernie's
fate at the hands of the DNC twice now was free and fair either. I strongly suspect that Dominion has been selling elections to the highest bidder ( both dem and repub) for some time now. The democrats did not win the white house your goddamed retarded eyes...... Beijing won the white house. Biden will no doubt be seated and just watch the Chinese interests blossom like fungus between your toes. I'm not going to research your mbtu to see whether or not you're just bullshitting me...I'll take your word for it. If that's how you behaved then you set an example....we're going to need that going forward that's for sure.
There is nothing to prevent you swallowing the paranoid delusions of hyper-partisan losers, beyond

  1. the election's outcome being entirely consistent with the relentless public disapproval of Trump in survey after survey for four years, and to which the 2018 midterm was a logical prelude.
  2. the certification of the results, after multiple recounts in a number of cases, by Republican as well as Democratic governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county clerks, and other election officials, and
  3. the impotence of those who did not like the expression of the will of the People failing to contrive a credible case against it in dozens of legal challenges, often before Republican judges, Trump appointees included.
The real world has its predilection for impartial logic and empirical data over self-serving fantasy and incorrigible dogma.​
Recourse to a vast conspiracy by some imagined extensive, coordinated, clandestine network - that includes so many complicit elected officials and judges of both political parties - to contrive results that four years of poll after poll had led reasonable Americans to expect. Really?
Still, the sore losers were offered multiple opportunities to present credible evidence of their alleged, heinous perversion of the democratic process, and, if they think that it's still hidden in Rudy's knickers, that is not the fault of dozens of jurists across the land that just don't want to go there.​
Screen Shot 2020-12-31 at 8.46.54 AM.png
"Pull it out and show it to Clarence!"

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