Dr. Dumb surges in GOP polls....LOLOLOLOLO


Republican official in
California, didn't think Obama as chimp e-mail was racist

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A California Republican says she doesn't to see how a photo of President Obama's
Obama wishes he was a half as smart as Carson. Then he may have..you know, accomplished something. Lowered the debt. Won our wars.
Maybe Carson can find a spine for barry. Dudes like a spaghetti noodle. Soft as pudding...That would make a good parting gift when he takes the WH.

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What has Carson done that would lead you to believe he could lower the debt and wins wars? The good doctor has consistently shown his lack of understanding of economic matters and his understanding of foreign policy seems to be limited to criticism of Clinton.

So why don't you enlighten us and explain how the superior Obama and other Democrats have done wonders for the economy and national debt. You know, because they are all so smart and well versed on matters of economics.
So the Democrats despite being smart and well versed on matters of economics have failed, so we should elect people with no education, background, or experience in government, economics, or law. :cuckoo:
His point is they are neither smart nor well versed

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Obama wishes he was a half as smart as Carson. Then he may have..you know, accomplished something. Lowered the debt. Won our wars.
Maybe Carson can find a spine for barry. Dudes like a spaghetti noodle. Soft as pudding...That would make a good parting gift when he takes the WH.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
What has Carson done that would lead you to believe he could lower the debt and wins wars? The good doctor has consistently shown his lack of understanding of economic matters and his understanding of foreign policy seems to be limited to criticism of Clinton.

So why don't you enlighten us and explain how the superior Obama and other Democrats have done wonders for the economy and national debt. You know, because they are all so smart and well versed on matters of economics.
So the Democrats despite being smart and well versed on matters of economics have failed, so we should elect people with no education, background, or experience in government, economics, or law. :cuckoo:
His point is they are neither smart nor well versed

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well versed. what the fk does that mean. he was well versed. so basically someone took him to a room and played an audio tape on how to be president. Because besides that he had zero experience. He had a degree. Well duh don't you think Carson had a degree, he was cutting sick people.

BTW, Obama never came to my street. Why? cause he is well versed in the inner city makes him suitable. oh yeah, experience. the shit cracks me up.
So the Democrats despite being smart and well versed on matters of economics have failed, so we should elect people with no education, background, or experience in government, economics, or law. :cuckoo:

Lets go the record Instant replay

Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat ...

Study: Economy grows faster under Democratic presidents ...
History Shows Stocks, GDP Outperform Under Democrats ...


Any Questions ?
My statement was meant to be taken as sarcasm. I guess you missed that.
So the Democrats despite being smart and well versed on matters of economics have failed, so we should elect people with no education, background, or experience in government, economics, or law. :cuckoo:

Lets go the record Instant replay

Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat ...

Study: Economy grows faster under Democratic presidents ...
History Shows Stocks, GDP Outperform Under Democrats ...


Any Questions ?
My statement was meant to be taken as sarcasm. I guess you missed that.
My immediate and sincere apologies ..I am a work in Progress
So the Democrats despite being smart and well versed on matters of economics have failed, so we should elect people with no education, background, or experience in government, economics, or law. :cuckoo:

Lets go the record Instant replay

Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat ...

Study: Economy grows faster under Democratic presidents ...
History Shows Stocks, GDP Outperform Under Democrats ...


Any Questions ?
My statement was meant to be taken as sarcasm. I guess you missed that.
My immediate and sincere apologies ..I am a work in Progress
I see they have you on the reject shelf.
It's likely many are confusing Carson's ignorance for lies – it's not that he isn't telling the truth, he just doesn't know what the facts are.

In your case, it's both.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

When he's running for surgeon general, than I'll ease up, right now this moron is running for leadership of this country and on that note, he's fuckin fool....do you ever listen to the shit this brainless political clown spews? My God, he's an embarrassment...and for idiots like you to find him okay???? My God, your fools too.

Well, with your head stuck so far up Obama's ass, I guess I can see why you've got brain damage.

Coming from a retard, I thank you!!

I am always happy to explain to people their obvious medical conditions.

I understand that the doctors who got rich help the far right out of Bush's ass have continued to do well with extracting people like you from Obama's.

You should have no problems getting help.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Are you drunk ???

Are you?View attachment 53800

When I look back and see that I post something as stupid as your OP, I have to ask myself.......
I'm curious if Carson "lies for the sake of lying" then why do you suppose Hillary lies?
I see they have you on the reject shelf.

That has to explain my being with the GOP clown car even though I am not a candidate...:321:
especially when you put yourself in it.
I am sure you will vote for me.......LOL

p m carpenter's commentary: The GOP and mysterious, unseen, unseeable forces

Observe that Trump is a venomous infidel, and he only gets stronger; observe that Carson is a remorseless halfwit, and he too gets stronger; observe that Bush is toast, and the establishment rushes to push the toaster's pop-up button; observe that the base wants electability, and it demands a fringe fruitcake; observe that the base demands a fringe fruitcake, and suddenly it wants a Mitt Romney.
It would be interesting to see the ultimate non-politician vs the ultimate politician in debates.

On one hand, Hillary's knowledge of the issues would obviously dwarf Carson's; on the other, I wonder if that is even a priority with the public at this point.

Plus there's Hillary's mountain of baggage and Carson's strict, almost child-like adhesion to his religion and some of the goofy things he's said. Holy crap.

Who knows what the electorate actually wants at this point.
The last thing the public wants is someone who knows the system of politics and how things run in Wasjington DC. Those in-the-know yahoos ran up the debt to $19 trillion.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Racist troll.

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