Dr. Dumb surges in GOP polls....LOLOLOLOLO

Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.
Obama's 10 years of legislative experience, a lawyer who taught constitutional law was far better qualifications for the presidency than practicing medicine and appearing on CNN, Fox News, and campaign rallies.

Obama didn't pay attention to what he was teaching since, according to the Courts, he has violated the Constitution a number of times since becoming President. And, voting 'present' is not satisfactory legislative experience to most people.
Obama has issued 216 executive orders, less than any president in 23 years. Of those, 2 were overturn by the court. I would say he's pretty knowledgeable of both federal law and the constitution, certainly head and shoulders above the Republicans leading candidates to replace him him.

The way these morons spin facts, the next thing you'll hear is that the guy used the constitution as toilet paper. Just sayin
In the world of politics, there are no facts, just interpretations.
Democrats are running scared of Ben Carson because they know if he's running for President, their special social experiment, black people, will abandon them in droves.
I think there are lot Republicans as well as Democrats concerned that the next president could be Carson, the least qualified candidate in the nation's history.
You have already forgotten about Obama, who had nothing on his resume except "community organizer."
And you seem to have forgotten nine years legislative experience, a lawyer, and teacher of constitutional law.

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