Dr. Dumb surges in GOP polls....LOLOLOLOLO

Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

He might have been "smart" at one time, but I'm pretty sure he gave himself a lobotomy while cleaning his ears because he says some of the dumbest things. He didn't even know about Wet foot/dry foot policy that has been around since the 90's.....guess he kept his nose in his medical books to the point that he was oblivious to what has been going on in America...and he wants to be President...
When he's running for surgeon general, than I'll ease up, right now this moron is running for leadership of this country and on that note, he's fuckin fool....do you ever listen to the shit this brainless political clown spews? My God, he's an embarrassment...and for idiots like you to find him okay???? My God, your fools too.
No, I don't listen to him and don't think his supporters do either. He may be a fine surgeon but his political skills are comparable to Joe the Plumber.

I hate to say this, but even Joe the Plumber had a little bit more political insight than Ben. I think Ben is in it for the money, I'm sorry. Nothing he's saying makes sense, nothing new he's bringing to the company and like Palin, I think its for the money. He knows damn well the GOP isn't gonna support a black man as their candidate and if he thinks this, he's dumber than I thought.

How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.
Obama's 10 years of legislative experience, a lawyer who taught constitutional law was far better qualifications for the presidency than practicing medicine and appearing on CNN, Fox News, and campaign rallies.
No, I don't listen to him and don't think his supporters do either. He may be a fine surgeon but his political skills are comparable to Joe the Plumber.

I hate to say this, but even Joe the Plumber had a little bit more political insight than Ben. I think Ben is in it for the money, I'm sorry. Nothing he's saying makes sense, nothing new he's bringing to the company and like Palin, I think its for the money. He knows damn well the GOP isn't gonna support a black man as their candidate and if he thinks this, he's dumber than I thought.

How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.
Obama's 10 years of legislative experience, a lawyer who taught constitutional law was far better qualifications for the presidency than practicing medicine and appearing on CNN, Fox News, and campaign rallies.

Obama didn't pay attention to what he was teaching since, according to the Courts, he has violated the Constitution a number of times since becoming President. And, voting 'present' is not satisfactory legislative experience to most people.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

He might have been "smart" at one time, but I'm pretty sure he gave himself a lobotomy while cleaning his ears because he says some of the dumbest things. He didn't even know about Wet foot/dry foot policy that has been around since the 90's.....guess he kept his nose in his medical books to the point that he was oblivious to what has been going on in America...and he wants to be President...
One thing is certain, conservatives understand their base...they seem them as nieve, uniformed ingrates who will fall for anything as long as it contains hate and snake oil bullshit. And the brother got it in spades
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......
Being a brilliant surgeon means nothing in the realm of politics. He has zero experience in an executive position.

Let's look to one of last century's failures as president for our paradigm. Jimmy Carter. In spite of serving as governor of Georgia, Carter came to Washington as a political outsider. He had no connections in Foggy Bottom. He was, deservedly so, as a good man, a moral man, a soft spoken man and a man who had served in the US Navy in the capacity of a nuclear (or nuclear, if you prefer) engineer.

He could not get his agenda passed because he had no working coalition in Congress. He merely expected his programs would be approved on his personal merits alone.

Imagine now, a political neophyte like Carson, Trump or Fiorina struggling with a Democrat House and Senate! And if you think that is a pipe dream, consider how the American electorate has confounded pundits and partisans alike by dividing political power between Capitol Hill and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Carson is clueless on the inner workings of the White House and how to deal with Congress
He has no military of foreign policy experience

But hey ...brain surgeons must know everything
The more accurate analogue for Dr. Carson's talents might be as concert pianist. He has talented, nimble fingers and the ability to learn to read music. And if being a brain surgeon is the toughest challenge for the human intellect and stamina, as Dr. Carson asserts, being a world class pianist should be a cake walk.

But how do Dr. Carson's talents translate to politics? Maybe he could have served as a vote counter in Dade County in 2000.
It is obvious that Carson has had no interest in politics, history or current events for most of his life
The average USMB poster is more in touch with the issues

Carson compensates through one line quips and referencing the bible
I hate to say this, but even Joe the Plumber had a little bit more political insight than Ben. I think Ben is in it for the money, I'm sorry. Nothing he's saying makes sense, nothing new he's bringing to the company and like Palin, I think its for the money. He knows damn well the GOP isn't gonna support a black man as their candidate and if he thinks this, he's dumber than I thought.

How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.
Obama's 10 years of legislative experience, a lawyer who taught constitutional law was far better qualifications for the presidency than practicing medicine and appearing on CNN, Fox News, and campaign rallies.

Obama didn't pay attention to what he was teaching since, according to the Courts, he has violated the Constitution a number of times since becoming President. And, voting 'present' is not satisfactory legislative experience to most people.
He didn't violate the constitution

Did Republicans violate the Constitution when they opposed same sex marriage?
When he's running for surgeon general, than I'll ease up, right now this moron is running for leadership of this country and on that note, he's fuckin fool....do you ever listen to the shit this brainless political clown spews? My God, he's an embarrassment...and for idiots like you to find him okay???? My God, your fools too.
No, I don't listen to him and don't think his supporters do either. He may be a fine surgeon but his political skills are comparable to Joe the Plumber.

I hate to say this, but even Joe the Plumber had a little bit more political insight than Ben. I think Ben is in it for the money, I'm sorry. Nothing he's saying makes sense, nothing new he's bringing to the company and like Palin, I think its for the money. He knows damn well the GOP isn't gonna support a black man as their candidate and if he thinks this, he's dumber than I thought.

How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.

You must be really dumb. Obama was a magna cum laude Harvard graduate, served as a State Senator before becoming a US Senator....so he had plenty of experience, knowledge and intelligence to become President. And, he has proven it.

And who do Republicans pick, a neurosurgeon who claims to be Christian and lies his ass off.

Ben Carson has been caught in a lie so huge his campaign can't even spin it, instead having to just admit that yes, it's an outright lie.
Ben Carson Caught In Big Lie About West Point Scholarship - UPDATED
No, I don't listen to him and don't think his supporters do either. He may be a fine surgeon but his political skills are comparable to Joe the Plumber.

I hate to say this, but even Joe the Plumber had a little bit more political insight than Ben. I think Ben is in it for the money, I'm sorry. Nothing he's saying makes sense, nothing new he's bringing to the company and like Palin, I think its for the money. He knows damn well the GOP isn't gonna support a black man as their candidate and if he thinks this, he's dumber than I thought.

How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.

You must be really dumb. Obama was a magna cum laude Harvard graduate, served as a State Senator before becoming a US Senator....so he had plenty of experience, knowledge and intelligence to become President. And, he has proven it.

And who do Republicans pick, a neurosurgeon who claims to be Christian and lies his ass off.

Ben Carson has been caught in a lie so huge his campaign can't even spin it, instead having to just admit that yes, it's an outright lie.
Ben Carson Caught In Big Lie About West Point Scholarship - UPDATED

Conservatives do not respect intellect because they're so use to being guided by big money, ie corporations. They seem to shit on people who have the intelligence to think for themselves....lolo
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

He might have been "smart" at one time, but I'm pretty sure he gave himself a lobotomy while cleaning his ears because he says some of the dumbest things. He didn't even know about Wet foot/dry foot policy that has been around since the 90's.....guess he kept his nose in his medical books to the point that he was oblivious to what has been going on in America...and he wants to be President...
One thing is certain, conservatives understand their base...they seem [sic] them as nieve [sic], uniformed ingrates who will fall for anything as long as it contains hate and snake oil bullshit. And the brother got it in spades

When does your English class begin?
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......
Being a brilliant surgeon means nothing in the realm of politics. He has zero experience in an executive position.

Let's look to one of last century's failures as president for our paradigm. Jimmy Carter. In spite of serving as governor of Georgia, Carter came to Washington as a political outsider. He had no connections in Foggy Bottom. He was, deservedly so, as a good man, a moral man, a soft spoken man and a man who had served in the US Navy in the capacity of a nuclear (or nuclear, if you prefer) engineer.

He could not get his agenda passed because he had no working coalition in Congress. He merely expected his programs would be approved on his personal merits alone.

Imagine now, a political neophyte like Carson, Trump or Fiorina struggling with a Democrat House and Senate! And if you think that is a pipe dream, consider how the American electorate has confounded pundits and partisans alike by dividing political power between Capitol Hill and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Carson is clueless on the inner workings of the White House and how to deal with Congress
He has no military of foreign policy experience

But hey ...brain surgeons must know everything
The more accurate analogue for Dr. Carson's talents might be as concert pianist. He has talented, nimble fingers and the ability to learn to read music. And if being a brain surgeon is the toughest challenge for the human intellect and stamina, as Dr. Carson asserts, being a world class pianist should be a cake walk.

But how do Dr. Carson's talents translate to politics? Maybe he could have served as a vote counter in Dade County in 2000.
It is obvious that Carson has had no interest in politics, history or current events for most of his life
The average USMB poster is more in touch with the issues

Carson compensates through one line quips and referencing the bible

And that type of babble works great when your audience if full of biblical hypocrites clutching their wallets in one hand and having the other on a nuke button.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

He might have been "smart" at one time, but I'm pretty sure he gave himself a lobotomy while cleaning his ears because he says some of the dumbest things. He didn't even know about Wet foot/dry foot policy that has been around since the 90's.....guess he kept his nose in his medical books to the point that he was oblivious to what has been going on in America...and he wants to be President...
One thing is certain, conservatives understand their base...they seem [sic] them as nieve [sic], uniformed ingrates who will fall for anything as long as it contains hate and snake oil bullshit. And the brother got it in spades

When does your English class begin?
After your brain surgery.....who's gonna be first, should be the question, eh?
I hate to say this, but even Joe the Plumber had a little bit more political insight than Ben. I think Ben is in it for the money, I'm sorry. Nothing he's saying makes sense, nothing new he's bringing to the company and like Palin, I think its for the money. He knows damn well the GOP isn't gonna support a black man as their candidate and if he thinks this, he's dumber than I thought.

How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.
Obama's 10 years of legislative experience, a lawyer who taught constitutional law was far better qualifications for the presidency than practicing medicine and appearing on CNN, Fox News, and campaign rallies.

Obama didn't pay attention to what he was teaching since, according to the Courts, he has violated the Constitution a number of times since becoming President. And, voting 'present' is not satisfactory legislative experience to most people.
That the best you got Scooter. A disproven rw talking point? RLLY?

Obama’s Legislative Record

Q: How many times did Obama vote 'present' as a state senator?

A: He did so 129 times, which represents a little more than 3 percent of his total votes.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

He might have been "smart" at one time, but I'm pretty sure he gave himself a lobotomy while cleaning his ears because he says some of the dumbest things. He didn't even know about Wet foot/dry foot policy that has been around since the 90's.....guess he kept his nose in his medical books to the point that he was oblivious to what has been going on in America...and he wants to be President...
One thing is certain, conservatives understand their base...they seem [sic] them as nieve [sic], uniformed ingrates who will fall for anything as long as it contains hate and snake oil bullshit. And the brother got it in spades

When does your English class begin?
After your brain surgery.....who's gonna be first, should be the question, eh?

What is your first language?
You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

He might have been "smart" at one time, but I'm pretty sure he gave himself a lobotomy while cleaning his ears because he says some of the dumbest things. He didn't even know about Wet foot/dry foot policy that has been around since the 90's.....guess he kept his nose in his medical books to the point that he was oblivious to what has been going on in America...and he wants to be President...
One thing is certain, conservatives understand their base...they seem [sic] them as nieve [sic], uniformed ingrates who will fall for anything as long as it contains hate and snake oil bullshit. And the brother got it in spades

When does your English class begin?
After your brain surgery.....who's gonna be first, should be the question, eh?

What is your first language?

I guess its REDNECK...since every time I post, you seem to find it so appealing, eh?
I hate to say this, but even Joe the Plumber had a little bit more political insight than Ben. I think Ben is in it for the money, I'm sorry. Nothing he's saying makes sense, nothing new he's bringing to the company and like Palin, I think its for the money. He knows damn well the GOP isn't gonna support a black man as their candidate and if he thinks this, he's dumber than I thought.

How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.
Obama's 10 years of legislative experience, a lawyer who taught constitutional law was far better qualifications for the presidency than practicing medicine and appearing on CNN, Fox News, and campaign rallies.

Obama didn't pay attention to what he was teaching since, according to the Courts, he has violated the Constitution a number of times since becoming President. And, voting 'present' is not satisfactory legislative experience to most people.

And you can say that with a straight face? Bush violated the constitution so many times, I'm shocked he didn't just have it dismantled.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......
Being a brilliant surgeon means nothing in the realm of politics. He has zero experience in an executive position.

Let's look to one of last century's failures as president for our paradigm. Jimmy Carter. In spite of serving as governor of Georgia, Carter came to Washington as a political outsider. He had no connections in Foggy Bottom. He was, deservedly so, as a good man, a moral man, a soft spoken man and a man who had served in the US Navy in the capacity of a nuclear (or nuclear, if you prefer) engineer.

He could not get his agenda passed because he had no working coalition in Congress. He merely expected his programs would be approved on his personal merits alone.

Imagine now, a political neophyte like Carson, Trump or Fiorina struggling with a Democrat House and Senate! And if you think that is a pipe dream, consider how the American electorate has confounded pundits and partisans alike by dividing political power between Capitol Hill and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Carson is clueless on the inner workings of the White House and how to deal with Congress
He has no military of foreign policy experience

But hey ...brain surgeons must know everything
The more accurate analogue for Dr. Carson's talents might be as concert pianist. He has talented, nimble fingers and the ability to learn to read music. And if being a brain surgeon is the toughest challenge for the human intellect and stamina, as Dr. Carson asserts, being a world class pianist should be a cake walk.

But how do Dr. Carson's talents translate to politics? Maybe he could have served as a vote counter in Dade County in 2000.

And what exactly did obama bring to his first office? Other than trying to force banks to make bad loans…….

His intelligence and ability to achieve things such as organizing his surgical department sure makes him more qualified than hilary…..

I never thought I'd see the day, a hillbilly praising a black man, ie Ben Carwreck!! My how times have changed.
He might have been "smart" at one time, but I'm pretty sure he gave himself a lobotomy while cleaning his ears because he says some of the dumbest things. He didn't even know about Wet foot/dry foot policy that has been around since the 90's.....guess he kept his nose in his medical books to the point that he was oblivious to what has been going on in America...and he wants to be President...
One thing is certain, conservatives understand their base...they seem [sic] them as nieve [sic], uniformed ingrates who will fall for anything as long as it contains hate and snake oil bullshit. And the brother got it in spades

When does your English class begin?
After your brain surgery.....who's gonna be first, should be the question, eh?

What is your first language?

I guess its REDNECK...since every time I post, you seem to find it so appealing, eh?

"Redneck" isn't a language. Try again.
No, I don't listen to him and don't think his supporters do either. He may be a fine surgeon but his political skills are comparable to Joe the Plumber.

I hate to say this, but even Joe the Plumber had a little bit more political insight than Ben. I think Ben is in it for the money, I'm sorry. Nothing he's saying makes sense, nothing new he's bringing to the company and like Palin, I think its for the money. He knows damn well the GOP isn't gonna support a black man as their candidate and if he thinks this, he's dumber than I thought.

How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.

You must be really dumb. Obama was a magna cum laude Harvard graduate, served as a State Senator before becoming a US Senator....so he had plenty of experience, knowledge and intelligence to become President. And, he has proven it.

And who do Republicans pick, a neurosurgeon who claims to be Christian and lies his ass off.

Ben Carson has been caught in a lie so huge his campaign can't even spin it, instead having to just admit that yes, it's an outright lie.
Ben Carson Caught In Big Lie About West Point Scholarship - UPDATED

The Political story is one big fat lie and you fell for it.
How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.
Obama's 10 years of legislative experience, a lawyer who taught constitutional law was far better qualifications for the presidency than practicing medicine and appearing on CNN, Fox News, and campaign rallies.

Obama didn't pay attention to what he was teaching since, according to the Courts, he has violated the Constitution a number of times since becoming President. And, voting 'present' is not satisfactory legislative experience to most people.
That the best you got Scooter. A disproven rw talking point? RLLY?

Obama’s Legislative Record

Q: How many times did Obama vote 'present' as a state senator?

A: He did so 129 times, which represents a little more than 3 percent of his total votes.

Read it and weep dipshit.

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013
How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Amateur politicians are in style these days with Republicans. This is one time that being well qualified for the job is a disadvantage.

The Democrats picked a totally unqualified man for President based on his race.
Obama's 10 years of legislative experience, a lawyer who taught constitutional law was far better qualifications for the presidency than practicing medicine and appearing on CNN, Fox News, and campaign rallies.

Obama didn't pay attention to what he was teaching since, according to the Courts, he has violated the Constitution a number of times since becoming President. And, voting 'present' is not satisfactory legislative experience to most people.

And you can say that with a straight face? Bush violated the constitution so many times, I'm shocked he didn't just have it dismantled.

How many times did the Supreme Court rule on a Bush violation of the Constitution?

Here are a few from Obama.
President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

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