Dr. Fauci's Long Record of Making Erroneous Predictions and Statements About Diseases

If you had to pick one person who bears the most blame for causing unjustified panic over COVID-19, you would probably pick Dr. Anthony Fauci, the lead scientist on the president's COVID-19 task force and the director of the federal agency that deals with infectious diseases. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci has a rather long record of exaggerating the danger posed by viruses and of making erroneous statements about them, as the article below documents.

He has more knowledge and a better record than Donald Trump
If you had to pick one person who bears the most blame for causing unjustified panic over COVID-19, you would probably pick Dr. Anthony Fauci, the lead scientist on the president's COVID-19 task force and the director of the federal agency that deals with infectious diseases. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci has a rather long record of exaggerating the danger posed by viruses and of making erroneous statements about them, as the article below documents.

Well, in fairness, you could, as a contrast to Dr Fauci's professional opinions, stand up in front of the country and suggest shoving a UV light where the sun don't shine in hopes that will kill it. May as well at this point. My opinion is the first wave never finished. You're just seeing the tiger's head rise up again because everyone was in a rush to get back to normal without considering the advice of the professionals like Dr Fauci (who has been in civil service for most of his adult life). Constantly blaming him for the failures of your savior won't change the fact that this virus is here to stay. It is not eradicated or "decimated" by any stretch of the imagination. Now there's one blue state on this list but the state at the top is purple...the rest, are all red.
Tracking The Pandemic: Are Coronavirus Cases Rising Or Falling In Your State?
You're concerned that UV light will affect your Tide Pod dessert

I'm concerned the President of the United States got up in front of the country and suggested swilling disinfectants and bringing light "into the body, in some other way".
It's a sad day when agencies like the CDC and Poison Control have to issue statements on basic common sense...oh wait, we're talking about Trump running his mouth here. Nevermind.
Calls To Poison Centers Spike After The President’s Comments About Using Disinfectants To Treat Coronavirus

Maybe Quid Pro Joe will bring that up in the debates.

Oh, wait

It's 50/50 whether Trump will even agree to debates. There's really no upside for him. He's better off just holding his pep rallies. First off, he isn't going up against an unpopular candidate this time. He's going up against a man who's beating his ass in every swing state he won in 2016. Second, the moment Biden gets Trump into a policy discussion, it's game over. You can point out Joe's gaffes all you'd like, but since he's been in government most of his adult life, he will bury Trump in any discussion of policy. Trump will look like the incompetent moron he is. With 110K+ dead and an unemployment rating approaching 20%, those slogans that worked in 2016...ain't gonna wash this time....but good luck anyhow.

In reality he's going up against a 4 time presidential loser with severe dementia.
That is unreality, and if so then we have 2 candidates with severe dementia.
Yes, I’ve been harping on Fauci being a chicken little in the past. I don’t know why or how he’s failed his way to the top. During the AIDS outbreak he was on TV screaming that it was going to kill 10 million Americans. It only killed under 200,000. He was off by multiple factors. BY A FACTOR OF 50! Not even close to the realm.

Wow, you do get that the reason why AIDS didn't kill millions of Americans was because we followed his advice to the letter...

I'm guessing you weren't old enough to realize how bad AIDS was during the 1980's and how scary it was if you were trying to get laid.
Oh Jesus Christ. I’m young, but I’m in the healthcare industry. AIDS was our one public health case study to actually look at when I was in school. The gays did not do a good job of wrapping before tapping. They didn’t because AIDS was pushed as a disease that effects everyone equally when it clearly didn’t. In my day, a mere 8-10 years ago, it was considered a failure on the part of the healthcare industry of taking PC too seriously instead of being honest with people, especially the gay community, on whose really at risk and why. I can’t imagine how it is being taught now. Actually I can, and that it’s no big deal anymore because of HAART. Which yes you can live a relatively normal life, but that doesn’t mean becoming HIV+, and all the meds that go with it aren’t absolutely life changing, and not in a good way.

No, what Fauci was saying back then is that it was going to infect heterosexual people waaaaaayyyyyy more than it actually did. He said a bunch of shit that turned out to be wrong.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

Fake news.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.
No, what Fauci was saying back then is that it was going to infect heterosexual people waaaaaayyyyyy more than it actually did. He said a bunch of shit that turned out to be wrong.

In Africa, it is predominately a heterosexual disease, so he wasn't that wrong.
No, what Fauci was saying back then is that it was going to infect heterosexual people waaaaaayyyyyy more than it actually did. He said a bunch of shit that turned out to be wrong.

In Africa, it is predominately a heterosexual disease, so he wasn't that wrong.
That’d be wonderful for Fauci if he worked for the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Oh wait, but even then Fauci would’ve been waaaayyy oofff on how many people would be infected with HIV per capita. It turns out that blood transmission is actually pretty easy to fight against. Don’t have buttseks with your patients. Just don’t blow loads in the most absorbent part of the body. Yay, problem solved.
Were his predictions really off?

"Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, projected millions of Americans will contract COVID-19 and between 100,000 and 200,000 people could succumb to it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's worst-case-scenario earlier estimated at least 200,000 could die from the virus this year.

"Looking at what we're seeing now, I would say between 100,000 and 200,000" deaths, Fauci told CNN’s "State of the Union." "We're going to have millions of cases."


This was from March 29th. At the time, we had 145,000 cases and 3,000 deaths.

- He said we would have millions of cases. We're currently at 2.1 million cases.
- He said we would have 100,000 to 200,000 deaths. We're currently at 117,000.

Seems pretty accurate to me.
Fauci is a career, deep state, BUREAUCRAT and a friend of the Clintons, Gates, and Soros. What more do you need to know?
That’d be wonderful for Fauci if he worked for the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Oh wait, but even then Fauci would’ve been waaaayyy oofff on how many people would be infected with HIV per capita. It turns out that blood transmission is actually pretty easy to fight against. Don’t have buttseks with your patients. Just don’t blow loads in the most absorbent part of the body. Yay, problem solved.

Actually, HIV was made much worse by homophobic attitudes like that.
Were his predictions really off?

"Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, projected millions of Americans will contract COVID-19 and between 100,000 and 200,000 people could succumb to it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's worst-case-scenario earlier estimated at least 200,000 could die from the virus this year.

"Looking at what we're seeing now, I would say between 100,000 and 200,000" deaths, Fauci told CNN’s "State of the Union." "We're going to have millions of cases."


This was from March 29th. At the time, we had 145,000 cases and 3,000 deaths.

- He said we would have millions of cases. We're currently at 2.1 million cases.
- He said we would have 100,000 to 200,000 deaths. We're currently at 117,000.

Seems pretty accurate to me.

Keep in mind, the OP also started a thread saying how wonderful Hydrocholorquinine is. He also thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear and OJ is innocent.
Yes, I’ve been harping on Fauci being a chicken little in the past. I don’t know why or how he’s failed his way to the top. During the AIDS outbreak he was on TV screaming that it was going to kill 10 million Americans. It only killed under 200,000. He was off by multiple factors. BY A FACTOR OF 50! Not even close to the realm.

Wow, you do get that the reason why AIDS didn't kill millions of Americans was because we followed his advice to the letter...

I'm guessing you weren't old enough to realize how bad AIDS was during the 1980's and how scary it was if you were trying to get laid.

draft dodging capt bone spur said ' AIDS was his vietnam'

what a patriot.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

Fake news.

^ no fake news, no fake news, no - YOU'RE the fake news, no YOU'RE the fake news.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.

plenty of times i've heard commentary about those not wearing masks & how dangerous it is.

lol ... i do know of one media person pushing to NOT wear a mask.

the draft dodging anal cysted oxy addicted hypocrite cancer laden rush limbaugh says its 'the mask of fear'.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.

plenty of times i've heard commentary about those not wearing masks & how dangerous it is.

lol ... i do know of one media person pushing to NOT wear a mask.

the draft dodging anal cysted oxy addicted hypocrite cancer laden rush limbaugh says its 'the mask of fear'.

LaPook, March 8: There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?

Fauci: The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else… Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.

LaPook: You’re sure of it? Because people are listening really closely to this.

Fauci: …There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.

plenty of times i've heard commentary about those not wearing masks & how dangerous it is.

lol ... i do know of one media person pushing to NOT wear a mask.

the draft dodging anal cysted oxy addicted hypocrite cancer laden rush limbaugh says its 'the mask of fear'.

LaPook, March 8: There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?

Fauci: The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else… Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.

LaPook: You’re sure of it? Because people are listening really closely to this.

Fauci: …There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.

uh-huh. nice try but: where's the source, how old is it & why didn't you include them?
<hint: i know it's from march 2020>

your word for word c/p with out a sourced link just doesn't fly.

Debunking False Stories
Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context
By Saranac Hale Spencer
Posted on May 19, 2020

Quick Take
An outdated video clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci is circulating on social media — giving the false impression he is currently advising the public not to wear face masks. Fauci, like other health officials, recommends wearing a cloth face covering when distances of at least six feet can’t be maintained.
Full Story

On April 3, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reversed its earlier position on the use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic and announced that it was now recommending that people should wear face coverings in public, citing new studies on the transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.
Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans who don't wear masks may 'propagate the further spread of infection'
Published Fri, Jun 5 20201:09 PM EDTUpdated Fri, Jun 5 20208:04 PM EDT
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BerkeleyJr
Noah Higgins-Dunn@higginsdunn

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans who don't wear masks may 'propagate the further spread of infection'

Editors' Pick|May 17, 2020,01:06pm EDT
Need Proof That Masks Protect Against Covid-19? Study Finds Speech Droplets Can Stay Airborne For Minutes
Need Proof That Masks Protect Against Covid-19? Study Finds Speech Droplets Can Stay Airborne For Minutes

You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.

plenty of times i've heard commentary about those not wearing masks & how dangerous it is.

lol ... i do know of one media person pushing to NOT wear a mask.

the draft dodging anal cysted oxy addicted hypocrite cancer laden rush limbaugh says its 'the mask of fear'.

LaPook, March 8: There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?

Fauci: The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else… Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.

LaPook: You’re sure of it? Because people are listening really closely to this.

Fauci: …There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.

uh-huh. nice try but: where's the source, how old is it & why didn't you include them?
<hint: i know it's from march 2020>

your word for word c/p with out a sourced link just doesn't fly.

Debunking False Stories
Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context
By Saranac Hale Spencer
Posted on May 19, 2020

Quick Take
An outdated video clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci is circulating on social media — giving the false impression he is currently advising the public not to wear face masks. Fauci, like other health officials, recommends wearing a cloth face covering when distances of at least six feet can’t be maintained.
Full Story

On April 3, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reversed its earlier position on the use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic and announced that it was now recommending that people should wear face coverings in public, citing new studies on the transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.
Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans who don't wear masks may 'propagate the further spread of infection'
Published Fri, Jun 5 20201:09 PM EDTUpdated Fri, Jun 5 20208:04 PM EDT
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BerkeleyJr
Noah Higgins-Dunn@higginsdunn

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans who don't wear masks may 'propagate the further spread of infection'

Editors' Pick|May 17, 2020,01:06pm EDT
Need Proof That Masks Protect Against Covid-19? Study Finds Speech Droplets Can Stay Airborne For Minutes
Need Proof That Masks Protect Against Covid-19? Study Finds Speech Droplets Can Stay Airborne For Minutes

Fake news
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.

plenty of times i've heard commentary about those not wearing masks & how dangerous it is.

lol ... i do know of one media person pushing to NOT wear a mask.

the draft dodging anal cysted oxy addicted hypocrite cancer laden rush limbaugh says its 'the mask of fear'.

LaPook, March 8: There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?

Fauci: The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else… Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.

LaPook: You’re sure of it? Because people are listening really closely to this.

Fauci: …There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.

plenty of times i've heard commentary about those not wearing masks & how dangerous it is.

lol ... i do know of one media person pushing to NOT wear a mask.

the draft dodging anal cysted oxy addicted hypocrite cancer laden rush limbaugh says its 'the mask of fear'.

LaPook, March 8: There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?

Fauci: The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else… Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.

LaPook: You’re sure of it? Because people are listening really closely to this.

Fauci: …There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.

uh-huh. nice try but: where's the source, how old is it & why didn't you include them?
<hint: i know it's from march 2020>

your word for word c/p with out a sourced link just doesn't fly.

Debunking False Stories
Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context
By Saranac Hale Spencer
Posted on May 19, 2020

Quick Take
An outdated video clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci is circulating on social media — giving the false impression he is currently advising the public not to wear face masks. Fauci, like other health officials, recommends wearing a cloth face covering when distances of at least six feet can’t be maintained.
Full Story

On April 3, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reversed its earlier position on the use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic and announced that it was now recommending that people should wear face coverings in public, citing new studies on the transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.
Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans who don't wear masks may 'propagate the further spread of infection'
Published Fri, Jun 5 20201:09 PM EDTUpdated Fri, Jun 5 20208:04 PM EDT
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BerkeleyJr
Noah Higgins-Dunn@higginsdunn

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans who don't wear masks may 'propagate the further spread of infection'

Editors' Pick|May 17, 2020,01:06pm EDT
Need Proof That Masks Protect Against Covid-19? Study Finds Speech Droplets Can Stay Airborne For Minutes
Need Proof That Masks Protect Against Covid-19? Study Finds Speech Droplets Can Stay Airborne For Minutes

^fake news

thanx for playing the ' god damn it, she nailed me; i got nuthin' so i'll just CONfirm the obvious fact that i'm the lying deplorable i am & post the same bullshit reply ' game.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.

plenty of times i've heard commentary about those not wearing masks & how dangerous it is.

lol ... i do know of one media person pushing to NOT wear a mask.

the draft dodging anal cysted oxy addicted hypocrite cancer laden rush limbaugh says its 'the mask of fear'.

LaPook, March 8: There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?

Fauci: The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else… Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.

LaPook: You’re sure of it? Because people are listening really closely to this.

Fauci: …There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.

plenty of times i've heard commentary about those not wearing masks & how dangerous it is.

lol ... i do know of one media person pushing to NOT wear a mask.

the draft dodging anal cysted oxy addicted hypocrite cancer laden rush limbaugh says its 'the mask of fear'.

LaPook, March 8: There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?

Fauci: The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else… Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.

LaPook: You’re sure of it? Because people are listening really closely to this.

Fauci: …There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.

uh-huh. nice try but: where's the source, how old is it & why didn't you include them?
<hint: i know it's from march 2020>

your word for word c/p with out a sourced link just doesn't fly.

Debunking False Stories
Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context
By Saranac Hale Spencer
Posted on May 19, 2020

Quick Take
An outdated video clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci is circulating on social media — giving the false impression he is currently advising the public not to wear face masks. Fauci, like other health officials, recommends wearing a cloth face covering when distances of at least six feet can’t be maintained.
Full Story

On April 3, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reversed its earlier position on the use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic and announced that it was now recommending that people should wear face coverings in public, citing new studies on the transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.
Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans who don't wear masks may 'propagate the further spread of infection'
Published Fri, Jun 5 20201:09 PM EDTUpdated Fri, Jun 5 20208:04 PM EDT
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BerkeleyJr
Noah Higgins-Dunn@higginsdunn

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans who don't wear masks may 'propagate the further spread of infection'

Editors' Pick|May 17, 2020,01:06pm EDT
Need Proof That Masks Protect Against Covid-19? Study Finds Speech Droplets Can Stay Airborne For Minutes
Need Proof That Masks Protect Against Covid-19? Study Finds Speech Droplets Can Stay Airborne For Minutes

^fake news

thanx for playing the ' god damn it, she nailed me; i got nuthin' so i'll just CONfirm the obvious fact that i'm the lying deplorable i am & post the same bullshit reply ' game.

If you stop posting fake news, I promise I will stop busting you.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.

plenty of times i've heard commentary about those not wearing masks & how dangerous it is.

lol ... i do know of one media person pushing to NOT wear a mask.

the draft dodging anal cysted oxy addicted hypocrite cancer laden rush limbaugh says its 'the mask of fear'.

LaPook, March 8: There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?

Fauci: The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else… Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.

LaPook: You’re sure of it? Because people are listening really closely to this.

Fauci: …There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.
You know why you never heard of Dr. Fauci before now?

Past Presidents, Republican and Democrat alike, had the good sense to take his advice. Problems were averted.
Do you have any sort of evidence that DJT did not take Dr. Fauci's advice, or are you actually just so fucking stupid that you were easily brainwashed into believing the laughingly desperate attempts of the fake news media's Trump vs. Fauci false narrative?

fauci says that klan rallies like donny will be having - because they are bigley public gatherings - should be avoided.

donny is going di-rectly against that advise.

So your TDS-addled mind cannot provide any evidence that DJT ignored Dr. Fauci's advice, but you predict that the bad orange man will ignore Dr Fauci's advice at some point in the future.

Gotcha :icon_rolleyes:

if yer chosen is bent on having his klan rallies/ego stroke fests, then he is indeed ignoring fauci.

Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem Jun 13, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd at his upcoming Tulsa, Oklahoma, campaign rally on Friday, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued strong warnings about congregating in large groups.

Trump’s presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale later boasted that the number of registrations had topped 300,000 people, calling the rally “the hottest ticket ever.”

But hours before, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the top scientist on the federal coronavirus task force, reminded the public that large crowds are inherently “risky” and a “danger” for coronavirus transmission. And the CDC also released guidance cautioning against congregating in groups, among other things, on Friday.
The divergence between Trump’s campaign manager and his top federal public health official on the wisdom of joining a crowd is familiar territory: the president has consistently encouraged the public to disregard federal guidelines and scientific consensus on avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. While in the past it was part of an agenda to encourage people to begin participating in the economy again, in this instance it appears that Trump’s campaign is eager to use the spectacle of an excited crowd to whip up excitement for his reelection bid.

Fauci warned against such gatherings in an interview with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl, saying crowds in any form pose a risk to the public — including recent protests.
“It’s a danger to the people who are trying to control the demonstration, and it’s a danger to the people who are demonstrating,” Fauci said. “So at the end of the day, it is a risky procedure.”

When asked if what he said applied to Trump’s decision to start campaign rallies again next week, Fauci said yes, telling Karl, “I am consistent. I stick by what I say.”
Fauci and the CDC caution against large gatherings as Trump hypes his campaign rally

But yet ZERO people (in the media) give a shit about protests filled with thousands of people, shoulder to shoulder, screaming chanting, and singing. Mind you churches were shut down because singing in proximity was, thought and still is thought, to be one of the worst things people can do to spread the virus. I literally saw a city that banned gatherings of people larger than groups of 10, and ban protest of more than 100 people. Corona virus is a fucking joke.

plenty of times i've heard commentary about those not wearing masks & how dangerous it is.

lol ... i do know of one media person pushing to NOT wear a mask.

the draft dodging anal cysted oxy addicted hypocrite cancer laden rush limbaugh says its 'the mask of fear'.

LaPook, March 8: There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?

Fauci: The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else… Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.

LaPook: You’re sure of it? Because people are listening really closely to this.

Fauci: …There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.

uh-huh. nice try but: where's the source, how old is it & why didn't you include them?
<hint: i know it's from march 2020>

your word for word c/p with out a sourced link just doesn't fly.

Debunking False Stories
Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context
By Saranac Hale Spencer
Posted on May 19, 2020

Quick Take
An outdated video clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci is circulating on social media — giving the false impression he is currently advising the public not to wear face masks. Fauci, like other health officials, recommends wearing a cloth face covering when distances of at least six feet can’t be maintained.
Full Story

On April 3, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reversed its earlier position on the use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic and announced that it was now recommending that people should wear face coverings in public, citing new studies on the transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.
Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans who don't wear masks may 'propagate the further spread of infection'
Published Fri, Jun 5 20201:09 PM EDTUpdated Fri, Jun 5 20208:04 PM EDT
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BerkeleyJr
Noah Higgins-Dunn@higginsdunn

Dr. Anthony Fauci says Americans who don't wear masks may 'propagate the further spread of infection'

Editors' Pick|May 17, 2020,01:06pm EDT
Need Proof That Masks Protect Against Covid-19? Study Finds Speech Droplets Can Stay Airborne For Minutes
Need Proof That Masks Protect Against Covid-19? Study Finds Speech Droplets Can Stay Airborne For Minutes

^fake news

thanx for playing the ' god damn it, she nailed me; i got nuthin' so i'll just CONfirm the obvious fact that i'm the lying deplorable i am & post the same bullshit reply ' game.

If you stop posting fake news, I promise I will stop busting you.

The news is accurate. Anything from the media that holds Trump accountable is "fake". Fauci is correct in his predictions about the spread of this virus because it is spreading as we speak. So get real.

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