Dr Hoettl Confirms The Six Million Jews Killed in The Holocaust

Awaiting the inevitable "Holocaust is a hoax" posts...

Awaiting the inevitable "Holocaust is a hoax" posts...

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Testimony of Auschwitz Commandant Hoess

The Avalon Project : Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Volume 11

Read it for yourselves
The "confessions" of the men hung by vindictive Jews at Nuremberg were worthless, as they were gotten under duress, including torture. The "evidence" was fabricated nonsense. The trials were run by a Soviet Jew who had also been in charge of the notorious Moscow show trials of the 30s, at which the condemned "confessed" to all sorts of absurdities.
I thought other people besides the Jews died during the holocaust also?

Here's the thing about that. 50 million people died as an effect World War II. Some in combat, the vast majority as non-combatants. The Nazis targeted many groups in their mission to rid the world of "untermenschen". Gypsies (Roma), Homosexual, Intellectuals, Communists, people with mental or physical disabilities, and just about anyone who didn't goosestep to the music of Hitler and his henchmen.

Jews, however, in the Nazi ideology, held a special place. Unlike other groups, who were singled out for their beliefs, or their predilections, or individual traits that Nazis considered defects, Jews were targeted for total global annihilation. If they never set foot in a synagogue in their life, if they never uttered a single Jewish prayer. Even if they adopted the xtian religion and married into xtian families, if they had a Jewish a relative back three generations, they were targeted for extermination.

The Nazis weren't satisfied with destroying Jews in Germany. Had the Germans defeated Russia, they had plans to exterminate everyone with Jewish ancestry in all of Russia and the Soviet Republics, another 5 Million Jews. They killed more than a million Jews in captured Russian territory. When America entered the War in late 1941, the SS was discussing how to round of Jews in occupied US territories and the difficulties because America didn't keep records or Jewish ancestry.

The Holocaust was a human tragedy to be sure. But, for the Jews, and the special rancor Nazis held for them, combined with an already small population. The Holocaust was especially painful.
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I thought other people besides the Jews died during the holocaust also?
If only one of them had been Elie Weisel, who survived not one, not two, but three whole "death" camps. LOL. I guess those famously efficient Germans just didn't get the hang of extermination. The should have taken some lessons from the Bolshevik Jews in Russia, who's already genocided tens of millions of Russian Christians by the time Hitler came to power.
Even if they adopted the xtian religion and married into xtian families, if they had a Jewish relative back three generations, they were targeted for extermination.
Lies. There were Jews serving in the Wehrmacht, including a half-Jewish general.
When Hitler took power, all flags other than the swastika were banned in Germany---except the zionist star of David. Hitler's ideal was to see Germany's jews move to Palestine, which is what the zionists wanted as well. Definitely, there was anti-Jewish sentiment in Germany, but there always is wherever Jews are to be found in any sizable number. In Germany, the anti-Jewish feeling came from the treasonous actions undertaken by German Jews during WWI to bring the United States into the war on the side of the Allies.
The majority of the bolshevik / communist agitators in Europe and in leadership positions in Soviet Russia were Jews.
Basically the core of the communist party in America was comprised of Jews. Which helps explain why soo many Jews today are lefty liberals that vote Democrat. ... :cool:
the SS was discussing how to round of Jews in occupied US territories and the difficulties because America didn't keep records or Jewish ancestry.
What is it with you Jews and dishonesty. The US doesn't keep records because Jews fiercely oppose being counted by authorities of the inferior races around them--i.e., everyone else. Russia didn't/doesn't keep those records. Germany didn't/doesn't keep those records.
Awaiting the inevitable "Holocaust is a hoax" posts...

Called it!


One day, an unwary USMB user posted a condemnation of the treatment of Native Americans by European Americans. Let's listen in...

USMB user: "And then the US cavalry intentionally infected blankets with smallpox and then handed them out to Native Americans who were cold and the Native Americans all caught smallpox and died. That's genocide, man.

fncceo: Waiting for the inevitable smallpox blanket deniers.

Well-informed USMB user: it's unlikely the American cavalry would do that since the germ-theory of disease hadn't been invented yet, so there is no way they could have known they were spreading smallpox germs.

fncceo: Called it!
it's unlikely the American cavalry would do that since the germ-theory of disease hadn't been invented yet

Actually, the Germ Theory and Pasteur's work on it was widely known and accepted by the early 1860's. Edward Jenner was inoculating people for Smallpox in the late 1700's.

The Indian Wars, including the infamous infected blanket incident, continued well into the late 1800's.
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The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics
Getting a lot of miles out of that. Just remember that the victor always writes the history. I don't deny that the "Holocaust" happened, however I do question the 6M figure. Especially in a period in which the European Jewish population attempted to exist as autonomous & secretive as possible as a matter of self preservation. There are not enough fires in hell to bring justice for the Holocaust.
it's unlikely the American cavalry would do that since the germ-theory of disease hadn't been invented yet

Actually, the Germ Theory and Pasteur's work on it was widely known and accepted by the early 1860's. Edward Jenner was inoculating people for Smallpox in the late 1700's.

The Indian Wars, including the infamous infected blanket incident, continued well into the late 1800's.
The military hospitals famously didn't understand infection during the Civil War
Especially in a period in which the European Jewish population attempted to exist as autonomous & secretive as possible as a matter of self preservation.

European Jews were anything but anonymous. Jewish communities from Brest to Bialystok were easily identifiable and have been cheap and easy targets for 2,000 years.
UR opinion only. I based my statement on what my grandfather stated who grew up in those times. I suppose I could dig him up just for u to have your silly debate with.
> > Dr Hoettl Speaks
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The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics

Jews murdered by Nazi Christians: 6 million
Christians murdered by Bolshevik Jews: 66 million

How come we never hear about the crimes of the Bolsheviks, of which, at least, there is hard evidence.
Excellent question. I would say it’s safe that dr receives massive funds from the government.lol

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