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Dr.King: When people criticize Zionists,they mean Jews,You are talking anti-Semitism!

Nope I question the source.

I provided a source that established my position you have not adequately rebutted the presumptions contained in that source.

That is Global Research alleging this was IDF.
No it wasn't! Those are comments from IDF soldiers who were the boots on the ground during the invasion.

BTW, you can't question a source, unless your objection is based on something. You can't just question something on general principles. You need a reason. And you haven't shown any. All you've shown, is that you like to play word games.
How is the source 'the IDF'? It isn't verified that ANY contributor to the 'Breaking the Silence' site is an actual member of the IDF.

And commenting that the source is 'Global Research' is not an ad hom per se: that site is not making the least attempt towards objectivity in any instance, which renders its 'facts' suspect.
Attacking a source and not the claim that is stated, is an ad hominem. It's killing the messenger.

You need to show evidence that would indicate those are not IDF members, for your objection to have merit, otherwise, it's just a baseless accusation.
Sherri, you are lying again. HAMAS killed every last person who died in Cast Lead: they shot thousands of rockets into Israel. Cast Lead was the entirely forseeable - AND AVOIDABLE! - result of the choices made by HAMAS and whoever supports them.

Yes, those 344 children - their blood is on YOUR hands, Sherri. You claim to be against violence, but you consistently EXCUSE it whenever it's perpetrated against Israelis.
Funny, I don't remember voting for you to decide who gets to do what around here, Loinie.
Funny, I don't remember voting for you to decide who gets to do what around here, Loinie.
I'm just stating standard debating procedures.

In a court of law, if you can't show just cause for your claim to a judge, he'll throw your comment out and it won't even be entered into the record. And if you keep pushing that point without providing any evidence to justify your claim, he'll find you in contempt of court.
I GAVE a reason, Loinie: 'Global Research' is not an actual news outlet, but more of a blog and very pointedly advocates a certain political view. They are less reporting events than seeking to push a specific agenda. There is no 'fact-checking', no oversight, no vetting of reporters or the articles they submit such as occurs with any bona fide news organization.
And your experience with 'standard debating procedures' would consist of what, exactly? I'm curious - especially since you seem to have trouble remembering whether you're participating in a debate, running a courtroom (LOL!), or spinning lies in the boys' locker room.....
Funny, I don't remember voting for you to decide who gets to do what around here, Loinie.
I'm just stating standard debating procedures.

In a court of law, if you can't show just cause for your claim to a judge, he'll throw your comment out and it won't even be entered into the record. And if you keep pushing that point without providing any evidence to justify your claim, he'll find you in contempt of court.

The Zionists posting here do not accept Israel has any faults or does anything wrong ever. FOR EXAMPLE, in Cast Lead one incident addressed by the Goldstone report involved a soldier getting out of his tank and opening fire targeting three little girls as they stood in front of their house waving white flags. Two died later bleeding to death in their mothers arms after going back in their house after being denied medical treatment. One survived but reportedly will never walk again.. They even defend those targeted attacks on children. It is really pointless talking to these Zionist baby killer cheerleaders on this board. They are pathetic.
Btselem lists 344 children by name that Israel killed in Cast Lead and they identify how Israel killed each and every one of those 344 children. DCI Palestine lists some 352 children killed by Israel and they provide even more details about how Israel killed each child. Israel is responsible for the children they kill and the majority of the killings were unlawful targetings of civilians under intl law that constitute war crimes. The Fourth Geneva Convention and its Protocols are very clear, targeting of civilians is unlawful and that is true even where acts of Hamas may have led up to the killings.The crimes of the other side do not relieve Israell from abiding by her obligations to not target civilians and civilian objects.
And your experience with 'standard debating procedures' would consist of what, exactly?
Speech class in college, where formal debates normally occur.

I'm curious - especially since you seem to have trouble remembering whether you're participating in a debate, running a courtroom (LOL!), or spinning lies in the boys' locker room.....
I assure you, there is no trouble on this end. Many times, I seem to be the only one trying to debate, while others care to spend their time pontificating.

The courtroom analogy, is to put things in perspective. In that extreme situation, you wouldn't be permitted to say the things you say without showing just cause. The mechanics of a debate (in a court of law) are the same, the rules of debate are just more strictly enforced.

And everyone lies in a locker room! Everyone!
I GAVE a reason, Loinie: 'Global Research' is not an actual news outlet, but more of a blog and very pointedly advocates a certain political view. They are less reporting events than seeking to push a specific agenda. There is no 'fact-checking', no oversight, no vetting of reporters or the articles they submit such as occurs with any bona fide news organization.
That's just your opinion of the website, which carry's no weight in determining its credibility.

It's a non-partisan, non-affiliated, media outlet based in Canada. They are linked to more college library's, than any other media outlet in the country. There's nothing wrong with using them as a source. There is, however, a lot wrong with constantly trying to discredit the source and never addressing the specific claim that started the discussion in the first place. People who play the source game, don't have valid arguments. Because if they did, they would've used them, instead of the ad hominem.
the word TARGET as a verb necessitates INTENT. Intent
is an issue of utmost importance in the field of
criminology----a field with which lawyers SHOULD have,,,
at the very least-----a modicum of familiararity. I have come
across very well written and short books clearly intended for
cops-----that get nicely into enough on the matter of
the cognition of INTENT------its developement and levels
of maturity etc etc -----simple enough even for a lawyer to
criticizing zionists or jews is Not in itself antisemitic
No knucklehead, asshole, for the tenth time. Criticizing Jews is not the same as being anti Zionist, you fucking illiterate ignorant moron. Go back to school and at last get your Middle School school diploma. Islamic madrassa is not considered proper education.
The difference being unlike you I don't cheer when a Palestinian blows up a Israeli school bus.
But you do cheer when Palestinian fishermen are shot at from Israeli gunboats just for kicks.

You do cheer when a bunch of Palestinian kids playing soccer are blown away from an Israeli drone.

You do cheer the over 500 checkpoints and roadblocks in the West Bank the Israeli's have constructed on land that isn't their's.
Nah, that's the kind of stuff you Pali terrorist supporters do. Israel supporters are human beings. You of course will lie about everything and everyone for your beloved IslamoNazis, that is the nature of your ilk.
being anti zionist is not the same as being anti jewish -----

referring to the New Testament as a "corruption" written
by "perverse liars " who were the "enemeeees of islaaaam"
is not the same as being anti-christian

Bombing ancient buddhist statuary is not the same as being anti-

and describing muhummad as being a perverted rapist, murdering dog---
and shariah as shit is not the same as being anti muslim

now that we all have that clear------we can continue our genteel
Of course, I am not looking at that the right way, it is the one who Hates who has to let go of his hate which he can only do through love.
At the risk of making it seem like I'm coming to Roudy's defense, how does a "hater" find love, if he's never been exposed to it? How does someone become a caring person, if they've never been in a caring environment? How would they know what that is? Or even recognize it when it happens?

I don't think matters whether the love is from the "hater", or someone else who happens to "love the hater", the existance of that love, will neutralize that hate in some way. Like baking soda on battery acid.

But there's no question, Roudy's the battery acid!
Don't worry about me, I have plenty love ( knock on wood, God bless). Worry about yourself, mr garbage trailor trash from long beach who has to get girls drunk and drugged to go out with him (in my days that would be considered RAPE), in his stupid 280z aka wanna be poor man's Ferrari, posting from a lame ass all male bar no normal person would step into, who's previous owner was a racist that committed suicide. Do I have you covered? Ha ha ha. Fucking looooooser.
The Zionists posting here do not accept Israel has any faults or does anything wrong ever. FOR EXAMPLE, in Cast Lead one incident addressed by the Goldstone report involved a soldier getting out of his tank and opening fire targeting three little girls as they stood in front of their house waving white flags. Two died later bleeding to death in their mothers arms after going back in their house after being denied medical treatment. One survived but reportedly will never walk again.. They even defend those targeted attacks on children. It is really pointless talking to these Zionist baby killer cheerleaders on this board. They are

The account of the shootings of the three girls ----and presumably the mother---does not make much sense. It lacks detail.
For someone who pretends to be a lawyer----you are not doing much of a job,
sherri. A very fine lawyer once told me-----the more DETAIL you
can provide ---the more credible is your testimony.
He probably went to law school to learn that He also cautioned---"never guess--you can say ---to the best of my recollection if you are fairly sure"

According to the idiotic story----in the midst of a battle ---this idiot soldier forgot that he has no idea who was IN the house----who might throw a
grenade at him, or shoot him ----and knowing that Gazan women have
certainly been KNOWN to be armed he just BLITHELY stepped out of his tank
to shoot some kids.

Were I on a jury ---I would not believe that story. There has to be a lot
more ----and since you left it out----you OBVIOUSLY DID SO because
the rest of the story does not support your ALLEGATIONS.

so far what you presented was a soldier whose actions can be explained
only as INSANITY You are trying to claim that the soldier some how
KNEW----that the three girls and the mother were alone----HE KNEW that
there was no one else around who could shoot at HIM----
-and HE KNEW them to be unarmed -----so he figured
"OH GOODY ---I CAN KILL THEM----for "fun" Keeping in mind---
that unlike brave JIHADISTS FOR ALLAH/ISA ----jews do not even
get the promise of JANNAH for such actions ----or all expense paid
vacations in Mecca.... WHAT IS THE MOTIVE, counselor?
your story is a pile of crap

The sluts who tie bombs to their STINKING ASSES always have a
MOTIVE------'honor" "jannah" etc even suicide is a very
prevalent motive in ALL POPULATIONS

The dogs who sneak into houses and slit the throats of infants
in the name of ALLAH/ISA are heroes in the eyes of the sluts
at home AND THEIR SOCIETIES and in their mosques ---the
jewish soldier in the tank had nothing to gain at all,, so he risked
his own life for NOTHING-----he was not even suicidal

as to denial of medical care-----what medical care?
Was there ANYTHING else going on besides a few harmless
kids and a mother standing around?

you baby throat slitting jihadists are pathetic
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America's "Chosen One" will be using bibles pilfered from Lincoln and King when the High Priest of SCOTUS performs today's anointment. MLK would not approve:

"I’m convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. … When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, militarism and economic exploitation are incapable of being conquered. A true revolution of values will soon cause us to question the fairness and justice of many of our present policies. …
Obama: I Have a Drone vs MLK: I have a Dream | Common Dreams
I GAVE a reason, Loinie: 'Global Research' is not an actual news outlet, but more of a blog and very pointedly advocates a certain political view. They are less reporting events than seeking to push a specific agenda. There is no 'fact-checking', no oversight, no vetting of reporters or the articles they submit such as occurs with any bona fide news organization.

Paid shills like you are trained to attack credibility of sources and people.

Deal with the substantive issue, everyone is onto you here.

If you do not like what is said by someone, prove it is not true.

Shills sell their souls for dollars, nothing can be believed coming out of your mouth.
America's "Chosen One" will be using bibles pilfered from Lincoln and King when the High Priest of SCOTUS performs today's anointment. MLK would not approve:

"I’m convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. … When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, militarism and economic exploitation are incapable of being conquered. A true revolution of values will soon cause us to question the fairness and justice of many of our present policies. …
Obama: I Have a Drone vs MLK: I have a Dream | Common Dreams

You are so right, there is no way in the world Martin Luther King Jr would support the crimes of Zionism being carried out today in Palestine.

His book Strength to Love is the most awesome book, and everything he says about the Injustices of Slavery and the aftermaths of it in America are true of Occupation in Palestine.

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