Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

FULL AUDIO: Dr. Laura Schlessinger's N-word rant | Media Matters for America

Mebbe Dr. Laura is being poisoned by the same guy who gave Tourette's to Robert Gibbs and Keith Halloran?

Is it Talk Like An Idiot Week and nobody told me?
She did nothing wrong. She is far wiser than her caller. She should not have apologized, but I suppose she had to to put it to bed, so to speak. I think the caller probably worked for Media Matters.

If we can't have a discussion like the one Dr Laura was trying to have, and in the way she was trying to have it, honestly, we're doomed as far as "racialism" is concerned.

Either you are joking or you are a troll. Either way, that was a funny post. :clap2:
I'm no troll. Take a look at my statistics.
Did you listen to the whole segment as put up by Media Matters?

Actually, to be fair, this whole thread is heavy into trolling; an effort to ambush anyone who doesn't disagree that Dr. Laura is a monster, and that any fair discussion of race is racist.
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In addition to my previous comments, anyone who calls Dr Laura for advise is seriously asking for it. She is a bully who enjoys ripping a new one in her hapless callers, who tend to be bleating sheep and groupies. Sure, sometimes the woman is right, and it's fun to hear her tell it like it is to some of the blundering idiots who call in. But the woman is an arrogant, condescending witch. My opinion, of course.

I listened to Dr Laura every day for years, and although some of her comments may have seemed harsh, they were well founded in human nature, and never intended to be mean. The woman is brilliant, and well qualified to speak truth to idiocy. My opinion, of course.
We live in a country that has a long history of discriminating against and downgrading blacks. If this weren't so, there never would have been a word "******". People who broke into your house in the middle of the night and dragged you out and hung you called you "******"

If blacks choose to use the word as a way of empowering themselves and taking away the sting of the word "******" they are entitled to.

However, if one of the oppressor group chooses to use the word it is disrespectful and degrading.

so is it the same when they call you white guys "HONKY?".....or are they allowed to do that?....

The last time I witnessed a black person saying that word, it was on a Jefferson's rerun. What fucking year do you live in?
Blacks out here have used it quite a bit.....but you are a black guy who acts white.....so i guess you would not know.......
however, i think it's important to understand that they started using it with each other to take it away from white people.

ok i can see that if they are among whites......but if there no whites around or just a few but basically the place is all blacks and they they still call each other that.....then what you said..... it then doesnt fly.....
How is Zona "a black guy who acts white"? Because he has command of the language and his emotions? Because he isn't 16?

Gheesh, the nonsense just does not end.

And no, Allie, not everyone thinks "Cracker" is insulting. Especially not down south. Means a poor white person who works hard.....hardly an insult.
OMG, Cracker down south means, a poor WHITE person who works hard.

I guess that's what the Black panthers meant when they said it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVcfymOvoUo]YouTube - black panther kill some crackers.flv[/ame]
Sorry, I gotta side with Dr. Schlessinger on this one even though I'm not a big fan of hers. She's absolutely right. You can say fuck, shit, motherfucker, goddamn, bitch, ****, asshole and all sorts of other similar words in whatever context you want, but the word ****** has to always be referred to as either the N-word or n-----. And then, as Dr. Laura said, if it comes from a black person, it's okay; if it comes from a white person, it's racism.

I don't get it.
Sorry, I gotta side with Dr. Schlessinger on this one even though I'm not a big fan of hers. She's absolutely right.

Then do you also agree with her when she said: "Yesterday, I did the wrong thing. I didn't intend to hurt people, but I did. And that makes it the wrong thing to have done. I was attempting to make a philosophical point, and I articulated the "n" word all the way out - more than one time. And that was wrong. I'll say it again - that was wrong."

Or do you still think that she was right to say ******, and that she was wrong to say that she was wrong?

Were her initial comments right or wrong? And was her admitting that she was wrong, right or wrong?
Dear God, what would racist whites have to bitch about if some noodleheads had not ripped off Angela Davis and Eldridge Cleaver? There was a tad more to the Black Panther Party than a cool wardrobe, and someone should tell those idijits this.
For the record, I do not think that what Dr. Laura said makes her a racist...nor do I think that was she said was racist.

I think what she said was inappropriate and unnecessary.
whenever there's a discussion about The Enwerd, the cracker analogy always follows, and it's always a massive equivalence fail. It has as much place in this discussion as the word 'poopie pants'.

I'm seriously starting to wonder if some of you people sip all your meals through a straw.
For the record, I do not think that what Dr. Laura said makes her a racist...nor do I think that was she said was racist.

I think what she said was inappropriate and unnecessary.

It doesn't make a person a racist to say they shouldn't marry out side their races or to say to get a sense of humor when the N word is being spewed in your own home, its just idiotic and this woman is supposed to be there for advise?

On a personal note, you are a fool if you call a woman for advise about anything considering her mother died and was not discovered for days because she didn't care or the fact that her son (who is admirably serving) wrote how he wants to kill everyone in his battalion... This is supposed to be some kind of expert? Expert at what....what exactly is she a doctor of? Basically, she is a glorified gym teacher who is an expert on everything dealing with life?

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so is it the same when they call you white guys "HONKY?".....or are they allowed to do that?....

The last time I witnessed a black person saying that word, it was on a Jefferson's rerun. What fucking year do you live in?
Blacks out here have used it quite a bit.....but you are a black guy who acts white.....so i guess you would not know.......

that kind of thinking--regardless of the color of the thinker--is just another reason why there is still cultural segregation in this country. Zona's an Uncle Tom, so is therefore not black enough to speak about black issues? Blacks should fit in to their assigned cultural stereotypes? Fuck. That.

And yeah, honky is about as old school and lame as cracker. I've never heard either used seriously, it's always been as a joke.

All of your posts in this thread have been retarded. :thup:
so is it the same when they call you white guys "HONKY?".....or are they allowed to do that?....

The last time I witnessed a black person saying that word, it was on a Jefferson's rerun. What fucking year do you live in?
Blacks out here have used it quite a bit.....but you are a black guy who acts white.....so i guess you would not know.......

I am a glack guy who "acts white"? Were the hell did that come from? Please provide examples. I would love to some evidence of this.


This also explains why the Connecticut gun man went off and killed 8 white co-workers. The word "******", sets off a lot of emotions in the minds of Blacks, that can get a White person Killed!!
Whether or not you realize it you are placing in the minds of White people the very valid idea that Black people are analogous to pit bull dogs who harbor some innately unpredictable inclination to homicidal violence.

In what you've said here you have given me and every other White person who reads this warning a perfectly justifiable reason to diligently avoid contact with Black people whenever possible, and you've given White business owners a reason to avoid hiring Blacks. Because if some White person, for whatever reason, chooses to racially antagonize some Black person, there is an active possibility that the Black might go off and start randomly killing every White in sight, including me, my children or my grandchildren.

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