Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

The hypersensitivity over the word "******" is just another example of why we can't all just get along. I think part of the problem is that so often, blacks fit the word "******" pretty well, and they know it. So that's why they go crazy about the word being used by whites. But there's no changing that fact, only DEALING with that fact.

My idea: a slow and non-disruptive move toward racial separation. In the name of peace, please. We'd ALL be better off.

We're not going to "get over" race any more than we're going to "get over" sex or food.

Race has been blown so out of proportion. Political correctness has only made it worse. We'll never get over it because it is always being made an issue even when it isn't one.
I had a discussion with a black student once who was dissing the black teachers in my school by saying "They're not "really black" because they "talk like white people" When I told her that statement was racist, her response was "So what?" Racism is alive and well across cultures, and for many kids, its no biggie.

you stupid fucking bitch. your brainwashed hypocritical ass has the gall to criticize another person for thinking for themselves and speaking their mind honestly ? you fucking idiot. you think a person should be ashamed of knowing the truth ? you think you can be proud of bending over for zionist propaganda ? you disgust me. pathetic.

having your eyes open is nothing to be ashamed of. burying your head in the sand is. so she noticed that black people talk a certain way and black teachers do not. by observing this reality she commited a crime ? you think you have the right to *condemn* that and express outrage at the fact that to her it is "no biggie"? WHO gave you that right ?

how insane your lib ass **** has to be to question a person's right to choose physical reality over YOUR ideology ? who the fuck do you think you are that the world must revolve around you and your religious superstitions ? you disapprove ? great now GO FUCK YOURSELF.

what have you done for mankind that anybody should care for your opinion on right and wrong ?

WTF? I'm no fan of chanel's but you're way outta line here. What have you ever done for mankind but be a worthless sack of foulmouthed bigoted shit? Yet you get to spout your worthless opinions all day long.

What's the matter, the cheeto crumbs in your wifebeater chafing again?
I approve.


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I read the transcript: "DR" Laura seems totally wack.

A black woman calls in to complain that her White husband ignores his friends' racially disturbing remarks..e.g...using the N-word

Dr. Laura suggests that the wife develope a sense of humor, like they do on HBO?

WTF? So now HBO is the model upon which we should socially interact?
Note this Laura never really let the black women finish any point she was trying to make.

How the hell do you righties think you can solve any of this without listening to black people?
Um, okay. What part of "black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is n---, n----, n----" isn't true? I don't think she should be castigated for what she said and I don't believe she had to apologize for it as the context was 100% accurate. That she chose to apologize though is her business.

Listen to a Chris Rock routine and good luck trying to count how many times he says ******.
Note this Laura never really let the black women finish any point she was trying to make.

How the hell does anyone think you can solve any of this without listening to black people?


You're remarks would sound a lot less retarded if they weren't filled with blind partisanship.

Dr. Laura is an example of all whites who prefer that blacks "keep smiling" rather than become angry about blatent racism.
Is Dr. Laura a Tea Party Supporter???[/COLOR]

Say what? The Tea Party movement.......which I am not part of......has to do with limited gubmint and lower taxes. The racial smear doesn't work for anyone who has their eyes actually open. Educate yourself. Try again.
Um, okay. What part of "black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is n---, n----, n----" isn't true? I don't think she should be castigated for what she said and I don't believe she had to apologize for it as the context was 100% accurate. That she chose to apologize though is her business.

Listen to a Chris Rock routine and good luck trying to count how many times he says ******.

As Chris Rock put it....Black people are allowed to use the "N" word and white people aren't

If two fat women joke about how fat they are, it is OK.....If a skinny girl jokes about how fat they are.........its just plain mean

If poor people joke about how poor they are, its OK........If rich people joke about poor people....its just plain mean

Blacks can joke about the "N" word....if whites do it........its just plain mean
One of the statements laura cut this woman off from saying was that white people MADE the word ****** an insult so them trying to use it is not the same.

Now when will you people realise that to end racism you have to listen to how black people feel about all of this?
Um, okay. What part of "black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is n---, n----, n----" isn't true? I don't think she should be castigated for what she said and I don't believe she had to apologize for it as the context was 100% accurate. That she chose to apologize though is her business.

Listen to a Chris Rock routine and good luck trying to count how many times he says ******.

As Chris Rock put it....Black people are allowed to use the "N" word and white people aren't

If two fat women joke about how fat they are, it is OK.....If a skinny girl jokes about how fat they are.........its just plain mean

If poor people joke about how poor they are, its OK........If rich people joke about poor people....its just plain mean

Blacks can joke about the "N" word....if whites do it........its just plain mean

the hell you say, what a Country when certain GROUPS of people are ALLOWED to say certain things and others aren't. what friggen country do we live AGAIN?
One of the statements laura cut this woman off from saying was that white people MADE the word ****** an insult so them trying to use it is not the same.

Now when will you people realise that to end racism you have to listen to how black people feel about all of this?

if she cut her off, how do you know what she intended to say?

Um, okay. What part of "black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is n---, n----, n----" isn't true? I don't think she should be castigated for what she said and I don't believe she had to apologize for it as the context was 100% accurate. That she chose to apologize though is her business.

Listen to a Chris Rock routine and good luck trying to count how many times he says ******.

As Chris Rock put it....Black people are allowed to use the "N" word and white people aren't

If two fat women joke about how fat they are, it is OK.....If a skinny girl jokes about how fat they are.........its just plain mean

If poor people joke about how poor they are, its OK........If rich people joke about poor people....its just plain mean

Blacks can joke about the "N" word....if whites do it........its just plain mean

You and Rock are entitled to your opinions. But, again, what part of what she said isn't true?
Weren't you Liberals all upset about an "out of context" video that supposedly nailed a Black woman as racist lately? Same thing here.

Blacks say "******" no matter the context= OK.
Whites say "******" no matter the context= Not OK.

Got it.

If blacks don't like the word "******" then they shouldn't call themselves that in public or private.

I asked my Jap wife what she thought about all this and she said "Shut up hakujin" (white guy).

You lefties are the biggest race baiters and grievance mongers ever. Hyper sensitive to anything and everything. Especially if you think you can get some sort of advantage from it.

Obama and those that worship him as a god have set race relations in this country back a generation. People who voted for him because he's black are now gonna' vote against him because he's black. You created this mess, don't blame us.

took the words right out of my mouth, if ****** is okay for some it is okay for all, or else blacks are hypocrites.. one or the other, it's either a bad word or it isn't.
One of the statements laura cut this woman off from saying was that white people MADE the word ****** an insult so them trying to use it is not the same.

Now when will you people realise that to end racism you have to listen to how black people feel about all of this?

if she cut her off, how do you know what she intended to say?


vulcan mind meld?
One of the statements laura cut this woman off from saying was that white people MADE the word ****** an insult so them trying to use it is not the same.

Now when will you people realise that to end racism you have to listen to how black people feel about all of this?

if she cut her off, how do you know what she intended to say?


vulcan mind meld?

good thought but that presumes two minds, and we're at least one short if truthsplattered is part of the mix.

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