Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

When are people going to learn? You can't say "******" out loud in public unless you are one. That makes it all ok. Anybody else who says it (unless they are black) is a racist and Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson will be marching outside of your house raising hell. That is, unless you're Chris Rock.
The word is offensive, period, and blacks should not use it at all. They get no pass with it on my premises of business, at home, or in my presence.
She had a whiny interview on Larry King about her need for freedom of speech, and how she's going to pursue it through other means.

YouTube - LKL - Dr. Laura Ending Her Radio Show

So in other words, she really has no idea what the first amendment actually means.

Sure she does. But as she said, she doesn't see any point in having her self expression cost others, and in the climate we are now in she feels she has to go to other venues, where that is on her and not on others.

She's talking about the desire of some in our country to silence others instead of offering reasoned debate.

I've never seen Dr Laura so near to tears. She's tired.

As a member of her audience, when she was still on in our market, I always listened because I was certain to learn from her in the realm I'm most interested, human nature. I actually feel that she made me a better man, because I was so often reminded by her that being weak is no good excuse for bad behavior.
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She had a whiny interview on Larry King about her need for freedom of speech, and how she's going to pursue it through other means.

YouTube - LKL - Dr. Laura Ending Her Radio Show

So in other words, she really has no idea what the first amendment actually means.

Sure she does. But as she said, she doesn't see any point in having her self expression cost others, and in the climate we are now in she feels she has to go to other venues, where that is on her and not on others.

She's talking about the desire of some in our country to silence others instead of offering reasoned debate.

I've never seen Dr Laura so near to tears. She's tired.

As a member of her audience, when she was still on in our market, I always listened because I was certain to learn from her in the realm I'm most interested, human nature. I actually feel that she made me a better man, because I was so often reminded by her that being weak is no good excuse for bad behavior.
Do you agree with her advice to the woman caller...that the woman should just accept racial slurs and put downs from her husband's family and friends?
She was dead wrong about the word and every sane person knows it.

You dont use racial slur words and pretend they mean nothing.

A Jewish person can call themselves a **** and not be an antisemite.

A woman can call herself a bitch but you cant.

You want black people to accept what you dont expect other humans to accept.
So in other words, she really has no idea what the first amendment actually means.

Sure she does. But as she said, she doesn't see any point in having her self expression cost others, and in the climate we are now in she feels she has to go to other venues, where that is on her and not on others.

She's talking about the desire of some in our country to silence others instead of offering reasoned debate.

I've never seen Dr Laura so near to tears. She's tired.

As a member of her audience, when she was still on in our market, I always listened because I was certain to learn from her in the realm I'm most interested, human nature. I actually feel that she made me a better man, because I was so often reminded by her that being weak is no good excuse for bad behavior.
Do you agree with her advice to the woman caller...that the woman should just accept racial slurs and put downs from her husband's family and friends?

But did she do that? Or was her intent to express that the woman was giving the slur more power than it merited? She was illustrating that black people don't give the word any power at all when it is used by black people. So if the same attitude was used when the word was used by white people, one rises above the pettiness and ugliness that anybody using that word as a racial slur intends and removes its power to hurt. You (generic you) become too strong to be intimidated or controlled by hateful comments by others.

I think it is a legitimate debate to have, and I honestly believe that was Dr. Laura's intent.

Anyhow I guess it's going to be pretty moot, because I saw this morning that Dr. Laura is hanging it up and quitting the business.
Ah, an apologist for Dr Laura's racism. I'm surprised. (not) Why didn't Dr Laura tell that woman to cut her racist family loose? Does Dr Laura support domestic violence and emotional abuse?
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Sure she does. But as she said, she doesn't see any point in having her self expression cost others, and in the climate we are now in she feels she has to go to other venues, where that is on her and not on others.

She's talking about the desire of some in our country to silence others instead of offering reasoned debate.

I've never seen Dr Laura so near to tears. She's tired.

As a member of her audience, when she was still on in our market, I always listened because I was certain to learn from her in the realm I'm most interested, human nature. I actually feel that she made me a better man, because I was so often reminded by her that being weak is no good excuse for bad behavior.
Do you agree with her advice to the woman caller...that the woman should just accept racial slurs and put downs from her husband's family and friends?

But did she do that? Or was her intent to express that the woman was giving the slur more power than it merited? She was illustrating that black people don't give the word any power at all when it is used by black people. So if the same attitude was used when the word was used by white people, one rises above the pettiness and ugliness that anybody using that word as a racial slur intends and removes its power to hurt. You (generic you) become too strong to be intimidated or controlled by hateful comments by others.

I think it is a legitimate debate to have, and I honestly believe that was Dr. Laura's intent.

Anyhow I guess it's going to be pretty moot, because I saw this morning that Dr. Laura is hanging it up and quitting the business.
Her call wasn't just about the word ******. It was about continued racial slurs from the woman's husband's friends and family.

Substitute the word **** for ****** and make the slurs sexual instead of racial. Would the advice have been the same? I doubt it sincerely.

Why exactly should anyone be expected to put up with bad treatment from relatives and spousal friends? Would you? Would you respect your husband if he didn't tell them to stop it?
She was dead wrong about the word and every sane person knows it.

You dont use racial slur words and pretend they mean nothing.

A Jewish person can call themselves a **** and not be an antisemite.

A woman can call herself a bitch but you cant.

You want black people to accept what you dont expect other humans to accept.

No, a Jew cannot without further demeaning the horror of Nazi Germany.

No, a woman cannot without further demeaning the efforts of all the feminists who have fought for women's rights.

No, a black cannot without further demeaning 350 years of racial terror.

So in other words, she really has no idea what the first amendment actually means.

Sure she does. But as she said, she doesn't see any point in having her self expression cost others, and in the climate we are now in she feels she has to go to other venues, where that is on her and not on others.

She's talking about the desire of some in our country to silence others instead of offering reasoned debate.

I've never seen Dr Laura so near to tears. She's tired.

As a member of her audience, when she was still on in our market, I always listened because I was certain to learn from her in the realm I'm most interested, human nature. I actually feel that she made me a better man, because I was so often reminded by her that being weak is no good excuse for bad behavior.
Do you agree with her advice to the woman caller...that the woman should just accept racial slurs and put downs from her husband's family and friends?

She didn't mean it as a racial slur; she has admitted she made was wrong on several levels. Let it go. I'm certainly not going to judge her on it.

Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone, seems relevant in the present climate.
How do you know she didn't mean it as a racial slur? What white woman gets away with telling a black woman to get over being called a ******? Dr Laura put her foot in her arrogant mouth. She was advising the calller to take verbal abuse and shut up about it.
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Sure she does. But as she said, she doesn't see any point in having her self expression cost others, and in the climate we are now in she feels she has to go to other venues, where that is on her and not on others.

She's talking about the desire of some in our country to silence others instead of offering reasoned debate.

I've never seen Dr Laura so near to tears. She's tired.

As a member of her audience, when she was still on in our market, I always listened because I was certain to learn from her in the realm I'm most interested, human nature. I actually feel that she made me a better man, because I was so often reminded by her that being weak is no good excuse for bad behavior.
Do you agree with her advice to the woman caller...that the woman should just accept racial slurs and put downs from her husband's family and friends?

She didn't mean it as a racial slur; she has admitted she made was wrong on several levels. Let it go. I'm certainly not going to judge her on it.

Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone, seems relevant in the present climate.
That's not what I asked you. I don't care that Dr. Laura said ******...and I agree she wasn't using it as a slur.

I asked you about the advice she gave to the woman: Put up with your husband's family and friends racial remarks. Do you agree with that advice?
She was dead wrong about the word and every sane person knows it.

You dont use racial slur words and pretend they mean nothing.

A Jewish person can call themselves a **** and not be an antisemite.

A woman can call herself a bitch but you cant.

You want black people to accept what you dont expect other humans to accept.

No, a Jew cannot without further demeaning the horror of Nazi Germany.

No, a woman cannot without further demeaning the efforts of all the feminists who have fought for women's rights.

No, a black cannot without further demeaning 350 years of racial terror.


Your heart is in the right place but reality isnt with you.

We are not talking about just YOUR feelings, we are talking about the feelings of the people involved.

Some blacks find the word use a breaking of the power that kept them down, they steal the power of the word from their oppressors.

I often joke about being rased white trash, the right LOVES the redneck bit.

What the rigbht does when they insist that they can use the word because black people use it is they are trying to tell these black people "you cant own the word, you have to share it with us".

They are telling a black people they cant even have the respect for them to allow them to work through the painful residue of slavery that is STILL left in this country.

Its a power thing.
Dr Laura needs diversity training.

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The Anti-Defamation League
(800) 343-5540
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Dr Laura would rather quit than give up her arrogance. How dare she tell a abused caller she is hypersensitve about race. Dr Laura is hyperINSENSITIVE about race.

"HONOLULU — A Hawaii state lawmaker intends to introduce a symbolic resolution banning the N-word after he heard talk radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger say it on air.

Democratic Rep. John Mizuno said Friday the resolution wouldn't have the effect of law, but he hopes it would send a message that the word is hateful and offensive.

Mizuno said he felt compelled to create the resolution after he heard Schlessinger say it was OK to use the N-word, which Mizuno argues shouldn't be listed in the dictionary or acknowledged in society.

The resolution would be considered by the state Legislature when it returns to the Capitol in January."
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Do you agree with her advice to the woman caller...that the woman should just accept racial slurs and put downs from her husband's family and friends?

She didn't mean it as a racial slur; she has admitted she made was wrong on several levels. Let it go. I'm certainly not going to judge her on it.

Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone, seems relevant in the present climate.
That's not what I asked you. I don't care that Dr. Laura said ******...and I agree she wasn't using it as a slur.

I asked you about the advice she gave to the woman: Put up with your husband's family and friends racial remarks. Do you agree with that advice?

I. as I'm sure did you, watched the video.
From what the woman said, her husband's friends (or family) did not use the N word. There was no claim by her of that. The he offense they were guilty of was asking questions about what people of her ethnity thought or felt about certain facets of that characteristic of hers. My own feeling was that they were trying to draw her in, make her feel a part of one or several conversations, and establish rapport, however clumsily. She didn't like being set apart by references to her ethnicity, and was offended by it. There is no doubt that their efforts were clumsy.

This is where Dr Laura went wrong in my opinion, by going to an extreme, makinmg a reference that wasn't a part of the original dialogue.

I live in a very cosmopolitan town, a university city; San Francisco East we call it. I have associations with people of many countries and ethnicities. Right now I'm doing work for a Pakistani lady. I am cereful in mentioning anything about Pakistan because I might strike a sensitive nerve, and our relationship is too good to risk damaging. But at some point when our business relationship is terminated, and we are, say, having a beer socially, I likely would make some of the same references that I construed from the lady's complaints to Dr Laura.
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Do you agree with her advice to the woman caller...that the woman should just accept racial slurs and put downs from her husband's family and friends?

But did she do that? Or was her intent to express that the woman was giving the slur more power than it merited? She was illustrating that black people don't give the word any power at all when it is used by black people. So if the same attitude was used when the word was used by white people, one rises above the pettiness and ugliness that anybody using that word as a racial slur intends and removes its power to hurt. You (generic you) become too strong to be intimidated or controlled by hateful comments by others.

I think it is a legitimate debate to have, and I honestly believe that was Dr. Laura's intent.

Anyhow I guess it's going to be pretty moot, because I saw this morning that Dr. Laura is hanging it up and quitting the business.
Her call wasn't just about the word ******. It was about continued racial slurs from the woman's husband's friends and family.

Substitute the word **** for ****** and make the slurs sexual instead of racial. Would the advice have been the same? I doubt it sincerely.

Why exactly should anyone be expected to put up with bad treatment from relatives and spousal friends? Would you? Would you respect your husband if he didn't tell them to stop it?

Okay here's the clip. The only example she gave was that a neighbor was asking "what do black people say about this or that." Admittedly it is a stupid comment. But racist? Sufficiently offensive to embarrass a guest in one's home and alienate a neighbor who probably otherwise is an okay neighbor? I have friends who are of other races, friends who are gay though we are heterosexual, and every now then an awkward comment is made, but everybody pretty much lets it slide and changes the subject. Much better than adding a toxic element to an otherwise pleasant gathering.

It's tougher sometimes when you mix rabid liberals with rabid conservatives :), but a skilled host can generally handle that in a way to avoid full blown confrontations in a social setting too.

Just listening to the clip, I tended to agree with Dr. Laura that the woman was unnecessarily sensitive and did have a chip on her shoulder. She chose to take offense rather than shrug it off as the stupidity that it is. There are feminist and certain religious people and environmentalists and tall people and short people and fat people and young people etc. etc. etc. who take personal offense at the slightest thing rather than seeing comments for the unintentionally stupid comments they are.

I also thought Dr. Laura cut her off too quickly when she was initially stating her complaint.

And just wading in on this topic, I know I'm probably already hip deep in shit and will probably regret it. :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lWRxuU9_JM]YouTube - Dr. Laura's Racist Rant? ****** Comments![/ame]
She didn't mean it as a racial slur; she has admitted she made was wrong on several levels. Let it go. I'm certainly not going to judge her on it.

Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone, seems relevant in the present climate.
That's not what I asked you. I don't care that Dr. Laura said ******...and I agree she wasn't using it as a slur.

I asked you about the advice she gave to the woman: Put up with your husband's family and friends racial remarks. Do you agree with that advice?

I. as I'm sure did you, watched the video.
From what the woman said, her husband's friends (or family) did not use the N word. There was no claim by her of that. The he offense they were guilty of was asking questions about what people of her ethnity thought or felt about certain facets of that characteristic of hers. My own feeling was that they were trying to draw her in, make her feel a part of one or several conversations, and establish rapport, however clumsily. She didn't like being set apart by references to her ethnicity, and was offended by it. There is no doubt that their efforts were clumsy.

This is where Dr Laura went wrong in my opinion, by going to an extreme, makinmg a reference that wasn't a part of the original dialogue.

I live in a very cosmopolitan town, a university city; San Francisco East we call it. I have associations with people of many countries and ethnicities. Right now I'm doing work for a Pakistani lady. I am cereful in mentioning anything about Pakistan because I might strike a sensitive nerve, and our relationship is too good to risk damaging. But at some point when our business relationship is terminated, and we are, say having a beer socially, I likely would make some of the same references that I construed from the ladies complaints.
Well, I think we agree. No one should have to put up with racial put downs from family and friends. I got the impression there were other remarks the woman couldn't discuss because Dr. L went off on her rant and cut her off.
The caller was asking for advice in dealing with a situation in which people were being incredibily racially insensitive.

Dr Laura's advice. "Get over it, you've got a chip on your shoulder and you're too sensitive."

Not a compassionate response or good advice. Racially insensitive advice. Then Dr Laura cuts her off and goes on a rampage.
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