Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

You have to wonder...would "dr" Laura have made the same type of comments if this woman's husband's friends constantly said **** or cracker or prick?

Because discounting someone's statements is important if the nick ain't "macho" IYO? Or because "Dresden" is such a pretty line of fine china?

look i understand you live in Cleveland....Ive been there....i can understand why your so miserable.....but do you think Egg Salad can defend him or herself?....i really dont give a rats ass what you think....a talking Egg Salad....now that might be worth a listen...

You have the ability to determine the race of a poster, but you can't figure out gender? huh? Aren't my posts manly enough? :eek:

Your cute ass throws us off. :lol:
The relevant fact is slavery ended long ago and Black Americans presently enjoy total equality. But there are and will remain for some gradually diminishing time a number of racist/hate groups, some of which are represented however informally in the following hate poetry:

"Waiting for the crackers; smuggle; his mug is in the gutters. . . . so we need your participation in the Caucasian assassination; time is wasting. . . . so who is in association with the ****** retaliation; it needs your total cooperation. . . .a confrontation will be fought by the younger generation; because we got determination; all we need is organization." (Purse Snatchers; Rush Associated Labels Recordings.)

"He preys on old white ladies who drive the Mercedes with the windows cracked. . . . you should've heard the bitch screaming. . . . sticking guns in crackers' mouths. . . . the cops can't stop it. . . . remember 4-29-92, come on; Florence and Normandy coming to a corner near you, cracker; we've been through your area, mass hysteria; led by your motherfucking Menace Clan." (Mad Nigga; Menace Clan, Da Hood, Rap-A-Lot Records.)

"I kill a devil right now. . . . I say kill whitey all nightey long. . . . I stabbed a fucking Jew with a steeple... I would kill a cracker for nothing, just for the fuck of it. . . . Menace Clan kill a cracker; jack 'em even quicker. . . . catch that devil sleeping; blow his fucking brains out." (Fuck a Record Deal; Menace Clan, Da Hood, Rap-A-Lot Records, Noo Trybe Records, subsidiaries of Thorn EMI.)

"A fight, a fight, a nigge* and a white, if the ****** don't win then we all jump in...smoking all America's white boys." (A Fight; Apache, Apache Ain't Shit, 1993, Tommy Boy Music, Time Warner, USA.)

"Niggas in the church say: kill whitey all night long. . . . the white man is the devil. . . . the CRIPS and Bloods are soldiers I'm recruiting with no dispute; drive-by shooting on this white genetic mutant. . . . let's go and kill some rednecks. . . . Menace Clan ain't afraid. . . . I got the .380; the homies think I'm crazy because I shot a white baby; I said; I said; I said: kill whitey all night long. . . a nigga dumping on your white ass; fuck this rap shit, nigga, I'm gonna blast. . . . I beat a white boy to the motherfucking ground." (Kill Whitey; Menace Clan, Da Hood, Rap-A-Lot Records.)

"Kill the white people; we gonna make them hurt; kill the white people; but buy my record first; ha, ha, ha" (Kill d'White People; Apache, Apache Ain't Shit, Tommy Boy Music, Time Warner, USA.)

That's just a few. I could show you dozens more, some as bad, some even worse. The SPLC doesn't pay attention to this relatively disorganized form of racist/hate groups. But nonetheless the hatred exists and is all too real.

So if you wish to dwell in the past and continue picking the scabs off old wounds there is nothing I can say to dissuade you. I'm not a psychiatrist.

Yea, once again it's whitey's fault that millions of blacks buy, listen to and have sex to shit like that, sure! The mere fact that you would grace an asshole like Sharpton with the Reverend label tells me just what kind of fool you are. Whitey forces blacks to smoke crack and black fathers to impregnate as many women as they can and then leave them....... your President even comes from one of those useless, low life, irresponsible wasters of air....... no wonder he hates whites, they made his daddy leave him.

Grow up!

What's interesting is how YOU STILL AVOID THE FACTS OF HISTORICALLY DOCUMENTED INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM AND BIGOTRY, as I laid out above. Unless you're some 20 year old that knows nothing beyond his birthday, ALL the information I listed happened WITHIN MY LIFETIME! My whole point was to show how the legacy of slavery lasted MUCH longer than YOU think.

While SPL center lists and denounces black racist groups, general commercial rap music with sexist/racist lyrics don't get coverage due to the FACT that they are NOT directly connected to a racist organization with a published agenda.

In short, your original assertion was proven wrong...and trying to switch to another venue for discussion won't change that.

What you don't seem to get, is that it's over, you have what you wanted in the White House
you can become anything you want with a bunch of monetary help from the taxpayers who are mostly white people ......... you have won and you still want to whine.

Let's get down to it, what's the figure, how much do you want to never bore us with the "oh poor me" bullshit, "my ancestors were enslaved by other Africans and sold around the world by Arabs........ you white devils owe me some money!".

Why aren't you bitching about all of the guilty parties, why don't you demand reparations from the descendants of Arab slave traders?

It's because you hate white people, why? Because you're a racist and you know that you can use the true goodness of today's majority of whites to get some kind of free ride, Arabs and Africans would tell you to go fuck yourselves. Hell, your President and his jerk wife have done it all their lives and look where it's gotten them.

Go tell your pitiful ancestral story to an American Indian living on a hot, fucked up reservation, see how much pity you get from him. The fact is, we all have had shit pasts, some get over it and move on, others allow their history to rule every facet of their lives....... look at the victims that insist on labeling themselves with hyphenated names....... pathetic. Africa couldn't give a shit about American blacks and yet you insist on calling yourself African first, then American, that's beyond pathetic. My ancestors on my fathers side fled France and ended up in Nova Scotia where they lived for a while before the British came in and took over. Being French, they were lower than shit to the British so they were raped, beaten and enslaved by them...... the homes they had built torched. They were finally separated and thrown on junky old boats to go back to France, if they could actually make it, many sunk and drowned. Not only do I not care to be referred to as French-American, I don't want anything from the British and blame them for nothing, it's the past and I won't let it have any power over me.

And your little "get over it...my ancestors had it tough too" excuses for the congenital bigotry and racism against black folk in this country DOES NOT ALTER OR DISPROVE THE FACTS AND LOGIC I PUT FORTH IN POSTS #311, 317, 325.

Bottom line: there is NO excuse for the mental machinations that "Dr. Laura" voiced, and your little history lesson does not change the FACTS of a century of Jim Crow Laws into 1960's, a SCOTUS decision to stop educational segregation that's only 4 years older than I am, or the very present slew of race hating organizations and individuals active in our society.

I don't defend or approve of racist rants from black folk, and I won't tolerate them about black people. Too bad for you if your ideals were voiced in public and blasted for the bigoted BS that it is. Deal with it or don't, because your whining is irrelevent.
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the n-word wasn't the worst thing that she said in her rant. i mean she said some really stereo typical things that bothered me. like the story she told about telling her body guard on the team because he is black and white men can't jump. then she went on saying Obama was a black thing (I'm black and I voted for Hilary Clinton during the primary season).

and laughed at the fact she thought just because black comics use the n-word it's OK. you have to be an idiot to take what is OK and not OK to say from HBO.

saying the n-word is not OK. I remember growing up my father never let me and my brother say that word.

"Doctor" Laura just got nailed revealing her true feelings on the subject....and her supporters just don't like the fact that when bigotry gets publically examined and revealed for it's sheer absurdity. People seldom take kindly to having the comfort zone of their beliefs criticized.

My Mom and all her family were from North Carolina....I grew up hearing my uncles saying "******" this & that, and my peers did the same thing, as I did. My Mom WOULD NOT STAND FOR THAT IN HER HOUSE! Mind you, she laughed like hell at Richard Pryor, Blazing Saddles and the like, but she made it quite clear to her boys why they shouldn't use the word.

I think that many of the folk in today's black performers across the spectrum should take a cue from the late Richard Pryor, and his explanation as to why at the pinnacle of his career he stopped using the word.
Dr. Laura, women call each other **** every once in a while. So, **** **** ****, oh, don't be so hypersensitive because women are the one's causing this. Does that feel better. Please, find another damn job. Your media connections have gone to your head, or ****, either way you suck badly, and I mean badly as a so called psychologist. Where did your degree come from. Was it maybe, **** university?????????????????? Looks like your the hypersensitive one from the way you responded on the talk show. Yea, apologize all you want to, but we all know you will always feel the same way about the n word. Loser..........................
Yes, that homicidally psychopathic poetry is lyrics taken from the medium known as "rap." And while the music of younger generations has typically expressed a shift from the existing temperament and social attitude of previous generations, the most prominent examples being the emergence of "boogie-woogie" in the 30s, "rock & roll" in the 50s and "heavy metal" of our presently manic social phase, can you point to any medium of expression, common to any time in history, including the rise of Nazi Germany, in which such unbridled, unmitigated, brazenly visceral and murderous hatred emerged in a form calling itself music and has been tolerated by even the most politically liberal segment of a supposedly civilized society? That isn't "music." It is the essence of the mentality of a segment of a rising generation. It is a warning!


Change your Depends, dude. It's not a warning, any more than are the neo-Nazi rock bands. I could pull up some Landser lyrics for example of racism in rock.

those quoted lyrics are from some rappers and labels I've never even heard of before, not even anywhere close to mainstream or anyone who's relevant in the underground. You took the absolute worst of the worst from some inconsequential artists, and are now trying to extrapolate it into some commentary about modern popular music. I don't know why.

As far as the violence rapped about in some hip-hop, i think that's two-fold. One is, it's a product of where the rappers come from--you speak what you know about. Two is, big label execs realize that there's a certain image that sells a lot of records (and no song/album is going to make it big without suburban white kids), so they push the image and the rappers who rap about things that foist that image: the muscular black man with jewelry and talks about fucking some club hos while smoking on a blunt.

Like the Republican party, hip-hop is going through some dueling self-image issues. A lot of listeners, which i'm one, reject that corporatized hip-hop in favor of underground artists that rap about real things: love, rejection, anxiety, achievement etc, where the emphasis is on the art of stringing words together, and not on the image of being 'a street thug' that the corporations like.

But even those corporate-sponsored thugs are fluffy bunnies compared to the lyrics you quoted. Not a meaningful representative sample, imo.

So you're saying that you have absolutely no musical taste and will listen to any shit that has an obnoxiously loud bass beat.......... only illiterate dip shits get sucked into that garbage.
Yea, once again it's whitey's fault that millions of blacks buy, listen to and have sex to shit like that, sure! The mere fact that you would grace an asshole like Sharpton with the Reverend label tells me just what kind of fool you are. Whitey forces blacks to smoke crack and black fathers to impregnate as many women as they can and then leave them....... your President even comes from one of those useless, low life, irresponsible wasters of air....... no wonder he hates whites, they made his daddy leave him.

Grow up!

What you don't seem to get, is that it's over, you have what you wanted in the White House
you can become anything you want with a bunch of monetary help from the taxpayers who are mostly white people ......... you have won and you still want to whine.

Let's get down to it, what's the figure, how much do you want to never bore us with the "oh poor me" bullshit, "my ancestors were enslaved by other Africans and sold around the world by Arabs........ you white devils owe me some money!".

Why aren't you bitching about all of the guilty parties, why don't you demand reparations from the descendants of Arab slave traders?

It's because you hate white people, why? Because you're a racist and you know that you can use the true goodness of today's majority of whites to get some kind of free ride, Arabs and Africans would tell you to go fuck yourselves. Hell, your President and his jerk wife have done it all their lives and look where it's gotten them.

Go tell your pitiful ancestral story to an American Indian living on a hot, fucked up reservation, see how much pity you get from him. The fact is, we all have had shit pasts, some get over it and move on, others allow their history to rule every facet of their lives....... look at the victims that insist on labeling themselves with hyphenated names....... pathetic. Africa couldn't give a shit about American blacks and yet you insist on calling yourself African first, then American, that's beyond pathetic. My ancestors on my fathers side fled France and ended up in Nova Scotia where they lived for a while before the British came in and took over. Being French, they were lower than shit to the British so they were raped, beaten and enslaved by them...... the homes they had built torched. They were finally separated and thrown on junky old boats to go back to France, if they could actually make it, many sunk and drowned. Not only do I not care to be referred to as French-American, I don't want anything from the British and blame them for nothing, it's the past and I won't let it have any power over me.

And your little "get over it...my ancestors had it tough too" excuses for the congenital bigotry and racism against black folk in this country DOES NOT ALTER OR DISPROVE THE FACTS AND LOGIC I PUT FORTH IN POSTS #311, 317, 325.

Bottom line: there is NO excuse for the mental machinations that "Dr. Laura" voiced, and your little history lesson does not change the FACTS of a century of Jim Crow Laws into 1960's, a SCOTUS decision to stop educational segregation that's only 4 years older than I am, or the very present slew of race hating organizations and individuals active in our society.

I don't defend or approve of racist rants from black folk, and I won't tolerate them about black people. Too bad for you if your ideals were voiced in public and blasted for the bigoted BS that it is. Deal with it or don't, because your whining is irrelevent.

Africa is waiting, I'll personally hook you up with a one way ticket, go back to the home you love most and take that idiot Kenyan with you.
We live in a country that has a long history of discriminating against and downgrading blacks. If this weren't so, there never would have been a word "******". People who broke into your house in the middle of the night and dragged you out and hung you called you "******"

If blacks choose to use the word as a way of empowering themselves and taking away the sting of the word "******" they are entitled to.

However, if one of the oppressor group chooses to use the word it is disrespectful and degrading.

so is it the same when they call you white guys "HONKY?".....or are they allowed to do that?....
No, it's not okay. What is wrong with you people, and "dr" Laura?

The caller has some hope of civility in her own home and among her own family and friends and she isn't getting it. What fault of hers is it that people on HBO say ******?

How incredibly nasty of "dr" Laura to blame this woman and all black people for being sensitive to the word. There is no doubt in my mind that if the word in question being thrown about was honky "dr" Laura would be singing a different tune.
We live in a country that has a long history of discriminating against and downgrading blacks. If this weren't so, there never would have been a word "******". People who broke into your house in the middle of the night and dragged you out and hung you called you "******"

If blacks choose to use the word as a way of empowering themselves and taking away the sting of the word "******" they are entitled to.

However, if one of the oppressor group chooses to use the word it is disrespectful and degrading.

so is it the same when they call you white guys "HONKY?".....or are they allowed to do that?....
No, it's not okay. What is wrong with you people, and "dr" Laura?

The caller has some hope of civility in her own home and among her own family and friends and she isn't getting it. What fault of hers is it that people on HBO say ******?

How incredibly nasty of "dr" Laura to blame this woman and all black people for being sensitive to the word. There is no doubt in my mind that if the word in question being thrown about was honky "dr" Laura would be singing a different tune.

I think you miss the point. There's no argument that the word "******" is offensive just as the word "****" is offensive. There's no argument that use of the word is intended to degrade, humiliate and belittle.

However, we're all grown up adults, or should be, at least to understand that saying these words in an oblique sense, as a point of reference in a conversation is different than saying it as a slur aimed directly towards someone. Dr. Laura didn't call the caller a ******. She used the word as an example of how Blacks get to use it with impunity, even as an insult towards each other, but everyone else has to sit in the penalty box for saying it unless they use the politically-correct terminology of "N-word." And to illustrate that point, Dr. Laura was immediately outcast.

Now you don't have to like Dr. Laura; I don't particularly agree with some of her views. And I don't agree with parts of her argument with the caller. But I don't see anything wrong with the context of how she used the word "******" in her conversation. I think it's too childish to expect her to use "N-word" instead. Might as well start using other words like "poo-poo" and "golly-gee-willickers" while we're at it.
so is it the same when they call you white guys "HONKY?".....or are they allowed to do that?....
No, it's not okay. What is wrong with you people, and "dr" Laura?

The caller has some hope of civility in her own home and among her own family and friends and she isn't getting it. What fault of hers is it that people on HBO say ******?

How incredibly nasty of "dr" Laura to blame this woman and all black people for being sensitive to the word. There is no doubt in my mind that if the word in question being thrown about was honky "dr" Laura would be singing a different tune.

I think you miss the point. There's no argument that the word "******" is offensive just as the word "****" is offensive. There's no argument that use of the word is intended to degrade, humiliate and belittle.

However, we're all grown up adults, or should be, at least to understand that saying these words in an oblique sense, as a point of reference in a conversation is different than saying it as a slur aimed directly towards someone. Dr. Laura didn't call the caller a ******. She used the word as an example of how Blacks get to use it with impunity, even as an insult towards each other, but everyone else has to sit in the penalty box for saying it unless they use the politically-correct terminology of "N-word." And to illustrate that point, Dr. Laura was immediately outcast.

Now you don't have to like Dr. Laura; I don't particularly agree with some of her views. And I don't agree with parts of her argument with the caller. But I don't see anything wrong with the context of how she used the word "******" in her conversation. I think it's too childish to expect her to use "N-word" instead. Might as well start using other words like "poo-poo" and "golly-gee-willickers" while we're at it.
I don't care that she said the word ******...she didn't use it in a racist manner, she wasn't calling anyone a ******.

Her opinion that this woman caller should just suck up insensitive racial comments made by her husband's friends and family is ridiculous.
We live in a country that has a long history of discriminating against and downgrading blacks. If this weren't so, there never would have been a word "******". People who broke into your house in the middle of the night and dragged you out and hung you called you "******"

If blacks choose to use the word as a way of empowering themselves and taking away the sting of the word "******" they are entitled to.

However, if one of the oppressor group chooses to use the word it is disrespectful and degrading.

so is it the same when they call you white guys "HONKY?".....or are they allowed to do that?....
No, it's not okay. What is wrong with you people, and "dr" Laura?

The caller has some hope of civility in her own home and among her own family and friends and she isn't getting it. What fault of hers is it that people on HBO say ******?

How incredibly nasty of "dr" Laura to blame this woman and all black people for being sensitive to the word. There is no doubt in my mind that if the word in question being thrown about was honky "dr" Laura would be singing a different tune.

I wonder how 'Dr' Laura would feel about the word "****" being thrown around in her home, and on her show? Didn't she used to be Jewish before she changed her mind?
Her opinion that this woman caller should just suck up insensitive racial comments made by her husband's friends and family is ridiculous.

thats what happens when your bothered by something and you call a dipshit radio host instead of talking to someone who might actually give you some good advice......
the n-word wasn't the worst thing that she said in her rant. i mean she said some really stereo typical things that bothered me. like the story she told about telling her body guard on the team because he is black and white men can't jump. then she went on saying Obama was a black thing (I'm black and I voted for Hilary Clinton during the primary season).

and laughed at the fact she thought just because black comics use the n-word it's OK. you have to be an idiot to take what is OK and not OK to say from HBO.

saying the n-word is not OK. I remember growing up my father never let me and my brother say that word.

"Doctor" Laura just got nailed revealing her true feelings on the subject....and her supporters just don't like the fact that when bigotry gets publically examined and revealed for it's sheer absurdity. People seldom take kindly to having the comfort zone of their beliefs criticized.

My Mom and all her family were from North Carolina....I grew up hearing my uncles saying "******" this & that, and my peers did the same thing, as I did. My Mom WOULD NOT STAND FOR THAT IN HER HOUSE! Mind you, she laughed like hell at Richard Pryor, Blazing Saddles and the like, but she made it quite clear to her boys why they shouldn't use the word.

I think that many of the folk in today's black performers across the spectrum should take a cue from the late Richard Pryor, and his explanation as to why at the pinnacle of his career he stopped using the word.

Dr laura is a **** but this is pure sillyness.
I can't help but notice that some of the folks posting here to denouce "hypersensitivity" to the n word are also claiming that being called a "honky" or "cracker" makes them cry like a little girl.

I can't help but notice that some of the folks posting here to denouce "hypersensitivity" to the n word are also claiming that being called a "honky" or "cracker" makes them cry like a little girl.


I still don't understand the beef with what Dr L said. People act like she use "******" in a personal, stereotypical, or derogatory manner.
No, it's not okay. What is wrong with you people, and "dr" Laura?

The caller has some hope of civility in her own home and among her own family and friends and she isn't getting it. What fault of hers is it that people on HBO say ******?

How incredibly nasty of "dr" Laura to blame this woman and all black people for being sensitive to the word. There is no doubt in my mind that if the word in question being thrown about was honky "dr" Laura would be singing a different tune.

I think you miss the point. There's no argument that the word "******" is offensive just as the word "****" is offensive. There's no argument that use of the word is intended to degrade, humiliate and belittle.

However, we're all grown up adults, or should be, at least to understand that saying these words in an oblique sense, as a point of reference in a conversation is different than saying it as a slur aimed directly towards someone. Dr. Laura didn't call the caller a ******. She used the word as an example of how Blacks get to use it with impunity, even as an insult towards each other, but everyone else has to sit in the penalty box for saying it unless they use the politically-correct terminology of "N-word." And to illustrate that point, Dr. Laura was immediately outcast.

Now you don't have to like Dr. Laura; I don't particularly agree with some of her views. And I don't agree with parts of her argument with the caller. But I don't see anything wrong with the context of how she used the word "******" in her conversation. I think it's too childish to expect her to use "N-word" instead. Might as well start using other words like "poo-poo" and "golly-gee-willickers" while we're at it.
I don't care that she said the word ******...she didn't use it in a racist manner, she wasn't calling anyone a ******.

Her opinion that this woman caller should just suck up insensitive racial comments made by her husband's friends and family is ridiculous.

Agreed. I understand the point Schlessinger was trying to make, but I agree with you that she shoved her way into the argument rather than take a moment to listen to what the woman was really saying.
I think you miss the point. There's no argument that the word "******" is offensive just as the word "****" is offensive. There's no argument that use of the word is intended to degrade, humiliate and belittle.

However, we're all grown up adults, or should be, at least to understand that saying these words in an oblique sense, as a point of reference in a conversation is different than saying it as a slur aimed directly towards someone. Dr. Laura didn't call the caller a ******. She used the word as an example of how Blacks get to use it with impunity, even as an insult towards each other, but everyone else has to sit in the penalty box for saying it unless they use the politically-correct terminology of "N-word." And to illustrate that point, Dr. Laura was immediately outcast.

Now you don't have to like Dr. Laura; I don't particularly agree with some of her views. And I don't agree with parts of her argument with the caller. But I don't see anything wrong with the context of how she used the word "******" in her conversation. I think it's too childish to expect her to use "N-word" instead. Might as well start using other words like "poo-poo" and "golly-gee-willickers" while we're at it.
I don't care that she said the word ******...she didn't use it in a racist manner, she wasn't calling anyone a ******.

Her opinion that this woman caller should just suck up insensitive racial comments made by her husband's friends and family is ridiculous.

Agreed. I understand the point Schlessinger was trying to make, but I agree with you that she shoved her way into the argument rather than take a moment to listen to what the woman was really saying.
What point do you think she was trying to make?

IMO she was saying that this woman should just put up with racial put downs. And I don't think she'd make that point to someone that isn't black.
And your little "get over it...my ancestors had it tough too" excuses for the congenital bigotry and racism against black folk in this country DOES NOT ALTER OR DISPROVE THE FACTS AND LOGIC I PUT FORTH IN POSTS #311, 317, 325.

Bottom line: there is NO excuse for the mental machinations that "Dr. Laura" voiced, and your little history lesson does not change the FACTS of a century of Jim Crow Laws into 1960's, a SCOTUS decision to stop educational segregation that's only 4 years older than I am, or the very present slew of race hating organizations and individuals active in our society.

I don't defend or approve of racist rants from black folk, and I won't tolerate them about black people. Too bad for you if your ideals were voiced in public and blasted for the bigoted BS that it is. Deal with it or don't, because your whining is irrelevent.

Africa is waiting, I'll personally hook you up with a one way ticket, go back to the home you love most and take that idiot Kenyan with you.

And as with all intellectually bankrupt, bigoted blowhards faced with facts and logic that contradict their beliefs.....Sitarro's veneer of "rationalism" falls apart and he lashes out with the irrational, ignorant mantras found in all the willfully ignorant diatribes of neocon punditry and their supporters.

The truth/logic to folk like Sitarro is like sunlight to a vampire. I'm done with him, and leave him to his next predictable rant.
And your little "get over it...my ancestors had it tough too" excuses for the congenital bigotry and racism against black folk in this country DOES NOT ALTER OR DISPROVE THE FACTS AND LOGIC I PUT FORTH IN POSTS #311, 317, 325.

Bottom line: there is NO excuse for the mental machinations that "Dr. Laura" voiced, and your little history lesson does not change the FACTS of a century of Jim Crow Laws into 1960's, a SCOTUS decision to stop educational segregation that's only 4 years older than I am, or the very present slew of race hating organizations and individuals active in our society.

I don't defend or approve of racist rants from black folk, and I won't tolerate them about black people. Too bad for you if your ideals were voiced in public and blasted for the bigoted BS that it is. Deal with it or don't, because your whining is irrelevent.

Africa is waiting, I'll personally hook you up with a one way ticket, go back to the home you love most and take that idiot Kenyan with you.

the n-word wasn't the worst thing that she said in her rant. i mean she said some really stereo typical things that bothered me. like the story she told about telling her body guard on the team because he is black and white men can't jump. then she went on saying Obama was a black thing (I'm black and I voted for Hilary Clinton during the primary season).

and laughed at the fact she thought just because black comics use the n-word it's OK. you have to be an idiot to take what is OK and not OK to say from HBO.

saying the n-word is not OK. I remember growing up my father never let me and my brother say that word.

"Doctor" Laura just got nailed revealing her true feelings on the subject....and her supporters just don't like the fact that when bigotry gets publically examined and revealed for it's sheer absurdity. People seldom take kindly to having the comfort zone of their beliefs criticized.

My Mom and all her family were from North Carolina....I grew up hearing my uncles saying "******" this & that, and my peers did the same thing, as I did. My Mom WOULD NOT STAND FOR THAT IN HER HOUSE! Mind you, she laughed like hell at Richard Pryor, Blazing Saddles and the like, but she made it quite clear to her boys why they shouldn't use the word.

I think that many of the folk in today's black performers across the spectrum should take a cue from the late Richard Pryor, and his explanation as to why at the pinnacle of his career he stopped using the word.

Dr laura is a **** but this is pure sillyness.

Specify, please.
Yes, that homicidally psychopathic poetry is lyrics taken from the medium known as "rap." And while the music of younger generations has typically expressed a shift from the existing temperament and social attitude of previous generations, the most prominent examples being the emergence of "boogie-woogie" in the 30s, "rock & roll" in the 50s and "heavy metal" of our presently manic social phase, can you point to any medium of expression, common to any time in history, including the rise of Nazi Germany, in which such unbridled, unmitigated, brazenly visceral and murderous hatred emerged in a form calling itself music and has been tolerated by even the most politically liberal segment of a supposedly civilized society? That isn't "music." It is the essence of the mentality of a segment of a rising generation. It is a warning!


Change your Depends, dude. It's not a warning, any more than are the neo-Nazi rock bands. I could pull up some Landser lyrics for example of racism in rock.

those quoted lyrics are from some rappers and labels I've never even heard of before, not even anywhere close to mainstream or anyone who's relevant in the underground. You took the absolute worst of the worst from some inconsequential artists, and are now trying to extrapolate it into some commentary about modern popular music. I don't know why.

As far as the violence rapped about in some hip-hop, i think that's two-fold. One is, it's a product of where the rappers come from--you speak what you know about. Two is, big label execs realize that there's a certain image that sells a lot of records (and no song/album is going to make it big without suburban white kids), so they push the image and the rappers who rap about things that foist that image: the muscular black man with jewelry and talks about fucking some club hos while smoking on a blunt.

Like the Republican party, hip-hop is going through some dueling self-image issues. A lot of listeners, which i'm one, reject that corporatized hip-hop in favor of underground artists that rap about real things: love, rejection, anxiety, achievement etc, where the emphasis is on the art of stringing words together, and not on the image of being 'a street thug' that the corporations like.

But even those corporate-sponsored thugs are fluffy bunnies compared to the lyrics you quoted. Not a meaningful representative sample, imo.

So you're saying that you have absolutely no musical taste and will listen to any shit that has an obnoxiously loud bass beat.......... only illiterate dip shits get sucked into that garbage.

Then I dedicate this song to you. :cool:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mMfavxyFUI]YouTube - Juggaknots - Clear Blue Skies[/ame]

Verse One:]
[Buddy Slim]
Damn it, son
I think its time we had a little man-to-man talking
I heard that you was hand-in-hand
Walking down the boulevard, middle of the day
With this Black chick
Tell me the truth, boy, or you can catch this slap quick

[The Brewin]
Let me get this straight
You're ranting and raving
Behaving like a mad dog with rabies
Because my baby's not white; that ain't right
Pops, you got me puzzled
Because in the past with Black folks you never struggled
At least to my knowledge

[Buddy Slim]
Your knowledge seems to need a little working
That little ****** bitch got you looking like The Jerk
And I can't another minute of you and that Black heifer, son
Looking sorta like Tom Willis from the Jefferson Show

[The Brewin]
What you know about my girl to try and slander
Let me talk a bit and maybe you can understand
The situation that I got isn't ?messing with somebody?
Cause this woman's taking care of both my mind and my body

[Buddy Slim]
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OK
I understand that she's attractive
Cause their bodies are just built to be sexually active
Baby-making taking tax money for their welfare
Or maybe up on 42nd with the bodies that they sell there
So what's her name?
Is it Shanainai or Shaquana?
Son, she's got to be a goner

[The Brewin]
Well I'm glad to see my father's in my corner

[Buddy Slim]
Oh, you think this shit is funny?
I ain't joking
That's the last straw, the camel's back has been broken


[Verse Two:]
[The Brewin]
Well I'll be damned
Cause it seems that I'm the last to know
My father's a bigot
My girl's Black, he can't dig it
So she has to go

[Buddy Slim]
Now you're judging me, kid
But do you know me

[The Brewin]
But it seems to me that even David Duke could be your homey

[Buddy Slim]
Now you know I ain't no racist
But they place us in a terrible predicament
They're taking over the block
And, damn it son, I'm sick of it

[The Brewin]
But when you see the neighbors you say "Hi, how you doing"

[Buddy Slim]
Still I think of how the value of my property's been ruined

[The Brewin]
You sound like such an idiot
I pity it
I wonder, should I laugh or should I cry?
More than anything I want a reason why
All of a sudden, the blood in your vien flows with such vigor
Just because you choose to call another person "******"

[Buddy Slim]
Well they're just some thugs
Stealing, slum-dwelling, drug-dealing, gun-selling
And a hundred yard dashing after doing purse-snatching
Damn savages who ravages the buckets of Kentucky Fried Chicken
With the first dibs on the ribs
Looking like a damn monkey on the football fields and basketball courts
Taking over sports
Leaving us just to golf and to tennis
And they menacing society, the bums
They should go the fuck to where they came from

[The Brewin]
So that's your vision of perfection
That's your clear blue skies
Through those clear blue eyes
Which seem to make you think you're better
But instead of simply sinking to the level of your thinking
I'll be ghost

[Buddy Slim]
Pack your bags, ******-lover, and good riddance

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