Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

This isn't real life? Are you a real person posting? I am. Do you imply it is not "real life" because we can't see each other? Wake the fuck up you stoopid ****.


You're playing dumb. Typing **** on a keyboard isn't the same as looking a woman in the eyes and calling her one. two way different things, imo. One you can get neg repped for, the other you can get smacked for.

Oh I see, you're guilty of living double standards you accuse others of having. If a woman smacks a man that is okay but if a man smacks a woman that is assault. Dumbass.

You're almost as good as Corncob when it comes to flaming the strawmen of your own imagination.

I made a statement about a woman smacking a man, not a judgment on it's rightness/wrongness. That's a position you imagined.

I asked a straight-forward question. I didn't make an accusation of a double standard or make a judgment on you because of it; I was actually interested if you say **** as liberally in real life as you do on line. That's an accusation you imagined.

My opinion of you being an idiot--I know, you don't care about my opinion, blah blah blah--has nothing to do with you possibly having a double standard.
this is a little of a derail, but, do you call women ***** in real life?

This isn't real life? Are you a real person posting? I am. Do you imply it is not "real life" because we can't see each other? Wake the fuck up you stoopid ****.


You're playing dumb. Typing **** on a keyboard isn't the same as looking a woman in the eyes and calling her one. two way different things, imo. One you can get neg repped for, the other you can get smacked for.


You're playing dumb. Typing **** on a keyboard isn't the same as looking a woman in the eyes and calling her one. two way different things, imo. One you can get neg repped for, the other you can get smacked for.

Oh I see, you're guilty of living double standards you accuse others of having. If a woman smacks a man that is okay but if a man smacks a woman that is assault. Dumbass.

You're almost as good as Corncob when it comes to flaming the strawmen of your own imagination.

I made a statement about a woman smacking a man, not a judgment on it's rightness/wrongness. That's a position you imagined.

I asked a straight-forward question. I didn't make an accusation of a double standard or make a judgment on you because of it; I was actually interested if you say **** as liberally in real life as you do on line. That's an accusation you imagined.

My opinion of you being an idiot--I know, you don't care about my opinion, blah blah blah--has nothing to do with you possibly having a double standard.

Only a fucking dickidiot would miss your silent approval of a woman commiting assault for being called a name.
MikeK, two words: shut up. The word is wrong. What don't you understand?
What you refuse to understand, probably because of some social problem of your own, is there is no such thing as a wrong word -- only wrong usage. And that's what this issue is about.

You and I are blessed with free speech by the Constitution. That doesn't mean I can call you a ****** and not be censured for it, because that is an insult. But if I wish to use the word ****** in an academic context, which is what Dr. Laura (whom I have no affection for) did, that is her right to do without hypersensitive panderers like you getting all puffy about it

As I understand it, the woman who called Dr. Laura was seeking affirmation that White people must always carefully filter their thoughts and adapt their vocabularies to accommodate what Black people consider right and wrong. You are willing to do that. I am not. If you don't like something about my conversation you are free to exercise your right to walk away and avoid me forever. But so long as I am not directly addressing you don't you tell me what words you think I should be able to use or not use, because to do so is simply arrogant.
I didn't get from the clip that anybody was using the 'n' word with this woman. That was just the next example she came up with--what about '******' and Dr. Laura went with it. Ravi has already ignored the argument that I made and went on as if the family and neighbors were using racial slurs with this woman. I didn't get that they are. This one neighbor is being stupid assuming that she speaks for all black people just as it would be stupid to assume that I speak for all conservatives or all Christians or all of anything. Such has been going on for a very long time.

Years ago - 30 years? - Lionel Jefferson ("All in the Family") finally had enough of Meathead always asking him for the 'black' perspective on things and pointed out to him how stupid that was and how that continued to differentiate him as a black man as being different from their other friends. So in that context it is racist but not a malicious racism.

I challenge all of you to watch this video and tell me whether you laugh:

What part of this don't you understand:
CALLER: I'm having an issue with my husband where I'm starting to grow very resentful of him. I'm black, and he's white. We've been around some of his friends and family members who start making racist comments as if I'm not there or if I'm not black. And my husband ignores those comments, and it hurts my feelings. And he acts like --
And speaking of ignoring, you totally ignored my analogy...swap ****** for **** and racial remarks for sexual ones.

Also...wouldn't you think your husband was an idiot for not telling his family and friends to cut it out?

Dr. Laura asked the woman for examples of racist comments and she didn't use '******' as an example. She used an example of a neighbor asking how black people look at something or what do black people think about whatever. I think you may have missed that. When Dr. Laura wouldn't take her side that this was a huge deal, she then said, "what about ******?" or something to that effect, but there was nothing to indicate that the word had ever been used in her house as a reference to her or anybody else.

Yes, I would expect my husband to take offense at anybody calling me any kind of derogatory name whether it be '****' or '******' or whatever. That was not the case in this scenario. The issue was social ineptedtude and insensitivity, but nothing hateful was intended. It was something a mature grown up would shrug off as stupid insensitivity that was not intended to be malicious.

What did you think of the video? Was it funny?
The woman's second example was that the n word was being thrown around. It's right their on the video and in the transcript.

I didn't find it funny.

Edit: you meant the all in the family video, I see. Didn't watch it.
And, as I said earlier, I knew I was going to regret wading in on this one. People who WANT to see racism in anything and everything won't be able to see this particular incident objectively and those who demand that others agree with them in order to be acceptable aren't likely to even understand what the issue actually is. But sometimes I'm a glutton for punishment. :)

I still think that anybody who can't find the irony, humor, and substance in that "All in the Family" clip have no sense of humor at all. I think mature grown ups, black and white, are most likely to laugh at demonstrating absurdity with absurdity and will be able to appreciate the dynamics at play and won't feel personally offended in the least. There are no doubt exceptions.
the dr Laura show is not a sitcom nor a comedy.

Aren't you seeing racism in the black woman? She's hypersensitive? She claimed her neighbor and her husband's friends and family repeatedly made remarks around her that bothered her and that the n-word was thrown about.

How is she hypersensitive? Because she's black?
MikeK, two words: shut up. The word is wrong. What don't you understand?

Like I said, the PC Police are in full attendance and suited up in riot gear.
I can't tell you how pleased I am to learn that you consider yourself a Republican.

I can't tell you how pleased I am that you are pleased. Really. I can't because I have no idea. Probably because I don't give a fuck what pleases you.
I would refuse to enter into a discussion of a subject where you could use the subject in the discussion. Dr. Laura was bringing up the next logical step in the discussion. If you are going to bring up the subject of sexual organs, better be prepared for the word penis. If you start a conversation about derogatory terms toward a black wife, this might just come up.
And, as I said earlier, I knew I was going to regret wading in on this one. People who WANT to see racism in anything and everything won't be able to see this particular incident objectively and those who demand that others agree with them in order to be acceptable aren't likely to even understand what the issue actually is. But sometimes I'm a glutton for punishment. :)

I still think that anybody who can't find the irony, humor, and substance in that "All in the Family" clip have no sense of humor at all. I think mature grown ups, black and white, are most likely to laugh at demonstrating absurdity with absurdity and will be able to appreciate the dynamics at play and won't feel personally offended in the least. There are no doubt exceptions.

foxfyre, we all have a public face and a private face. Mebbe you'd feel comfy saying the n word to people you were friends with, who could trust you had no malice behind it. That's a far cry from getting on the radio, broadcast nationally, and spewing the n word eleven times, telling a black women she shouldn't marry outside her race, and announcing you call one of your employees "n*gger".

I don't think you fully appreciate this, but in some contexts the word is still terribly painful. Not just to blacks...the turmoil and struggle of the last 50 years did not happen only to blacks. I was hurt by what Dr laura said. I am delighted she's been forced off the air. Not only will she not repeat it, but others will have their impulse to speak this way cooled as well. There'll be a little less hate, a little less pain and little more civility.

This is not about the First Amendment. No one has a First Amendment right to be employed as a radio host. Apparently her station thought that it was no longer profitable to employ her. I'm delighted by this as well.

She didn't say she called one of her employees a ******...but she did say this about the woman caller: And what I just heard from Jade is a lot of what I hear from black-think

Couple that with the rest of her rant and her attitude toward this woman and it is pretty clear what dr. Laura thinks about black people. Aside from her good friend and body guard, that is...:rolleyes:
And, as I said earlier, I knew I was going to regret wading in on this one. People who WANT to see racism in anything and everything won't be able to see this particular incident objectively and those who demand that others agree with them in order to be acceptable aren't likely to even understand what the issue actually is. But sometimes I'm a glutton for punishment. :)

I still think that anybody who can't find the irony, humor, and substance in that "All in the Family" clip have no sense of humor at all. I think mature grown ups, black and white, are most likely to laugh at demonstrating absurdity with absurdity and will be able to appreciate the dynamics at play and won't feel personally offended in the least. There are no doubt exceptions.
the dr Laura show is not a sitcom nor a comedy.

Aren't you seeing racism in the black woman? She's hypersensitive? She claimed her neighbor and her husband's friends and family repeatedly made remarks around her that bothered her and that the n-word was thrown about.

How is she hypersensitive? Because she's black?

You don't know if the word ****** gets tossed around or not. Read the transcript and you'll see the caller pulled out the "n-word" card when dr laura pointed out her bitching about people asking "How do black people do X" was not racist. Think about it einstein. If you had:

People asking "How do blacks do X"


"They toss the N-word around a lot"

And someone asked you for an example of racism which one would you choose? Dr laura is a **** but she rightly called out that whiny fucking caller and you PC fucks have just had a media orgy that resulted in yet another minor regression of Speech and Race Relations. Congrats!
This isn't real life? Are you a real person posting? I am. Do you imply it is not "real life" because we can't see each other? Wake the fuck up you stoopid ****.


You're playing dumb. Typing **** on a keyboard isn't the same as looking a woman in the eyes and calling her one. two way different things, imo. One you can get neg repped for, the other you can get smacked for.

Oh I see, you're guilty of living double standards you accuse others of having. If a woman smacks a man that is okay but if a man smacks a woman that is assault. Dumbass.

You're almost as good as Corncob when it comes to flaming the strawmen of your own imagination.

I made a statement about a woman smacking a man, not a judgment on it's rightness/wrongness. That's a position you imagined.

I asked a straight-forward question. I didn't make an accusation of a double standard or make a judgment on you because of it; I was actually interested if you say **** as liberally in real life as you do on line. That's an accusation you imagined.

My opinion of you being an idiot--I know, you don't care about my opinion, blah blah blah--has nothing to do with you possibly having a double standard.

Only a fucking dickidiot would miss your silent approval of a woman commiting assault for being called a name.
:lol: My God you're an idiot. He did no such thing. I bet you've never even worked up the nerve to talk to a woman you express so much hatred for them.
And, as I said earlier, I knew I was going to regret wading in on this one. People who WANT to see racism in anything and everything won't be able to see this particular incident objectively and those who demand that others agree with them in order to be acceptable aren't likely to even understand what the issue actually is. But sometimes I'm a glutton for punishment. :)

I still think that anybody who can't find the irony, humor, and substance in that "All in the Family" clip have no sense of humor at all. I think mature grown ups, black and white, are most likely to laugh at demonstrating absurdity with absurdity and will be able to appreciate the dynamics at play and won't feel personally offended in the least. There are no doubt exceptions.
the dr Laura show is not a sitcom nor a comedy.

Aren't you seeing racism in the black woman? She's hypersensitive? She claimed her neighbor and her husband's friends and family repeatedly made remarks around her that bothered her and that the n-word was thrown about.

How is she hypersensitive? Because she's black?

You don't know if the word ****** gets tossed around or not. Read the transcript and you'll see the caller pulled out the "n-word" card when dr laura pointed out her bitching about people asking "How do black people do X" was not racist. Think about it einstein. If you had:

People asking "How do blacks do X"


"They toss the N-word around a lot"

And someone asked you for an example of racism which one would you choose? Dr laura is a **** but she rightly called out that whiny fucking caller and you PC fucks have just had a media orgy that resulted in yet another minor regression of Speech and Race Relations. Congrats!
It would be pretty hard for someone to admit on air that her husband looked the other way while the word ****** was tossed around.

I'm glad to see that you approve of dr. Laura's language. Why don't you go somewhere where a lot of black people live and call the women ****** *****?

Such a tough guy.

You're playing dumb. Typing **** on a keyboard isn't the same as looking a woman in the eyes and calling her one. two way different things, imo. One you can get neg repped for, the other you can get smacked for.

You're almost as good as Corncob when it comes to flaming the strawmen of your own imagination.

I made a statement about a woman smacking a man, not a judgment on it's rightness/wrongness. That's a position you imagined.

I asked a straight-forward question. I didn't make an accusation of a double standard or make a judgment on you because of it; I was actually interested if you say **** as liberally in real life as you do on line. That's an accusation you imagined.

My opinion of you being an idiot--I know, you don't care about my opinion, blah blah blah--has nothing to do with you possibly having a double standard.

Only a fucking dickidiot would miss your silent approval of a woman commiting assault for being called a name.
:lol: My God you're an idiot. He did no such thing. I bet you've never even worked up the nerve to talk to a woman you express so much hatred for them.

Lol.....I express hatred for women? How so you fucking dumbass?
the dr Laura show is not a sitcom nor a comedy.

Aren't you seeing racism in the black woman? She's hypersensitive? She claimed her neighbor and her husband's friends and family repeatedly made remarks around her that bothered her and that the n-word was thrown about.

How is she hypersensitive? Because she's black?

You don't know if the word ****** gets tossed around or not. Read the transcript and you'll see the caller pulled out the "n-word" card when dr laura pointed out her bitching about people asking "How do black people do X" was not racist. Think about it einstein. If you had:

People asking "How do blacks do X"


"They toss the N-word around a lot"

And someone asked you for an example of racism which one would you choose? Dr laura is a **** but she rightly called out that whiny fucking caller and you PC fucks have just had a media orgy that resulted in yet another minor regression of Speech and Race Relations. Congrats!
It would be pretty hard for someone to admit on air that her husband looked the other way while the word ****** was tossed around.

I'm glad to see that you approve of dr. Laura's language. Why don't you go somewhere where a lot of black people live and call the women ****** *****?

Such a tough guy.

careful. He'll call you "stoopid" if he hasn't already.
the dr Laura show is not a sitcom nor a comedy.

Aren't you seeing racism in the black woman? She's hypersensitive? She claimed her neighbor and her husband's friends and family repeatedly made remarks around her that bothered her and that the n-word was thrown about.

How is she hypersensitive? Because she's black?

You don't know if the word ****** gets tossed around or not. Read the transcript and you'll see the caller pulled out the "n-word" card when dr laura pointed out her bitching about people asking "How do black people do X" was not racist. Think about it einstein. If you had:

People asking "How do blacks do X"


"They toss the N-word around a lot"

And someone asked you for an example of racism which one would you choose? Dr laura is a **** but she rightly called out that whiny fucking caller and you PC fucks have just had a media orgy that resulted in yet another minor regression of Speech and Race Relations. Congrats!
It would be pretty hard for someone to admit on air that her husband looked the other way while the word ****** was tossed around.

I'm glad to see that you approve of dr. Laura's language. Why don't you go somewhere where a lot of black people live and call the women ****** *****?

Such a tough guy.

Your explanation is "it would be" hard to admit it on air?


Did someone put a fucking gun to the caller's head? The woman called a fucking live radio show to bitch about supposed racism and you try to justify......lol! I can't even finish because it's too fucking funny! Dance baby dance!!!!!
WHy are you guys using the word, if it is so offensive? Why is it okay for you to use in a discussion, but Dr. Laura is just a bigot? Sounds like a double standard, AGAIN.
WHy are you guys using the word, if it is so offensive? Why is it okay for you to use in a discussion, but Dr. Laura is just a bigot? Sounds like a double standard, AGAIN.

I don't know if she's really a bigot. There are just a few things that should never be said when behind an open mic with millions listening. The word ****** is one of them.
WHy are you guys using the word, if it is so offensive? Why is it okay for you to use in a discussion, but Dr. Laura is just a bigot? Sounds like a double standard, AGAIN.
IMO she wasn't a bigot for saying the word. She's a bigot for everything else she said.
You don't know if the word ****** gets tossed around or not. Read the transcript and you'll see the caller pulled out the "n-word" card when dr laura pointed out her bitching about people asking "How do black people do X" was not racist. Think about it einstein. If you had:

People asking "How do blacks do X"


"They toss the N-word around a lot"

And someone asked you for an example of racism which one would you choose? Dr laura is a **** but she rightly called out that whiny fucking caller and you PC fucks have just had a media orgy that resulted in yet another minor regression of Speech and Race Relations. Congrats!
It would be pretty hard for someone to admit on air that her husband looked the other way while the word ****** was tossed around.

I'm glad to see that you approve of dr. Laura's language. Why don't you go somewhere where a lot of black people live and call the women ****** *****?

Such a tough guy.

careful. He'll call you "stoopid" if he hasn't already.

Man, if you're this fucking bored you should use the time to educate yourself.

Urban Dictionary: stoopid
Having the quality of being really, really, really, stupid.
Urban Dict

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