Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

Madeline, please quote from the transcript where Dr L said she referred to an employee as a "******."

I don't have a written transcript, Curvey. Listen to the clip in the Op; it's only a few minutes long. She says (parapharsing here) "I am friends with my bodyguard and I tell him he has to be on my side in basketball because n*ggers are best at basketball."

Made my flesh creep.

There is a transcript in the OP link. Who wrote the OP? Once again, please quote from the transcript where she called her employees ******* as you have claimed.

I thought about it. You were right. I was wrong. I am NOT the furthest thing from PC. You are. Why? Because I don't call women *****, while you get off on it. Congrats. Broken clock, all that good stuff.
I don't know where you get the idea you can order me to do your homework, Curvey, but t'aint happening.

I'm asking you to support your own claim and you repeatedly failed to do so. Quote the fucking transcript proving she called her employers a ****** or reveal yourself to be what you constantly claim you are not.
When did I ever claim to be available to do your secretarial work? This delusion you have that you can make me do anything at all is impudent, rude and childish.
I don't have a written transcript, Curvey. Listen to the clip in the Op; it's only a few minutes long. She says (parapharsing here) "I am friends with my bodyguard and I tell him he has to be on my side in basketball because n*ggers are best at basketball."

Made my flesh creep.

There is a transcript in the OP link. Who wrote the OP? Once again, please quote from the transcript where she called her employees ******* as you have claimed.

I thought about it. You were right. I was wrong. I am NOT the furthest thing from PC. You are. Why? Because I don't call women *****, while you get off on it. Congrats. Broken clock, all that good stuff.

Didn't you already make a post saying you aren't the furthest thing from being PC? I believe you did. Then you come up with this? Rotfl!

Admitting you are a misogynist and being dishonest about me doesn't exactly help you in any way you stoopid ****.
When did I ever claim to be available to do your secretarial work? This delusion you have that you can make me do anything at all is impudent, rude and childish.

The next time you ask someone to prove their claim, remember the bullshit you pulled here you dishonest twat.
There is a transcript in the OP link. Who wrote the OP? Once again, please quote from the transcript where she called her employees ******* as you have claimed.

I thought about it. You were right. I was wrong. I am NOT the furthest thing from PC. You are. Why? Because I don't call women *****, while you get off on it. Congrats. Broken clock, all that good stuff.

Didn't you already make a post saying you aren't the furthest thing from being PC? I believe you did. Then you come up with this? Rotfl!

Admitting you are a misogynist and being dishonest about me doesn't exactly help you in any way you stoopid ****.

Ah yes. the "word" stoopid again. Very impressive. how about "fuxxing"? haven't seen you type that 20 dollar word in a while.
Not dishonest about you. I discovered you are less PC than I because I considered how much you enjoy calling women *****.
I thought about it. You were right. I was wrong. I am NOT the furthest thing from PC. You are. Why? Because I don't call women *****, while you get off on it. Congrats. Broken clock, all that good stuff.

Didn't you already make a post saying you aren't the furthest thing from being PC? I believe you did. Then you come up with this? Rotfl!

Admitting you are a misogynist and being dishonest about me doesn't exactly help you in any way you stoopid ****.

Ah yes. the "word" stoopid again. Very impressive. how about "fuxxing"? haven't seen you type that 20 dollar word in a while.
Not dishonest about you. I discovered you are less PC than I because I considered how much you enjoy calling women *****.

Why try to hide your misogyny behind a dishonest portrayal of me? Are you so pathetic and empty the best you can do is pull a 3 cent move and hope to buy an estate? You're the kind of dumbfucking **** that keeps infomercials alive.
Didn't you already make a post saying you aren't the furthest thing from being PC? I believe you did. Then you come up with this? Rotfl!

Admitting you are a misogynist and being dishonest about me doesn't exactly help you in any way you stoopid ****.

Ah yes. the "word" stoopid again. Very impressive. how about "fuxxing"? haven't seen you type that 20 dollar word in a while.
Not dishonest about you. I discovered you are less PC than I because I considered how much you enjoy calling women *****.

Why try to hide your misogyny behind a dishonest portrayal of me? Are you so pathetic and empty the best you can do is pull a 3 cent move and hope to buy an estate? You're the kind of dumbfucking **** that keeps infomercials alive.

You stupid ass. How is not wanting to call women ***** an example of misogyny? and how is my portrayal of you dishonest. You yourself in this thread were ripping on the PC of going after Dr. Laura. And you DO call women ***** on this board. So explain yourself.
Ravi, can you really sit there and type with a straight face that if the 'n' word was being thrown about in her home, that she would not have used that as her FIRST example? She didn't. She used a much less noxious and a much less offensive example as the first one that came to mind. She tossed out the 'n' word being thrown about comment only after she couldn't get Dr. Laura to bite 'appropriately' on the example she used.


Madeline gently chastises me for not appreciating how hurtful the 'n' word is to black people. I appreciate it. And I appreciate how hurtful 'retard' is said to or about a mentally challenged person, or how 'fat' is hurtful to a person who is sensitive about his or her weight or how 'stupid' is hurtful to the child that just isn't understanding the assignment or whatever. Hurt is hurt no matter who is hurt.

Some members here on USMB use such hateful language it has no ability to hurt. One hateful phrase is no different than another and pretty soon it is just noise. I just shake my head at those folks who I can count on to say something insulting in almost every post and I respect their opinions pretty much not at all. There are members on USMB though that I would be hurt if they directed such insults at me because I have accepted them as better people than that.

And that was the point Dr. Laura was making whether or not you agree with her? How is it NOT racist to condemn a white person who says '******' when black people refer to themselves by that word so often? On radio. On television. In rap songs. Etc. etc. etc. Either the word is bad or it isn't. Don't you think it smacks of racism to say that one race can use that word but another race cannot? You don't see the absurdity in that? And doesn't it ring less than honest to think that the word doesn't hurt when a rapper uses it and does hurt when somebody white you don't even know uses it? That isn't hurt. That's just resentment of white people.

I'm sure if she had it to do all over again, Dr. Laura would not have blundered into this volatile area. But to accuse her of being racist or intentional hatefulness or whatever she is being accused of here is nothing short of silly. She was making a point in good faith and made the mistake of treating a hypersensitive black woman the same as she would have treated a hypersentive white woman or Asian woman or Native American woman or Hispanic woman or whatever.

All I'm saying if you want her hung, at least hang her for a crime she actually committed.

And no, I do not use the 'n' word nor condone anybody, black or white, using it to refer to anybody.
sigh...basically you seem to believe that because people say the word ****** this woman is both somehow responsible for it AND has no right to be offended.

That is what dr. Laura's point was and it is wrong.

And no, I don't believe for a minute that she would have reacted the same way toward a white woman's black husband's friends saying cracker or any other combination of events.

I've listened to her show.

That isn't what I said at all Ravi. You ignored my point and you ignored my question:

If it is not hurtful for black people to use the 'n' word, then how hurtful could it really be if white people use the 'n' word? How much sense does it make for black people to be able to repeatedly use a word but white people cannot? Would you not see it as really stupid for white people to be able to repeatedly use a word that black people could not?

That is the point Dr. Laura was making. If you even attempt to answer my question you'll see that these days, the 'n' word has no more power than 'retard' or 'douche' or 'whore' or '****' or 'fat' or 'ugly'. But the 'n' word IS used pretty consistently for race baiting by both black and white, and I am absolutely convinced that is what the woman was doing when she brought it up.

If the 'n' word had been an issue in her home, she would have used that as the very first example when Dr. Laura asked her for one. She didn't.

And before you complain that I don't know what is in the woman's heart and mind, you're right. I don't. I can only judge by her words, actions, and demeanor on the clip that we have to work with.

And that's all you have to work with too. You can't know that Dr. Laura would have responded to other kinds of 'baiting' or uncomplimentary words or phrases any differently unless you test the theory.
Her point was what I said above. That so many excuse it is sad, IMO.
And, as I said earlier, I knew I was going to regret wading in on this one. People who WANT to see racism in anything and everything won't be able to see this particular incident objectively and those who demand that others agree with them in order to be acceptable aren't likely to even understand what the issue actually is. But sometimes I'm a glutton for punishment. :)

I still think that anybody who can't find the irony, humor, and substance in that "All in the Family" clip have no sense of humor at all. I think mature grown ups, black and white, are most likely to laugh at demonstrating absurdity with absurdity and will be able to appreciate the dynamics at play and won't feel personally offended in the least. There are no doubt exceptions.

Thirty years ago I would have found the clip funny. I don't find it funny now, but I do see the irony in it. How come you haven't changed in thirty years?

I've changed a lot in 30 years. I've learned what is important and I have learned not to be hypersensitive; i.e. not to give stupid people power over what I will think and feel.

What gives you authority or credentials to judge me or know whether or not I have changed about anything or anything else about me that I have not chosen to reveal here?

Good for you. I'm happy to hear you've changed in thirty years. I wonder if your change includes allowing people to laugh at whatever strikes us funny, and not have to laugh at what strikes you funny? Who knows?
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When did I ever claim to be available to do your secretarial work? This delusion you have that you can make me do anything at all is impudent, rude and childish.

The next time you ask someone to prove their claim, remember the bullshit you pulled here you dishonest twat.

Listen you snot-nosed, failed bully. The language is Right There. Find it your fucking self. Who in the hell do you think you are to order anyone else around?
Thirty years ago I would have found the clip funny. I don't find it funny now, but I do see the irony in it. How come you haven't changed in thirty years?

I've changed a lot in 30 years. I've learned what is important and I have learned not to be hypersensitive; i.e. not to give stupid people power over what I will think and feel.

What gives you authority or credentials to judge me or know whether or not I have changed about anything or anything else about me that I have not chosen to reveal here?

Good for you. I'm happy to hear you've changed in thirty years. I wonder if your change includes allowing people to laugh at whatever strikes us funny, and not have to laugh at what strikes you funny? Who knows?

Maybe at some point you will change enough to realize that I have no power to allow anybody to do anything and that my opinions do not affect you in the least, nor do you have the moral authority to presume to lecture me on what I should and should not allow. And finally maybe you'll come to understand how insulting and hypocritical it is when you say things like that.
I've changed a lot in 30 years. I've learned what is important and I have learned not to be hypersensitive; i.e. not to give stupid people power over what I will think and feel.

What gives you authority or credentials to judge me or know whether or not I have changed about anything or anything else about me that I have not chosen to reveal here?

Good for you. I'm happy to hear you've changed in thirty years. I wonder if your change includes allowing people to laugh at whatever strikes us funny, and not have to laugh at what strikes you funny? Who knows?

Maybe at some point you will change enough to realize that I have no power to allow anybody to do anything and that my opinions do not affect you in the least, nor do you have the moral authority to presume to lecture me on what I should and should not allow. And finally maybe you'll come to understand how insulting and hypocritical it is when you say things like that.

Sorry Ff.

I thought you liked me, LOL.

So what that I didn't bust out laughing at your thirty year old clip of All In The Family? Sheesh. If it insults you that we laugh at different things then you're easily insulted.
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Good for you. I'm happy to hear you've changed in thirty years. I wonder if your change includes allowing people to laugh at whatever strikes us funny, and not have to laugh at what strikes you funny? Who knows?

Maybe at some point you will change enough to realize that I have no power to allow anybody to do anything and that my opinions do not affect you in the least, nor do you have the moral authority to presume to lecture me on what I should and should not allow. And finally maybe you'll come to understand how insulting and hypocritical it is when you say things like that.

Sorry Ff.

I thought you liked me, LOL.

So what that I didn't bust out laughing at your thiry year old clip of All In The Family? Sheesh. If it insults you that we laugh at different things then you're easily insulted.

I don't dislike you Sky. And I certainly don't care what does or does not make you laugh. It just gets pretty old when time and again you presume to lecture me on what I should think, how I should be, how I should change or chastise me because you presume, without any fact to back it up, for being something you have decided that I am. And so far you have given no indication that you accept that when you do that you are being personally insulting.
FULL AUDIO: Dr. Laura Schlessinger's N-word rant | Media Matters for America

Mebbe Dr. Laura is being poisoned by the same guy who gave Tourette's to Robert Gibbs and Keith Halloran?

Is it Talk Like An Idiot Week and nobody told me?

Frankly, I thought the most idiotic part of her idiotic rant was this:

All right. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Can't have this argument. You know what? If you're that hypersensitive about color and don't have a sense of humor, don't marry out of your race.

But everyone else seemed to be bothered by the "N word".

Whatever. At any rate, with her retirement, it only means their will be one less "Dr." passing themselves off as a mental health professional or counselor and dispensing really shitty advice.

Schlessinger is a legit Ph.D., but it's in physiology.
Allow me to apologize for any and all ways I may be or have been personally insulting to you, Ff.
She was dead wrong about the word and every sane person knows it.

You dont use racial slur words and pretend they mean nothing.

A Jewish person can call themselves a **** and not be an antisemite.

A woman can call herself a bitch but you cant.

You want black people to accept what you dont expect other humans to accept.

A Jewish person would never call themselves a ****. Just thought you ought to know.
I think it shows internalized oppression when minority groups call themselves by slur words.

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