Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

I think it shows internalized oppression when minority groups call themselves by slur words.

No. It shows they are not allowing the nasty sources of the slurs to have the power over them. By using the term they are laughing off the attempted associated stigma as a process of reclamation. When I call people nasty names and it sends them into emotional tempests in tea cups they are giving me the power to control their emotions but if they were wise would not let childish name calling take precedence over everything else.
I think it shows internalized oppression when minority groups call themselves by slur words.

When did I ever claim to be available to do your secretarial work? This delusion you have that you can make me do anything at all is impudent, rude and childish.

The next time you ask someone to prove their claim, remember the bullshit you pulled here you dishonest twat.

Listen you snot-nosed, failed bully. The language is Right There. Find it your fucking self. Who in the hell do you think you are to order anyone else around?

You said you like using the word "******" to describe people who deserve it so why is it okay for you to use it but nobody else?
Ah yes. the "word" stoopid again. Very impressive. how about "fuxxing"? haven't seen you type that 20 dollar word in a while.
Not dishonest about you. I discovered you are less PC than I because I considered how much you enjoy calling women *****.

Why try to hide your misogyny behind a dishonest portrayal of me? Are you so pathetic and empty the best you can do is pull a 3 cent move and hope to buy an estate? You're the kind of dumbfucking **** that keeps infomercials alive.

You stupid ass. How is not wanting to call women ***** an example of misogyny? and how is my portrayal of you dishonest. You yourself in this thread were ripping on the PC of going after Dr. Laura. And you DO call women ***** on this board. So explain yourself.

You're still super fascinated with the word "stoopid" so what makes you have the fantasy you could understand anything of substance? You get mentally crippled over adumbrations so I'm not sure it is safe for you to attempt leaving the very shallow end of the pool yet. Maybe when you can show comprehension of "stoopid" and realize it is not a misspelling then we can tackle the next elvis sized hurdle.
I think it shows internalized oppression when minority groups call themselves by slur words.

The next time you ask someone to prove their claim, remember the bullshit you pulled here you dishonest twat.

Listen you snot-nosed, failed bully. The language is Right There. Find it your fucking self. Who in the hell do you think you are to order anyone else around?

You said you like using the word "******" to describe people who deserve it so why is it okay for you to use it but nobody else?

Liar, liar pants on fire.

I think it shows internalized oppression when minority groups call themselves by slur words.

Listen you snot-nosed, failed bully. The language is Right There. Find it your fucking self. Who in the hell do you think you are to order anyone else around?

You said you like using the word "******" to describe people who deserve it so why is it okay for you to use it but nobody else?

Liar, liar pants on fire.


Why call me a liar for something you said?
This just in..that "doctor" will be off the air at the end of this year. Woohoo.

So your lack of respect for her Ph.D. in physiology from Columbia University must mean that you disrespect others that hang prefixes in front of their name......... like Reverend Jesse Jackson or Reverend Al Sharpton.......... do you laugh at them also? How about President Obama?

yeah he hates all talk radio people.
I used to listen to Dr Laura 10 years ago or so. She was entertaining while driving. She did have some good, commonsense advise at times, actually. Sometimes I felt 'Right on Dr Laura', but other times I wanted to strangle her (that must be why she needs her Black bodyguard, eh?) , as she arrogantly raked people over the coals for things like a mother having a job.

I'll never forget how she would put people down for using the word 'feel' when they meant 'think'. You know like "I feel that President Bush made a big mistake going into Iraq". In that sentence, I really am not talking about feelings, but about my opinion regarding Bush. But Dr Laura repeatedly pounced on people (usually women) over what is a very common usage of the word 'feel', dissing them, putting them down, and ignoring their opinion.

I think she did a lot of damage to her hapless callers, who seemed to adulate her, and would call and get sadistically humiliated. She got away with this for a long time. Finally, in my opinion, it caught up with her. She deserves losing her radio show. I think her ratings were slipping for a long time, I heard her on less stations as I drive. I really like Dave Ramsey now, with his awesome, practical advise.
Dr. Laura, like many whack reactionary females here, has parental issues in her later years.
I used to listen to Dr Laura 10 years ago or so. She was entertaining while driving. She did have some good, commonsense advise at times, actually. Sometimes I felt 'Right on Dr Laura', but other times I wanted to strangle her (that must be why she needs her Black bodyguard, eh?) , as she arrogantly raked people over the coals for things like a mother having a job.

I'll never forget how she would put people down for using the word 'feel' when they meant 'think'. You know like "I feel that President Bush made a big mistake going into Iraq". In that sentence, I really am not talking about feelings, but about my opinion regarding Bush. But Dr Laura repeatedly pounced on people (usually women) over what is a very common usage of the word 'feel', dissing them, putting them down, and ignoring their opinion.

I think she did a lot of damage to her hapless callers, who seemed to adulate her, and would call and get sadistically humiliated. She got away with this for a long time. Finally, in my opinion, it caught up with her. She deserves losing her radio show. I think her ratings were slipping for a long time, I heard her on less stations as I drive. I really like Dave Ramsey now, with his awesome, practical advise.
I will never understand why rightwingers made "feel" a dirty word to begin with. A feeling is basically intuition, or subliminal logic as I like to call it. :lol:
I used to listen to Dr Laura 10 years ago or so. She was entertaining while driving. She did have some good, commonsense advise at times, actually. Sometimes I felt 'Right on Dr Laura', but other times I wanted to strangle her (that must be why she needs her Black bodyguard, eh?) , as she arrogantly raked people over the coals for things like a mother having a job.

I'll never forget how she would put people down for using the word 'feel' when they meant 'think'. You know like "I feel that President Bush made a big mistake going into Iraq". In that sentence, I really am not talking about feelings, but about my opinion regarding Bush. But Dr Laura repeatedly pounced on people (usually women) over what is a very common usage of the word 'feel', dissing them, putting them down, and ignoring their opinion.

I think she did a lot of damage to her hapless callers, who seemed to adulate her, and would call and get sadistically humiliated. She got away with this for a long time. Finally, in my opinion, it caught up with her. She deserves losing her radio show. I think her ratings were slipping for a long time, I heard her on less stations as I drive. I really like Dave Ramsey now, with his awesome, practical advise.
I will never understand why rightwingers made "feel" a dirty word to begin with. A feeling is basically intuition, or subliminal logic as I like to call it. :lol:

Actually, Websters says that one meaning of the word 'feel' is a synonym for 'think'. My point in bringing this up is that Dr Laura, as in this N word controversy, was ignoring common usage, and commonly accepted meanings, in favor of bullying a caller. She is a verbal bully.

As far as your question, I think conservatives can become exasperated with some of the excesses of our psychobabble, touchy-feeling tendencies these days, and sometimes overreact in the other direction.

Main Entry: 1feel
Pronunciation: \ˈfēl\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): felt \ˈfelt\; feel·ing
Etymology: Middle English felen, from Old English fēlan; akin to Old High German fuolen to feel, Latin palpare to caress
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
1 a : to handle or touch in order to examine, test, or explore some quality b : to perceive by a physical sensation coming from discrete end organs (as of the skin or muscles)
2 a : to undergo passive experience of b : to have one's sensibilities markedly affected by
3 : to ascertain by cautious trial —usually used with out
4 a : to be aware of by instinct or inference b : believe, think <say what you really feel>
I feel most callers to Dr. Laura know what she is going to tell them ahead of time. They call, because they need to hear the advice out loud and on national radio to get it through their thick skulls.

Murders feel they need to act. The rest of us think we would liek to kill that person, but decide it is not in our best interests. Drunks feel they need to drink. The rest of us think it will cause us more harm than good.
I feel most callers to Dr. Laura know what she is going to tell them ahead of time. They call, because they need to hear the advice out loud and on national radio to get it through their thick skulls.

Murders feel they need to act. The rest of us think we would liek to kill that person, but decide it is not in our best interests. Drunks feel they need to drink. The rest of us think it will cause us more harm than good.

As Dr Laura would say: 'This isn't about your 'feelings', why are you talking about how you feel, rant, rant, rant....'
I feel most callers to Dr. Laura know what she is going to tell them ahead of time. They call, because they need to hear the advice out loud and on national radio to get it through their thick skulls.

Murders feel they need to act. The rest of us think we would liek to kill that person, but decide it is not in our best interests. Drunks feel they need to drink. The rest of us think it will cause us more harm than good.

As Dr Laura would say: 'This isn't about your 'feelings', why are you talking about how you feel, rant, rant, rant....'

I feel is more in line with, I have the opinon that... I was giving an opinion.

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