Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

I'm still waiting for Sky or Jake to answer the question about when they use the word as a term of endearment. Is that internalized oppression? It's amazing how you have ignored that question. Well, not really. I expected it to be dodged.

If a liberal answers a question it is usually with another question or a derogatory remark.

That is usually what a far right reactionary whack does. Right? :lol: Doesn't matter if it is used as a term of endearment. Doesn't matter if the person doesn't understand it. The use of the words in everyday conversation is demeaning, period.
You understand. I understand. Ravi understands. Dr. Laura did not, obviously, because she used them in a demeaning way, then demeaned the color for being too sensitive. Excuse me? She victimized the victim.
You understand. I understand. Ravi understands. Dr. Laura did not, obviously, because she used them in a demeaning way, then demeaned the color for being too sensitive. Excuse me? She victimized the victim.

I guess it's the white woman's burden too!
No she didn't. But she argued with the caller, claiming that Whites using the N word must be okay, since Blacks use it, totally ignoring the social reality that there is a difference.

So we can use cracker and honky and they can't?
If we are all so equal, why the different rules governing what one group can or can not do. All that does is continue to perpetuate racial differences.
Yes. If you are using a word to demean someone it is a demeaning word. It really is that simple.

So by your logic I can call someone a white trash piece of shit and it's ok, becasue i am whit too? You really have some screwed up standards.
You understand. I understand. Ravi understands. Dr. Laura did not, obviously, because she used them in a demeaning way, then demeaned the color for being too sensitive. Excuse me? She victimized the victim.

Ok, show me one sentence from the transcription of her show where she used it in a demeaning way. This should be good. Here's your chance to shine Jakey. Or more likely fail again.
I'm still waiting for Sky or Jake to answer the question about when they use the word as a term of endearment. Is that internalized oppression? It's amazing how you have ignored that question. Well, not really. I expected it to be dodged.

If a liberal answers a question it is usually with another question or a derogatory remark.

That is usually what a far right reactionary whack does. Right? :lol: Doesn't matter if it is used as a term of endearment. Doesn't matter if the person doesn't understand it. The use of the words in everyday conversation is demeaning, period.

******. Did I just demean you? Hey I was listening to this group ******* with Attitudes. Did I just demean them? Or you?

So we can use cracker and honky and they can't?
If we are all so equal, why the different rules governing what one group can or can not do. All that does is continue to perpetuate racial differences.
Yes. If you are using a word to demean someone it is a demeaning word. It really is that simple.

So by your logic I can call someone a white trash piece of shit and it's ok, becasue i am whit too? You really have some screwed up standards.

I thought you were intellectually challenged. Read what you just wrote, then get back to us.

Do it this way: don't say any of it, OK? You don't have to understand here.
If a liberal answers a question it is usually with another question or a derogatory remark.

That is usually what a far right reactionary whack does. Right? :lol: Doesn't matter if it is used as a term of endearment. Doesn't matter if the person doesn't understand it. The use of the words in everyday conversation is demeaning, period.

******. Did I just demean you? Hey I was listening to this group ******* with Attitudes. Did I just demean them? Or you?

First, you demeaned yourself for using it. And, yes, the name of the group is demeaning.
I'm still waiting for Sky or Jake to answer the question about when they use the word as a term of endearment. Is that internalized oppression? It's amazing how you have ignored that question. Well, not really. I expected it to be dodged.

If a liberal answers a question it is usually with another question or a derogatory remark.

Not cool. A binary approach is usually a unilateral fail and if I had to choose between a lib or a neocon I would choose debating the lib.

Sure, take candy from a baby :lol:
I thought you were intellectually challenged. Read what you just wrote, then get back to us.

Do it this way: don't say any of it, OK? You don't have to understand here.[/QUOTE]

Did that make sense to you when you wrote it?
That is usually what a far right reactionary whack does. Right? :lol: Doesn't matter if it is used as a term of endearment. Doesn't matter if the person doesn't understand it. The use of the words in everyday conversation is demeaning, period.

******. Did I just demean you? Hey I was listening to this group ******* with Attitudes. Did I just demean them? Or you?

First, you demeaned yourself for using it. And, yes, the name of the group is demeaning.

But it's an all black group. So what's the problem? Dre, Ice Cube, Ren, Eazy E all went on to be major stars.

But their lyrics aren't racist right?

Fuck the police (4X)

The jury has found you guilty of bein a redneck,
whitebread, chickenshit muthafucka.

Why aren't you out calling for these tar babies to be banned from the radio? Liberals are only liberal as far as something deals with their own agenda. After that it is wrong.

Let me ask you this. Do you think it is OK for muslim women to be forced to wear burkah's even when they live in the United States soley because it is there custom?
The Dr Laura controversy seems dead to me. Shall we knock off beating this horse now?

The Dr Laura controversy seems dead to me. Shall we knock off beating this horse now?


Why? That's what this thread is about. Should we stop posting music on the music thread? Or stop talking about coffee on the coffee thread. This thread is about Dr. Laura and that is what we will talk about here.

She will be back in the public spotlight and more vocal than ever.

But this isn’t the last you’ll hear from the conservative host.

“I would like to make it clear that I am not retiring—I’m too young for that—and I’m not quitting,” Schlessinger said. “I will be stronger and freer to say my mind through my books, my YouTube Channel, my blog and my Web site. And I’ll be on TV more, because I’ll have the freedom to speak my mind.”

And screw Motel 6. I wouldn't stay in one of their fleabag hotels anyway.

Do you not read the whole thread?

Do you not understand external as well as internal oppression with those words? Do you not understand that you, Laura, and anybody else of any race who uses such words are wrong?

You are racist. Take care of the rot in your own house before worrying about anyone else's.
I'm still waiting for Sky or Jake to answer the question about when they use the word as a term of endearment. Is that internalized oppression? It's amazing how you have ignored that question. Well, not really. I expected it to be dodged.

What's the question? Do some minority groups use slurs as terms of endearment? Yes, they do, but that doesn't give the rest of us the right to use it.

I've been thinking alot about this. It's true that Jews do not call each other the slur '****' as a term of endearment. Why would a black person call another 'nigga'? Gay men call each other queer or faggot, and some lesbians call each other dyke. But I'm starting to feel it's not a healthy practice. I'm feeling it's reflective of internalized oppression.

I think Jews have it right. We should all call each other by respectful names.
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****** ****** ******. For shizzle my nizzle. Poo, damn. There ya go, she is of the hook, motherfuckers. No?
In case anyone was offended, THIS is reality, forget Dr. Laura. My Neighbors, hell ,my WHITE co-workers use this same language every day. I don't recommend this language on the radio or anywhere else, but it is real as death and you better get used to "IT".

Do you not read the whole thread?

Do you not understand external as well as internal oppression with those words? Do you not understand that you, Laura, and anybody else of any race who uses such words are wrong?

You are racist. Take care of the rot in your own house before worrying about anyone else's.

OK Jakey. I'm realizing you are a little slow on the uptake so for the 10th time YES! I read the whole fucking thread. Did that sink in? Now, if you practiced what you preached and you read the whole thread you would realize I've been posting on it since early on. Now I know comprehension is obviously not one of your strong points so we'll let that slide.

BTW, you didn't answer my question. Not that libs ever do answer a question.

"Let me ask you this. Do you think it is OK for muslim women to be forced to wear burkah's even when they live in the United States soley because it is their custom? " Do you understand it or do I need to explain it to you a few times too?

Oh and BTW, I hope that isn't your real picture in your Av.

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