Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

I'm still waiting for Sky or Jake to answer the question about when they use the word as a term of endearment. Is that internalized oppression? It's amazing how you have ignored that question. Well, not really. I expected it to be dodged.

What's the question? Do some minority groups use slurs as terms of endearment? Yes, they do, but that doesn't give the rest of us the right to use it.

I've been thinking alot about this. It's true that Jews do not call each other the slur '****' as a term of endearment. Why would a black person call another 'nigga'? Gay men call each other queer or faggot, and some lesbians call each other dyke. But I'm starting to feel it's not a healthy practice. I'm feeling it's reflective of internalized oppression.

I think Jews have it right. We should all call each other by respectful names.

So basically you don't think blacks are smarter than a word and that is your internalized racism.

If you want to call me a racist, go right ahead. It doesn't mean I am one.
I'm still waiting to have someone explain how an advice talk show "doctor" morphed into a "conservative commentator" overnight?

The good "doctor" advice show has for years has been deemed as social commentary and advice. She is a self described "liberal turned conservative".......what is currently defined as a new conservative or "neocon" for short.

Here's a little review of some of the good "doctor's" gems over the last decade:

Dr. Laura's History Of Incendiary Statements
I'm still waiting to have someone explain how an advice talk show "doctor" morphed into a "conservative commentator" overnight?

So Dr. Laura isn't capable of expressing opinions in the field of politics? Seems to me that the caller was the one who called and had race issues.
Seemed like Dr. L used the words. We've been through this. Don't use the words. It's not polite. Use them at work, you get fired. Use them around friends who are decent people, you will find out you are alone. It's simple. Don't use the words.
What's the question? Do some minority groups use slurs as terms of endearment? Yes, they do, but that doesn't give the rest of us the right to use it.

I've been thinking alot about this. It's true that Jews do not call each other the slur '****' as a term of endearment. Why would a black person call another 'nigga'? Gay men call each other queer or faggot, and some lesbians call each other dyke. But I'm starting to feel it's not a healthy practice. I'm feeling it's reflective of internalized oppression.

I think Jews have it right. We should all call each other by respectful names.

So basically you don't think blacks are smarter than a word and that is your internalized racism.

If you want to call me a racist, go right ahead. It doesn't mean I am one.

You are racist for trying to explain why blacks use the term affectionately that contradicts why they say they use it. In short, you're claiming to be smarter than them and implying they are not smarter than a word.
Seemed like Dr. L used the words. We've been through this. Don't use the words. It's not polite. Use them at work, you get fired. Use them around friends who are decent people, you will find out you are alone. It's simple. Don't use the words.

You claimed she used it in a "demeaning" way but when asked to provide evidence you completely fail to do so, just like Madeline. Why is it the two people screaming bloody foul the most completely fail to support their claims?
I'm still waiting to have someone explain how an advice talk show "doctor" morphed into a "conservative commentator" overnight?

Simply because really pathetic morons, both left and right, are incapable of discussing anything without making it into a 'win' and 'lose' political whine.

They are equally stupid. And pretty fucking funny for the intelligent among us to watch them chase their own tails. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Feel sorry for them, Maddie. They probably bore the few friends they have too.
I'm still waiting to have someone explain how an advice talk show "doctor" morphed into a "conservative commentator" overnight?

So Dr. Laura isn't capable of expressing opinions in the field of politics? Seems to me that the caller was the one who called and had race issues.

She's been a "Dr Phil" style talk show host for decades (without any qualifications) and now, overnight, she's a conservative commentator?? WTF???

To be a conservative, all one needs to demonstrate is that one is grievously insensitive to racial issues???? Or does it help to have been slapped down for giving offense?
I'm still waiting to have someone explain how an advice talk show "doctor" morphed into a "conservative commentator" overnight?

Simply because really pathetic morons, both left and right, are incapable of discussing anything without making it into a 'win' and 'lose' political whine.

They are equally stupid. And pretty fucking funny for the intelligent among us to watch them chase their own tails. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Feel sorry for them, Maddie. They probably bore the few friends they have too.

Lol.....you're among the intelligent crowd? Well, you are smart enough to live off of money earned by other people. Oh wait, so does Obama.
I'm still waiting to have someone explain how an advice talk show "doctor" morphed into a "conservative commentator" overnight?

So Dr. Laura isn't capable of expressing opinions in the field of politics? Seems to me that the caller was the one who called and had race issues.

She's been a "Dr Phil" style talk show host for decades (without any qualifications) and now, overnight, she's a conservative commentator?? WTF???

To be a conservative, all one needs to demonstrate is that one is grievously insensitive to racial issues???? Or does it help to have been slapped down for giving offense?

There have been at least three of us who have pointed out Dr L never said she refers to any employee as "******" so what exactly do you have to gain by maintaining a patently dishonest position?
So Dr. Laura isn't capable of expressing opinions in the field of politics? Seems to me that the caller was the one who called and had race issues.

She's been a "Dr Phil" style talk show host for decades (without any qualifications) and now, overnight, she's a conservative commentator?? WTF???

To be a conservative, all one needs to demonstrate is that one is grievously insensitive to racial issues???? Or does it help to have been slapped down for giving offense?

There have been at least three of us who have pointed out Dr L never said she refers to any employee as "******" so what exactly do you have to gain by maintaining a patently dishonest position?

Curvey, just because your attention span ain't long enough to listen to the entire 5 minute clip don't mean it ain't there.
I'm still waiting to have someone explain how an advice talk show "doctor" morphed into a "conservative commentator" overnight?

So Dr. Laura isn't capable of expressing opinions in the field of politics? Seems to me that the caller was the one who called and had race issues.

She's been a "Dr Phil" style talk show host for decades (without any qualifications) and now, overnight, she's a conservative commentator?? WTF???

To be a conservative, all one needs to demonstrate is that one is grievously insensitive to racial issues???? Or does it help to have been slapped down for giving offense?

She's been a "Dr Phil" style talk show host for decades (without any qualifications) and now, overnight, she's a conservative commentator?? WTF???

To be a conservative, all one needs to demonstrate is that one is grievously insensitive to racial issues???? Or does it help to have been slapped down for giving offense?

There have been at least three of us who have pointed out Dr L never said she refers to any employee as "******" so what exactly do you have to gain by maintaining a patently dishonest position?

Curvey, just because your attention span ain't long enough to listen to the entire 5 minute clip don't mean it ain't there.

You really think your whiny assessment of my attention span can distract from the fact there have been at least three of us who have pointed out Dr L never said she refers to any employee as "******." You're a dishonest ****.
Nice taunt, but no, I won't find it for you.

You won't find it because you can't and you won't admit it for obvious reasons.

(Btw, I've partied in the Flats many times so it is Cleveland that is feeling the pain by you being there. Lying dumbass.)

You do realize anyone who gives a fuck which of us is right can listen to the recording linked in the Op for themselves? And they will all know it is you.

Nice taunt, but no, I won't find it for you.


You do realize anyone who gives a fuck which of us is right can listen to the recording linked in the Op for themselves? And they will all know it is you.


That's why I've highlighted the fact at least three of us have said your claim is not supported. You keep ignoring that and pretending I'm the only one saying you are wrong. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly a nice guy or well liked so if someone affirms what I've said there is a good chance it is correct.
Tuning in to celebrity bloviators for personal advice is indeed a very desperate cry for help.:lol:

I think some people can only hear advice when millions of other people are listening or watching.

It's a form of groupwork. You can't escape from your blindsights with 20 million people to see them.
Tuning in to celebrity bloviators for personal advice is indeed a very desperate cry for help.:lol:

I think some people can only hear advice when millions of other people are listening or watching.

It's a form of groupwork. You can't escape from your blindsights with 20 million people to see them.

Bullshit. She called in with a 2 acre sized plot of Victimology and thanks to whiny PC idiots making false accusations against Dr L, left with a Pacific sized bowl of crocodile tears.

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