Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

Tuning in to celebrity bloviators for personal advice is indeed a very desperate cry for help.:lol:

I think some people can only hear advice when millions of other people are listening or watching.

It's a form of groupwork. You can't escape from your blindsights with 20 million people to see them.

Bullshit. She called in with a 2 acre sized plot of Victimology and thanks to whiny PC idiots making false accusations against Dr L, left with a Pacific sized bowl of crocodile tears.

I've always been fascinated as to how people justify their prejudices and bigotries by blaming/demonizing/belittling the objects of their attitudes.

Yes, the good "doctor" has the right to speak her mind...and her sponsors and other folk have the right to voice their displeasure with her assertions and act accordingly. When all is said and done, it's just another neocon blowhard/pundit that got comfortable enough to think people will just put up with their BS....and were proven dead wrong.
Dr. L, like Howard S or Don I., will find a profitable new home. She is still an idiot.
The hypersensitivity over the word "******" is just another example of why we can't all just get along. I think part of the problem is that so often, blacks fit the word "******" pretty well, and they know it. So that's why they go crazy about the word being used by whites. But there's no changing that fact, only DEALING with that fact.

My idea: a slow and non-disruptive move toward racial separation. In the name of peace, please. We'd ALL be better off.

We're not going to "get over" race any more than we're going to "get over" sex or food.

This name calling crap is all much ado about nothing. If the Black culture uses ****** all of the time as I have heard on numerous Black Songs, then they are trying to make it common place.

I have always said that words will offend you as much as you want them to. I am of German extraction. It does not bother me one iota to be called a Kraut. It does not offend me. It may offend others but not me. I call myself a Kraut all of the time and am proud of it. I'm Kraut, and I'm Proud as James Brown used to sing.

Now, take other words Crap, Dung, Shit, Excrement, Scat and a great many other words all mean the same thing. Yet, some people will tell you that Shit is offensive while the rest are moderately acceptable. When they all describe the same thing, how can one word be more offensive than any other?

Same with Piss, Pee, Urinate, and so on. Urinate is acceptable while the others have a bad connotation. Why. Hell, I pee. Sometimes I piss and most often I take a leak. It is all the same thing, but if I said I had to take a leak in mixed social company people would be offended. Why?

Why do people pretend to be offended with some words and not others?
The hypersensitivity over the word "******" is just another example of why we can't all just get along. I think part of the problem is that so often, blacks fit the word "******" pretty well, and they know it. So that's why they go crazy about the word being used by whites. But there's no changing that fact, only DEALING with that fact.

My idea: a slow and non-disruptive move toward racial separation. In the name of peace, please. We'd ALL be better off.

We're not going to "get over" race any more than we're going to "get over" sex or food.

This name calling crap is all much ado about nothing. If the Black culture uses ****** all of the time as I have heard on numerous Black Songs, then they are trying to make it common place.

I have always said that words will offend you as much as you want them to. I am of German extraction. It does not bother me one iota to be called a Kraut. It does not offend me. It may offend others but not me. I call myself a Kraut all of the time and am proud of it. I'm Kraut, and I'm Proud as James Brown used to sing.

Now, take other words Crap, Dung, Shit, Excrement, Scat and a great many other words all mean the same thing. Yet, some people will tell you that Shit is offensive while the rest are moderately acceptable. When they all describe the same thing, how can one word be more offensive than any other?

Same with Piss, Pee, Urinate, and so on. Urinate is acceptable while the others have a bad connotation. Why. Hell, I pee. Sometimes I piss and most often I take a leak. It is all the same thing, but if I said I had to take a leak in mixed social company people would be offended. Why?

Why do people pretend to be offended with some words and not others?

Joyce stated, " I think part of the problem is that so often, blacks fit the word "******" pretty well, and they know it."

This is a prime example of projecting ones own bigotry as fact.

Neubarth stated, "... I have heard on numerous Black Songs, then they are trying to make it common place." "I call myself a Kraut all of the time and am proud of it. I'm Kraut, and I'm Proud as James Brown used to sing."

Clearly, Neubarth is unaware that James Brown sang, "I'm BLACK and I'm proud!" Nowhere in that song did he say "******".

If Neubarth wants to identify himself by a racial slur, that's his business. But as far as the controversy of hip hop/rap lyrics, Neubarth should familiarize himself with the advocacy of many black leadership/organizations against using the word in "common place" music.

When all is said and done, "Dr." Laura's mind fart got the reception it well deserved.
Weren't you Liberals all upset about an "out of context" video that supposedly nailed a Black woman as racist lately? Same thing here.

Blacks say "******" no matter the context= OK.
Whites say "******" no matter the context= Not OK.

Got it.

If blacks don't like the word "******" then they shouldn't call themselves that in public or private.

I asked my Jap wife what she thought about all this and she said "Shut up hakujin" (white guy).

You lefties are the biggest race baiters and grievance mongers ever. Hyper sensitive to anything and everything. Especially if you think you can get some sort of advantage from it.

Obama and those that worship him as a god have set race relations in this country back a generation. People who voted for him because he's black are now gonna' vote against him because he's black. You created this mess, don't blame us.

Oh please, shut the fuck already you fucking moron, the same liberals you criticized like Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson are vehemently against using the N-word, I cannot fucking believe that you dumbass fucking rightwingers are bitching, complaining and moaning over not being able to use a racist slur, since so dumbass blacks say ****** you really think white people should have the right to use the word also? You can't be fucking serious or either you are serious and really fucked up in the mind.
I really can't believe it, the two bitches of rightwing Teabastards, Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin are now basically making the argument that saying ****** is a Constitutional right, I'm so shocked, LMAO, what these two rightwing, politically conservative whore don't understand is that racism is also against the law.
that racism is also against the law.

No, it's not.

Certain actions based on racism are against the law, but racism itself is not against the law. Nor should it be. I don't like the idea of making illegal someone's thoughts or feelings. I prefer to let the dumbasses open their mouths and remove all doubts.
I think some people can only hear advice when millions of other people are listening or watching.

It's a form of groupwork. You can't escape from your blindsights with 20 million people to see them.

Bullshit. She called in with a 2 acre sized plot of Victimology and thanks to whiny PC idiots making false accusations against Dr L, left with a Pacific sized bowl of crocodile tears.

I've always been fascinated as to how people justify their prejudices and bigotries by blaming/demonizing/belittling the objects of their attitudes.

Yes, the good "doctor" has the right to speak her mind...and her sponsors and other folk have the right to voice their displeasure with her assertions and act accordingly. When all is said and done, it's just another neocon blowhard/pundit that got comfortable enough to think people will just put up with their BS....and were proven dead wrong.

It's even more fascinating when dumbasses like you make laughable assertions then think your soapbox is clean. I've called out racists quite often and I've always thought Dr L is a snobby **** I'm one of the loudest opponents of neocon fuckwad nationalists.

Unlike most emotionally immature crybabies around here I do not let my "feelings" on a person judge actions. Dr L said "******" but did not use it in a demeaning way. All she did was point out it gets said by comedians and that it's okay for blacks to use it but not others.
Dr. L, like Howard S or Don I., will find a profitable new home. She is still an idiot.

You never even attempted to quote from the transcript how she used it in a demeaning way but you keep whining like pure bitch. You PC punks lynched her for an offense she did not commit in that phone call. You did it not by facts or reason! But purely by numbers which makes you no diifferent in character from bush supporters who used the same dishonesty to justify invading iraq. Be proud. Dumbfucks.
Weren't you Liberals all upset about an "out of context" video that supposedly nailed a Black woman as racist lately? Same thing here.

Blacks say "******" no matter the context= OK.
Whites say "******" no matter the context= Not OK.

Got it.

If blacks don't like the word "******" then they shouldn't call themselves that in public or private.

I asked my Jap wife what she thought about all this and she said "Shut up hakujin" (white guy).

You lefties are the biggest race baiters and grievance mongers ever. Hyper sensitive to anything and everything. Especially if you think you can get some sort of advantage from it.

Obama and those that worship him as a god have set race relations in this country back a generation. People who voted for him because he's black are now gonna' vote against him because he's black. You created this mess, don't blame us.

Oh please, shut the fuck already you fucking moron, the same liberals you criticized like Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson are vehemently against using the N-word, I cannot fucking believe that you dumbass fucking rightwingers are bitching, complaining and moaning over not being able to use a racist slur, since so dumbass blacks say ****** you really think white people should have the right to use the word also? You can't be fucking serious or either you are serious and really fucked up in the mind.

So blacks who use the term are dumbasses? That is racist you ignorant **** and you're too stoopid to realize why.
Being racist is not illegal. Certain racist behavior is illegal. Those who use such slurs are committing both internal and external oppression. That they may feel differently makes no difference. Their denial is the same as that of an alcoholic who refuses to recognize the problem. People of worth don't use the words, people of worth don't accept the words in their presence, and people of worth know that people who use those words at that moment are people of little worth.
Being racist is not illegal. Certain racist behavior is illegal. Those who use such slurs are committing both internal and external oppression. That they may feel differently makes no difference. Their denial is the same as that of an alcoholic who refuses to recognize the problem. People of worth don't use the words, people of worth don't accept the words in their presence, and people of worth know that people who use those words at that moment are people of little worth.

Fer real mah nigga!

(point I'm trying to make, is its not the word itself, but the intent behind the word)
Being racist is not illegal. Certain racist behavior is illegal. Those who use such slurs are committing both internal and external oppression. That they may feel differently makes no difference. Their denial is the same as that of an alcoholic who refuses to recognize the problem. People of worth don't use the words, people of worth don't accept the words in their presence, and people of worth know that people who use those words at that moment are people of little worth.

Rotfl! Firstly, you've continued to ignore your claim that dr l used it in a "demeaning" way is wholly false. It is why you don't even attempt to support the claim.

Secondly, words are not some alien object dropped from the sky enslaving humans to do their bidding. Words are our invention. It is the human method of communication through layers of translation which is why many words can hold different meanings regarding speaker, content, context, and audience. When "******" is used as a term of endearment it removes the power engendered by racists because they take that word and give it their own meaning. It is a way of saying:

"We don't give a fuck what you ignorant people try to do with words. Your hated transported through words have no power over us. It is why we can take the sharpest spear of linguistic racism you own and turn it into a stick of butter."

People of worth use their brains. They don't soapbox self-righteousness in hopes of some ivory tower fantasy.
I'm still waiting to have someone explain how an advice talk show "doctor" morphed into a "conservative commentator" overnight?

So Dr. Laura isn't capable of expressing opinions in the field of politics? Seems to me that the caller was the one who called and had race issues.

She's been a "Dr Phil" style talk show host for decades (without any qualifications) and now, overnight, she's a conservative commentator?? WTF???

To be a conservative, all one needs to demonstrate is that one is grievously insensitive to racial issues???? Or does it help to have been slapped down for giving offense?

So she expressed conservative opinion on her talk show..BFD!! Addressing an issue a caller had started. We express our opinions here whether it is conservative or liberal. So you basically are for dictating who has the right to exercise the first amendment.
I really can't believe it, the two bitches of rightwing Teabastards, Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin are now basically making the argument that saying ****** is a Constitutional right, I'm so shocked, LMAO, what these two rightwing, politically conservative whore don't understand is that racism is also against the law.

Is it that you just aren't that bright or do you say these dumb ass things on purpose to attempt to make some kind of point? Nobody is wanting the "right" to say ******, the first amendment protects our right to free speech. What is ridiculous is the fake and overdone anguish that blacks claim to feel when they hear the actual word verbalized by white people......... I guess that is the same bullshit acting skill performed by NBA players when they pretend to be hurt. To make a word taboo, it needs to be prevented from use by anyone or we are admitting that it's basically a joke. The fact that ****** is a word of incredible negative power if white people use it and a term of affection when blacks use it makes the whole argument nothing but a joke.

It's actually a very useful word that has nothing to do with skin color, it describes an attitude and lack of taste, "You really niggered up that car", "you ****** rigged that setup". Just like the word fag, when you refer to someone as a fag, you aren't calling him a homosexual, you are referring to the effeminate way they are acting. If you call Obama a pussy(something said around the world every day), you aren't calling him a cat or a vagina, you're saying he's a wimp. Homosexuals have been changing the true meaning of words for years, why can't we all do it?:razz:
sitarro is flatly wrong. Any time anyone uses such a term that person demeans him or herself as well as the object of the term. Nothing sitarro has argued above makes any difference.
sitarro is flatly wrong. Any time anyone uses such a term that person demeans him or herself as well as the object of the term. Nothing sitarro has argued above makes any difference.

Your claim that words are immutable has been shown to be a joke just like you. Keep soapboxing you self righteous racist xxxx
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I really can't believe it, the two bitches of rightwing Teabastards, Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin are now basically making the argument that saying ****** is a Constitutional right, I'm so shocked, LMAO, what these two rightwing, politically conservative whore don't understand is that racism is also against the law.

Actually, one would have to review the FCC rules regarding language and context. Saying the N word is not a violation per se.....unless you purposely use it/direct it as an insult.

"Doctor" Laura did not do this, as she was responding to a caller's problem. What Laura IS guilty of is voicing a callous and bigoted mindset that did not set well with the caller, a lot of her listeners, some sponsors and the owners.

What's hysterical is that Laura gripes that she doesn't like the criticism because it violates her Constitutional Rights.....which is pure BS. People should know that when the good "doctor" was offered a job with the same company that contracts Howard Stern, she wanted a stipulation that Stern could not mock her ON HIS SHOW. So Laura's hypocrisy (once again) reared it's ugly head.

I say don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya, "Dr." Laura. But I'm sure she'll land on her feet with some right wing broadcast company....so much more to pity.
Bullshit. She called in with a 2 acre sized plot of Victimology and thanks to whiny PC idiots making false accusations against Dr L, left with a Pacific sized bowl of crocodile tears.

I've always been fascinated as to how people justify their prejudices and bigotries by blaming/demonizing/belittling the objects of their attitudes.

Yes, the good "doctor" has the right to speak her mind...and her sponsors and other folk have the right to voice their displeasure with her assertions and act accordingly. When all is said and done, it's just another neocon blowhard/pundit that got comfortable enough to think people will just put up with their BS....and were proven dead wrong.

It's even more fascinating when dumbasses like you make laughable assertions then think your soapbox is clean. Your rant here makes no sense.......you are making a personal slam against me without logically or factually disproving what I stated. I've called out racists quite often and I've always thought Dr L is a snobby **** I'm one of the loudest opponents of neocon fuckwad nationalists.

And yet you characterized the caller with every negative connotation that can be heard from such neocon pundits as Limbaugh or Beck or Malkin or Breitbart. Essentially, you contradict your claim here, so I suggest you get your act together and figure out what exactly what you're trying to say.

Unlike most emotionally immature crybabies around here I do not let my "feelings" on a person judge actions. Dr L said "******" but did not use it in a demeaning way. All she did was point out it gets said by comedians and that it's okay for blacks to use it but not others.

This isn't about you and your perceptions about what should and should not be considered an insult....that's the same BS that Laura spouted. According to that mindset, the price a person has to pay for inter-racial marriage is to put up with boorish "jokes" from clods. It's easy for those who aren't victims of insults to their very being to be aloof.....but these same people wail like stuck pigs if you "jokingly" insult something they hold near and dear (family, ethnicity, religion, patriotism, etc.)

Well, people let the good "doctor" know that her attitude was callous and not at all cool. TFB for her or anyone that supports her.....you just don't insult someone and expect to get away with it.

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