Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

I've always been fascinated as to how people justify their prejudices and bigotries by blaming/demonizing/belittling the objects of their attitudes.

Yes, the good "doctor" has the right to speak her mind...and her sponsors and other folk have the right to voice their displeasure with her assertions and act accordingly. When all is said and done, it's just another neocon blowhard/pundit that got comfortable enough to think people will just put up with their BS....and were proven dead wrong.

It's even more fascinating when dumbasses like you make laughable assertions then think your soapbox is clean. Your rant here makes no sense.......you are making a personal slam against me without logically or factually disproving what I stated. I've called out racists quite often and I've always thought Dr L is a snobby **** I'm one of the loudest opponents of neocon fuckwad nationalists.

And yet you characterized the caller with every negative connotation that can be heard from such neocon pundits as Limbaugh or Beck or Malkin or Breitbart. Essentially, you contradict your claim here, so I suggest you get your act together and figure out what exactly what you're trying to say.

Unlike most emotionally immature crybabies around here I do not let my "feelings" on a person judge actions. Dr L said "******" but did not use it in a demeaning way. All she did was point out it gets said by comedians and that it's okay for blacks to use it but not others.

This isn't about you and your perceptions about what should and should not be considered an insult....that's the same BS that Laura spouted. According to that mindset, the price a person has to pay for inter-racial marriage is to put up with boorish "jokes" from clods. It's easy for those who aren't victims of insults to their very being to be aloof.....but these same people wail like stuck pigs if you "jokingly" insult something they hold near and dear (family, ethnicity, religion, patriotism, etc.)

Well, people let the good "doctor" know that her attitude was callous and not at all cool. TFB for her or anyone that supports her.....you just don't insult someone and expect to get away with it.

Where do dumbass xxxxx like you slime from? I can't even begin to address the strawmen you keep tossing up so let me simplify it out of charity:

Dr L did not use "******" in an insulting manner

The caller freaked out because she heard a white woman say the n-word and let emotions run amok without actually listening to what was said.

You punk PC bitches cannot discuss the issue with honesty as Madeline, Jake, and you have demonstrated.
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This woman called in asking for advice and she got a lesson on Obama, the N word and the fact that she should have a better sense of humor when being berated in HER OWN HOME....oh and of course how she shouldnt marry outside her race....and some of you guys in here are defending this "doctor"? wow.

That word is only part of the problem with that call but you guys keep ignoring what else she said. She has a point about the word, why do SOME blacks say it..does it give her the right to say it...hell no.

There are a lot of ethnicity's/races/religions/groups that say things within their own circles..asians, hispanics, jews, italians, gays etc...yet you never hear people asking why they cant use those words...only the "N" word. Why is this..
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It's even more fascinating when dumbasses like you make laughable assertions then think your soapbox is clean. Your rant here makes no sense.......you are making a personal slam against me without logically or factually disproving what I stated. I've called out racists quite often and I've always thought Dr L is a snobby **** I'm one of the loudest opponents of neocon fuckwad nationalists.

And yet you characterized the caller with every negative connotation that can be heard from such neocon pundits as Limbaugh or Beck or Malkin or Breitbart. Essentially, you contradict your claim here, so I suggest you get your act together and figure out what exactly what you're trying to say.

Unlike most emotionally immature crybabies around here I do not let my "feelings" on a person judge actions. Dr L said "******" but did not use it in a demeaning way. All she did was point out it gets said by comedians and that it's okay for blacks to use it but not others.

This isn't about you and your perceptions about what should and should not be considered an insult....that's the same BS that Laura spouted. According to that mindset, the price a person has to pay for inter-racial marriage is to put up with boorish "jokes" from clods. It's easy for those who aren't victims of insults to their very being to be aloof.....but these same people wail like stuck pigs if you "jokingly" insult something they hold near and dear (family, ethnicity, religion, patriotism, etc.)

Well, people let the good "doctor" know that her attitude was callous and not at all cool. TFB for her or anyone that supports her.....you just don't insult someone and expect to get away with it.

Where do dumbass ***** like you slime from? I can't even begin to address the strawmen you keep tossing up so let me simplify it out of charity:

Dr L did not use "******" in an insulting manner

The caller freaked out because she heard a white woman say the n-word and let emotions run amok without actually listening to what was said.

You punk PC bitches cannot discuss the issue with honesty as Madeline, Jake, and you have demonstrated.

So her saying to get a sense of humor about being called horrible things IN HER OWN HOME is good with you? So this "doctor" saying to not marry outside her race is ok with you?

What is pc about those things? That is lunacy coming from a person who is there for "advice". By they way, what exactly does she have her degree in?

I can help you if you dont know. I am just as qualified to give advice about these things as she is. So are you.

Fuck this "Doctor". I am so glad she is finally off the air.

I wonder if she gave "advice" to her crazy ass son..I wonder who she got advice from when she took those nudes...I wonder who she talked too when her mother passed and no one knew about it for days because of this "Dr."'s horrible relationship with her. It took the smell for someone to figure out she was dead and that is just sad.
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Bullshit. She called in with a 2 acre sized plot of Victimology and thanks to whiny PC idiots making false accusations against Dr L, left with a Pacific sized bowl of crocodile tears.

I've always been fascinated as to how people justify their prejudices and bigotries by blaming/demonizing/belittling the objects of their attitudes.

Yes, the good "doctor" has the right to speak her mind...and her sponsors and other folk have the right to voice their displeasure with her assertions and act accordingly. When all is said and done, it's just another neocon blowhard/pundit that got comfortable enough to think people will just put up with their BS....and were proven dead wrong.

It's even more fascinating when dumbasses like you make laughable assertions then think your soapbox is clean. I've called out racists quite often and I've always thought Dr L is a snobby **** I'm one of the loudest opponents of neocon fuckwad nationalists.

Unlike most emotionally immature crybabies around here I do not let my "feelings" on a person judge actions. Dr L said "******" but did not use it in a demeaning way. All she did was point out it gets said by comedians and that it's okay for blacks to use it but not others.

It's even more fascinating when dumbasses like you make laughable assertions then think your soapbox is clean. Your rant here makes no sense.......you are making a personal slam against me without logically or factually disproving what I stated. I've called out racists quite often and I've always thought Dr L is a snobby **** I'm one of the loudest opponents of neocon fuckwad nationalists.

And yet you characterized the caller with every negative connotation that can be heard from such neocon pundits as Limbaugh or Beck or Malkin or Breitbart. Essentially, you contradict your claim here, so I suggest you get your act together and figure out what exactly what you're trying to say.

Unlike most emotionally immature crybabies around here I do not let my "feelings" on a person judge actions. Dr L said "******" but did not use it in a demeaning way. All she did was point out it gets said by comedians and that it's okay for blacks to use it but not others.

This isn't about you and your perceptions about what should and should not be considered an insult....that's the same BS that Laura spouted. According to that mindset, the price a person has to pay for inter-racial marriage is to put up with boorish "jokes" from clods. It's easy for those who aren't victims of insults to their very being to be aloof.....but these same people wail like stuck pigs if you "jokingly" insult something they hold near and dear (family, ethnicity, religion, patriotism, etc.)

Well, people let the good "doctor" know that her attitude was callous and not at all cool. TFB for her or anyone that supports her.....you just don't insult someone and expect to get away with it.

Where do dumbass ***** like you slime from? I can't even begin to address the strawmen you keep tossing up so let me simplify it out of charity:

Translation: Curvelight doesn't have a logical retort or a rational defense of your assertions, so he blows smoke and lashes out like a frustrated child.

Dr L did not use "******" in an insulting manner

I never said she did...you should read more carefully. I pointed out that the good "doctor" advocated a callous and indifferent attitude towards other's racism and essentially tells the target of that racism to just get use to it. THAT is a fucked up attitude...but then again the good "doctor" isn't the victim her, is she?

The caller freaked out because she heard a white woman say the n-word and let emotions run amok without actually listening to what was said.

No quite, the caller freaked out because Laura repeatedly used the word in conjunction with her callous and indifferent dismal of the caller's feelings, and then went on to "justify" the perpetraitors equal callousness.

You punk PC bitches cannot discuss the issue with honesty as Madeline, Jake, and you have demonstrated.

In short, you're either a liar who essentially ignores what others are saying.....or you're incapable of understanding what others are trying to explain to you.
CurveLight, shut up and listen, you weirdo. Dr. L was wrong, you are wrong, and you are just have to gonna take it that most everybody thinks you are wrong. Why? Because you are wrong.

If the world is out of step with you (?), you better check your own gait.
This isn't about you and your perceptions about what should and should not be considered an insult....that's the same BS that Laura spouted. According to that mindset, the price a person has to pay for inter-racial marriage is to put up with boorish "jokes" from clods. It's easy for those who aren't victims of insults to their very being to be aloof.....but these same people wail like stuck pigs if you "jokingly" insult something they hold near and dear (family, ethnicity, religion, patriotism, etc.)

Well, people let the good "doctor" know that her attitude was callous and not at all cool. TFB for her or anyone that supports her.....you just don't insult someone and expect to get away with it.

Where do dumbass ***** like you slime from? I can't even begin to address the strawmen you keep tossing up so let me simplify it out of charity:

Dr L did not use "******" in an insulting manner

The caller freaked out because she heard a white woman say the n-word and let emotions run amok without actually listening to what was said.

You punk PC bitches cannot discuss the issue with honesty as Madeline, Jake, and you have demonstrated.

So her saying to get a sense of humor about being called horrible things IN HER OWN HOME is good with you? So this "doctor" saying to not marry outside her race is ok with you?

What is pc about those things? That is lunacy coming from a person who is there for "advice". By they way, what exactly does she have her degree in?

I can help you if you dont know. I am just as qualified to give advice about these things as she is. So are you.

Fuck this "Doctor". I am so glad she is finally off the air.

I wonder if she gave "advice" to her crazy ass son..I wonder who she got advice from when she took those nudes...I wonder who she talked too when her mother passed and no one knew about it for days because of this "Dr."'s horrible relationship with her. It took the smell for someone to figure out she was dead and that is just sad.

Quote from the transcript where the caller said she gets called a ****** in her own home.
CurveLight, shut up and listen, you weirdo. Dr. L was wrong, you are wrong, and you are just have to gonna take it that most everybody thinks you are wrong. Why? Because you are wrong.

If the world is out of step with you (?), you better check your own gait.

Lol.....ego check! Jakey thinks if you disagree with him then you disagree with the whole world.

You've never supported your accusation that Dr. L used "******" in a demeaning manner but like other fucked out lefties and neocons you pretend it doesn't matter if you support your claims. Just repeat it till you bleed it!
Saying the word '******' is bad enough, treating someone like one is worse.

Saying that word is so disgusting to me I cringe. I even cringe when I see it posted.

Wondering though how do you treat someone like a n*****??
This might sound kind of crude, but why did this black woman even call Dr. Laura looking for advice in the first place? Dr. Laura is the last person any black person should be asking for "racial" advice.
Quick, what's the first thing that comes to your head when you see this trend?:lol: What is the word that the guy in the first video uses repeatedly?:lol::lol::lol:

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUONDeps2ao&feature=related]YouTube - The 1st Car on 32s,Buick Regal Pt. 1[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BShFs6pEJ0&NR=1]YouTube - 1st Pontiac Firebird On 28s !!!! Pt. 2[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUb2Na4NZ0U&feature=related]YouTube - Dodge Charger on 30s !!!! Vol. 3[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jaeh8k91P0&feature=related]YouTube - Florida Classic 2009 "charger on 30s & outrageous impala"[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNbtYl6iVu0&feature=related]YouTube - 30 INCH RIMS ONLY WHAT EVER FLOTs your boat[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_cUqwheTIA&NR=1]YouTube - CUTLASS ON 50'S[/ame]
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Saying the word '******' is bad enough, treating someone like one is worse.

Randall Kennedy has a book with it in bold white letters right on the cover. I read it when it first came out and some here could benefit by reading:

"******. The Strange Career of a Troubled Word"

It's a short book to boot. I can't help but wonder if the overblown reaction from that call is a collective guilt in denial.
Where do dumbass ***** like you slime from? I can't even begin to address the strawmen you keep tossing up so let me simplify it out of charity:

Dr L did not use "******" in an insulting manner

The caller freaked out because she heard a white woman say the n-word and let emotions run amok without actually listening to what was said.

You punk PC bitches cannot discuss the issue with honesty as Madeline, Jake, and you have demonstrated.

So her saying to get a sense of humor about being called horrible things IN HER OWN HOME is good with you? So this "doctor" saying to not marry outside her race is ok with you?

What is pc about those things? That is lunacy coming from a person who is there for "advice". By they way, what exactly does she have her degree in?

I can help you if you dont know. I am just as qualified to give advice about these things as she is. So are you.

Fuck this "Doctor". I am so glad she is finally off the air.

I wonder if she gave "advice" to her crazy ass son..I wonder who she got advice from when she took those nudes...I wonder who she talked too when her mother passed and no one knew about it for days because of this "Dr."'s horrible relationship with her. It took the smell for someone to figure out she was dead and that is just sad.

Quote from the transcript where the caller said she gets called a ****** in her own home.

Perhaps you missed the part where I said.."So her saying to get a sense of humor about being called horrible things IN HER OWN HOME is good with you?"

mmmmm? How did this "doctor" get to the N word by the way...
So her saying to get a sense of humor about being called horrible things IN HER OWN HOME is good with you? So this "doctor" saying to not marry outside her race is ok with you?

What is pc about those things? That is lunacy coming from a person who is there for "advice". By they way, what exactly does she have her degree in?

I can help you if you dont know. I am just as qualified to give advice about these things as she is. So are you.

Fuck this "Doctor". I am so glad she is finally off the air.

I wonder if she gave "advice" to her crazy ass son..I wonder who she got advice from when she took those nudes...I wonder who she talked too when her mother passed and no one knew about it for days because of this "Dr."'s horrible relationship with her. It took the smell for someone to figure out she was dead and that is just sad.

Quote from the transcript where the caller said she gets called a ****** in her own home.

Perhaps you missed the part where I said.."So her saying to get a sense of humor about being called horrible things IN HER OWN HOME is good with you?"

mmmmm? How did this "doctor" get to the N word by the way...

Quote it from the transcript.
If I'm sensitive about my manhood, maybe I shouldn't drive a pink car.

If I have a delicate nose, maybe I shouldn't consider the house by the pig farm.

This lady caller had race issues. She married a white guy. How was pointing out the absurdity of the woman's position wrong? As a bonus Dr. Laura also pointed out the craziness of everyone, but one race, being able to use a word.
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FULL AUDIO: Dr. Laura Schlessinger's N-word rant | Media Matters for America

Mebbe Dr. Laura is being poisoned by the same guy who gave Tourette's to Robert Gibbs and Keith Halloran?

Is it Talk Like An Idiot Week and nobody told me?

When you refer to the "N" word I assume you mean ******? I use that word all the time. In Canada we are free to say what we want to. Words are not banned here as they are in the USA and we can travel anywhere we want unlike Americans who are told by their government where they can not go to. That's freedom?
If I'm sensitive about my manhood, maybe I shouldn't drive a pink car.

If I have a delicate nose, maybe I shouldn't consider the house by the pig farm.

This lady caller had race issues. She married a white guy. How was pointing out the absurdity of the woman's position wrong? As a bonus Dr. Laura also pointed out the craziness of everyone, but one race, being able to use a word.

Her or your lack of understanding of why usage is limited is not a legitimate conclusion of craziness.
Saying the word '******' is bad enough, treating someone like one is worse.

Saying that word is so disgusting to me I cringe. I even cringe when I see it posted.

Wondering though how do you treat someone like a n*****??
I work with a bunch of black guys. That's all I hear all day long, ****** this, ****** that. I have to hear it easily 50 times a day.
FULL AUDIO: Dr. Laura Schlessinger's N-word rant | Media Matters for America

Mebbe Dr. Laura is being poisoned by the same guy who gave Tourette's to Robert Gibbs and Keith Halloran?

Is it Talk Like An Idiot Week and nobody told me?

When you refer to the "N" word I assume you mean ******? I use that word all the time. In Canada we are free to say what we want to. Words are not banned here as they are in the USA and we can travel anywhere we want unlike Americans who are told by their government where they can not go to. That's freedom?

Yea, but a Canadian team can't win the Stanley Cup anymore.

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