Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

Spoonman, you obviously don't have what it takes here, and I know you don't in your home town, cowering in your bedroom in your mommy's basement. :lol:
Spoonman, you obviously don't have what it takes here, and I know you don't in your home town, cowering in your bedroom in your mommy's basement. :lol:

And once again my point is proven. I should really charge admission for this puppet show I'm putting on. *pulls another string*
If I'm sensitive about my manhood, maybe I shouldn't drive a pink car.

If I have a delicate nose, maybe I shouldn't consider the house by the pig farm.

This lady caller had race issues. She married a white guy. How was pointing out the absurdity of the woman's position wrong? As a bonus Dr. Laura also pointed out the craziness of everyone, but one race, being able to use a word.
Every black person in america would have "race issues" going by your criteria. If a black person is offended because she is being berated in her own home...SHE HAS THE PROBLEM?

Seriously? Wow.

Well of course that is the case because you have to understand the logic of these rightwing monkeys, when someone or something they value is offended or degraded the offender is the problem, when its someone or something they can care less about[or when they are the ones doing the offending, in fact they've mastered the art making *THEMSELVES* the victims when they're called out for their offending] the victims and the offended have the problem because they're too damn oversensitive and quick to play the victim.
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If I'm sensitive about my manhood, maybe I shouldn't drive a pink car.

If I have a delicate nose, maybe I shouldn't consider the house by the pig farm.

This lady caller had race issues. She married a white guy. How was pointing out the absurdity of the woman's position wrong? As a bonus Dr. Laura also pointed out the craziness of everyone, but one race, being able to use a word.
Every black person in america would have "race issues" going by your criteria. If a black person is offended because she is being berated in her own home...SHE HAS THE PROBLEM?

Seriously? Wow.

Well of course that is the case because you have to understand the logic of these rightwing monkeys, when someone or something they value is offended or degraded the offender is the problem, when its someone or something they can care less about[or when they are the ones doing the offending, in fact they've mastered the art making *THEMSELVES* the victims when they're called out for their offending] the victims and the offended have the problem because they're too damn oversensitive and quick to play the victim.

If the race card don't work you play the victim card. You idiots are so fucking predictable.

You are a victim, whitey owns your ass and there's nothing you can do about it.
Every black person in america would have "race issues" going by your criteria. If a black person is offended because she is being berated in her own home...SHE HAS THE PROBLEM?

Seriously? Wow.

Well of course that is the case because you have to understand the logic of these rightwing monkeys, when someone or something they value is offended or degraded the offender is the problem, when its someone or something they can care less about[or when they are the ones doing the offending, in fact they've mastered the art making *THEMSELVES* the victims when they're called out for their offending] the victims and the offended have the problem because they're too damn oversensitive and quick to play the victim.

If the race card don't work you play the victim card. You idiots are so fucking predictable.

You are a victim, whitey owns your ass and there's nothing you can do about it.

Shut your face chimp, I didn't ask for your unintelligent monkey speak.
Well of course that is the case because you have to understand the logic of these rightwing monkeys, when someone or something they value is offended or degraded the offender is the problem, when its someone or something they can care less about[or when they are the ones doing the offending, in fact they've mastered the art making *THEMSELVES* the victims when they're called out for their offending] the victims and the offended have the problem because they're too damn oversensitive and quick to play the victim.

If the race card don't work you play the victim card. You idiots are so fucking predictable.

You are a victim, whitey owns your ass and there's nothing you can do about it.

Shut your face chimp, I didn't ask for your unintelligent monkey speak.

Well you see that's the great thing about being a white man in America. I don't need to be asked for my opinion, I can give it any time I please and there ain't shit you can do about it.

How do you like being owned by a monkey?
People can call me wop, dago, guinea all day long. I don't care.

I hear ya, most people learn the "sticks and stones" phrase as a toddler and let the name-calling roll off 'em like water off a duck's back. And then there's some like the Basshole and Obama that are too thin-skinned.

You'd think all of the whippings would have fixed that problem :lol:

We only have problems because people allow them to become problems. Throughout history every group who immigrated here or was brought over as indentured servants has had to face adversity and name calling . The Micks, Krauts, Chinks and so on. They didn't need political correctness and the whiny crybabies who come with it. They ignored it and did their own thing. Soon it was all forgotten .
You guys are exactly part of the problem why the Dems are gonna win again this fall, but the good thing is that you all are dying off one at a time. Such a blessing for America.
Your concession, son, because you have nothing to offer, you are dying off, and no one is coming along to replace you, the younger folks know that you are stone cold dead walking just not fallen down yet, and, yeah, you are puppets on a string. :lol:

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