Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

I think that Detroit needs to file for bankruptcy since it is one of the worst cities financially. I mean if you think about it, cities like Compton and Inverness in California who have a smaller population stratosphere are financially holding up, and according to a recent Forbes article, the schools are even doing better. How?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

You made this your first post on the board?

You will not last long
All said and done, it was the Southern Poverty Law Center that brought down the KKK.

I beg to differ Republicans defeated the Ku Klux Klan. Southern Poverty Law Center was a side show.

Which republicans?

The most well-known opposition to black equality (well, other than the Democrat Party itself), was and is the Ku Klux Klan. Virtually every member of the KKK was an active member of, the Democrat Party.

In an effort to combat Democrat efforts, either directly as a party or through their terrorist arm known as the KKK, the Republican Congress established the U.S. Department of Justice to prosecute those persecuting blacks, in the process protecting blacks and the rights that had been extended to them. As history chronicles, this turned out to be more difficult than Republicans had hoped, taking another century before widespread and open violence against blacks by their Democrat tormentors would come to a merciful end (by then the party had learned to apply more subtle tactics to keep blacks oppressed).

Though Republicans continued passing laws protecting the rights of blacks, the power and influence of the Democrat Party/KKK rose over the coming decades, often through violent intimidation. High profile blacks and Republicans were targeted for violent reprisals, and injury and bloodshed common.

Southern Poverty Law Center had a hand in suppressing the KKK, this is undeniable - but it's the Republican Party that battled them relentlessly for a very long time .
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I think that Detroit needs to file for bankruptcy since it is one of the worst cities financially. I mean if you think about it, cities like Compton and Inverness in California who have a smaller population stratosphere are financially holding up, and according to a recent Forbes article, the schools are even doing better. How?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
You never get a second chance to make a good impression.

Are you in the right thread?
If you think about it, even after we killed Osama Bin Laden, we have to face the fact that he ended up accomplishing his goal. Ruining the US financially and creating so much terror in the hearts of Americans that we were forced to spend on unneccesary security oriented programs. In the end, sadly Osama Bin Laden accomplished his goal. Thoughts??

This is due to Obama's way of dealing with things. For example, under the republican administrations in the past, we were completing our goal, but once Hussein became president, we emboldened the enemy. The war on Terror was a patriotic endeavor to SAVE America. Osama Bin Laden didn't accomplish his goal, Obama accomplished Osama's goal.
I think that Detroit needs to file for bankruptcy since it is one of the worst cities financially. I mean if you think about it, cities like Compton and Inverness in California who have a smaller population stratosphere are financially holding up, and according to a recent Forbes article, the schools are even doing better. How?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

You made this your first post on the board?

You will not last long
Jezzuz winger - will you stop getting inside my head?

I beg to differ Republicans defeated the Ku Klux Klan. Southern Poverty Law Center was a side show.

Which republicans?

The most well-known opposition to black equality (well, other than the Democrat Party itself), was and is the Ku Klux Klan. Virtually every member of the KKK was an active member of, the Democrat Party.

In an effort to combat Democrat efforts, either directly as a party or through their terrorist arm known as the KKK, the Republican Congress established the U.S. Department of Justice to prosecute those persecuting blacks, in the process protecting blacks and the rights that had been extended to them. As history chronicles, this turned out to be more difficult than Republicans had hoped, taking another century before widespread and open violence against blacks by their Democrat tormentors would come to a merciful end (by then the party had learned to apply more subtle tactics to keep blacks oppressed).

Though Republicans continued passing laws protecting the rights of blacks, the power and influence of the Democrat Party/KKK rose over the coming decades, often through violent intimidation. High profile blacks and Republicans were targeted for violent reprisals, and injury and bloodshed common.

Southern Poverty Law Center had a hand in suppressing the KKK, this is undeniable - but it's the Republican Party that battled them relentlessly for a very long time .
So you had to go back to 1870...back when republicans were the liberals.

Too funny. Name some of those republicans in 1970...a hundred years later- who brought down the KKK.
America4America is a communist who acts a liberal socialist and wants to kick Obama out of his seat. He is a communist who wants to terrorize the people on the board with his farcical propaganda. Dont listen to his banter. Im just kidding, but there are people who think like that who need to get their brain checked.
I beg to differ Republicans defeated the Ku Klux Klan. Southern Poverty Law Center was a side show.

Which republicans?

The most well-known opposition to black equality (well, other than the Democrat Party itself), was and is the Ku Klux Klan. Virtually every member of the KKK was an active member of, the Democrat Party.

In an effort to combat Democrat efforts, either directly as a party or through their terrorist arm known as the KKK, the Republican Congress established the U.S. Department of Justice to prosecute those persecuting blacks, in the process protecting blacks and the rights that had been extended to them. As history chronicles, this turned out to be more difficult than Republicans had hoped, taking another century before widespread and open violence against blacks by their Democrat tormentors would come to a merciful end (by then the party had learned to apply more subtle tactics to keep blacks oppressed).

Though Republicans continued passing laws protecting the rights of blacks, the power and influence of the Democrat Party/KKK rose over the coming decades, often through violent intimidation. High profile blacks and Republicans were targeted for violent reprisals, and injury and bloodshed common.

Southern Poverty Law Center had a hand in suppressing the KKK, this is undeniable - but it's the Republican Party that battled them relentlessly for a very long time .

I thought you would come back with this nonsense that turns a North/South issue into a Democratic/Republicans issue

No further response required
It is a historical fact. And it may seem "amusing" on the surface, it does make sense if you think about it. When the KKK started getting powerful, the FBI targeted them for penetration. It turned out basically how the KKK was driven was that a bunch of white racists would get together and bash blacks and integration. Most of them just wanted to disapprove and complain and live with it. A relative few were the ones who truly hated blacks and wanted to go to violence and terror to keep them down. The rest of them went along with that afraid to say no to them.

When the FBI started going to individuals and getting them to rat out and spy on the Klan for them they people falling over themselves to do it, the Klan went from a massively effective organization to a demasculated one very quickly.

Even though those people were racists and thought blacks were inferior and didn't want them to actually go to their church or live in their neighborhood, they saw murder and terrorizing them as wrong and they cooperated. Frankly it's not hard to see why. Not wanting someone to live next door to you doesn't mean you want them hanging from a tree while their house is burning and their terrified family is running for their lives.
Do you have any real evidence to back what you are saying up, or are you just conjecturing?

I don't search for links for basic history for willfully ignorant liberals. It's my expectation you know history or you're willing to learn that on your own. If you aren't willing, I don't really care. The loss is yours. I am on Google all the time when I post. I will ask someone if I Google and it doesn't support what they said. Obviously you didn't do that because it would have verified what I said.

You also know that lynching used to be a fun spectacle that provided amusement for a whole community, right?
I get payed minimum wage at 7.25 and i want it to be $10.00, how am I supposed to get a minority scholarship with that suckish pay
I get payed minimum wage at 7.25 and i want it to be $10.00, how am I supposed to get a minority scholarship with that suckish pay

Despite the fact that your post is off topic, I will address it anyway. There should not even be a minimum wage. It should be up to EMPLOYERS, as they EMPLOY people, they should have the FEEDOM to decide wages. Simple as that!
Do you have any real evidence to back what you are saying up, or are you just conjecturing?

I don't search for links for basic history for willfully ignorant liberals. It's my expectation you know history or you're willing to learn that on your own. If you aren't willing, I don't really care. The loss is yours. I am on Google all the time when I post. I will ask someone if I Google and it doesn't support what they said. Obviously you didn't do that because it would have verified what I said.

You also know that lynching used to be a fun spectacle that provided amusement for a whole community, right?
"Fun" for the whole family.
I get payed minimum wage at 7.25 and i want it to be $10.00, how am I supposed to get a minority scholarship with that suckish pay

Despite the fact that your post is off topic, I will address it anyway. There should not even be a minimum wage. It should be up to EMPLOYERS, as they EMPLOY people, they should have the FEEDOM to decide wages. Simple as that!

Employers are very evil, they are very egocentric and all they care about is themselves and how to used the chinese child labor c++ program and how to reap benefits off their unfortunate employees
I get payed minimum wage at 7.25 and i want it to be $10.00, how am I supposed to get a minority scholarship with that suckish pay

Despite the fact that your post is off topic, I will address it anyway. There should not even be a minimum wage. It should be up to EMPLOYERS, as they EMPLOY people, they should have the FEEDOM to decide wages. Simple as that!

Employers are very evil, they are very egocentric and all they care about is themselves and how to used the chinese child labor c++ program and how to reap benefits off their unfortunate employees

Does it matter if they are? Ultimately, they should have FREEDDOM! Your point is worthless.
I just want to apologize to everyone in the United States of America for going off topic on this forum. I just made account and am very confused
I get payed minimum wage at 7.25 and i want it to be $10.00, how am I supposed to get a minority scholarship with that suckish pay

Despite the fact that your post is off topic, I will address it anyway. There should not even be a minimum wage. It should be up to EMPLOYERS, as they EMPLOY people, they should have the FEEDOM to decide wages. Simple as that!

Employers are very evil, they are very egocentric and all they care about is themselves and how to used the chinese child labor c++ program and how to reap benefits off their unfortunate employees

generalizations like that just make you look very very stupid.
The great swamig Saptarishi says that we should all go one welfare and bankrupt the government and then run the government with out welfare money and make this country a oligarchy

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