Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Actually, as he won against Hillary in the primaries because of his black skin and not the content of his character,

it is actually a complete and total repudiation of his dream.
He beat Hillary because he was the better candidate and we now know that she was much less popular than people thought.

He was an inexperienced lightweight. He would have been ignored, if not for his black skin.
He had charisma and many of us did not look at the color of his skin. That was what you guys focused on.

1. He did have charisma, I will give you that. At least compared to Hillary.

2. And many of you did look at the color of his skin. You don't get to talk about how wonderful it is to have the First Black President for 9 fucking years, and then pretend it didn't mean shit to you.

3. No, we did not. That is just shit leftards spewed from their face anuses.
I never called him a Black President, although it came out when the racism from the right was so prevalent. Using the term leftards shows that you are barely worth paying attention to.

You might not have. That you pretend that your fellow lefties did not, is not honest of you.

You are calling me and mine racist, based on shit. YOu will be lucky if Leftard is as harsh as I get in return.
Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
During Obama’s,s tenure we saw how racist the nation still was.

That is fucking bullshit. Did we impeach him? Did we fly a balloon of him wearing a fucking diaper?
That has nothing to do with what I said.

It contrasts the treatment we gave Obama to the treatment we gave the most recent WHITE Dem President.

That certainly has something to so with your claim.

It also contrasts the treatment we gave Obama to the treatment the city of London gave to Trump.

That certainly has something to do with your claim.

Your claim was that our normal, bitter partisan opposition was proof of racism.

My examples proved that WORSE treatment was given to Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, despite their white skin.

Thus PROVING it is not about RACE.

You lose.
Opinion and proof are two different things.

I cited historical fact as examples to support my judgement.

What did you do to support your smear of this Great Nation? Call US names again?

Hint: name calling is not a supporting argument.
That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?
King supported LBJ in 1964

It was LBJ who lobbied for and signed the Civil Rights Act

yes, and if it was left to the democrats it would not have passed, a majority of them voted against it. It only passed because of republican votes. You lose again.
Let’s get it straight

It passed because of votes outside the South

Both Republicans and Democrats in the south unanimously voted against

No, they didn't.

But that is not the real lesson to be learned.

Sure sounds Republican to me

Maybe a mod like McCain or Powell.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Trump's belated attempt to build the Wall is the first example that comes to mind.

The rich want cheap labor. The poor and working class AMERICANS, are the ones fucked by cheap labor.

(your desire to move the goal posts to "legislation" is noted, laughed at, and dismissed).

Sure sounds Republican to me

Maybe a mod like McCain or Powell.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Right to Work Legislation is designed to help the working people by eliminating Compulsory Unionism. Few wealthy people are forced to work at jobs where they are forced to pay union dues
Right to work is right to low pay

Sure sounds Republican to me

Maybe a mod like McCain or Powell.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Trump's belated attempt to build the Wall is the first example that comes to mind.

The rich want cheap labor. The poor and working class AMERICANS, are the ones fucked by cheap labor.

(your desire to move the goal posts to "legislation" is noted, laughed at, and dismissed).
Belated is the word

Republicans made no attempt at a wall when they ran govt
Maybe a mod like McCain or Powell.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Right to Work Legislation is designed to help the working people by eliminating Compulsory Unionism. Few wealthy people are forced to work at jobs where they are forced to pay union dues
Right to work is right to low pay

Of course you disagree with it.

Oh, wait, so you had an unspoken caveat to your question. It had to be a republican policy that you AGREED with...

That's not reasonable.
Maybe a mod like McCain or Powell.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Trump's belated attempt to build the Wall is the first example that comes to mind.

The rich want cheap labor. The poor and working class AMERICANS, are the ones fucked by cheap labor.

(your desire to move the goal posts to "legislation" is noted, laughed at, and dismissed).
Belated is the word

Republicans made no attempt at a wall when they ran govt

Agreed. But now they are. And it is a policy that massively meets your question.

Do you want another one? Or are you willing to admit that republicans do represent the interests of the poor and working class, just in a different ideological way than you like?

I will be happy to give you another one.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Right to Work Legislation is designed to help the working people by eliminating Compulsory Unionism. Few wealthy people are forced to work at jobs where they are forced to pay union dues
Right to work is right to low pay

Of course you disagree with it.

Oh, wait, so you had an unspoken caveat to your question. It had to be a republican policy that you AGREED with...

That's not reasonable.

Killing unions supports capitalists
Maybe a mod like McCain or Powell.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Right to Work Legislation is designed to help the working people by eliminating Compulsory Unionism. Few wealthy people are forced to work at jobs where they are forced to pay union dues
Right to work is right to low pay

No it isn't. RTW only removes the "right" of Labor Bosses to a portion of the worker's paycheck. Does not reduce anyone's paycheck at all, either members of Big Labor or non-members.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Right to Work Legislation is designed to help the working people by eliminating Compulsory Unionism. Few wealthy people are forced to work at jobs where they are forced to pay union dues
Right to work is right to low pay

No it isn't. RTW only removes the "right" of Labor Bosses to a portion of the worker's paycheck. Does not reduce anyone's paycheck at all, either members of Big Labor or non-members.
It removes the rights of workers to collectively bargain and demand fair pay
So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality
You need to remove your head from your ass and see who the Democrats are and who the Republicans are. I will give you a hint, most Blacks are Democrat. Get into the 21st century.

that was the model in the past, but more blacks and Hispanics are leaving the dem party every day because they see that they favor illegals over American citizens and that Trump's economic policies are working for THEM.

It you that needs to move into the 21st century because your rhetoric is still in the 1950s.
Do not accuse me of what you are guilty of. It is a cheap rightwing trick that no one falls for.

no tricks here, just stating facts. Sorry if those facts don't fit your left wing agenda of lies and propaganda.
Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Right to Work Legislation is designed to help the working people by eliminating Compulsory Unionism. Few wealthy people are forced to work at jobs where they are forced to pay union dues
Right to work is right to low pay

No it isn't. RTW only removes the "right" of Labor Bosses to a portion of the worker's paycheck. Does not reduce anyone's paycheck at all, either members of Big Labor or non-members.
It removes the rights of workers to collectively bargain and demand fair pay

no it doesn't, it just allows some to choose to not participate in the unions. It gives workers a CHOICE. I thought you libs were all about choice.

Sure sounds Republican to me

Maybe a mod like McCain or Powell.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

civil rights act of 1964, tax cuts of 2018
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Right to Work Legislation is designed to help the working people by eliminating Compulsory Unionism. Few wealthy people are forced to work at jobs where they are forced to pay union dues
Right to work is right to low pay

No it isn't. RTW only removes the "right" of Labor Bosses to a portion of the worker's paycheck. Does not reduce anyone's paycheck at all, either members of Big Labor or non-members.
It removes the rights of workers to collectively bargain and demand fair pay

no it doesn't, it just allows some to choose to not participate in the unions. It gives workers a CHOICE. I thought you libs were all about choice.
It guts unions in those states and strips workers of collective bargaining rights

The only thing certain about Right to Work is lower wages
Right to Work Legislation is designed to help the working people by eliminating Compulsory Unionism. Few wealthy people are forced to work at jobs where they are forced to pay union dues
Right to work is right to low pay

No it isn't. RTW only removes the "right" of Labor Bosses to a portion of the worker's paycheck. Does not reduce anyone's paycheck at all, either members of Big Labor or non-members.
It removes the rights of workers to collectively bargain and demand fair pay

no it doesn't, it just allows some to choose to not participate in the unions. It gives workers a CHOICE. I thought you libs were all about choice.
It guts unions in those states and strips workers of collective bargaining rights

The only thing certain about Right to Work is lower wages

It doesn't "gut" anything. Employees still have the right to bargain, still have the right to join a union if they want.

If the number of union members decreases, its due to the fact that the union isn't providing VALUE to the membership.

Sure sounds Republican to me

Maybe a mod like McCain or Powell.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

civil rights act of 1964, tax cuts of 2018
More than it helps the rich?
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality
You need to remove your head from your ass and see who the Democrats are and who the Republicans are. I will give you a hint, most Blacks are Democrat. Get into the 21st century.

that was the model in the past, but more blacks and Hispanics are leaving the dem party every day because they see that they favor illegals over American citizens and that Trump's economic policies are working for THEM.

It you that needs to move into the 21st century because your rhetoric is still in the 1950s.
Do not accuse me of what you are guilty of. It is a cheap rightwing trick that no one falls for.

no tricks here, just stating facts. Sorry if those facts don't fit your left wing agenda of lies and propaganda.
You confuse facts and opinions, and you did not properly reply to what I posted.
Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Right to Work Legislation is designed to help the working people by eliminating Compulsory Unionism. Few wealthy people are forced to work at jobs where they are forced to pay union dues
Right to work is right to low pay

Of course you disagree with it.

Oh, wait, so you had an unspoken caveat to your question. It had to be a republican policy that you AGREED with...

That's not reasonable.

Killing unions supports capitalists

We already established that you don't see the other side, thus, respecting it, despite a difference of opinion is impossible for you.

Everyone that disagrees with you, in your mind, can only be motivated by stupidity or evulness.

Since you disagree with them.

Sure sounds Republican to me

Maybe a mod like McCain or Powell.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

civil rights act of 1964, tax cuts of 2018

No, see it has to be a Republican policy that he AGREES with, or it doesn't count. He didn't say that, it was assumed.

But we've discovered it, as I brought up examples.

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