Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

You didn’t read the article did you?

I read the op. There was no link to a larger article.

AND, like I said, "4000" is bullshit.

Lynching peaked before the end of the 1800s. The numbers I've seen for the post WWii, or the Civil Rights are, have been, dozens, or scores.

Smearing all the members of a nation of well over one hundred million, because of the actions of a few hundred people,

is not a reasonable thing to do.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality
You need to remove your head from your ass and see who the Democrats are and who the Republicans are. I will give you a hint, most Blacks are Democrat. Get into the 21st century.
Dr King would have been thrilled with the election of Obama

It was the fulfillment of his.......I have a dream

Actually, as he won against Hillary in the primaries because of his black skin and not the content of his character,

it is actually a complete and total repudiation of his dream.
He beat Hillary because he was the better candidate and we now know that she was much less popular than people thought.

He was an inexperienced lightweight. He would have been ignored, if not for his black skin.
He had charisma and many of us did not look at the color of his skin. That was what you guys focused on.

1. He did have charisma, I will give you that. At least compared to Hillary.

2. And many of you did look at the color of his skin. You don't get to talk about how wonderful it is to have the First Black President for 9 fucking years, and then pretend it didn't mean shit to you.

3. No, we did not. That is just shit leftards spewed from their face anuses.
I never called him a Black President, although it came out when the racism from the right was so prevalent. Using the term leftards shows that you are barely worth paying attention to.
I am well aware of our history

That is why I honor MLK in this thread

Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
During Obama’s,s tenure we saw how racist the nation still was.

That is fucking bullshit. Did we impeach him? Did we fly a balloon of him wearing a fucking diaper?
That has nothing to do with what I said.

It contrasts the treatment we gave Obama to the treatment we gave the most recent WHITE Dem President.

That certainly has something to so with your claim.

It also contrasts the treatment we gave Obama to the treatment the city of London gave to Trump.

That certainly has something to do with your claim.

Your claim was that our normal, bitter partisan opposition was proof of racism.

My examples proved that WORSE treatment was given to Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, despite their white skin.

Thus PROVING it is not about RACE.

You lose.
Opinion and proof are two different things.
Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?
King supported LBJ in 1964

It was LBJ who lobbied for and signed the Civil Rights Act

yes, and if it was left to the democrats it would not have passed, a majority of them voted against it. It only passed because of republican votes. You lose again.
I read the op. There was no link to a larger article.

AND, like I said, "4000" is bullshit.

Lynching peaked before the end of the 1800s. The numbers I've seen for the post WWii, or the Civil Rights are, have been, dozens, or scores.

Smearing all the members of a nation of well over one hundred million, because of the actions of a few hundred people,

is not a reasonable thing to do.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality
You need to remove your head from your ass and see who the Democrats are and who the Republicans are. I will give you a hint, most Blacks are Democrat. Get into the 21st century.

that was the model in the past, but more blacks and Hispanics are leaving the dem party every day because they see that they favor illegals over American citizens and that Trump's economic policies are working for THEM.

It you that needs to move into the 21st century because your rhetoric is still in the 1950s.
Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
During Obama’s,s tenure we saw how racist the nation still was.

That is fucking bullshit. Did we impeach him? Did we fly a balloon of him wearing a fucking diaper?
That has nothing to do with what I said.

It contrasts the treatment we gave Obama to the treatment we gave the most recent WHITE Dem President.

That certainly has something to so with your claim.

It also contrasts the treatment we gave Obama to the treatment the city of London gave to Trump.

That certainly has something to do with your claim.

Your claim was that our normal, bitter partisan opposition was proof of racism.

My examples proved that WORSE treatment was given to Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, despite their white skin.

Thus PROVING it is not about RACE.

You lose.
Opinion and proof are two different things.

He destroyed your argument with facts, deal with it.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?
King supported LBJ in 1964

It was LBJ who lobbied for and signed the Civil Rights Act

yes, and if it was left to the democrats it would not have passed, a majority of them voted against it. It only passed because of republican votes. You lose again.
Let’s get it straight

It passed because of votes outside the South

Both Republicans and Democrats in the south unanimously voted against
So King supported LBJ in 1964. How much longer did he live after that? Four years. When did Democrats start supporting Civil Rights and Voting Rights? About that time frame. That means for the majority of his life, between the two parties, Democrats -Southern, Northern, Western - collectively worked against the things King was pushing for; which, had more support from Republicans. I can’t see this man voting with Democrats even as an independent for most of his life. From ‘64 on, I’m sure he knew how to work with Democrats and Democrats knew they had to work with him despite how they had treated Blacks as per their legacy.
So King supported LBJ in 1964. How much longer did he live after that? Four years. When did Democrats start supporting Civil Rights and Voting Rights? About that time frame. That means for the majority of his life, between the two parties, Democrats -Southern, Northern, Western - collectively worked against the things King was pushing for; which, had more support from Republicans. I can’t see this man voting with Democrats even as an independent for most of his life. From ‘64 on, I’m sure he knew how to work with Democrats and Democrats knew they had to work with him despite how they had treated Blacks as per their legacy.
Can you show which republicans supported Civil Rights
That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?
King supported LBJ in 1964

It was LBJ who lobbied for and signed the Civil Rights Act

yes, and if it was left to the democrats it would not have passed, a majority of them voted against it. It only passed because of republican votes. You lose again.
Let’s get it straight

It passed because of votes outside the South

Both Republicans and Democrats in the south unanimously voted against

you are simply wrong

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’
So King supported LBJ in 1964. How much longer did he live after that? Four years. When did Democrats start supporting Civil Rights and Voting Rights? About that time frame. That means for the majority of his life, between the two parties, Democrats -Southern, Northern, Western - collectively worked against the things King was pushing for; which, had more support from Republicans. I can’t see this man voting with Democrats even as an independent for most of his life. From ‘64 on, I’m sure he knew how to work with Democrats and Democrats knew they had to work with him despite how they had treated Blacks as per their legacy.
Can you show which republicans supported Civil Rights

a majority of republicans in the congress at the time, and a majority of dems did not support it.
So King supported LBJ in 1964. How much longer did he live after that? Four years. When did Democrats start supporting Civil Rights and Voting Rights? About that time frame. That means for the majority of his life, between the two parties, Democrats -Southern, Northern, Western - collectively worked against the things King was pushing for; which, had more support from Republicans. I can’t see this man voting with Democrats even as an independent for most of his life. From ‘64 on, I’m sure he knew how to work with Democrats and Democrats knew they had to work with him despite how they had treated Blacks as per their legacy.
Can you show which republicans supported Civil Rights

Which years ... 1865-1964?
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?
King supported LBJ in 1964

It was LBJ who lobbied for and signed the Civil Rights Act

yes, and if it was left to the democrats it would not have passed, a majority of them voted against it. It only passed because of republican votes. You lose again.
Let’s get it straight

It passed because of votes outside the South

Both Republicans and Democrats in the south unanimously voted against

you are simply wrong

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’
He's not wrong. You're just an idiot who can't read. rightwinger didn't deny Republicans overall voted at a higher percentage ... he said, "it passed because of votes outside the South. Both Republicans and Democrats in the south unanimously voted against," and that's very true. The split was more apparent between north & south than it was Republican Democrat. There just happened to be very few Republicans in the south at that time...




And of course, today, the racist south is mostly Republican.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality
You need to remove your head from your ass and see who the Democrats are and who the Republicans are. I will give you a hint, most Blacks are Democrat. Get into the 21st century.

that was the model in the past, but more blacks and Hispanics are leaving the dem party every day because they see that they favor illegals over American citizens and that Trump's economic policies are working for THEM.

It you that needs to move into the 21st century because your rhetoric is still in the 1950s.
Do not accuse me of what you are guilty of. It is a cheap rightwing trick that no one falls for.
MLK was a Conservative Republican. His legacy is now represented by his beloved niece Alveda King, who is a huge supporter of her President , Donald J. Trump.
Alveda says her famous uncle was an Independent. Don’t you idiots ever feel shame for being so stupid?

She also says that she assumed he was a Republican. So, which is it?
She admitted she said that without having “all the facts.” She then corrected her initial mistake.

Not in the quote you posted, she did not.
Actually, she did. I merely posted both quotes in separate posts. Here’s her entire press release which she freely and voluntarily submitted to the public to clarify her earlier mistake...

Put Political Strife Out to Pasture
By Dr. Alveda C. King

I have few regrets in my life. At the top of the list is the demise of two children in my womb, and one miscarriage. Next to that, I regret having said to a group of peers that my Uncle M. L. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) was a Republican. I said that without having all the facts.

My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. was a registered Republican. Uncle M. L. was an independent, who in his own words tended to vote Democrat. I assumed that since granddaddy was a Republican, Uncle M. L. was too. After all, before the election of President John F. Kennedy, the majority of African-American voters were Republicans.

Granddaddy convinced a large block of blacks to vote for President John Kennedy after he helped to get my uncle out of jail during those turbulent days. Uncle M. L. tended to vote Democrat, but remained independent because he found weaknesses in both parties.

The truth of the matter is that God isn’t a Republican or a Democrat or a tea party voter. God doesn’t vote. The squabbling and division among the parties is tragic.

Wise Christian leaders such as Dr. Billy Graham and others who have visited the White House over the years to advise sitting presidents have focused on the times and not the parties. I’m beginning to understand the wisdom of such. As a result, I am no longer endorsing political candidates, choosing rather to vote responsibly and to follow the Bible instructions that we must pray for all people, including those in authority.

1. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.
2. For kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
3. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.
4. God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

M. L.’s perspective: As a Christian leader and civil rights activist, Uncle M. L. followed a pattern of not publicly endorsing a U.S. political party or candidate. He wrote: "I feel someone must remain in the position of non-alignment, so that he can look objectively at both parties and be the conscience of both — not the servant or master of either."

In a 1958 interview, he expressed his view that neither party was perfect, saying, "I don't think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses . . . And I'm not inextricably bound to either party.”

He also assessed both parties' performance on promoting racial equality.

“Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic Party. The Democrats have betrayed him by capitulating to the whims and caprices of the Southern Dixiecrats. The Republicans have betrayed him by capitulating to the blatant hypocrisy of reactionary right-wing northern Republicans. And this coalition of Southern Dixiecrats and right-wing reactionary northern Republicans defeats every bill and every move toward liberal legislation in the area of civil rights.”

Although he never publicly supported a political party or candidate for president, in a letter to a civil rights supporter in October 1956 he wrote: "In the past I always voted the Democratic ticket." In 1960, like my grandfather, he privately voted for John F. Kennedy: "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one."

He also went so far as to consider making one endorsement: "Had President Kennedy lived, I would probably have endorsed him in 1964.

Surely it is possible to be a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or a member of the tea party, Green Party, a Christian Party member, or affiliate with any party one chooses, and not hate our brothers and sisters who choose another path. Church denominations and political divisions make too many enemies when we need to be united in this one human race that dominates this planet.

As one who has been elected to office as a Georgia State Representative (Democrat), served as a presidential appointee (Republican), and who has often been voted as an independent, I can truly say that we would all be better off without the political squabbles that tend to divide us.

Don’t you ever feel stupid??

Nope. My comment about the information you previously posted was correct. The quotes you previously provided was not clear.

Only an asshole would try to call me stupid, for pointing out the truth. YOu are that asshole.

Sure sounds Republican to me

Maybe a mod like McCain or Powell.
Didn’t see them advocating for the poor

Only because you are blinded by partisan rage and hate.
Can you point to a single piece of Republican legislation that helps the poor or working class more than it helps the rich?

Right to Work Legislation is designed to help the working people by eliminating Compulsory Unionism. Few wealthy people are forced to work at jobs where they are forced to pay union dues
I read the op. There was no link to a larger article.

AND, like I said, "4000" is bullshit.

Lynching peaked before the end of the 1800s. The numbers I've seen for the post WWii, or the Civil Rights are, have been, dozens, or scores.

Smearing all the members of a nation of well over one hundred million, because of the actions of a few hundred people,

is not a reasonable thing to do.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality
You need to remove your head from your ass and see who the Democrats are and who the Republicans are. I will give you a hint, most Blacks are Democrat. Get into the 21st century.

No one ever said that racial demagoguery does not work.

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