Dr. Mordechai Kedar - Why is the Middle East such a violent area?

[QUOTE="Penelope, post: 10135348,

"Iran will take over Afghanistan , and they do not care about any human rights" "Iran is not a nation, nor is Syria? We are fooled by thinking every country is one solid state and its not" (Hum sounds like Israel over the Pals.)

this guy is hilarious, yes he is bias, and that is what makes me smarter. He then goes on to talk about how western Israel is, and has freedom, and its a load of junk.[/QUOTE]

Penelope---every time you write you prove that you are brainless. Do
you know anything about Afghanistan? have you ever known an
Afghani? Have you ever known Iranians? -------I have over the past
more than 45 years An interesting factoid regarding Afghanistan and
Iran is that CULTURALLY----Iran is far closer to Afghanistan than is
PAKISTAN to any arab state ----although Pakistanis do like to
EMULATE arabs even in dress Linguistically-----URDU---is
a little mixed up with Farsi----the the language of Afghanistan is all
but-----regular Iranian Farsi----(sorta). More stuff----the CLOSE
relationship between iran and Afghanistan dates back thousands of
years (learn some history)

If you make an "assertion"----<< that is a comment you want to convey
as fact, then be prepared to support that assertion. You claimed
Dr Kedar is "bias"-----<<<not English---but I get the idea. Can
you cite a statement that he made in the video that you would
call "biased"?

I have been in Israel-----culturally it is very much what people
call "western" and it is very free.----very comparable to
what people call "western countries" like the USA For
part of my life I lived in New Jersey------on walking about I
often had to remind myself that I am not in Jersey------some
parts look like Hoboken---home of FRANK SINATRA ---
Jersey's favorite son.[/QUOTE]

Penelope is too busy to respond to simple questions----busy looking for
a twig of civilization in the heart land of islam-----Saudi Arabia. It is quite
a task-----but she is working hard-----they may allow midde aged unlipsticked,
women drive----with the PERMISSION OF THEIR OWNERS (owners of women include father, brother, husband or son.....and only before dusk.

an interesting factoid on DUSK in the stench of shariah law>>>>>
both muslim women and NON MUSLIMS cannot be 'out' after dusk.
A women OUT after dusk is rapable-----a non muslim is also KILLABLE.

keep struggling, penelope
[QUOTE="Penelope, post: 10135348,

"Iran will take over Afghanistan , and they do not care about any human rights" "Iran is not a nation, nor is Syria? We are fooled by thinking every country is one solid state and its not" (Hum sounds like Israel over the Pals.)

this guy is hilarious, yes he is bias, and that is what makes me smarter. He then goes on to talk about how western Israel is, and has freedom, and its a load of junk.

Penelope---every time you write you prove that you are brainless. Do
you know anything about Afghanistan? have you ever known an
Afghani? Have you ever known Iranians? -------I have over the past
more than 45 years An interesting factoid regarding Afghanistan and
Iran is that CULTURALLY----Iran is far closer to Afghanistan than is
PAKISTAN to any arab state ----although Pakistanis do like to
EMULATE arabs even in dress Linguistically-----URDU---is
a little mixed up with Farsi----the the language of Afghanistan is all
but-----regular Iranian Farsi----(sorta). More stuff----the CLOSE
relationship between iran and Afghanistan dates back thousands of
years (learn some history)

If you make an "assertion"----<< that is a comment you want to convey
as fact, then be prepared to support that assertion. You claimed
Dr Kedar is "bias"-----<<<not English---but I get the idea. Can
you cite a statement that he made in the video that you would
call "biased"?

I have been in Israel-----culturally it is very much what people
call "western" and it is very free.----very comparable to
what people call "western countries" like the USA For
part of my life I lived in New Jersey------on walking about I
often had to remind myself that I am not in Jersey------some
parts look like Hoboken---home of FRANK SINATRA ---
Jersey's favorite son.[/QUOTE]

sure Israel looks free, I mean the gay parade yearly, but look at how they treat the Pals, Iran is a country and Iraq use to be, there is some talk now of making it into what 2 or 3 countries? Is everyone living in a country suppose to be the same. He is comparing all countries to Israel and Palestine, but not talking about the civil war they have going on. Being a Zionist makes him bias, and thinking everyone should be more like the West does as well.[/QUOTE]

Israel responds to the PALS not much different than did the USA in its
response to the JAPANESE----in the post world war II era------you made
no point-------you simply provided MORE similarities-----not less. I looked
at LOTS of arabs whilst in Israel-----lots of very prosperous businessmen---
doing whatever they wished to do --------the persons called "Palestinians"---
are a self declared enemy of Israel----in fact strictly speaking in a STATE OF WAR against Israel since they never surrendered------gee you are dim. Lots
of arabs in Israel know Hebrew a lot better than do you. In fact lots of
Israelis know Arabic a lot better than you know English --------the only language
in which I am fluent is English

BTW-----arabs who are called "Palestinians" are a lot better off than were jews
in shariah shit holes during the past 1400 years
I just noticed-----Penelope claims there is a civil war going on in Israel ????
Anyone want to comment on that psychotic idea? It does show up in
islamo Nazi propaganda-----long long long ago-----when I was young---(and
beautiful----like more than 40 years ago-------a Pakistani surgeon in the USA
told me "Israel will be gone in two years...."--- 42 years ago. I asked
"why" He said with complete confidence in this "information"-----"the
Ashkenazi jews and the Sephardi jews are killing each other" (at that time
I had not yet learned that sunni muslims killed Shiites on a regular basis.
I answered "no they aren't"---------He said "yes they are" I said "if they
were I would know about it" he said "why would anyone tell you"?
This guy was not stupid----he just got his education in a Karachi medical
school and LEARNED what he was told to learn. ie his education was
something like that of Penelope. I was very surprised that he KNEW
the words ASHKENAZI and SEPHARDI Ashkenazi is Hebrew and
to any person from-----a large part of Europe----most importantly from the
Rhine valley which is a part of Europe to which jews had migrated early on
during the arab invasions (part of Germany ---sorta) Sephardi means
in general anyone with roots in the Iberian peninsula----lots of jews did
migrate there. I wonder if Penelope is referring to that VERY SAME
"civil war"
Your right, a slow genocide Is more like it.

OH!!!! thanks Penelope-----for the latest in islamo Nazi bullshit------
Fellow posters-----please note------Penelope is claiming that Sephardi jews and

Did I get that right, Penelope??? is that the latest in for the weekly
Khutbah jumaat
feces fling? Can you expand on this notion -----I must discuss this with hubby---
a "mizrachi" (sorta) himself----with nine sibs-----all ----married to jews from
just about every "designation" in Israel ---he mght be interested------which one
of us should be concerned ? Will I kill him----or will he kill me??

do not delay, PENELOPE the subject of Sephardi/Ashkenazi----"civil war"
fascinates me---
Your right, a slow genocide Is more like it.

OH!!!! thanks Penelope-----for the latest in islamo Nazi bullshit------
Fellow posters-----please note------Penelope is claiming that Sephardi jews and

Did I get that right, Penelope??? is that the latest in for the weekly
Khutbah jumaat
feces fling? Can you expand on this notion -----I must discuss this with hubby---
a "mizrachi" (sorta) himself----with nine sibs-----all ----married to jews from
just about every "designation" in Israel ---he mght be interested------which one
of us should be concerned ? Will I kill him----or will he kill me??

do not delay, PENELOPE the subject of Sephardi/Ashkenazi----"civil war"
fascinates me---

Oh gee----I am so disappointed-----as is my extended family------lots of ----Ashkenazi jews and Sephardi jews----and that nebulous designation "mizrachi jews--------all happily intermarried ------are still waiting
for Penelope to tell us about that "SLOW GENOCIDE"-----must we kill each other like the sunnis and Shiites
kill each other , Penelope?
Why the ME is such a mess, because Israel, US Zionist and SA messed with it.
Why the ME is such a mess, because Israel, US Zionist and SA messed with it.

you did not come close to responding to the issue I mentioned----part and parcel of the
islamo Nazi propaganda DOES include a concept that SEPHARDI JEWS and ASHKENAZI jews
are KILLING EACH OTHER------something like the history of sunnis and Shiites killing each other
and catholics and protestants ----killing each other----------why are you reluctant to discuss that stuff
that you swallowed whole-------all your life? -----be brave-------

btw ----the world is a mess today because of the stink and filth of CONSTANTINE-----the founder
of the stink of islamo Nazism-------that dog invented the Nuremburg laws rendering genocide LEGAL.
Muhummad did not do it-----he simply ADOPTED YOUR STINK AND FILTH
Why the ME is such a mess, because Israel, US Zionist and SA messed with it.

Penelope ----learn some history-----the Middle east has been a mess for more than 3000 years.
It became very messed up by the stink and stench of CONSTANTINE--first emperor of the
Holy roman empire (first reich) PIMP CONSTANTINE invented the laws which were later
codified by JUSTIN his grandson-----into the JUSTINIAN CODE----the basis of the NUREMBURG
LAWS that are your faves-----the laws legalizing genocide ----but before that the stink and filth of the
INQUISITION-----murdering machine of millions both in Europe and the Americas. MORE important
in the murder industry that you so love is ----SHARIAH LAW------the rapist pig Muhummad ADOPTED
the details of the filth of the JUSTINIAN CODE-----and using it his followers murdered HUNDREDS
OF MILLIONS and counting ------to your delight
Why the ME is such a mess, because Israel, US Zionist and SA messed with it.

Penelope you have AGAIN said nothing ------what does
"messed with" mean? Saudi Arabia is part of the middle
east. US Zionists are jews (some Christians) and Israel
had been an actual country-----in current times only since
1948-----the MIDDLE EAST was quite a mess long before
1948. Take a deep breath and try to engage your "brain"
Your right, a slow genocide Is more like it.

OH!!!! thanks Penelope-----for the latest in islamo Nazi bullshit------
Fellow posters-----please note------Penelope is claiming that Sephardi jews and

Did I get that right, Penelope??? is that the latest in for the weekly
Khutbah jumaat
feces fling? Can you expand on this notion -----I must discuss this with hubby---
a "mizrachi" (sorta) himself----with nine sibs-----all ----married to jews from
just about every "designation" in Israel ---he mght be interested------which one
of us should be concerned ? Will I kill him----or will he kill me??

do not delay, PENELOPE the subject of Sephardi/Ashkenazi----"civil war"
fascinates me---

Oh gee----I am so disappointed-----as is my extended family------lots of ----Ashkenazi jews and Sephardi jews----and that nebulous designation "mizrachi jews--------all happily intermarried ------are still waiting
for Penelope to tell us about that "SLOW GENOCIDE"-----must we kill each other like the sunnis and Shiites
kill each other , Penelope?

well Penelope ???? over to you-----"slow genocide" ----
"civil war"-----you have alluded several times to such events
going on in Israel--- -----can you at least try to be a bit more
explicit? I have been waiting-----for more than 40 years to find out about that CIVIL WAR going on ----between various jewish "sects"
Your right, a slow genocide Is more like it.

OH!!!! thanks Penelope-----for the latest in islamo Nazi bullshit------
Fellow posters-----please note------Penelope is claiming that Sephardi jews and

Did I get that right, Penelope??? is that the latest in for the weekly
Khutbah jumaat
feces fling? Can you expand on this notion -----I must discuss this with hubby---
a "mizrachi" (sorta) himself----with nine sibs-----all ----married to jews from
just about every "designation" in Israel ---he mght be interested------which one
of us should be concerned ? Will I kill him----or will he kill me??

do not delay, PENELOPE the subject of Sephardi/Ashkenazi----"civil war"
fascinates me---

Oh gee----I am so disappointed-----as is my extended family------lots of ----Ashkenazi jews and Sephardi jews----and that nebulous designation "mizrachi jews--------all happily intermarried ------are still waiting
for Penelope to tell us about that "SLOW GENOCIDE"-----must we kill each other like the sunnis and Shiites
kill each other , Penelope?

well Penelope ???? over to you-----"slow genocide" ----
"civil war"-----you have alluded several times to such events
going on in Israel--- -----can you at least try to be a bit more
explicit? I have been waiting-----for more than 40 years to find out about that CIVIL WAR going on ----between various jewish "sects"

You find anything on that JEWISH CIVIL WAR yet Penelope? for a civil war------those jews do manage
to keep it very quiet---------there is a civil war going on in
Yemen now ------not quiet at all----Sanaa runs red with blood

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