Dr. Paul's Horrible Horrible Views On Racism!

The Left is absolutely into seeing people as simply members of some group or other rather than individuals. You see it here all the time. Especially in the insane thread that Truthmatters has going where she finds no difference between conservatives, pro gun rights people and homocidal maniacs. It's all the same group.
Perhaps Rand Paul's election will allow some straight dialogue on race in this country.

We're going to get a 'straight dialogue' because of Rand Paul, the guy who flipped his position 180 degrees in the space of 24 hours?

Don't make me laugh.
[ Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims.

Does the protected right of freedom of religion protect individuals, or groups of individuals? Does freedom of assembly protect individuals, or groups? Does freedom of association protect individuals, or groups?

Does prohibiting a business from denying service to an individual because of his skin color protect individuals, or groups?

I guess the OP didn't want to discuss his topic. I guess he just enjoys seeing his dopey thread on the front page.
[ Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims.

Does the protected right of freedom of religion protect individuals, or groups of individuals? Does freedom of assembly protect individuals, or groups? Does freedom of association protect individuals, or groups?

Does prohibiting a business from denying service to an individual because of his skin color protect individuals, or groups?

I would say it protect individuals because an individual can freely associate with any group they want.
I can't find anything wrong with what is being said here other than thinking liberty solves the problem of racism. I think if people are free to do whatever they want it makes sense that some people will be racist but that doesn't mean that people lose the right to hold their own beliefs.
People ignore that government actions in the late 1700's through the mid 1800's are what encouraged and ingrained racism and hatred so deep. Without that slavery would have faded much more quickly and much more peacefully. Being a knee-jerk pro-government reactionary is easier though, and involves zero reasoning ability.
People ignore that government actions in the late 1700's through the mid 1800's are what encouraged and ingrained racism and hatred so deep. Without that slavery would have faded much more quickly and much more peacefully. Being a knee-jerk pro-government reactionary is easier though, and involves zero reasoning ability.

I've read somewhere that after the civil war many white southerners were denied the right to vote while blacks were given the same right. This probably infuriated many whites and created a lot of racism in the south in the same way it inferiated blacks who were denied the right to vote in many parts of this nation.
The Left is absolutely into seeing people as simply members of some group or other rather than individuals. You see it here all the time. Especially in the insane thread that Truthmatters has going where she finds no difference between conservatives, pro gun rights people and homocidal maniacs. It's all the same group.
Perhaps Rand Paul's election will allow some straight dialogue on race in this country.

We're going to get a 'straight dialogue' because of Rand Paul, the guy who flipped his position 180 degrees in the space of 24 hours?

Don't make me laugh.

Where did he flip his position? You are imagining things again.
The Left is absolutely into seeing people as simply members of some group or other rather than individuals. You see it here all the time. Especially in the insane thread that Truthmatters has going where she finds no difference between conservatives, pro gun rights people and homocidal maniacs. It's all the same group.
Perhaps Rand Paul's election will allow some straight dialogue on race in this country.

We're going to get a 'straight dialogue' because of Rand Paul, the guy who flipped his position 180 degrees in the space of 24 hours?

Don't make me laugh.

Where did he flip his position? You are imagining things again.

When he went from saying that the CRA wasn't the federal government's business to saying it was.

Which is now common knowledge and as such need not be cited repeatedly to wingnuts who are trolling.
We're going to get a 'straight dialogue' because of Rand Paul, the guy who flipped his position 180 degrees in the space of 24 hours?

Don't make me laugh.

Where did he flip his position? You are imagining things again.

When he went from saying that the CRA wasn't the federal government's business to saying it was.

Which is now common knowledge and as such need not be cited repeatedly to wingnuts who are trolling.

Don't listen to logic and reason, he's a racist because of what he said on Rachel Maddow's show last week!

And that's what they are capitalising on.

Mr. Paul on Laura Ingraham's Program Thursday

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulmz8hXCyRs&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - The Laura Ingraham Show - Rand Paul responds to the Rachel Maddow interview[/ame]

He set the record straight...and now NBS and the Statists are fretting that Mr. Paul canceled a Meet The Depressed interview...

And I don't blame him for canceling. However Mark Levin has volunteered to go in his stead...(An Event in of itself I'd like to see)...

"It's Rand Paul's view," said William Owens, a black Tea Party activist in Nevada. "It's a libertarian view. It doesn't have any reflection on the Tea Party at all."

"His position is not racially inspired. It's libertarian inspired," he said. "He is welcome to that view."
I am not a fan of Rand Paul or the Tea Baggers, but as an independent, I am eager to see the Tea Bagger revolution become a third political party. The New York Times has reported that 18% of the population of the United States relate to the Tea Party movement, and 4% have actually donated money to the Tea Baggers!

The Tea Baggers have everything they need to start up a third party, and accourding to links I've seen Rand Paul and Sarah Palin would be logical candidates. I guess the question is would the Republican Party slip back into the hands of moderates. http://www.usmessageboard.com/tea-party/118230-rand-paul-the-tea-party-bagger-new-star-is-he-white-house-material.html#post2337941 This whole situation is very interesting.

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Don't listen to logic and reason, he's a racist because of what he said on Rachel Maddow's show last week!
Words have consequences.
I don't disagree with that. I also agree that he has a terrible case of Foot-in-the-Mouth Syndrome.

What I do NOT agree with is that the LMSM and their faithful few twist his words into some kind of desire to go back to the days of Selma.

Hell, even a LOT of LIBERALS and those conservatives who do NOT support Paul agree that it is not based in racial hatred. They see it as more ideological than anything.
The "racist" attacks are not going to work.

You liberals keep up with the "racist" attacks against all conservatives, libertarians, tea partiers, and anyone who disagrees with Obama, and your losses in November will be greater than you can imagine. Please, continue.......

Oh no, I must be a racist for saying that!!! :rolleyes:
The only ones using the "racist" argument are those who think on emotion instead of facts and logic.

He isn't against the CRA, he's raised arguments in terms of Title 2. BIG Diff.
I find it funny how they're focusing so much on Rand Paul, but a guy who lies about his Vietnam service gets away with it because he "mis-spoke."

We live in a twisted world.
It's KENTUCKY, Rob. He's going to win. Whether it be a Randslide, a few points, or even by a 1% eyelash, he will win.

Kentucky sends Republicans to the Senate despite its majority default Democrat registration.

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