Draft Ann Coulter Committee Formed To Urge Her To Run

[QUOTE="Erinwltr, post: 21691826, member: 68902"
Who? What? WTF dude.[/QUOTE]

Yep, the Dems are all vying to be the newest, shiniest socialist in the House or Senate. What? You hadn't noticed that they're saying the "S" word openly now? On TV, in front of everybody, with their bare faces hanging out?

Pay attention, kiddos, or here comes Venezuela on the Potomac.
Nor can the courts
That's right they can't, no matter how hard the GOP wishes it to be true. It's a good system we have.
The system works best when both sides are willing to compromise, and I am old enough to remember when they did, but today, the Democrats don't seem to know what they stand for, so they can't compromise, and that's why the President will have to govern without Congress.
Haha, right, those poor GOP victims...quite the 180, after 8 years of unprecedented obstruction! I weep for them and their families.
Weep for America. Pelosi has made the House irrelevant.
If a sufficient down payment on the wall is not on the president's desk by the end of the three weeks the shut down resumes and Nancy finds out how dependent of most of her caucus is on air, barge and rail traffic for their district's economy. Whether she caves or is unseated I have no idea but a resumption of full government with Wall funding is simply a matter of time.
Interesting prediction.

Democrats took the House. DJT lost "bigly." Nothing happens in the next two tears without Pelosi's Approval.
Not true, Nancy can be a royal pain in the ass for America, but the President can do a lot by EO and even more by exercising his constitutional right to declare a national emergency. The fact is the Democrats can't do anything without the President's approval. The only power the Democrats have now is to produce gridlock in Congress.

He can literally bury them in Executive orders, should he choose.
And the courts can literally overturn every single one, should they choose.
You can frost that cake any way you want to. DJT lost the House. Republicans lost the House. And rightly so, if you like checks and balances. For the next two years, nothing gets off the ground without Pelosis approval.

I don't know about that --- Pelosi didn't approve of Kavanaugh, and he's now Justice Kavanaugh, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg isn't feeling too well, I read. Pelosi didn't approve of the government shutting down, but it did and nothing she could do about it. Pelosi was packed and ready to go fly abroad on a military plane during the shutdown, and Trump stopped her and the whole delegation had to go home and unpack.

Pelosi looks pretty powerless to me.

Really? You can't be serious. She is the most powerful woman in the country right now.
The only thing she has the power to do without the approval of the President is create Congressional gridlock and make it necessary for the President to govern by EO and when necessary declarations of states of emergency.
Ann Coulter doesn't know what most of us on the right are learning fast --- to be loyal. To stand with Trump and with each other. She's a showboater, wants all the attention on herself --- if that is a "her."

We've all got to be loyal and not nitpick, or we'll lose to the Left.
Republicans have already lost to the left.

Now is the time for a violent revolution to destroy the left as retaliation.
Ann Coulter doesn't know what most of us on the right are learning fast --- to be loyal. To stand with Trump and with each other. She's a showboater, wants all the attention on herself --- if that is a "her."

We've all got to be loyal and not nitpick, or we'll lose to the Left.
Yes be loyal to the guy who promised mexico would pay for the wall. That is funny.
Ann Coulter doesn't know what most of us on the right are learning fast --- to be loyal. To stand with Trump and with each other. She's a showboater, wants all the attention on herself --- if that is a "her."

We've all got to be loyal and not nitpick, or we'll lose to the Left.
Yes be loyal to the guy who promised mexico would pay for the wall. That is funny.
“Hurr durr,Trump lied so all the shit Democrats want to do to this country is somehow acceptable”.
Ann Coulter would be the Mondale in a Reagan landslide
I have to agree with you. Coulter speaks her mind, and that's poison for a politician.
And her mind is poison...
She's far more sane than any snowflake in this forum.
Hmm, no, she's nuts. Smart, but nuts. I hope she runs...you will see...it will be a massacre before the first primary...
Ann Coulter doesn't know what most of us on the right are learning fast --- to be loyal. To stand with Trump and with each other. She's a showboater, wants all the attention on herself --- if that is a "her."

We've all got to be loyal and not nitpick, or we'll lose to the Left.
Yes be loyal to the guy who promised mexico would pay for the wall. That is funny.
“Hurr durr,Trump lied so all the shit Democrats want to do to this country is somehow acceptable”.
Why be loyal to a dishonest person?
Ann Coulter would be the Mondale in a Reagan landslide
I have to agree with you. Coulter speaks her mind, and that's poison for a politician.
And her mind is poison...
She's far more sane than any snowflake in this forum.
Hmm, no, she's nuts. Smart, but nuts. I hope she runs...you will see...it will be a massacre before the first primary...
She has no desire to be a politician, and she only seems nuts to turds like you because she speaks the truth.
Ann Coulter doesn't know what most of us on the right are learning fast --- to be loyal. To stand with Trump and with each other. She's a showboater, wants all the attention on herself --- if that is a "her."

We've all got to be loyal and not nitpick, or we'll lose to the Left.
Yes be loyal to the guy who promised mexico would pay for the wall. That is funny.
“Hurr durr,Trump lied so all the shit Democrats want to do to this country is somehow acceptable”.
Why be loyal to a dishonest person?
Because the alternative is a cult of psychopaths.
Ann Coulter doesn't know what most of us on the right are learning fast --- to be loyal. To stand with Trump and with each other. She's a showboater, wants all the attention on herself --- if that is a "her."

We've all got to be loyal and not nitpick, or we'll lose to the Left.
The word "Loyal" next to the name "Trump" are rather like oil and water - they just don't mix.

Ask any of his lieutenants that he's thrown under the bus since taking office.

Ask the 800,000 Federal workers that he needlessly subjected to over a month of soul-crushing economic uncertainty.

Ask a hundred-and-one other personages or groups or countries that he's shown disrespect or disloyalty or betrayal.

One must earn Respect.

One must earn Loyalty.

Cadet Bone Spurs never had to learn those lessons...

And he's getting to be too old a monkey to start making life-changes now.

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Ann Coulter doesn't know what most of us on the right are learning fast --- to be loyal. To stand with Trump and with each other. She's a showboater, wants all the attention on herself --- if that is a "her."

We've all got to be loyal and not nitpick, or we'll lose to the Left.
Yes be loyal to the guy who promised mexico would pay for the wall. That is funny.
“Hurr durr,Trump lied so all the shit Democrats want to do to this country is somehow acceptable”.
Why be loyal to a dishonest person?
Because the alternative is a cult of psychopaths.
The alternative is to be independent and demand better. You just feed the problem.

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