Draft Ann Coulter Committee Formed To Urge Her To Run

Another phony left wing (foreign sopnsored?) effort to disrupt the 2020 election. Does anybody in their right minds think some arcane left wing open borders club like "ALIPAC" will really convince Coulter to run against Trump? It's all Russian based propaganda fed to angry crazy lefties like freaking pablum.
Don’t you get tired of lying to yourself?
Democrats are against the 1st and 2nd amendments.

The only one lying here is you.

Lying to yourself and then to not understanding the subjects that you lie about.
I know all of the subjects I inject myself into or start up myself.

You, on the other hand, don’t know shit about shit.

Okay, did reagon turn America into a debtor nation from creditor one?
Reagan didn’t do a damn thing. The Congress was all Democrat until 1994.

Okay, so you don’t know facts.

Want to try again? Ya know, after a quick google search.
Democrats are against the 1st and 2nd amendments.

The only one lying here is you.

Lying to yourself and then to not understanding the subjects that you lie about.
I know all of the subjects I inject myself into or start up myself.

You, on the other hand, don’t know shit about shit.

Okay, did reagon turn America into a debtor nation from creditor one?
Reagan didn’t do a damn thing. The Congress was all Democrat until 1994.

Okay, so you don’t know facts.

Want to try again?
Who controls the purse in the federal government?

The President, or the House of Representatives?
Lying to yourself and then to not understanding the subjects that you lie about.
I know all of the subjects I inject myself into or start up myself.

You, on the other hand, don’t know shit about shit.

Okay, did reagon turn America into a debtor nation from creditor one?
Reagan didn’t do a damn thing. The Congress was all Democrat until 1994.

Okay, so you don’t know facts.

Want to try again?
Who controls the purse in the federal government?

The President, or the House of Representatives?

The House of Representatives can’t pass a budget without the Senate or a signature of the president.

All spending bills originate in the House.

Now back to the presidents with budget surplus.
Interesting prediction.

Democrats took the House. DJT lost "bigly." Nothing happens in the next two tears without Pelosi's Approval.
Not true, Nancy can be a royal pain in the ass for America, but the President can do a lot by EO and even more by exercising his constitutional right to declare a national emergency. The fact is the Democrats can't do anything without the President's approval. The only power the Democrats have now is to produce gridlock in Congress.

He can literally bury them in Executive orders, should he choose.
And the courts can literally overturn every single one, should they choose.
You can frost that cake any way you want to. DJT lost the House. Republicans lost the House. And rightly so, if you like checks and balances. For the next two years, nothing gets off the ground without Pelosis approval.

I don't know about that --- Pelosi didn't approve of Kavanaugh, and he's now Justice Kavanaugh, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg isn't feeling too well, I read. Pelosi didn't approve of the government shutting down, but it did and nothing she could do about it. Pelosi was packed and ready to go fly abroad on a military plane during the shutdown, and Trump stopped her and the whole delegation had to go home and unpack.

Pelosi looks pretty powerless to me.

Really? You can't be serious. She is the most powerful woman in the country right now.
The only thing she has the power to do without the approval of the President is create Congressional gridlock and make it necessary for the President to govern by EO and when necessary declarations of states of emergency.
he can't create laws.... he can't change laws... with executive orders.

He can only work executive orders, within the Laws created by Congress.

And the House, has the power of the Purse
I know all of the subjects I inject myself into or start up myself.

You, on the other hand, don’t know shit about shit.

Okay, did reagon turn America into a debtor nation from creditor one?
Reagan didn’t do a damn thing. The Congress was all Democrat until 1994.

Okay, so you don’t know facts.

Want to try again?
Who controls the purse in the federal government?

The President, or the House of Representatives?

The House of Representatives can’t pass a budget without the Senate or a signature of the president.

All spending bills originate in the House.

Now back to the presidents with budget surplus.
If Reagan didn’t sign the bills his vetos would have been overridden. He had a slim Senate majority, but that doesn’t mean he could fuck around with budgetary issues. Especially not with a halfway sane Democratic Party.

The presidents with a supposed budget surplus did so entirely because REPUBLICANS in the House forced them to have one.
Okay, did reagon turn America into a debtor nation from creditor one?
Reagan didn’t do a damn thing. The Congress was all Democrat until 1994.

Okay, so you don’t know facts.

Want to try again?
Who controls the purse in the federal government?

The President, or the House of Representatives?

The House of Representatives can’t pass a budget without the Senate or a signature of the president.

All spending bills originate in the House.

Now back to the presidents with budget surplus.
If Reagan didn’t sign the bills his vetos would have been overridden. He had a slim Senate majority, but that doesn’t mean he could fuck around with budgetary issues. Especially not with a halfway sane Democratic Party.

The presidents with a supposed budget surplus did so entirely because REPUBLICANS in the House forced them to have one.

Stop misrepresenting what actually happened.

It’s time for you to have adult conversations.
BTW the last two presidents to have budget surplus were Bill Clinton (3 times) and LBJ.
I'm talking about the voters, not the politicians. Flake had an R so no matter what he got elected by republicans. Wouldn't happen if there were more independents.
No, plenty of Republicans vote for Democrats(for some reason). Flake was just an example at the top of the party.

Independents are all just former Republicans or communists, there is no such as a legitimate independent block and there never will be.
Yes I was I republican. Then it became clear they are not fiscally responsible. Now I have no problem voting against politicians of either party that are not fiscally responsible.
So you went from being a Republican to a moron who effectively votes for Democrats who by definition can never be fiscally responsible.
I vote out the bad politicians. You are the moron who votes for anyone with an R. Deficits were a lot lower the last years with Obama than they have been under complete republican control...
And the bad politicians who are Democrats continue to win anyway in bigger and bigger landslides.

You just don’t get it, do you?
Clearly you don't get it. Complete republican government control and deficits increased drastically. Vote them out.
Reagan didn’t do a damn thing. The Congress was all Democrat until 1994.

Okay, so you don’t know facts.

Want to try again?
Who controls the purse in the federal government?

The President, or the House of Representatives?

The House of Representatives can’t pass a budget without the Senate or a signature of the president.

All spending bills originate in the House.

Now back to the presidents with budget surplus.
If Reagan didn’t sign the bills his vetos would have been overridden. He had a slim Senate majority, but that doesn’t mean he could fuck around with budgetary issues. Especially not with a halfway sane Democratic Party.

The presidents with a supposed budget surplus did so entirely because REPUBLICANS in the House forced them to have one.

Stop misrepresenting what actually happened.

It’s time for you to have adult conversations.
You think Clinton would have had anything but a massive deficit if Clinton and the Democrats didn’t get their ass kicked in 1994 and Gingrich wasn’t dead set on fixing the budget with his new found power?

You are comical.
No, plenty of Republicans vote for Democrats(for some reason). Flake was just an example at the top of the party.

Independents are all just former Republicans or communists, there is no such as a legitimate independent block and there never will be.
Yes I was I republican. Then it became clear they are not fiscally responsible. Now I have no problem voting against politicians of either party that are not fiscally responsible.
So you went from being a Republican to a moron who effectively votes for Democrats who by definition can never be fiscally responsible.
I vote out the bad politicians. You are the moron who votes for anyone with an R. Deficits were a lot lower the last years with Obama than they have been under complete republican control...
And the bad politicians who are Democrats continue to win anyway in bigger and bigger landslides.

You just don’t get it, do you?
Clearly you don't get it. Complete republican government control and deficits increased drastically. Vote them out.
Complete Democrat control and the government won’t even talk about budgets.
The last republic president to run a surplus was Eisenhower with a Democratic House.
Lying to yourself and then to not understanding the subjects that you lie about.
I know all of the subjects I inject myself into or start up myself.

You, on the other hand, don’t know shit about shit.

Okay, did reagon turn America into a debtor nation from creditor one?
Reagan didn’t do a damn thing. The Congress was all Democrat until 1994.

Okay, so you don’t know facts.

Want to try again?
Who controls the purse in the federal government?

The President, or the House of Representatives?
Republican house has controlled the purse for huge deficits for a long time...
Okay, so you don’t know facts.

Want to try again?
Who controls the purse in the federal government?

The President, or the House of Representatives?

The House of Representatives can’t pass a budget without the Senate or a signature of the president.

All spending bills originate in the House.

Now back to the presidents with budget surplus.
If Reagan didn’t sign the bills his vetos would have been overridden. He had a slim Senate majority, but that doesn’t mean he could fuck around with budgetary issues. Especially not with a halfway sane Democratic Party.

The presidents with a supposed budget surplus did so entirely because REPUBLICANS in the House forced them to have one.

Stop misrepresenting what actually happened.

It’s time for you to have adult conversations.
You think Clinton would have had anything but a massive deficit if Clinton and the Democrats didn’t get their ass kicked in 1994 and Gingrich wasn’t dead set on fixing the budget with his new found power?

You are comical.

Can you post budget numbers for FY 1992, 1993 and 1994.

You answer is in there. And the House and Senate were D.

Please post them to back up your assertion.
Yes I was I republican. Then it became clear they are not fiscally responsible. Now I have no problem voting against politicians of either party that are not fiscally responsible.
So you went from being a Republican to a moron who effectively votes for Democrats who by definition can never be fiscally responsible.
I vote out the bad politicians. You are the moron who votes for anyone with an R. Deficits were a lot lower the last years with Obama than they have been under complete republican control...
And the bad politicians who are Democrats continue to win anyway in bigger and bigger landslides.

You just don’t get it, do you?
Clearly you don't get it. Complete republican government control and deficits increased drastically. Vote them out.
Complete Democrat control and the government won’t even talk about budgets.
Then vote them out. The repubs feed you shit and you just keep eating.
Except if the incumbent is a Democrat they now win regardless, which is the point.

Democrat voters aren’t swing voters, they vote 100% Democrat every election.
And republicans vote republican 100%. We need more independents.
Actually, they don’t.

Republicans have morons like Flake and McCain and other idiots living in the past or being opportunistic.

Democrats will occasionally argue with each other for a few minutes, but they always vote in lockstep regardless.
I'm talking about the voters, not the politicians. Flake had an R so no matter what he got elected by republicans. Wouldn't happen if there were more independents.
No, plenty of Republicans vote for Democrats(for some reason). Flake was just an example at the top of the party.

Independents are all just former Republicans or communists, there is no such as a legitimate independent block and there never will be.
AZ has an open primary, which means Democrats can vote for the Republican candidate. That's how we end up with pieces of shit like Flake.
AZ has an open primary, which means Democrats can vote for the Republican candidate. That's how we end up with pieces of shit like Flake.
Bullshit, you ignorant piece of shit! Up until this year Arizona had strictly closed primaries. This year was the first "hybrid" primary with registered folks voting in the primary of the party they were registered in, but if indies or folks of non-listed parties ( only 4 parties are recognized in AZ primaries, R's, D's, Tea Baggers and Greenies) wanted to vote, one could re-register right there in the polling place as one of those four and vote in their primary. That sure as shit ain't an open primary, Mr. Hotshot Know-it-all. It's just another closed primary with a twist!

Now jump up and down and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, even though I live in Maricopa County, just to the West of Phoenix and voted in the primary here after I re-registered from Indie to R in the polling place so I could vote for the losers in the R's gaggle!
Republicans have already lost to the left.

Now is the time for a violent revolution to destroy the left as retaliation.

The revolution will come from the Left, the losers, hardly from the winners...…..
The left are low IQ reactionaries.

They are desperately trying to hold on to their new anti-White, anti-male, anti-Christian world but they are going to lose no matter what the pathetic Republicans do.

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