Drag queen festival in Austin promotes early sexualization of children/gender confusion

Infowars reporter Millie Weaver goes undercover as ‘Rainbow Snatch’ to the Austin International Drag Festival to investigate how children are being over-sexualized and indoctrinated into fetish lifestyles. The drag festival was sated with raunchy language and provocative dancing with very young children participating. Astonishingly, the afternoon event climaxed with a burlesque dance from an 11-year-old transgender boy.

Liberals ‘Drag’ Kids Into Early Sexualization

Oh but don't worry you can always use the source as your fkd up reasons to deny your kids are being sexualized right under your pathetic fkn noses. And you retards accept this bs. MENTAL you are all MENTAL those of you who allow this to go on in schools/ in general.

View attachment 160178

Almost wants to make you commit an act of radical religious terror, huh?

It certainly isn't normal that's for sure.

As I thought. Like most social conservatives, you're just a step or 2 away.

nawww we all know it's Trump haters who are two steps away after all look at your signature that says it all.

^ upset that people oppose child rape

Your the one in love with your TRANNY ELECT a.h.
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Legalizing pedophiles will be next Liberals cant wait for it to happen.

brought into taxpayer-funded nursery schools in the U.K., “so that children as young as two can learn about transgender issues” and be taught “LGBT tolerance.” Nursery managers reported in the Mail that children need to have the indoctrination so they can “see people who defy rigid gender restrictions.” The interactions “are the brainchild of Thomas Canham, a Bristol University law graduate and part-time cross-dresser who dismisses traditional notions of masculinity as ‘meaningless,’” the Mail said.
DAYS OF LOT: Drag Queens Teaching Children Becomes International Phenomenon
Drag Queens Teaching Children Becomes International Phenomenon
Infowars reporter Millie Weaver goes undercover as ‘Rainbow Snatch’ to the Austin International Drag Festival to investigate how children are being over-sexualized and indoctrinated into fetish lifestyles. The drag festival was sated with raunchy language and provocative dancing with very young children participating. Astonishingly, the afternoon event climaxed with a burlesque dance from an 11-year-old transgender boy.

Liberals ‘Drag’ Kids Into Early Sexualization

Oh but don't worry you can always use the source as your fkd up reasons to deny your kids are being sexualized right under your pathetic fkn noses. And you retards accept this bs. MENTAL you are all MENTAL those of you who allow this to go on in schools/ in general.

View attachment 160178

Almost wants to make you commit an act of radical religious terror, huh?

It certainly isn't normal that's for sure.

As I thought. Like most social conservatives, you're just a step or 2 away.

nawww we all know it's Trump haters who are two steps away after all look at your signature that says it all.

^ upset that people oppose child rape

-----------> YOU BEG FOR CHILD SEX to be supported other wise you wouldn't have this you pos bastard

Damn proud of my state. Total Dem sweep of statewide elections, first transgender candidate elected, and Trumpism completely buried :clap:
If you disapprove of the event do not attend. It’s that simple
True to a point , but CHILDREN can't make that choice when their parents are to stupid to understand what mental damage this is doing. They're idiots themselves. Kids don't have a CHOICE............Duuuh
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The 'gay community' is very pedo-friendly, and always has been , outside of a few lesbian activists who never carried enough clout to make their protests stick; NAMBLA and other pedo gangs in the U.S. and Europe were proud and open members on the advisory councils of the 'movement' hoax; it took Jesse Helms to make the sickos push them underground, but only because of the bad press and losing a chance at big bucks lining 'activists' pockets via NGO status at the UN, and even today their biggest 'martyrs' have histories of kiddie rape and molestation, but hey, pretend that giant pink elephant in the room isn't really there, K? Being fashionable is far more important than keeping kids safe from homo predators.
I totally disprove....My GOD is so disgusting.......do those parents care about their children????

If I was them ....If I was one of those parents .....I would take my child OUT OF THAT SCHOOL Intermediately ! NOW!!

Disgusting and totally revolting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:puke3:
I totally disprove....My GOD is so disgusting.......do those parents care about their children????

If I was them ....If I was one of those parents .....I would take my child OUT OF THAT SCHOOL Intermediately ! NOW!!

Disgusting and totally revolting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:puke3:

Many of them take small children to S&M fairs wearing cute lil black leather dog collars, too; they want to expose their children to 'diversity' as young as possible. They have a wonderful set of 'community values'. If want to see what wonderful stuff they find acceptable to 'express themselves in public' doing, just go to the zombietime.com site and look for 'Folsom Street Fair' and 'Up Your Alley Street Fair'. Don't do this at work, though, since most employers are just not 'enlightened and embracing of diversity', unfortunately ... It gives you a true appreciation of what homosexuals consider their 'bedrooms' when they go on about what they do in those ...
Many of them take small children to S&M fairs wearing cute lil black leather dog collars, too; they want to expose their children to 'diversity' as young as possible.

So, you’re an attendee?
Miller Lite-approved: Toddlers at the Folsom Street Fair


Two-year-olds Zola and Veronica Kruschel waddled through Folsom Street Fair amidst strangers in fishnets and leather crotch pouches, semi and fully nude men.

The twin girls who were also dressed for the event wore identical lace blouses, floral bonnets and black leather collars purchased from a pet store.

Fathers Gary Beuschel and John Kruse watched over them closely. They were proud to show the twins off.

“They will see more than the kids with moms and dads in Iowa,” said Beuschel, who wanted to expose his children to San Francisco�s diverse community. “Every parent has to decide for themselves what is right for them. And I respect that. And we decided that this is right for our children.”

Beuschel and his girls were at the 22nd Folsom Street Fair, an annual leather event in San Francisco�s South of Market district, which showcased outrageous costumes, fetish attire, and a community obsessed with bondage, whipping, and spanking.

This is their claim; my bet is they were probably pimping them to pedos.
This is fucking SICK.

Used to be a lot more of them online; they have all magically disappeared of course. As I've said before, this entire fake 'Rights Movement' would disappear in about two weeks if it weren't for censorship laws that prevent the facts about 'diversity' from being reported fully over what these mentally ill fetishists want to normalize.
Thousands of innocent children will get the ghey
No comments from the OP about those child beauty pageant s a la Jon Benet and Honey Boo Boo....a straight pedo's dream.

Just what I was thinking! And don't forget all the teen girls whose parents and schools allow them to prance around football games in those skimpy "cheerleader" outfits and lots of makeup while the guys all have their clothes on. And all the "beauty" pageants. The child pageants are the worst, though.
Thousands of innocent children will get the ghey
No comments from the OP about those child beauty pageant s a la Jon Benet and Honey Boo Boo....a straight pedo's dream.

Just what I was thinking! And don't forget all the teen girls whose parents and schools allow them to prance around football games in those skimpy "cheerleader" outfits and lots of makeup while the guys all have their clothes on. And all the "beauty" pageants. The child pageants are the worst, though.
That has NOTHING to do with little boys dressing up as women, standing next to a man with his penis covered in rhinestones, twerking in front of TODDLERS. What the fuck is wrong with you?????
Thousands of innocent children will get the ghey
No comments from the OP about those child beauty pageant s a la Jon Benet and Honey Boo Boo....a straight pedo's dream.

Just what I was thinking! And don't forget all the teen girls whose parents and schools allow them to prance around football games in those skimpy "cheerleader" outfits and lots of makeup while the guys all have their clothes on. And all the "beauty" pageants. The child pageants are the worst, though.
That has NOTHING to do with little boys dressing up as women, standing next to a man with his penis covered in rhinestones, twerking in front of TODDLERS. What the fuck is wrong with you?????

Nothing. All involve the early sexualization of children. I'm against all of it.
Beauty pageants are just as sick, yes. BUT there is a huge difference. Why these kids are not taken away from these warped parents, I don't understand. They are TEACHING them to be sexual before they can even ride a fucking bike.

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