Driver of car that plowed through BLM demonstrators in Times Square 'is a Trump supporter'

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

"NBC quotes police sources"

Isn't it interesting that all anti Trump news and stories are based on anonymous sources, or people familiar with the "matter", who wish to be unnamed?

And speaking about "weaponizing" cars, you British faggot we quiet when your mussies were using semi-trucks and cars to plow thru people in your cities, and you're defending them as "religion of peace".
Dear me. What an outpouring of Christian fervour for your fellow man. I guess that violence is fine as long as you are hurting the other side.
No wonder the stats show that right wing terrorists are the biggest threat to America.

Biggest threat to America are chicken shit faggots like you who feed on steady mass media stream of bullshit.

The linked site won't let me read the article because I have an ad-blocker enabled.

Fake news.

You have anything on this from a legitimate source, supporting the claim made here?

I didn't think so.

In other news...


350,000 strong

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.
"NBC quotes police sources"

LMAO @ Fake News NBC ... Home of Docugate and the Edited George Zimmerman 9/11 Tapes.

More Fake News full of anonymous sources for the Sheeple to bleat about .....


The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.
STFU retarded Brit.

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.
He is a hero.

Kill a commie for mommy!

Fuck commie BLM!!!

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

"NBC quotes police sources"

Isn't it interesting that all anti Trump news and stories are based on anonymous sources, or people familiar with the "matter", who wish to be unnamed?

And speaking about "weaponizing" cars, you British faggot we quiet when your mussies were using semi-trucks and cars to plow thru people in your cities, and you're defending them as "religion of peace".

Hey Tommy faggot, these are "real news"... :auiqs.jpg:

Dear me. What an outpouring of Christian fervour for your fellow man. I guess that violence is fine as long as you are hurting the other side.
No wonder the stats show that right wing terrorists are the biggest threat to America.

What an outpouring of Christian fervour for your fellow man.

Right up until the time my fellow man blocks the street and threatens me or my family.
Biggest threat to America are chicken shit faggots like you who feed on steady mass media stream of bullshit.

Tainted Tommy is not American, and knows nothing about America, our culture, or anything going on here, other than the lies he reads and repeats like a mindless parrot out of left wrong-wing lies-and-propaganda sources.

Fortunately, he has no standing here, and no ability to influence anything here; so he's not a threat, just a source of entertainment and a valid target for whatever mockery or other abuse we can send his way.
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Biggest threat to America are chicken shit faggots like you who feed on steady mass media stream of bullshit.

Tainted Tommy is not American, and knows nothing about America, our culture, or anything going on here, other than the lies he reads and repeats like a mindless parrot out of left wrong-wing lies-and-propaganda sources.

Fortunately, he has no standing here, and no ability to influence anything here; so he's not a threat, just a source of entertainment and a valid target for whatever mockery or other abuse we can send his way.
/———/ I always ask Tommy if the Royal Family is still hanging out at Pedophile Island, but he never responds.
Biggest threat to America are chicken shit faggots like you who feed on steady mass media stream of bullshit.

Tainted Tommy is not American, and knows nothing about America, our culture, or anything going on here, other than the lies he reads and repeats like a mindless parrot out of left wrong-wing lies-and-propaganda sources.

Fortunately, he has no standing here, and no ability to influence anything here; so he's not a threat, just a source of entertainment and a valid target for whatever mockery or other abuse we can send his way.

Correct, but you see... the leftist propaganda he's spewing is from the same global leftist sources owned by the same people who owns media here. Leftist media stopped being in business of informing people long time ago, and they're today in business of informing each other. One lie placed by one "anonymous source" quickly spread by other outlets looking as it came from different source, while in reality, it's still the same lie. Now one source is looking more like four different sources, hence more believable. By the time people realize it was a lie all along, they've already moved to another lie, while leaving their shills to keep spreading ad defending their lies at places like this.
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The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

Is every rioter who burns down business a Biden supporter? How about someone who hunts another human simply because of the hat they wear?

If you don't apply the same standard to others in the same manner, you are a hypocrite.

According to some here, yes.
Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.

At some point these road-blocking sacks of feces need to be reminded that a 2000 lb car, going even 20 mph is not going to be stopped by their 160 lb body. It is illegal to block a public road. MORE of these assholes need to get run over as a deterrent to future roadblocks.
At some point these road-blocking sacks of feces need to be reminded that a 2000 lb car, going even 20 mph is not going to be stopped by their 160 lb body. It is illegal to block a public road. MORE of these assholes need to get run over as a deterrent to future roadblocks.

What kind of pussy mobile are you talking about, that only weighs 2,000 pounds? My car, a compact/mid-sized sedan, is about 3,300 pounds.

The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.
He is a hero.

Kill a commie for mommy!

Fuck commie BLM!!!
I guess you wont be prying for the victims then ?
Keep it up, and you'll see more of it.

Trump has nothing to do with it.
Right....just like Jim Jones had nothing to do with his followers sipping the laced Kool-aid!


Do you understand that jim jones was a communist? He was one of twit......

Jones had started building Jonestown (formally known as the "Peoples Temple Agricultural Project") several years before the New West article was published. It was promoted as a means to create both a "socialist paradise" and a "sanctuary" from the media scrutiny in San Francisco.[59] Jones purported to establish it as a model communist community, adding that the Temple comprised "the purest communists there are."[60] He did not, however, permit members to leave Jonestown.[61]

He also became frustrated with the persecution of open and accused communists in the United States, especially during the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.[17] Jones said he asked himself, "How can I demonstrate my Marxism? The thought was, infiltrate the church."[15][16]
Jones was known to regularly study Adolf Hitler and Father Divine to learn how to manipulate members of the cult. Divine told Jones personally to "find an enemy" and "to make sure they know who the enemy is" as it will unify those in the group and make them subservient to him.[18]
Jones was known to regularly study Adolf Hitler and Father Divine to learn how to manipulate members of the cult. Divine told Jones personally to "find an enemy" and "to make sure they know who the enemy is" as it will unify those in the group and make them subservient to him.[18]
By that time, he began partially revealing the details of his "Apostolic Socialism" concept in Temple sermons.[15] He also taught that "those who remained drugged with the opiate of religion had to be brought to enlightenment—socialism."[39] He often mixed these ideas, such as preaching:[40]

If you're born in capitalist America, racist America, fascist America, then you're born in sin. But if you're born in socialism, you're not born in sin.
In a 1976 phone conversation with John Maher, Jones alternately said he was an agnostic and an atheist.[42] Marceline Jones admitted in a 1977 New York Times interview that Jones was trying to promote Marxism in the U.S. by mobilizing people through religion, citing Mao as his inspiration: "Jim used religion to try to get some people out of the opiate of religion."[38] He had slammed the Bible on the table yelling "I've got to destroy this paper idol!"[38] In one sermon, Jones said:[43]

You're gonna help yourself, or you'll get no help! There's only one hope of glory; that's within you! Nobody's gonna come out of the sky! There's no heaven up there! We'll have to make heaven down here!

Jones was able to gain contact with prominent politicians at the local and national level. For example, he and Moscone met privately with vice presidential candidate Walter Mondale on his campaign plane days before the 1976 election, leading Mondale to publicly praise the Temple.[44][45] First Lady Rosalynn Carter also met with Jones on multiple occasions, corresponded with him about Cuba, and spoke with him at the grand opening of the San Francisco headquarters—where he received louder applause than she did.[44][46][47]

In September 1976, California assemblyman Willie Brown served as master of ceremonies at a large testimonial dinner for Jones attended by Governor Jerry Brown and Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally.[48] At that dinner, Brown touted Jones as "what you should see every day when you look in the mirror" and said he was a combination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, and Mao Tse-tung.[49] Harvey Milk spoke to audiences during political rallies held at the Temple,[50] and he wrote to Jones after one such visit:[51][52]


The driver of a car that plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators in New York City reportedly attended a Keep America Great counterprotest just hours earlier.

The man - who has not yet been publicly named - was caught on camera driving his black Ford Taurus sedan into the crowd in Times Square shortly after 8pm on Thursday evening.

NBC quotes police sources as saying the driver was 'was found to be a part of the Keep America Great rally' and that the group had 'exchanged heated words' with the BLM supporters.

Well here we go again. Another trump inspired goon that weaponised his car. At some point Trump should be held to account for his antics.
He is a hero.

Kill a commie for mommy!

Fuck commie BLM!!!
I guess you wont be prying for the victims then ?
/——/ True, I will never be prying for the victims, or for anyone else for that matter.

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