Drone locked on suicide bomber, DOD refused permission

Yea they keep saying they are different but who cares. I also hear they comingle. and if WE knew, so did the taliban and didn't stop them.

someone is attacking us, stop them.
If ANTIFA were bombing cities and burning down businesses. . . would it be prudent to blame that on the Freedom Caucus, because the Freedom caucus didn't "stop them?" . . . because they are all Americans?

What would the leaders of the Taliban, who have just fought a war for two decades, and are seeking to gain approval and recognition from the international community, have their assets unfrozen, etc. have to gain by "commingling," with ultra-radical terrorists?

You really should put your thinking cap back on and stop posting based on emotions and parroting all the war propaganda that has been fed to you. The link to that thread I posted has some reliable, non-establishment, investigative reporting if you need it.

IMO, yeah, the folks in charge there, based on what they have said, and what they have tried to do, have no approval of this. How do you know they did not try to stop this? . . but there may have been a larger international agenda. . . if the US and it's allies were preparing, before hand for this bombing, and they KNEW it was going to happen, as posted by your source, and this by politico;

What on Earth makes you believe the Taliban had it in their power to stop it? They wanted to put up check points and shut down traffic. . . but then how does the western press report on their behavior and cooperation on facilitating the allied evacuation? It is a no-win for them, isn't it?

My suspicion is, military industrial complex seems to want to create a conflict in Afghanistan, in which they can support and fund both sides.

If you didn't get that from what we did in Syria? You are not paying attention.
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It wasn't the Taliban attacking us, it was that ISIS-K. And? When we released Taliban prisoners, we made no distinction between them and Salafists and Wahhabists... . we left that to them to sort out . . or maybe? We purposely didn't. Who the hell knows? :dunno:

Neither ISIS nor the Taliban are Wahhabi . Is that the only word you know?
Well, then give us a legitimate source. Not just the first alt-right site that says so.
It wouldn't make sense to prepare for "mass casualties," if you knew ahead of time it was coming. . . and you certainly wouldn't want to stop it. . ..

Not when the military industrial establishment can at once publicly help the Taliban stop terrorism, and your clandestine agencies can help fund terrorism to help defeat them. . .

Think of the profits on WALL-STREET! :113:
If ANTIFA were bombing cities and burning down businesses. . . would it be prudent to blame that on the Freedom Caucus, because the Freedom caucus didn't "stop them?" . . . because they are all Americans?

What would the leaders of the Taliban, who have just fought a war for two decades, and are seeking to gain approval and recognition from the international community, have their assets unfrozen, etc. have to gain by "commingling," with ultra-radical terrorists?

You really should put your thinking cap back on and stop posting based on emotions and parroting all the war propaganda that has been fed to you. The link to that thread I posted has some reliable, non-establishment, investigative reporting if you need it.

IMO, yeah, the folks in charge there, based on what they have said, and what they have tried to do, have no approval of this. How do you now they did not try to stop this? . . but there may have been a larger international agenda. . . if the US and it's allies were preparing, before hand for this bombing, and they KNEW it was going to happen, as posted by your source, and this by politico;

What on Earth makes you believe the Taliban had it in their power to stop it? They wanted to put up check points and shut down traffic. . . but then how does the western press report on their behavior and cooperation on facilitating the allied evacuation? It is a no-win for them, isn't it?

My suspicion is, military industrial complex seems to want to create a conflict in Afghanistan, in which they can support and fund both sides.

If you didn't get that from what we did in Syria? You are not paying attention.
Yea ok
Right? What a dumb thing to say

US military had drone lock on Kabul suicide bomber, didn't take the shot?

Biden needs to resign immediately.
agreed this needs to be vetted and proven. it's too huge to go off emotional rantings.

But as you say, if it is true, justice must be served.

most of those soldiers were not even 21.
How times does MAGA bullshit & conspiracy theories have to be vetted to satisfy you single digit I.Q. ball washing Trumptards?

You're all out of your mind.
Neither ISIS nor the Taliban are Wahhabi . Is that the only word you know?

Wow. I'm impressed at the speed of the talking point spread here. Usually, it's about 24 hours. This tidbit was dropped barely an hour ago.
Funny enough. Nothing about it on legitimate media.
It's very difficult to filter out the truth because the MSM try to bury stories that would make Biden or the Democrats look bad.
Stop posting bullshit. You quoted an alt-right source with NOTHING to back it up.
What would you like us to argue? Your moral outrage?
Jesus, you wingers are pathetic.
Pretty sure that Madcow him/her/it/BR549 won't be covering it.
almost like biden planned it.


We're gonna have to decide on whether Biden is so incompetent that he can shit his britches at the supper table and everybody says, oh that's just uncle Joe being uncle Joe, pay him no mind, or we're gonna have to decide whether he's a geopolitical warfare mastermind.

Can't be both.

But, yeah. Someone. For sure, someone...

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