Drone locked on suicide bomber, DOD refused permission

No evidence that was the case.
The published story is the evidence. The question is whether it can be corroborated.

Not one legitimate media outlet reporting this.
Actually, that is kinda true. Not one MAJOR, well-vetted news outlet that I can find is corroborating the story. Legitimacy is another matter. The major, big news outlets have been caught lying many times. But only small media outlets rather obscure are right now reporting the story, which means it COULD be an errant story, but it ALSO could mean that it is just too hot right now for bigger outlets to carry it, afraid of fallback from the WH.

Not entirely hard to imagine considering that Psaki has already let it slip that they have been pressuring news media to suppress negative posts against Biden in the Big Tech outlets.
A guy said a thing. No one has any idea if it’s true or not.

Pretty much my attitude with everything that comes out of the NYT, WaPO, CNN or Fox News.

Why is one source any better than another?

The published story is the evidence. The question is whether it can be corroborated.

Actually, that is kinda true. Not one MAJOR, well-vetted news outlet that I can find is corroborating the story. Legitimacy is another matter. The major, big news outlets have been caught lying many times. But only small media outlets rather obscure are right now reporting the story, which means it COULD be an errant story, but it ALSO could mean that it is just too hot right now for bigger outlets to carry it, afraid of fallback from the WH.

Not entirely hard to imagine considering that Psaki has already let it slip that they have been pressuring news media to suppress negative posts against Biden in the Big Tech outlets.
Univision reported it.

I am not sure I would call them. . . small and "obscure."

"Univision aired a bombshell allegation in the midst of its coverage of the United States' disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Per former Army Green Beret and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Roger Pardo-Maurer, the Department of Defense had knowledge of the homicide bomber at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, and scrambled a Predator drone only to order it to stand down as it locked on its target. Per Pardo-Maurer, the stand-down order was given in deference to negotiations with the Taliban.. . "

Univision reported it.

I am not sure I would call them. . . small and "obscure."

"Univision aired a bombshell allegation in the midst of its coverage of the United States' disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Per former Army Green Beret and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Roger Pardo-Maurer, the Department of Defense had knowledge of the homicide bomber at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, and scrambled a Predator drone only to order it to stand down as it locked on its target. Per Pardo-Maurer, the stand-down order was given in deference to negotiations with the Taliban.. . "

Yes, those are the type of fringe outlets tied to MRC. MRC distributes to these freaks.


Only unthinking clowns think the corporate/government propaganda of the MSM has any reputation at all. This is why everyone thinks you are a fool.


You are so brainwashed. . . either that are a willing shill for the fascist state. . which is it?

The documentation that your statement is false, is so abundant, your statement is unbelievably naive. Even my kid has more intelligence and media savvy than you do, and he is still a teen.

Evidence from the left;
Evidence from the right;

The fact that this thread was moved? Was a completely political move. END OF STORY.
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Yes, those are the type of fringe outlets tied to MRC. MRC distributes to these freaks.
And you call yourself someone on the left.


Go on then, shill for the fascist state till if feels good.

I'm sure censoring folks seems like a great idea to you. . . doesn't it?


Only unthinking clowns think the corporate/government propaganda think the MSM has any reputation at all. This is why everyone thinks you are a fool.


You are so brainwashed. . . either that are a willing shill for the fascist state. . which is it?

The documentation that your statement is false, is so abundant, your statement is unbelievably naive. Even my kid has more intelligence and media savvy than you do, and he is still a teen.

Evidence from the left;
Evidence from the right;

The fact that this thread was moved? Was a completely political move. END OF STORY.

You’re being manipulated by people who want to control what you think.

That’s why they tell you never to believe the media. Only believe your masters.
You’re being manipulated by people who want to control what you think.

That’s why they tell you never to believe the media. Only believe your masters.


. . . and who would my "masters," be?

Right wing media.
You're a fool and don't know me at all.

Consortium, Greyzone, and MintPress are all on the left. So is Greenwald.

It wouldn't make sense to prepare for "mass casualties," if you knew ahead of time it was coming. . . and you certainly wouldn't want to stop it. . ..

Not when the military industrial establishment can at once publicly help the Taliban stop terrorism, and your clandestine agencies can help fund terrorism to help defeat them. . .

Think of the profits on WALL-STREET! :113:
Sorry, not following your point.

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