Drones - its a method - who cares?

I had no problems with drones under Bush and have none now, the only difference between sending a helicopter or plane and a drone is no pilots life is put in danger, pretty much you get the same result.
Reminds me of the cute HS pictures of the younger Boston Bomber :eek:

No sympathy at all, how sad. The difference is that in this picture the boy looks 16 or so. Take a lot of denial to compare the two, the only commonality is they are probably Muslim.

Nice poll vault. Are you saying that the Younger Boston Bomber didn't look as innocent as this lad in the HS photos that were shown?

If he was the target of the drone then it was murder. Where is your proof that he was ever on the US kill list?

Oh my gosh you people are absolutely pathetic. The real difference is that the younger Boston killer did something horrible and is still alive. The young man in the picture didn't nothing and the government killed him.
The Killed-at-16 Transparency Test: Obama Owes Us Answers About This Dead American
What is the White House hiding about the demise of a boy they say they didn't target but admit to blowing up?


The Killed-at-16 Transparency Test: Obama Owes Us Answers About This Dead American - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

My gosh he looks like a terrorist that needs to be taken out. And yes they did target him.

Reminds me of the cute HS pictures of the younger Boston Bomber :eek:

Agreed that the picture of the young Boston Bomber shows him to be a sweet young man.

One crucial difference between the two young men.

One young man grew up to victimize innocents.

The other young man grew up to become an innocent victim in a drone assassination.
You point out what is wrong with the drone program, we are more or less killing them all and letting God sort them out. What is happening is some device is being placed to target the victim. We pay for these to be placed so there is reason to place them anywhere as has been admitted, in the Huffington Post no less. So I am thinking if I don't like someone, like they are an American, I place a tracking device and poof they are gone.

Murder? Maybe not. Manslaughter, maybe. Negligent homicide? Definitely. Now if this had occurred in Afghanistan maybe we could use the war zone argument, but Yemen? By reports Yemen has been clearing out Al Quada without our help. They now hate us for the drone and Pakistan has had a court hearing that has ruled the US is guilty of war crimes.

And NO this did not happen during Bush. Some drone strikes but not of this magnitude.

Bush's military killed Zarqawi with 500 lb bombs that also killed his wife and kid. Why aren't you accusing Bush of murder?

HA!!! You expose the left's hypocrisy so well. YOUR side did call Bush a baby killer and a war criminal. Now, you got you blood lust up.

All I did was oppose the war in Iraq. You've supported and defended it every step of the way.
My gosh he looks like a terrorist that needs to be taken out. And yes they did target him.

Reminds me of the cute HS pictures of the younger Boston Bomber :eek:

Agreed that the picture of the young Boston Bomber shows him to be a sweet young man.

One crucial difference between the two young men.

One young man grew up to victimize innocents.

The other young man grew up to become an innocent victim in a drone assassination.

Do you agree with Freewill that when members of Al Qaeda or their affiliates are in the proximity of children, that should give them immunity from attack from us?
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Reminds me of the cute HS pictures of the younger Boston Bomber :eek:

Agreed that the picture of the young Boston Bomber shows him to be a sweet young man.

One crucial difference between the two young men.

One young man grew up to victimize innocents.

The other young man grew up to become an innocent victim in a drone assassination.

Do you agree that when members of Al Qaeda or their affiliates are in the proximity of children, that should give them immunity from attack from us?

I have great difficulty with that moral question. There is no easy answer.

We do know that AQ, the Taliban and Mohammed Six Pack Jihadist use women and children as shields as part of their defense tactic.

My arguments against drone terror warfare is that by the statistics we've seen the "success" rate of killing the terrorist involves killing an average of 49 innocents.

That seems really really high.
Yes, one young man was an innocent victim of a drone strike, because he was placed in such a situation by family and friends.

Guys, war is war, and the innocents suffer. Do you not understand this? Rifle, tank, napalm, drone, whatever, the innocents suffer, often because family and friends do stupid things.
Now here is a question back for liberals who have no problem with the drone program.

I consider the use of drones akin to arial hunting of predators with one major difference.

Arial hunting of wolves, bears and wild hogs don't involve the killing deaths of what is considered "non target animals".

Hunting terrorists via drones appears to kill many "non target" innocents.

How many liberals supported Alaska's right to arial hunt their wolves and their bears? If I remember correctly, the left was completely up in arms over this method of hunting.

Why so gung ho on drone hunting of terrorists now?
Yes, one young man was an innocent victim of a drone strike, because he was placed in such a situation by family and friends.

Guys, war is war, and the innocents suffer. Do you not understand this? Rifle, tank, napalm, drone, whatever, the innocents suffer, often because family and friends do stupid things.

Jake no one placed him in harms way. He was just a kid who ran away to try to find his dad.

And no one yet has come forward with an explanation why an unarmed non terrorist American kid from Denver was blown to smithereens.

Hell's bells the Administration has only just now come out and admitted the deaths of these Americans.

No explanation yet on the why of their deaths.

And any assassination of an American citizen goes beyond the pale.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, there is already talk of making sure the Libyan terrorists who attacked the Benghazi compound will be brought to America to face justice.

Blow up an American without a trial?

BUT bring accused Libyan terrorists to America to be given a fair trial?

Holy toledo! What's wrong with this picture?
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My gosh he looks like a terrorist that needs to be taken out. And yes they did target him.

Reminds me of the cute HS pictures of the younger Boston Bomber :eek:

Agreed that the picture of the young Boston Bomber shows him to be a sweet young man.

One crucial difference between the two young men.

One young man grew up to victimize innocents.

The other young man grew up to become an innocent victim in a drone assassination.

Quite true(Except I'd say the other young man didn't get a chance to grow up at all).

Collateral damage in war now has an American face too. I sure if you tacked his picture up on a wall of pictures of the innocent Iraqi victims he would fit right in.
Now here is a question back for liberals who have no problem with the drone program.

I consider the use of drones akin to arial hunting of predators with one major difference.

Arial hunting of wolves, bears and wild hogs don't involve the killing deaths of what is considered "non target animals".

Hunting terrorists via drones appears to kill many "non target" innocents.

How many liberals supported Alaska's right to arial hunt their wolves and their bears? If I remember correctly, the left was completely up in arms over this method of hunting.

Why so gung ho on drone hunting of terrorists now?

War and hunting are two different things, wolves and bears do not shoot back, it is a good thing when you can send a drone instead of sending a piloted aircraft where a pilot and air crew personnel risk loss of live and the collateral damage possibilities exists for both manned and un manned air craft.
Yes, one young man was an innocent victim of a drone strike, because he was placed in such a situation by family and friends.

Guys, war is war, and the innocents suffer. Do you not understand this? Rifle, tank, napalm, drone, whatever, the innocents suffer, often because family and friends do stupid things.

Progressives are really sick in the lengths they go to to defend Obama
Yes, one young man was an innocent victim of a drone strike, because he was placed in such a situation by family and friends.

Guys, war is war, and the innocents suffer. Do you not understand this? Rifle, tank, napalm, drone, whatever, the innocents suffer, often because family and friends do stupid things.

no one placed him in harms way. He was just a kid who ran away to try to find his dad.

The kid died because family and friends put him in a war zone. Yes, the family is at fault, and God will hold them accountable before the bar of justice in the final days.
Yes, one young man was an innocent victim of a drone strike, because he was placed in such a situation by family and friends.

Guys, war is war, and the innocents suffer. Do you not understand this? Rifle, tank, napalm, drone, whatever, the innocents suffer, often because family and friends do stupid things.

no one placed him in harms way. He was just a kid who ran away to try to find his dad.

The kid died because family and friends put him in a war zone. Yes, the family is at fault, and God will hold them accountable before the bar of justice in the final days.

Actually, he died because someone in the CIA pressed a button.
A man who will never be named.
A man who will never be charged with murder and a man who can execute Americans without trial.
Don't you lot find that just a little of a worry?
Yes, one young man was an innocent victim of a drone strike, because he was placed in such a situation by family and friends.

Guys, war is war, and the innocents suffer. Do you not understand this? Rifle, tank, napalm, drone, whatever, the innocents suffer, often because family and friends do stupid things.

no one placed him in harms way. He was just a kid who ran away to try to find his dad.

The kid died because family and friends put him in a war zone. Yes, the family is at fault, and God will hold them accountable before the bar of justice in the final days.

Actually, he died because someone in the CIA pressed a button.
A man who will never be named.
A man who will never be charged with murder and a man who can execute Americans without trial.
Don't you lot find that just a little of a worry?

Why should that be more of a concern than in the same scenario except remove the drone and make it a jet dropping bombs? We have had collateral damage from dropping bombs from piloted planes for many decades now, why the uproar over this method of doing that exact thing?
The kid died because family and friends put him in a war zone. Yes, the family is at fault, and God will hold them accountable before the bar of justice in the final days.

Actually, he died because someone in the CIA pressed a button.
A man who will never be named.
A man who will never be charged with murder and a man who can execute Americans without trial.
Don't you lot find that just a little of a worry?

Why should that be more of a concern than in the same scenario except remove the drone and make it a jet dropping bombs? We have had collateral damage from dropping bombs from piloted planes for many decades now, why the uproar over this method of doing that exact thing?

Just so. These folks are complaining about the responsibility for the child's death that solely belongs to the friends and family that put him in a war zone. They are the ones accountable for putting the child in the harm's way.

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