Dropping atom bombs in Japan..more than justified, just ask Korea, China, Burma, Philippines……..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a great point made in this column….the atrocities committed by the Japanese against Asian countries more than justifies the use of nuclear weapons to end the war…..because Japanese are non-white, and the left has used race as a tool for so long…the scope of Japanese atrocities during the war are, to a great extent, hidden even to this day…..,,

Why bring this up now, rather than the traditional time of hand wringing over this decision?

The movie Oppenheimer was released in Japan…and some Japanese critics are complaining ………

Absent from the discussion is how the Koreans, Chinese, Filipinos, Vietnamese, and other Asian peoples felt about being colonially occupied by Japan. Often, Japanese “revisionist” historians will try to whitewash Japanese history, in alliance with U.S. far leftists, to portray the U.S. involvement in WWII as “imperialistic against a non-white people.”
Sadly, it did not take long for Japanese Colonialism to far exceed the excesses of British, French, or Dutch colonialism (the major European powers in the region) and kill more people than the Belgians in the Congo.

Things were so bad, that staunch Nazi John Rabe, a German businessman living in Nanking, used his consular papers to help Chinese civilians escape the massacre. The Japanese were so evil that the leader of the Nazi Party’s local branch in Nanking risked his life to save 250,000 non-white lives from the Japanese. Oskar Schindler saved 1,200 Jews in WWII from people like John Rabe.
The Rape of Nanking was merely the tip of the iceberg of what Japan was doing in their “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.” In Korea, many women were sexually enslaved and the local population impoverished so badly by Japanese Colonialism that many other women voluntarily sold themselves to brothels. In Burma, the Nationalist and Founding Father Aung San started World War II believing that Japan could liberate his country from “evil European Colonialism.” By 1944, Aung San had completely switched sides, supported the British, and wanted the British back in Burma due to the sheer amount of war crimes committed by the Japanese.

In India, Japanese soldiers literally committed cannibalism on captured Indian soldiers.

This is a great point made in this column….the atrocities committed by the Japanese against Asian countries more than justifies the use of nuclear weapons to end the war…..because Japanese are non-white, and the left has used race as a tool for so long…the scope of Japanese atrocities during the war are, to a great extent, hidden even to this day…..,,

No one really disputes what the Japanese did was bad. (Except maybe the Japanese themselves, they don't really take accountability for the war.)

No, what made the use of the Atomic bombs reprehensible is that Japan was ALREADY seeking to surrender. Japan's surrender had much more to do with the USSR entering the Pacific War than the use of the bomb.

Now, a lot of this is revisionist history. At the time, the A-Bomb was probably just seen as another weapon in a war that had already dragged on for six years and claimed 70 million lives. A lot of our regrets came from 50 years of living under the threat of nuclear annihilation.

Absent from the discussion is how the Koreans, Chinese, Filipinos, Vietnamese, and other Asian peoples felt about being colonially occupied by Japan. Often, Japanese “revisionist” historians will try to whitewash Japanese history, in alliance with U.S. far leftists, to portray the U.S. involvement in WWII as “imperialistic against a non-white people.”

Again, not so cut and dried. Take for instance, the Philippines. Some Filipinos resisted the Japanese occupation. Others gleefully joined the Second Philippine Republic set up by the Japanese, including Begino Aquino (the father of the slain leader) and Emilio Aguinaldo (the hero of Philippine-American War who established the First Philippine Republic the US Crushed.) In fact, one of the first things the Third Philippine Republic had to do was issue a blanket amnesty for anyone who participated in the Second.

Vietnam, the Japanese set up the "Empire of Vietnam" under the leadership of Bao Dai, who was descended from the family that had ruled Vietnam before the French colonized it. The guy who resisted Japanese occupation. Well, a little fellow known as Ho Chi Mihn.

After the war, the US tried to put Bao Dai back into power, while Ho was considered a dirty, stinking Commie. And thus began our foolish involvement in Vietnam.

Things were so bad, that staunch Nazi John Rabe, a German businessman living in Nanking, used his consular papers to help Chinese civilians escape the massacre. The Japanese were so evil that the leader of the Nazi Party’s local branch in Nanking risked his life to save 250,000 non-white lives from the Japanese. Oskar Schindler saved 1,200 Jews in WWII from people like John Rabe.

Um, guy, Rabe was hardly a "staunch Nazi". He was more what would be called a "mitlaufer", someone who went along with the Nazis to keep their cushy government job. (I had a great-uncle who fell under the same category.)

In fact, after he returned from China, he left the foreign service and went to work for Seimens. He spoke out against Japanese atrocities until the Gestapo detained him and told him to knock that shit the fuck off. After the war, he was near starvation as he was unable to find work, until the people of Nanjing heard about it and donated money to his family.

Here's another dirty little secret. Before Japan joined the Axis, a lot of people in the German Foreign Ministry wanted to sign an alliance with Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang's Nationalists (Guomindang) were a much closer fit ideologically with the Nazis and Fascists than Japan, which was still more or less operating as a constitutional democracy. In fact, Chiang got a lot of military support from Germany.


No one really disputes what the Japanese did was bad. (Except maybe the Japanese themselves, they don't really take accountability for the war.)

No, what made the use of the Atomic bombs reprehensible is that Japan was ALREADY seeking to surrender. Japan's surrender had much more to do with the USSR entering the Pacific War than the use of the bomb.

Now, a lot of this is revisionist history. At the time, the A-Bomb was probably just seen as another weapon in a war that had already dragged on for six years and claimed 70 million lives. A lot of our regrets came from 50 years of living under the threat of nuclear annihilation.

Again, not so cut and dried. Take for instance, the Philippines. Some Filipinos resisted the Japanese occupation. Others gleefully joined the Second Philippine Republic set up by the Japanese, including Begino Aquino (the father of the slain leader) and Emilio Aguinaldo (the hero of Philippine-American War who established the First Philippine Republic the US Crushed.) In fact, one of the first things the Third Philippine Republic had to do was issue a blanket amnesty for anyone who participated in the Second.

Vietnam, the Japanese set up the "Empire of Vietnam" under the leadership of Bao Dai, who was descended from the family that had ruled Vietnam before the French colonized it. The guy who resisted Japanese occupation. Well, a little fellow known as Ho Chi Mihn.

After the war, the US tried to put Bao Dai back into power, while Ho was considered a dirty, stinking Commie. And thus began our foolish involvement in Vietnam.

Um, guy, Rabe was hardly a "staunch Nazi". He was more what would be called a "mitlaufer", someone who went along with the Nazis to keep their cushy government job. (I had a great-uncle who fell under the same category.)

In fact, after he returned from China, he left the foreign service and went to work for Seimens. He spoke out against Japanese atrocities until the Gestapo detained him and told him to knock that shit the fuck off. After the war, he was near starvation as he was unable to find work, until the people of Nanjing heard about it and donated money to his family.

Here's another dirty little secret. Before Japan joined the Axis, a lot of people in the German Foreign Ministry wanted to sign an alliance with Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang's Nationalists (Guomindang) were a much closer fit ideologically with the Nazis and Fascists than Japan, which was still more or less operating as a constitutional democracy. In fact, Chiang got a lot of military support from Germany.

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The nuclear mass-murder of the civil population of a whole big city - men, women, children - was 2 times the worst single war crime which ever had happened on planet Earth.
The nuclear mass-murder of the civil population of a whole big city - men, women, children - was 2 times the worst single war crime which ever had happened on planet Earth.
Actually, conventional bombings at the time killed more people.

Again, the real problem is that for 50 years, we have all lived with the spectre of the end of the world in 20 minutes or less.

Revisionist history based on modern fears.
Um, guy, Rabe was hardly a "staunch Nazi". He was more what would be called a "mitlaufer", someone who went along with the Nazis to keep their cushy government job. (I had a great-uncle who fell under the same category.)

In fact, after he returned from China, he left the foreign service and went to work for Seimens. He spoke out against Japanese atrocities until the Gestapo detained him and told him to knock that shit the fuck off. After the war, he was near starvation as he was unable to find work, until the people of Nanjing heard about it and donated money to his family.

John Rabe was a convinced Nazi and racist. Nevertheless he not had been a criminal and he loved the Chinese culture and the Chinese people.

On 28 February 1938, Rabe left Nanjing. He traveled first to Shanghai, returning to Berlin on 15 April 1938. He took with him a large number of source materials documenting Japanese atrocities in Nanjing. Rabe showed films and photographs of Japanese atrocities in lecture presentations in Berlin, and he wrote to Hitler, asking him to use his influence to persuade the Japanese to stop further violence. Rabe was detained and interrogated by the Gestapo; his letter was never delivered to Hitler. Due to the intervention of Siemens AG, Rabe was released. He was allowed to keep evidence of the massacre (excluding films) but not to lecture or write on the subject again. Rabe continued working for Siemens, which briefly posted him to the safety of Siemens AG in Afghanistan. Rabe subsequently worked in the company's Berlin headquarters until the end of the war.

After the war, Rabe was arrested first by the Soviet NKVD, then by the British Army. Both let him go after intense interrogation. He worked sporadically for Siemens, earning little. He was later denounced by an acquaintance for his Nazi Party membership, losing the work permit he had been given by the British Zone of Occupation. Rabe then had to undergo lengthy de-Nazification (his first attempt was rejected and he had to appeal) in the hope of regaining permission to work. He depleted his savings to pay for his legal defence.

Unable to work and with his savings spent, Rabe and his family survived in a one-room apartment by selling his Chinese art collection but it was insufficient to prevent their malnutrition. He was formally declared "de-Nazified" by the British on 3 June 1946 but continued to live in poverty. His family subsisted on wild seeds, his children eating soup and dry bread until running out of that as well. In 1948, Nanjing citizens learned of the Rabe family's dire circumstances and quickly raised a sum of money equivalent to $2,000 USD ($25,000 in 2024). The city's mayor traveled to Germany via Switzerland, where he bought a large amount of food for the Rabe family. From mid-1948 until the Chinese Revolution, the people of Nanjing also sent the family a food package each month, for which Rabe wrote many letters expressing deep gratitude.

Source: John Rabe - Wikipedia
John Rabe was a convinced Nazi and racist. Nevertheless he not had been a criminal and he loved the Chinese culture and the Chinese people.
Um, if he was a racist, he wouldn't have had any affection for the Chinese.

The ugly truth of Nazism is a lot of people who knew better didn't participate in the crimes, but they went along with it.

Kind of like Republicans who know what a shitheel Trump is, but they go along with it.
Actually, conventional bombings at the time killed more people.

Why do you try to justify war crimes with war crimes? Sure was the destruction of Germany in total a much bigger war crime. But to kill a complete city with only one bomb and to kill survivors with nuclear fallout is as a single event the worst single war crime,, the worst single offence, which I know.

Again, the real problem is


that for 50 years, we have all lived with the spectre of the end of the world in 20 minutes or less.

Revisionist history based on modern fears.

Why do you try to justify war crimes with war crimes? Sure was the destruction of Germany in total a much bigger war crime. But to kill a complete city with only one bomb and to kill survivors with nuclear fallout is as a single event the worst single war crime I know.

Okay. Just to clarify for you.

War Crimes are the winners punishing the losers.

Sorry you aren't clear how the real world works.
Um, if he was a racist, he wouldn't have had any affection for the Chinese.

What's wrong what you can see when you study a man like John Rabe. He was convinced from the natural superiority of the white race. That's perhaps why he tried to protect the Chinese in Nanking. I guess he had a feeling of responsibility for them - and a feeling of appreciation for the Chinese culture.

The ugly truth of Nazism is a lot of people who knew better didn't participate in the crimes, but they went along with it.


Kind of like Republicans who know what a shitheel Trump is, but they go along with it.

The directly comparable situation is the KKK in the USA in the 1920ies. Millions supported the KKK. But had been criminals all supporters of the KKK?
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Actually, conventional bombings at the time killed more people.

Again, the real problem is that for 50 years, we have all lived with the spectre of the end of the world in 20 minutes or less.

Revisionist history based on modern fears.

We are lucky the U.S. got the bomb first....the Socialists in Germany, Japan, and Russia would have dropped them non-stop.......without hesitation or remorse......
What's wrong what you can see when you study a man like John Rabe. He was convinced from the natural superiority of the white race. That's perhaps why he tried to protect the Chinese in Nanking. I guess he had a feeling of responsibility for them - and a feeling of appreciation for the Chinese culture.


The directly comparable situation is the KKK in the USA in the 1920ies. Millions supported the KKK. But had been criminals all supporters of the KKK?

The kkk was a democrat party terrorist group...today, the democrat party uses blm and antifa as their terrorist wing.
The kkk was a democrat party terrorist group...today, the democrat party uses blm and antifa as their terrorist wing.

You do not need to make a political campaign when you speak with me. I am a German.

We won the war.

No War Crimes. All our leaders got schools named after them.

Nobody named schools after Hitler or Tojo.

One more totally stupid idea from people of the English speaking world. You made the Nazis, the Commies and the Islamists when you took part in World War 1. Every single of the results of world war 1 in which you was involved exploded.

Here a late "loud" shadow scenario of the destruction of the multinational Osman empire:

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We are lucky the U.S. got the bomb first....the Socialists in Germany, Japan, and Russia would have dropped them non-stop.......without hesitation or remorse......

Yet they never have.

In fact, we have the dubious distinction of being the only country to ever drop nuclear weapons on a civilian population of a country that had already been defeated and was desperately trying to surrender.
You do not need to make a political campaign when you speak with me. I am a German.
So am I. What's your point?

One more totally stupid idea from people of the English speaking world. You made the Nazis, the Commies and the Islamists when you took part in World War 1. Every single of the results of world war 1 in which you was involved exploded.

Here a late "loud" shadow scenario of the destruction of the multinational Osman empire:

I think that's a bit reductionist. Communism and Fascism probably would have evolved as philosophies even if WWI hadn't happened. As for "Islamism", that was a reaction to Western attempts to colonize the middle east.

The Ottoman Empire was declining long before World War I. That's why it was called "the Sick Man of Europe."

The thing that was unnatural was the multi-national empires that existed before WWI that encompassed most of the world. Eventually, those people would want their own countries.
Yet they never have.

In fact, we have the dubious distinction of being the only country to ever drop nuclear weapons on a civilian population of a country that had already been defeated and was desperately trying to surrender.

They did not surrender till the bombs were dropped and would have cost more American and even Japqnese lives in a standard assault
So am I. What's your point?

No point.

I think that's a bit reductionist. Communism and Fascism probably would have evolved as philosophies even if WWI hadn't happened.

But Nazis and Soviets are not the same like fascists and commies. If I am roíght then you changed the normal flow of world history - so world war 1 ended with the wrong result - and world history is still in trouble to find back its way.

As for "Islamism", that was a reaction to Western attempts to colonize the middle east.

The key is the destruction of the very tolerant - and weak - multi-national Ottoman empire and the support of the USA for the Wahabi in Arabia. Saudi-Arabia is the prototype of all Islami[sti]c State movements.

The Ottoman Empire was declining long before World War I.

So what? Do you kill a a grandfather because he is weak? If the Ottoman empire really had died - what had happened? If it not had died - what had happened? We never will know. History not knows experiments.

That's why it was called "the Sick Man of Europe."

Why was it called "of Europe" at all? ... One moment: The Ottoman empire had been called "sick man on the Bosporus", isn't it?

The thing that was unnatural was the multi-national empires that existed before WWI that encompassed most of the world. Eventually, those people would want their own countries.

No no no no no no. You think so because you are a nationalist. Nationalism was/is the only element which connects all US-American citizens. Other ways you do not know. But the only real way is multi-national.
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Tokyo was the center of Bushido craziness but the intent was to convince the holdouts to surrender by incinerating and radiating civilians. The same reasoning for the use of nuclear weapons could have been used in the European theatre but nuclear weapons were only intended to be used on Asians at the time.

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