Drs. Rebelling Against O'Care, Famous Hospitals Refusing to Join

I have had the same doctor for 30 years. When Obamacare was passed, I asked him what he was going to do. He said that he just had to hire another person to work with the insurance paperwork. A group of doctors that he associates with, estimated that Obamacare would literally double the paperwork that they were now coping with just for private insurance. He told me at that time that he wasn't sure what he was going to do, but payments for services were down and requirements for paperwork was way up.

A year later, when I went in for a visit, my doctor told me that he was no longer accepting insurance of any kind. You wanted to see him, then you had to pay cash. He also advised that I could pay a monthly amount and I could then see him anytime for any length of time for any reason. He explained that since he was moving to an 'all cash' business, he was going to be able to lay off five of his office clerks and reduce the amount of paperwork exponentially. He got the idea while in Washington state attending a conference. Apparently, theres a large number of doctors there who started a cash only clinic and were literally swamped with business. They have had to turn doctors away.

It was about six months later when he told me that he was joining a group of doctors that were all going to the cash only business. I pay him $200.00 a month and when I call for an appointment, I go in and get to see him for as long as I need. What routine stuff he used to send me to others for, he now does in his office. If I called him, he even told me that he would come out to the ranch anytime.

Obamacare may have done something unintended. It may have brought BETTER health care to those who want no part of it.

Yup. There's a Doctor in Apex NC doing the same. He doesn't accept Medicare, Medicaid or any insurance. Its all strictly cash.

His paperwork and red tape are none existant. Cash works and he will set up payment plans if you need it.

His rates are listed on a board as you come in the door.

He's beating those wanting to be new patients off with a club.

I think this is something you will be seeing more and more of.
I hope so. This would be a return to how healthcare was consumed in the past. Much more efficiently and much, much more affordable.

The real affordable healthcare system.
If a doctor takes all cash, does that still mean Obama will tax people that don't have Health insurance? Meaning you pay twice.
No, with an HSA and catastrophic coverage it is compliant. Also unless you are owed a refund there is no means of collection.
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I think Obamacare may solve the immigration problem. It seems as though Doctors are now going to go to work picking grapefruit, comquats, etc...

Thank you Mr. President.

Some Drs. are rebelling against Obamacare and then Obamacare are rejecting Drs. as well.

I know...more people to pick grapefruit, clear tables, lay bricks. Obviously this will help solve the immigration problems. Obama's playing on a different level.
How do you figure that?

Your favorite tyrant [Obama] going to yank the licenses of these doctors if they don't do business with the government?

I'd like for the Democrats to try that. I really would.
And doctors are refusing to take on the enormous increase in Medicaid Patients. Most so-called ObamaCare enrollees are actually people who are paying nothing to be covered by Medicaid.

Health care providers are showing a certain lack of enthusiasm about the Affordable Care Act. Because of low reimbursement and bureaucratic headaches, both state and national surveys showing physicians unenthusiastic about seeing patients who get coverage through the Obamacare exchanges. And that's for private insurance. But Healthcare.gov and the state exchanges have been more successful so far at signing people up for Medicaid than private plans—and many Medicaid patients are already having trouble finding doctors. So...Who is going to see these new Medicaid enrollees?

When it announced the underwhelming Obamacare enrollment figures (PDF) to-date on November 13, the department of Health and Human Services said that 106,185 people had "selected a Marketplace Plan," but that 396,261 persons had been "determined or assessed eligible for Medicaid/CHIP" (Children's Health Insurance Program)....

Who Will Treat Those New Medicaid Patients From the Obamacare Exchanges? - Hit & Run : Reason.com
Some Drs. are rebelling against Obamacare and then Obamacare are rejecting Drs. as well.

I know...more people to pick grapefruit, clear tables, lay bricks. Obviously this will help solve the immigration problems. Obama's playing on a different level.
How do you figure that?

Your favorite tyrant [Obama] going to yank the licenses of these doctors if they don't do business with the government?

I'd like for the Democrats to try that. I really would.

Simple, they're giong to quit practicing medicine if you belive the doom and gloom crew. Obama is not going to yank anyone's gun or medical license--these are lies the right tells so often it's considered as fact.

So I suspect they'll start picking grape fruit to pay off those student loans.
I know...more people to pick grapefruit, clear tables, lay bricks. Obviously this will help solve the immigration problems. Obama's playing on a different level.
How do you figure that?

Your favorite tyrant [Obama] going to yank the licenses of these doctors if they don't do business with the government?

I'd like for the Democrats to try that. I really would.

Simple, they're giong to quit practicing medicine if you belive the doom and gloom crew. Obama is not going to yank anyone's gun or medical license--these are lies the right tells so often it's considered as fact.

So I suspect they'll start picking grape fruit to pay off those student loans.
No one in this thread or elsewhere has said that doctors will be quitting. Some have and some will, no doubt. A majority of them will simply move to an all cash business.

I guess I can thank Obamacare for that at least.
Sounds like this is the end...


"Obamacare is Unconstitutional"

cc: "Obamacare will cost him the election"
I am neither a lawyer nor a constitutional scholar, but I do know what a clusterfuck is.

Most things start as clusterfucks to some degree. I used to have an I-Phone that did everything except make phone calls. This was 2 releases ago if I recall. They told me I was holding it wrong and blocking the antenna.

Apple responds to iPhone 4 reception issues: you're holding the phone the wrong way

Amazingly, they got it fixed and their subsequent releases are doing great.

The ACA will be fine and it's success is a given.
Sounds like this is the end...


"Obamacare is Unconstitutional"

cc: "Obamacare will cost him the election"
I am neither a lawyer nor a constitutional scholar, but I do know what a clusterfuck is.

Most things start as clusterfucks to some degree. I used to have an I-Phone that did everything except make phone calls. This was 2 releases ago if I recall. They told me I was holding it wrong and blocking the antenna.

Apple responds to iPhone 4 reception issues: you're holding the phone the wrong way

Amazingly, they got it fixed and their subsequent releases are doing great.

The ACA will be fine and it's success is a given.
Now that's funny!:lol:
I know...more people to pick grapefruit, clear tables, lay bricks. Obviously this will help solve the immigration problems. Obama's playing on a different level.
How do you figure that?

Your favorite tyrant [Obama] going to yank the licenses of these doctors if they don't do business with the government?

I'd like for the Democrats to try that. I really would.

Simple, they're giong to quit practicing medicine if you belive the doom and gloom crew. Obama is not going to yank anyone's gun or medical license--these are lies the right tells so often it's considered as fact.

So I suspect they'll start picking grape fruit to pay off those student loans.

Your concern for both doctors and their patients is touching. Why are you so callous. It is obvious Obamacare is hurting millions of people. Are you really that heartless?
Sounds like this is the end...


"Obamacare is Unconstitutional"

cc: "Obamacare will cost him the election"
I am neither a lawyer nor a constitutional scholar, but I do know what a clusterfuck is.

Most things start as clusterfucks to some degree. I used to have an I-Phone that did everything except make phone calls. This was 2 releases ago if I recall. They told me I was holding it wrong and blocking the antenna.

Apple responds to iPhone 4 reception issues: you're holding the phone the wrong way

Amazingly, they got it fixed and their subsequent releases are doing great.

The ACA will be fine and it's success is a given.
Define success.
The AMA fought relentlessly against Medicare to the bitter end.

No they didn't. Complete bullshit.

I never cease to be pleased when assholes like you make the kind of mistakes that display your ignorance.

"Just after the [1964] election, in fact, the AMA held a high level strategy meeting at its Chicago headquarters, at which it was decided to fight on to the very end."

Read it all here:

Social Security Online History Pages
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The AMA fought relentlessly against Medicare to the bitter end.

No they didn't. Complete bullshit.

I never cease to be pleased when assholes like you make the kind of mistakes that display your ignorance.

"Just after the [1964] election, in fact, the AMA held a high level strategy meeting at its Chicago headquarters, at which it was decided to fight on to the very end."

Read it all here:

Social Security Online History Pages

And for the rest of the convoluted paragraph:

Just after the election, in fact, the AMA held a high level strategy meeting at its Chicago headquarters, at which it was decided to fight on to the very end. Another publicity campaign was mapped.

Then, in early January, AMA leaders announced they would support an alternative to Medicare based on the principle of the original Taft-Smith-Ball bill and its many successors--that is, a program operated through private insurance carriers (and the States), with premiums for the low-income elderly subsidized out of Federal and State revenues.

"Eldercare," as the AMA's proposal was called, was promptly introduced by two Ways and Means Committee members, A. S. Herlong, Jr., of Florida and Thomas B. Curtis of Missouri (H.R. 3727 and H.R. 3728), and given wide publicity. But ironically, advertising claims that the proposal could provide more comprehensive benefits than Medicare only served to goad the Ways and Means Committee into expanding the scope of the Medicare bill.

WOWZA! The AMA came up with an alternative!!!
No they didn't. Complete bullshit.

I never cease to be pleased when assholes like you make the kind of mistakes that display your ignorance.

"Just after the [1964] election, in fact, the AMA held a high level strategy meeting at its Chicago headquarters, at which it was decided to fight on to the very end."

Read it all here:

Social Security Online History Pages

And for the rest of the convoluted paragraph:

Just after the election, in fact, the AMA held a high level strategy meeting at its Chicago headquarters, at which it was decided to fight on to the very end. Another publicity campaign was mapped.

Then, in early January, AMA leaders announced they would support an alternative to Medicare based on the principle of the original Taft-Smith-Ball bill and its many successors--that is, a program operated through private insurance carriers (and the States), with premiums for the low-income elderly subsidized out of Federal and State revenues.

"Eldercare," as the AMA's proposal was called, was promptly introduced by two Ways and Means Committee members, A. S. Herlong, Jr., of Florida and Thomas B. Curtis of Missouri (H.R. 3727 and H.R. 3728), and given wide publicity. But ironically, advertising claims that the proposal could provide more comprehensive benefits than Medicare only served to goad the Ways and Means Committee into expanding the scope of the Medicare bill.

WOWZA! The AMA came up with an alternative!!!


'only served to goad the Ways and Means Committee into expanding the scope of the Medicare bill.'

Read what you post once in awhile.
I know...more people to pick grapefruit, clear tables, lay bricks. Obviously this will help solve the immigration problems. Obama's playing on a different level.
How do you figure that?

Your favorite tyrant [Obama] going to yank the licenses of these doctors if they don't do business with the government?

I'd like for the Democrats to try that. I really would.

Simple, they're giong to quit practicing medicine if you belive the doom and gloom crew. Obama is not going to yank anyone's gun or medical license--these are lies the right tells so often it's considered as fact.

So I suspect they'll start picking grape fruit to pay off those student loans.

Doctors make 3 times what they have in student loans the first year they are in practice. That is the ones who HAVE student loans and are not part of a family dynasty of doctors who got their schooling paid by the family trust fund.

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