DRUDGE dropping Oct Surprise bomb on Obama right now!!!

Hey, if you guys are still willing to vote for this idiot after he's climbed over the still smoking body of his own dead ambassador to do a stump speech in Vegas... I kind of have to doubt that a little race-baiting is gonna turn you off. :eusa_whistle:

And yet Republicans voted for Bush after he climbed over the 3,000 still smoking bodies of his fellow citizens.


It's called being a leader and rallying America against the thugs that just attacked us. You people wanted Bush in New orleans after Katrina...Right?

If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?
Ummm..........not good news for Mr Obama:D:D

Right now on DRUDGE front and center..................


OBAMA DECLARES HOW POOR PEOPLE: 'Need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office'... Developing...

DAILY CALLER: 'For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America'... Developing tonight...

2007: 'We don't need to build more highways out in the suburbs. We should be investing in minority-owned businesses, in our neighborhoods'...

Wonder if this might strip away a few white votes???:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::coffee:


Does he feel he has to lock up the ghetto vote? What's the deal? That's hardly presidential of him.

Well if Obama has already stripped the white vote away and has locked the "ghetto" vote, then he might as well pack his bags, his lease is up in the WH.

You are right. Wait for that to happen on Nov 6th.:eusa_whistle:
Hey, if you guys are still willing to vote for this idiot after he's climbed over the still smoking body of his own dead ambassador to do a stump speech in Vegas... I kind of have to doubt that a little race-baiting is gonna turn you off. :eusa_whistle:

And yet Republicans voted for Bush after he climbed over the 3,000 still smoking bodies of his fellow citizens.


You are just the gift that keeps on giving tonight, man. Awesome use of BOOOOOOOSH! :eusa_clap: Hell, you'd think he piloted one in himself, hearing you tell it. Very creative!

Here's the deal though... not a fucking soul believes that G.W. would've got himself snuck up on in Libya last month on THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11. It takes a total moron like Barack Obama for that. 'Cause damn, man. Barack's just soooooooo cool and every rabid Jihadist loves him sooooooo much, they'd never do anything to upset him, right?... right? :eusa_shifty:


Sure- There was NO END to that man's incompetence. LOL Destroyed everything he touched. And Romney is a W clone.
And yet Republicans voted for Bush after he climbed over the 3,000 still smoking bodies of his fellow citizens.


It's called being a leader and rallying America against the thugs that just attacked us. You people wanted Bush in New orleans after Katrina...Right?

If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?

No..that would be terrorists..
And yet Republicans voted for Bush after he climbed over the 3,000 still smoking bodies of his fellow citizens.


It's called being a leader and rallying America against the thugs that just attacked us. You people wanted Bush in New orleans after Katrina...Right?

If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?

Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.
It's funny watching whites trying to tell blacks how to talk to each other.

You do know that the vast majority of blacks talk differently among ourselves, then we do when speaking to whites?

omg.... THAT IS FRIGGING AWESOME!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You guys are killin' me. I'm cryin' here. :lmao:

Somebody pump up the GOD REVERB....

"There are no red states. There are no blue states. Just OUR states and... the SUBURB states."

Don't forget about the Romney sorts who live in E-states.:lol:

Oh too funny! Well done :lol:
It's called being a leader and rallying America against the thugs that just attacked us. You people wanted Bush in New orleans after Katrina...Right?

If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?

Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

Plim-plizzle, my nizzle, don' foget bouts tha six-fo, chuch, dawg up in da hood, chilly my grilly. fo sho.
It's called being a leader and rallying America against the thugs that just attacked us. You people wanted Bush in New orleans after Katrina...Right?

If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?

Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

The inefficiencies exposed by 9/11 were not addressed. We're as vulnerable as ever.

Obama is not responsible for the murder of the US Ambassador.
Bush blew it on 9/11 totally. As well as everything else.

What the heck was the ambassador doing there anyway? And went back to help arrrgh. A great guy but...
It's called being a leader and rallying America against the thugs that just attacked us. You people wanted Bush in New orleans after Katrina...Right?

If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?

Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

Hahahaha. Ok.

Obama responsible.

Bush not responsible.

Was Reagan responsible for the Beirut Embassy and the Marine barracks?

Was Clinton responsible for the first WTC attack?
If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?

Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

The inefficiencies exposed by 9/11 were not addressed. We're as vulnerable as ever.

Obama is not responsible for the murder of the US Ambassador.

Maybe you can explain why the Marines are not allowed to use real bullets in known times of crisis? Not like we did not see this coming, it being the Anniversary of 9/11.
If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?

Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

Hahahaha. Ok.

Obama responsible.

Bush not responsible.

Was Reagan responsible for the Beirut Embassy and the Marine barracks?

Was Clinton responsible for the first WTC attack?

It is part of the job description, so, in effect, yes. At least Obama had advance warning. What he did with it, puts him in a different class, doesn't it?
If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?

Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

The inefficiencies exposed by 9/11 were not addressed. We're as vulnerable as ever.

Obama is not responsible for the murder of the US Ambassador.

Well it's been almost 4 years since President Bush was in office, so what has Obama done to improve security? And yes, Obama AND Hillary are responsible for the fact that there was inadequate security for Ambassador Stevens. It would be different if this had happened in Canada or Australia. This was a known hotspot in a country that lacks a stable government that is at the center of Obama's foreign policy.
I guess not, they clapped for Mitt Romney when he spoke at the NAACP convention.

How tragic that Barack couldn't get his badass southern black accent on that day, huh? :lol:

It's funny watching whites trying to tell blacks how to talk to each other.

You do know that the vast majority of blacks talk differently among ourselves, then we do when speaking to whites?

Then what the hell is that mumbling shit I hear on television by the street urchin blacks? Oh that's right...never mind. Most of the reporters are black nowdays.
If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?

Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

The inefficiencies exposed by 9/11 were not addressed. We're as vulnerable as ever.

Obama is not responsible for the murder of the US Ambassador.

Oh yes, Obama sure as hell IS responsible. HE is the CIC. HE is the Chief Executive. It damn sure was his responsibility. And what did he do? Did he spend every waking moment trying to figure out what went wrong? Was the White House overrun with security and intelligence types getting to the bottom of it? Nope. When he knew Chris Stevens, the guy HE sent to Libya, was missing... he went to bed. Then he made a short statement in the morning, and was on to his campaign activities. A little interview with 60 minutes, and off to Vegas and Colorado, with 4 minutes of sad commentary AFTER his shout-outs to local Democrats and then on to your regularly scheduled stump speech. He's a piece of shit. Really.
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I didn't read through this thread, I already know what the left will say.

"It's an old video"

"It was 5 years ago! It's irrelevant"

"oh yeah, well Romney said this"

"Bin Laudin" or however you spell the murderers name.

It makes no difference to the left what this guy does, they don't care and will try as hard as they can to make it go away, spin it somehow or just ignore it. As long as "The People" continue to get free stuff, they don't care if the President murders a person, they will vote for him and President Obama knows this, lol.

The President shouldn't get even 25% of the vote this coming election, as it is right now though, the guy has a freaking lead! I thought the everyday, regular American citizen was smarter than the actually are, and if President Obama is re-elected to a second term, we might as well call this country the USSA, The United Socialist States of America, because that's where it's headed.

So very sad.

Here's the lefts response to my post


"Fear mongering"


Until it happens and they will be like

"Why didn't anybody do anything?"
Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

Hahahaha. Ok.

Obama responsible.

Bush not responsible.

Was Reagan responsible for the Beirut Embassy and the Marine barracks?

Was Clinton responsible for the first WTC attack?

It is part of the job description, so, in effect, yes. At least Obama had advance warning. What he did with it, puts him in a different class, doesn't it?

Bush, Reagan, or Clinton didn't have advance warning?
I didn't read through this thread, I already know what the left will say.

"It's an old video"

"It was 5 years ago! It's irrelevant"

"oh yeah, well Romney said this"

"Bin Laudin" or however you spell the murderers name.

It makes no difference to the left what this guy does, they don't care and will try as hard as they can to make it go away, spin it somehow or just ignore it. As long as "The People" continue to get free stuff, they don't care if the President murders a person, they will vote for him and President Obama knows this, lol.

The President shouldn't get even 25% of the vote this coming election, as it is right now though, the guy has a freaking lead! I thought the everyday, regular American citizen was smarter than the actually are, and if President Obama is re-elected to a second term, we might as well call this country the USSA, The United Socialist States of America, because that's where it's headed.

So very sad.

Here's the lefts response to my post


"Fear mongering"


Until it happens and they will be like

"Why didn't anybody do anything?"

Yet Obama will win. What will you do on Nov 7th when Obama has won reelection?
Ummm..........not good news for Mr Obama:D:D

Right now on DRUDGE front and center..................


OBAMA DECLARES HOW POOR PEOPLE: 'Need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office'... Developing...

DAILY CALLER: 'For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America'... Developing tonight...

2007: 'We don't need to build more highways out in the suburbs. We should be investing in minority-owned businesses, in our neighborhoods'...

Wonder if this might strip away a few white votes???:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::coffee:


You are truly a babbling idiot.

Perhaps s0n......but I'm away from this thread for a couple of hours and every hyperpartisan k00k Tom, Dick and Harry are falling all over themselves and shitting in their pants at the same time.

Huggy my friend.......you are one miserable fuck!!! Tough to identify anybody on this forum who better fits the bumper sticker narrative about far left guys being angry and miserable all the time.


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