DRUDGE dropping Oct Surprise bomb on Obama right now!!!

Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

The inefficiencies exposed by 9/11 were not addressed. We're as vulnerable as ever.

Obama is not responsible for the murder of the US Ambassador.

Oh yes, Obama sure as hell IS responsible. HE is the CIC. HE is the Chief Executive. It damn sure was his responsibility. And what did he do? Did he spend every waking moment trying to figure out what went wrong? Was the White House overrun with security and intelligence types getting to the bottom of it? Nope. When he knew Chris Stevens, the guy HE sent to Libya, was missing... he went to bed. Then he made a short statement in the morning, and was on to his campaign activities. A little interview with 60 minutes, and off to Vegas and Colorado, with 4 minutes of sad commentary AFTER his shout-outs to local Democrats and then on to your regularly scheduled stump speech. He's a piece of shit. Really.

Is that like reading a book while planes are crashing into the WTC?
Election model with 100% success rate for past 30 years predicts Romney victory | The Raw Story

If Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador, is Bush responsible for the 3,000 dead Americans of 9/11/2001?

Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

Hahahaha. Ok.

Obama responsible.

Bush not responsible.

Was Reagan responsible for the Beirut Embassy and the Marine barracks?

Was Clinton responsible for the first WTC attack?

Dude, what part of this are you NOT getting? :eusa_eh:
There had ALREADY been quite a number of incidents in Libya which would provoke any rational person to caution. Intelligence was available to indicate a threat. The host government WARNED that there might be trouble. Our State Department personnel had requested MORE security. It was the ANNIVERSARY of 9/11. :eek:

Obama wasn't blind-sided. This didn't come out of the blue. And then to add insult to injury, he's done everything in his power to cover it up, even though he KNEW within 24 hours that it was a terrorist attack. It's a disgusting dereliction of duty and he knows it. That's why this administration has been ducking the truth ever since it happened.
Even if you think what is shown in this video is no big deal...don't you find it at least troubling that the mainstream media - at the height of the 2008 Jeremiah Wright controversy when Barack Obama was swearing up and down that he hadn't been to church in ages, never really heard Wright say anything too shocking, certainly wasn't swayed or influenced by Wright's stranger opinions, etc...chose FOR US to never see this video to decide for ourselves? The video would have OBVIOUSLY been relevant to that discussion...but the media said, "nah...lets not show it." Why? The only rational explanation is that the media, predominantly left-leaning and Obama-supporting, knew that it could be severely damaging and hid it from us. And for ALL OF US, not to see that as deeply troubling is...well...deeply troubling.

This is an inspiring speach. The fact that the 'Conservatives' find it offensive simply speaks of their moral turpitude, not that of the President. I think were he to give that speach in a national address right now, he would gain votes on it.

Obama and Poverty - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic

You are citing the edited version of the speech, the prepared remarks, and not the parts where Obama went off script. The entire 40 minute speech is on the Daily Mail website, and is unedited.

If you watch that, and still think it is an inspiring speech, you are either a liar or a brain dead partisan hack.

The news media was there, but they didn't show the parts of the speech where Obama went off script, and the written media stuck to the script provided. They made the decision that the American people would not be properly served by knowing that Obama was, and still is, a racist.

The American people depend on the media to give them the truth. The real truth, not the truth that the media thinks is good for the people. The lame street media has been giving Obama a pass for the last four years, and they are not done yet. Perhaps they figure the downfall of America will make great news stories.
Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

Hahahaha. Ok.

Obama responsible.

Bush not responsible.

Was Reagan responsible for the Beirut Embassy and the Marine barracks?

Was Clinton responsible for the first WTC attack?

Dude, what part of this are you NOT getting? :eusa_eh:
There had ALREADY been quite a number of incidents in Libya which would provoke any rational person to caution. Intelligence was available to indicate a threat. The host government WARNED that there might be trouble. Our State Department personnel had requested MORE security. It was the ANNIVERSARY of 9/11. :eek:

Obama wasn't blind-sided. This didn't come out of the blue. And then to add insult to injury, he's done everything in his power to cover it up. It's a disgusting dereliction of duty and he knows it. That's why this administration has been ducking the truth ever since it happened.

Hahahaha. Ok.

Obama responsible.

Bush not responsible.

Was Reagan responsible for the Beirut Embassy and the Marine barracks?

Was Clinton responsible for the first WTC attack?
Even if you think what is shown in this video is no big deal...don't you find it at least troubling that the mainstream media - at the height of the 2008 Jeremiah Wright controversy when Barack Obama was swearing up and down that he hadn't been to church in ages, never really heard Wright say anything too shocking, certainly wasn't swayed or influenced by Wright's stranger opinions, etc...chose FOR US to never see this video to decide for ourselves? The video would have OBVIOUSLY been relevant to that discussion...but the media said, "nah...lets not show it." Why? The only rational explanation is that the media, predominantly left-leaning and Obama-supporting, knew that it could be severely damaging and hid it from us. And for ALL OF US, not to see that as deeply troubling is...well...deeply troubling.

This is an inspiring speach. The fact that the 'Conservatives' find it offensive simply speaks of their moral turpitude, not that of the President. I think were he to give that speach in a national address right now, he would gain votes on it.

Obama and Poverty - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic

You are citing the edited version of the speech, the prepared remarks, and not the parts where Obama went off script. The entire 40 minute speech is on the Daily Mail website, and is unedited.

If you watch that, and still think it is an inspiring speech, you are either a liar or a brain dead partisan hack.

The news media was there, but they didn't show the parts of the speech where Obama went off script, and the written media stuck to the script provided. They made the decision that the American people would not be properly served by knowing that Obama was, and still is, a racist.

The American people depend on the media to give them the truth. The real truth, not the truth that the media thinks is good for the people. The lame street media has been giving Obama a pass for the last four years, and they are not done yet. Perhaps they figure the downfall of America will make great news stories.

Yes it will. Can't wait.
The inefficiencies exposed by 9/11 were not addressed. We're as vulnerable as ever.

Obama is not responsible for the murder of the US Ambassador.

Oh yes, Obama sure as hell IS responsible. HE is the CIC. HE is the Chief Executive. It damn sure was his responsibility. And what did he do? Did he spend every waking moment trying to figure out what went wrong? Was the White House overrun with security and intelligence types getting to the bottom of it? Nope. When he knew Chris Stevens, the guy HE sent to Libya, was missing... he went to bed. Then he made a short statement in the morning, and was on to his campaign activities. A little interview with 60 minutes, and off to Vegas and Colorado, with 4 minutes of sad commentary AFTER his shout-outs to local Democrats and then on to your regularly scheduled stump speech. He's a piece of shit. Really.

Is that like reading a book while planes are crashing into the WTC?

Are you a grown-up? Seriously.
Obama is responsible for the dead ambassador because HE sent him there without adequate protection even after it was clear through anecdotal evidence and through intelligence that more security was necessary. G.W. didn't know about 9/11. We had a whole commission go through the intelligence at the time and figure out how the "puzzle pieces" weren't put together. Now, go ahead and complain about such things as Homeland Security or the Patriot Act if you please, but don't act like those inefficiencies weren't discovered or addressed.

Chris Stevens and those other three guys are DEAD today, because of this administration's determination to keep a "low profile" in Libya. THAT is the bottom line.

The inefficiencies exposed by 9/11 were not addressed. We're as vulnerable as ever.

Obama is not responsible for the murder of the US Ambassador.

Maybe you can explain why the Marines are not allowed to use real bullets in known times of crisis? Not like we did not see this coming, it being the Anniversary of 9/11.

Especially after the State Department received numerous requests to provide adequate security days before the ambassador and his staff were murdered like Michael Vicks pit bulls.
Oh yes, Obama sure as hell IS responsible. HE is the CIC. HE is the Chief Executive. It damn sure was his responsibility. And what did he do? Did he spend every waking moment trying to figure out what went wrong? Was the White House overrun with security and intelligence types getting to the bottom of it? Nope. When he knew Chris Stevens, the guy HE sent to Libya, was missing... he went to bed. Then he made a short statement in the morning, and was on to his campaign activities. A little interview with 60 minutes, and off to Vegas and Colorado, with 4 minutes of sad commentary AFTER his shout-outs to local Democrats and then on to your regularly scheduled stump speech. He's a piece of shit. Really.

Is that like reading a book while planes are crashing into the WTC?

Are you a grown-up? Seriously.

Hahahaha. Ok.

Obama responsible.

Bush not responsible.

Was Reagan responsible for the Beirut Embassy and the Marine barracks?

Was Clinton responsible for the first WTC attack?
The inefficiencies exposed by 9/11 were not addressed. We're as vulnerable as ever.

Obama is not responsible for the murder of the US Ambassador.

Maybe you can explain why the Marines are not allowed to use real bullets in known times of crisis? Not like we did not see this coming, it being the Anniversary of 9/11.

Especially after the State Department received numerous requests to provide adequate security days before the ambassador and his staff were murdered like Michael Vicks pit bulls.

Well they were white.

I feel bad for the pit bulls.
Lets face it.........this story only cements what many have felt for a long, long time..........this fraud is indeed The Great Divider. His mentor is a nut from this Black Theology whatever the fuck it is BS.......but its radical racist. Obama just gets away with it because he is black and is protected by the state run media.

Imagine if Mitt Romney had said anything remotely like this about saying "fuck you" to black people........."were taking care of 'our' people".

Unless youve been hiding under the PC rock you whole life, your radar should hve come up on this fraud from the get go back in the summer of 2009 with this >>>>>


Kneejerk response from a guy who hates "whitey".
Last edited:
Ummm..........not good news for Mr Obama:D:D

Right now on DRUDGE front and center..................


OBAMA DECLARES HOW POOR PEOPLE: 'Need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office'... Developing...

DAILY CALLER: 'For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America'... Developing tonight...

2007: 'We don't need to build more highways out in the suburbs. We should be investing in minority-owned businesses, in our neighborhoods'...

Wonder if this might strip away a few white votes???:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::coffee:


Does he feel he has to lock up the ghetto vote? What's the deal? That's hardly presidential of him.

Obama is 100% sure he has the black ghetto vote. He's pretty damned sure he's got at least 47% of the electorate so snookered that they will vote early and often.
Maybe you can explain why the Marines are not allowed to use real bullets in known times of crisis? Not like we did not see this coming, it being the Anniversary of 9/11.

Especially after the State Department received numerous requests to provide adequate security days before the ambassador and his staff were murdered like Michael Vicks pit bulls.

Well they were white.

I feel bad for the pit bulls.

A racist says what? :eusa_clap:
Maybe you can explain why the Marines are not allowed to use real bullets in known times of crisis? Not like we did not see this coming, it being the Anniversary of 9/11.

Especially after the State Department received numerous requests to provide adequate security days before the ambassador and his staff were murdered like Michael Vicks pit bulls.

Well they were white.

I feel bad for the pit bulls.

Honest bitch aren't you? Were the pit bulls white?
Maybe you can explain why the Marines are not allowed to use real bullets in known times of crisis? Not like we did not see this coming, it being the Anniversary of 9/11.

Especially after the State Department received numerous requests to provide adequate security days before the ambassador and his staff were murdered like Michael Vicks pit bulls.

Well they were white.

I feel bad for the pit bulls.

Off topic I know, but why do you live in a majority white country when there are so many nice majority black nations you could move to?
I just watched the Hannity bit with the video and I have to say, what's the news? This is the same two faced Obama we've always heard. It was the speech of a community organizer. Nothing in it shocked me and I doubt it will have any impact on the race.

We have all the ammo we need to defeat Obama and no amount of old rehashed crap from 08 is going to make a difference.

Was it incendiary? Sure was it revealing? No we already knew this side of Obama.

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