DRUDGE dropping Oct Surprise bomb on Obama right now!!!

I am puzzled to the nature of the surprise. I didn't hear anything racial in what Obama said. Maybe the mere fact that Obama appears to be a black man on the video means that he is a racist?

Or does it mean Drudge and Hannity are racists?

Or maybe FOX News is racist for not pointing out how racist Obama is back when they aired his speech on television back in 2007?

Maybe that's his surprise, no surprise.. That Drudge guy sure is subtle.
I am hoping in tonight's debate that one of Mitten's rehearsed zingers is to mock Obama by talking in a "fake" black voice.

Have I told you just how much I am enjoying this campaign? :D

Maybe another rendition of America the Beautiful. You never know what is going to come out of his mouth.

Hannity is the king of hyperbole. All the partisan blabbers will pounce on the slightest opportunity and try to make the slightest story into Pearl Harbor, but he seems to relish it a bit more. That pleading, hopeful, wide-eyed look, like a seven year old trying to convince his mom he didn't drop his little sister into the garbage can.

Ugh, I can't wait for this election to be over. These people are shameless.


Hannity is the king of hyperbole. All the partisan blabbers will pounce on the slightest opportunity and try to make the slightest story into Pearl Harbor, but he seems to relish it a bit more. That pleading, hopeful, wide-eyed look, like a seven year old trying to convince his mom he didn't drop his little sister into the garbage can.

Ugh, I can't wait for this election to be over. These people are shameless.


Somehow we're giving the black community a "zero sum". Give me a fucking break...How fucking clear can it be??? how are we taking advantage of the black community?

You bastards are going to go after my first amendment rights and want to bow to islam. Yet, you think you're so good? I don't trust you and I fear that you could becoming a enemy of freedom.

Hannity is the king of hyperbole. All the partisan blabbers will pounce on the slightest opportunity and try to make the slightest story into Pearl Harbor, but he seems to relish it a bit more. That pleading, hopeful, wide-eyed look, like a seven year old trying to convince his mom he didn't drop his little sister into the garbage can.

Ugh, I can't wait for this election to be over. These people are shameless.


Somehow we're giving the black community a "zero sum". Give me a fucking break...How fucking clear can it be??? how are we taking advantage of the black community?

You bastards are going to go after my first amendment rights and want to bow to islam. Yet, you think you're so good? I don't trust you and I fear that you could becoming a enemy of freedom.

Oops, sorry, I'm a First Amendment purist, Matthew, you're playing victim with the wrong guy.

I want you to speak what's on your mind, loud and clear. It can be very helpful in making an opposing point.


Hannity is the king of hyperbole. All the partisan blabbers will pounce on the slightest opportunity and try to make the slightest story into Pearl Harbor, but he seems to relish it a bit more. That pleading, hopeful, wide-eyed look, like a seven year old trying to convince his mom he didn't drop his little sister into the garbage can.

Ugh, I can't wait for this election to be over. These people are shameless.


Somehow we're giving the black community a "zero sum". Give me a fucking break...How fucking clear can it be??? how are we taking advantage of the black community?

You bastards are going to go after my first amendment rights and want to bow to islam. Yet, you think you're so good? I don't trust you and I fear that you could becoming a enemy of freedom.

Oops, sorry, I'm a First Amendment purist, Matthew, you're playing victim with the wrong guy.

I want you to speak what's on your mind, loud and clear. It can be very helpful in making an opposing point.


He said what he said. What part of that don't you understand???

How have whites exploited blacks in the past 20 years?
How have whites blocked them from starting a business?
Why should we freely transfer wealth into the black community?
Here comes the LIBRUL Zombie Squad to the rescue! LOL

Romney says, "47%" and it's a national scandal and news for 3 solid weeks for leftists.

Obama the Racist states whites have exploited blacks, takes on "black" slang in front of an all black church which he claims he doesn't remember ONE SINGLE THING after 20 years , yet parrots the Black Liberation theology to a tee and ZOMBIES TRY THE PROPAGANDA, " Nothing here to see, move along."

Bwhahahahaha ROFL!!!!!!!

He should tell Obama straight up how whites have exploited blacks in the past few decades??? Then go through all the benefits we pay the black community like section 8, AA, food stamps, ect.

Ending it with why should we give a double standard to people that don't want to work hard to earn it.

Yeah, that'll put him over the top.


What's inaccurate about what I said?

Calm down, back away from the radio, take a breath.

I agree with the Right on some issues when it comes to race, more than you probably know. But going all Michael Savage during a presidential debate would do Romney far more harm than good. It's not just what you say, it's how and when you say it.

A debate isn't a partisan radio talk show.


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