DRUDGE dropping Oct Surprise bomb on Obama right now!!!

Goddamn, this isn't going to be pretty when islam finally has the numbers within our own lands against you pussies. A fucking blood bath and stripping of whatever freedoms we have left.

Countries like France and Britain are going this way.

-Women rights=gone
-Human rights=gone
-High standards of innovation=gone
-Human expression=gone
-Gay rights=Gone
-Rights to worship who ever you want=gone

All fucking gone. Keep on keeping on.
Goddamn, this isn't going to be pretty when islam finally has the numbers within our own lands against you pussies. A fucking blood bath and stripping of whatever freedoms we have left.

Countries like France and Britain are going this way.

-Women rights=gone
-Human rights=gone
-High standards of innovation=gone
-Human expression=gone
-Gay rights=Gone
-Rights to worship who ever you want=gone

All fucking gone. Keep on keeping on.

France recently banned Islamic women from wearing headgear... something we'd never do in this country because of religious freedom.
OBAMA DECLARES HOW POOR PEOPLE: 'Need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office'

'For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America'

Obama has not been on time since he has been in office. He believes the world should wait on him. He is definitely not leading by example. He is one of those who have trained his followers to have bad office skills. Bush lead by example & was always on time, but Obama will just say that was bush's fault for making him look bad for being late.

Obama is teaching people how to be bum's, late for work & community organized riots so he can exploit them.
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Oh ok this video explains Harry Reid remark about Obama not having "a negro dialect- unless he wanted to have one"

Man oh man was it a doozy

We tried to warn people

but hey, vote for him AGAIN...:lol:
You can't stand the truth. We have become a society of cowards and liars that can't stand to be honest. 72% of black men knock up there woman and then leave....This is why the black youth have 5 times the murder rate per person.

Face this fact or go hide. Do what ever.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Please tell me that you are the prototypical Republican! PLEASE!


You can't stand the truth straight from the CDC. Even CNN will admit to these facts.

You people are really screwed up...I'd suggest getting some help.

70% of black children were born out-of-wedlock (bastards)
The highest number of ANY race.
Illegitimate Nation: An Examination of Out-of-Wedlock Births Among Immigrants and Natives | Center for Immigration Studies

Remember: according to the liberal dictionary truth is hate speech.
Man oh man was it a doozy

We tried to warn people

but hey, vote for him AGAIN...:lol:

Didn't vote for him the first time.

But then you fools went ahead and nominated the Weird Mormon Robot. You know, the guy we all rejected four years ago.

So now I'm stuck voting for him this time.

Who is "we?" do you actually expect anyone to believe you're a Republican?

Who is "we?" do you actually expect anyone to believe you're a Republican?

Just because crazy people have taken the party over for a cycle or two doesn't mean I give up my identificaiton.

With luck, after a Romney defeat, the adults will be back in charge of the GOP and you nutbags will be regulated back where you belong.

Or the GOP will vanish and be replaced by a party that gets it.
You're embarassing yourself.. The article states they reported ONLY what the Obama campaign told them.. Completely WRONG and goes against EVERYTHING the media is suppose to stand for. Secondly, the Media don't get to determine what is news and what's not.. NOR DO YOU LIBS.. Give America unedited news, period and let Americans decide. I don[t need you and the liberal media filtering the truth for me!

Then why would you go to ABC news?

Only an idiot takes seriously any news source affiliated with the CFR. If you want to be lied to, use corporate or government media. You are like a battered house wife that wants to be lied to. If you are going to use a news source that lies, then don't be surprised when it lies to you.

You want truth, use independent or international media.

Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media
w0w...........kinda funny. All the k00ks are spewing off about this being a non-story but theyve been up all night falling all over themselves trying to marginalize it!! HUh???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D Just 12 hours ago, there were 3 posts on this thread!!

But lets face it..........its more fodder that our Commander on Chief is a bonafide racist.

Imagine where we would be this am if Mitt Romney was saluting some KKK big at a rally??!!!:badgrin:

Shit like this resonates with some independents = win.

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w0w...........kinda funny. All the k00ks are spewing off about this being a non-story but theyve been up all night falling all over themselves trying to marginalize it!! HUh???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

But lets face it..........its more fodder that our Commander on Chief is a bonafide racist.

Imagine where we would be this am if Mitt Romney was saluting some KKK big at a rally??!!!:badgrin:

Shit like this resonates with some independents = win.


Why didn't it resonate in 2008?
Oh hell yeah, Drudge is the go to investigative reporter. Almost as relevant as Breitbart or Rush.

Let me ask you this question.
What is more important to you, Who reported the story or What Obama actually said?
Especially since it is a video and his words can not be taken out of context.
w0w...........kinda funny. All the k00ks are spewing off about this being a non-story but theyve been up all night falling all over themselves trying to marginalize it!! HUh???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

But lets face it..........its more fodder that our Commander on Chief is a bonafide racist.

Imagine where we would be this am if Mitt Romney was saluting some KKK big at a rally??!!!:badgrin:

Shit like this resonates with some independents = win.


Why didn't it resonate in 2008?

You dummy..........because the AP reported the story based upon the distributed script. Obama's remarks were "off script" which the idiot actually said during that hate filled rant.

Racism is OK for the 21%er k00ks as long is it is their definition of racism which means blacks cant be racist.
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rdean had the longest running one about "the haircut" bully must be anti gay teen thread.

Many posts by libs expressing that Romney's actions as a teenager most definitely defined him as a man and a candidate for a presidential election in 2012.

How on earth did you miss that epic "Romney is a poo poo head and a bully and a homophope" thread?

That was a classic.

I've seen those threads.

I'm more curious as to which of those posters have posted in this thread about 2007 being too long ago.

I'm monitoring 5 boards right now. It's a generic statement from the threads I'm following.

Full scale meltdowns happening across the net at the moment. It's full throttle....

"The video is old. It won't make a difference" posts are all over the place.

ETA: the whole Romney was a homophobic bully drive that the left was pushing on this board was repeated many times over on many boards.

No life?
Huge cover up in Libya, fast and furious, World on fire, Economy in the tank, and this is going to be the October surprise?

This is how the majority of the black community feels. They want free shit and to blame whitey for everything.
Maybe you need to push your own children to better themselves. Maybe one day they can grow up and build a goddamn business.


How the fuck do we do what Obama is talking about? It isn't my job to get trayvon off his ass in push him to work.

Can't understand why the Rightwing doesn't attract more Black voters. It continues to be a puzzlement to me.

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