DRUDGE dropping Oct Surprise bomb on Obama right now!!!

I just watched the Hannity bit with the video and I have to say, what's the news? This is the same two faced Obama we've always heard. It was the speech of a community organizer. Nothing in it shocked me and I doubt it will have any impact on the race.

We have all the ammo we need to defeat Obama and no amount of old rehashed crap from 08 is going to make a difference.

Was it incendiary? Sure was it revealing? No we already knew this side of Obama.

You're right of course. People who can't be bothered to notice Barack Obama arming Mexican drug cartels or ignoring his own ambassador's pleas for help until after he and three other Americans are DEAD are unlikely to be impressed with a little soft shoe for a black audience. So it's not a game-changer.

Still... it's pretty damned funny. I laughed out loud for like 2 hours at the sheer ridiculousness of his performance. The guy is a con artist... and not even an interesting one.
This is some funny shit. NaziCons are desperate and dumb. Sooo funny...

Really there s0n? Is that so?

Ummm......then why has this thread seen every k00k lefty crawling out of the woodwork in the last 4 hours or so to walk this story back?

But the conservatives are desperate??:D:D:D

As usual s0n, you have the political IQ of a small soap dish..........and on election night, if you havent thrown yourself off a bridge, do make sure to pop in here to get a load of my volumes of gay MSPAINT Photobucket Classics I'll be rolling out every 5 minutes.

Like this >>>>>>:D:D:D

I just watched the Hannity bit with the video and I have to say, what's the news? This is the same two faced Obama we've always heard. It was the speech of a community organizer. Nothing in it shocked me and I doubt it will have any impact on the race.

We have all the ammo we need to defeat Obama and no amount of old rehashed crap from 08 is going to make a difference.

Was it incendiary? Sure was it revealing? No we already knew this side of Obama.

I agree somewhat but at the present time, some people who arent otherwise tuned into this shit are starting to pay attention. Its become a topic in the workplace, in the coffee shop and on FACEBOOK etc..........and it is for those independents not married to the PC crowd that will push even more of these voters away from Obama. This completely nukes anything Obama has ever said about uniting people. Yes Grampa..........we knew he was a racist fuck all along, bu tnow some other folks are going to have this lurking in the back of their minds as votinig time approaches.:rock::rock::rock::coffee:
Well, Obama is right.

People do need to know how to act and dress properly in everyday business settings.

They need to take off their face jewelry and cover up their tatts, comb their hair, brush their teeth, shave (women too!) and take a bath every damn day.

It is called being a grown up in a modern society.
I just watched the Hannity bit with the video and I have to say, what's the news? This is the same two faced Obama we've always heard. It was the speech of a community organizer. Nothing in it shocked me and I doubt it will have any impact on the race.

We have all the ammo we need to defeat Obama and no amount of old rehashed crap from 08 is going to make a difference.

Was it incendiary? Sure was it revealing? No we already knew this side of Obama.

Many people do not believe this side of Obama exists. This is more proof in his own words it does. At the Time, the AP and most of the press only ran with the official Release of Obama's Prepared Remarks. The Problem is most of the Controversial Stuff he said was not on the Prepared remarks released to the press and ran by them.

So again, you and I may know this side of Obama, but Millions of Americans think this side of Obama is an Invention of the Right, and not rooted in Facts. So I say any chance we get to show Obama in his own Words spelling out his Racists, Class Warfare Beliefs for all to see.

Particularly bad to me was when he talked about Katrina and New Orleans and acted like they were getting no help when White Areas did after Andrew. Problem is, he was in Congress and knew full well at the time he said that the Federal Government had already put up 7Billion and Pledged another 110 Billion with out the 10% match Obama was talking about. So not only was it Divisive to say that, it was a lie.

I also found it funny how he adopted an accent and manner of speaking that we never hear in his Multiple Speaking appearances as President.

I don't see how you expect to defeat the man, if you allow him to hide what he really thinks and says from Millions of Americans to tied up in their lives to pay close enough attention to see stuff like this.

I can't tell you how many times I have talked to someone about things Obama said in his Books, or elsewhere. Not things people say he said, things he actually said, Often in print or on tape, and the person I am telling is like "Bullshit, that just made up shit, he didn't say that."

And we wonder why despite everything he is still up in the polls.
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Especially after the State Department received numerous requests to provide adequate security days before the ambassador and his staff were murdered like Michael Vicks pit bulls.

Well they were white.

I feel bad for the pit bulls.

Off topic I know, but why do you live in a majority white country when there are so many nice majority black nations you could move to?

Because my ancestors built this nation and it's fun to read the obituaries of white people.
I just watched the Hannity bit with the video and I have to say, what's the news? This is the same two faced Obama we've always heard. It was the speech of a community organizer. Nothing in it shocked me and I doubt it will have any impact on the race.

We have all the ammo we need to defeat Obama and no amount of old rehashed crap from 08 is going to make a difference.

Was it incendiary? Sure was it revealing? No we already knew this side of Obama.

Many people do not believe this side of Obama exists. This is more proof in his own words it does. At the Time, the AP and most of the press only ran with the official Release of Obama's Prepared Remarks. The Problem is most of the Controversial Stuff he said was not on the Prepared remarks released to the press and ran by them.
Feel free to provide quotes of these "Controversial" remarks...

So again, you and I may know this side of Obama, but Millions of Americans think this side of Obama is an Invention of the Right, and not rooted in Facts. So I say any chance we get to show Obama in his own Words spelling out his Racists, Class Warfare Beliefs for all to see.
Feel free to provide quotes of "racist" things that Obama said in this speech...

Particularly bad to me was when he talked about Katrina and New Orleans and acted like they were getting no help when White Areas did after Andrew.
How exactly did he "act" like that?
Problem is, he was in Congress and knew full well at the time he said that the Federal Government had already put up 7Billion and Pledged another 110 Billion with out the 10% match Obama was talking about. So not only was it Divisive to say that, it was a lie.
He was talking about the fact that the Stafford act was waived after 9/11, but not after Katrina.

I also found it funny how he adopted an accent and manner of speaking that we never hear in his Multiple Speaking appearances as President.
Do you use the same speech patterns when you talk to everyone you know?
I don't see how you expect to defeat the man, if you allow him to hide what he really thinks
What do you think Obama "really thinks"?
I just watched the Hannity bit with the video and I have to say, what's the news? This is the same two faced Obama we've always heard. It was the speech of a community organizer. Nothing in it shocked me and I doubt it will have any impact on the race.

We have all the ammo we need to defeat Obama and no amount of old rehashed crap from 08 is going to make a difference.

Was it incendiary? Sure was it revealing? No we already knew this side of Obama.

You should know that side of Obama, it was shown in 2007. But I like these fear of the black man moments. It will make for a good laugh at the barbershop.
Off topic I know, but why do you live in a majority white country when there are so many nice majority black nations you could move to?
You're a certified A number One idiot. Why should any black person in the United States move, when this country is more their nation than most of it is a white person's nation? Their ancestors were here before nearly 75% of all white peoples ancestors. After the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves on March 2, 1807, is probably when most of the white ancestors came over. If you have any German, Italian, Polish, Norwegian, etc., than a black person is more American than you are. Sure, many of us might be able to trace one lineage back before 1807, but I guarantee you that the ancestors of Americas black men and women can trace many more of their family back much further. On top of that, we can be sure they did the back breaking work of building the countries foundations. It is an INSULT to suggest they should leave the home they have colonized, by force, on a new land. They have as little in common, nay, less with the folks of Africa, as you have with your European brethren... You are so ignorant about how much of your culture you OWE to America's black men and women. I sure as hell would hate to live in a country with out Rock and Roll, Jazz and all of the wonderful things that have resulted by the blending that is uniquely American.

And if anyone is more American than anyone, the American Black man and woman is more American, and more culturally pure, as far as America is concerned, than all of whites that have subsequently come to the shores of this nation through the waves of immigration to her eastern cities.

Ignorance, Division, and Fear. That is what the press and these political parties get off on, that is how they get their power. Neither of them is better than the other. I'd be ashamed to vote for either of these shmucks.
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Here's a comment from a black conservative, a "true American Hero":

"Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), one of the few African-American members of Congress, said on Fox News that “there is a tinge of racially motivated comments that he is making there.” But, like Gingrich, he wasn’t all that impressed. “What’s the ‘So what’ of this video? I don’t think it’s going to really go anywhere,” he said."

Obama video surfaces - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com
This issue is a distraction, like that video released "showing" what Romney really thought about the electorate. What do both of these videos have in common? They are distraction from the REAL issues. The political elites don't want people talking about the issues, they want people, and the mainstream press, talking about bullshit, and gossip. If the nation talks about crap, they won't realize the system is a scam. Why do you guys let yourselves be distracted and bitch and argue about these non-issues? How about we talk about the real issues, why is the media trying to distract the voters with non-issues? Maybe because it's planned that way? Why is this what is being talked about on all the channels? Why isn't it being talked about that we have no choice who to vote for, who ever we vote for, the problems will remain. It was the same with that silly Romney video. Don't think they aren't in on it. . . :mad: It's a goddamned game to them, and we're the fucking pawns. You do know what pieces get screwed first, right?

I wish all of you, on both the left and the right would wake the up. Both of those videos don't talk about REAL issues. WHY? Because if they did, neither of these candidates would get elected. Disgusting. They are only meant to get you to vote for one guy or the other. They are meant to stir passions, not logic, not consider issue. If you considered issues, you would realize that both of your choices ostensible are on the same side of every important issue.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eQN_3rn9CY]Obama Administration: Bushism without Bush - YouTube[/ame]​

Pay attention to those key issues that were mentioned at the beginning of the video. THOSE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES FACING OUR NATION. Both candidate we have a choice from, feel the same on all of those issues. So when the debate comes, see if any questions are brought up on those questions.

1. An end to WAR.

2. An end to Threats of War against other countries.

3. Safe Guarding of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

4. No increase in the Federal Debt and a thorough investigation of the Federal Reserve System.
so, how did it work out, the surprise?

I am puzzled to the nature of the surprise. I didn't hear anything racial in what Obama said. Maybe the mere fact that Obama appears to be a black man on the video means that he is a racist?

Or does it mean Drudge and Hannity are racists?

Or maybe FOX News is racist for not pointing out how racist Obama is back when they aired his speech on television back in 2007?
so, how did it work out, the surprise?

I am puzzled to the nature of the surprise. I didn't hear anything racial in what Obama said. Maybe the mere fact that Obama appears to be a black man on the video means that he is a racist?

Or does it mean Drudge and Hannity are racists?

Or maybe FOX News is racist for not pointing out how racist Obama is back when they aired his speech on television back in 2007?

Maybe that's his surprise, no surprise.. That Drudge guy sure is subtle.
so, how did it work out, the surprise?

I am puzzled to the nature of the surprise. I didn't hear anything racial in what Obama said. Maybe the mere fact that Obama appears to be a black man on the video means that he is a racist?

Or does it mean Drudge and Hannity are racists?

Or maybe FOX News is racist for not pointing out how racist Obama is back when they aired his speech on television back in 2007?

Maybe that's his surprise, no surprise.. That Drudge guy sure is subtle.
I am hoping in tonight's debate that one of Mitten's rehearsed zingers is to mock Obama by talking in a "fake" black voice.

Have I told you just how much I am enjoying this campaign? :D

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