Drugs kill 46,471 people a year, guns 8,145...gun grabbers want more drugs made legal?

Because criminals do it…..stop the criminal…leave the law abiding people alone, they law abiding use guns….according to bill clinton and his Department of Justice study, 1.5 million times a year, to stop violent criminal attack and save lives…….

8,145 gun murders by criminals.

You logic here is circular. Mercer got a gun because he wasn't a criminal, but when he shot nine people he became a criminal.

And no, there are not 1.5 million DGU's a year. You threatening your black neighbor with a gun does not count as a DGU.

Yes moron. Mercer was able to pass the every single gun law that you anti gunners want…he passed more than one background check….he could have had a license, he would have registered his guns, and he would have used a 10 round magazine….and if there had been enough time, since Oregon passed Universal Background Checks, he would have passed them./

And this is how it works dipshit……

I buy a car, I am a law abiding car driver. I drink too much at a bar, get behind the wheel and drive, now I am a criminal….

Same thing with guns moron.

You arrest the criminal when he breaks the law….you don't create clerical mazes trying to stop the driver from driving drunk before he drives drunk…cause they won't stop the driver from driving drunk if he ignores the consequences, dipshit.
They seem to do real well when they are auto erotically asphyxiating themselves……..but you should know all about that joe….

No, that would be silly. Besides that, I can actually get a woman unlike some of you people.


Point is- guns cause 33,000 deaths a year in this country.

Terrorists kill 21 Americans a year.

Guess which one we are spending billions of dollars fighting.

Guns are used to murder 8,145 people in 2014.

Gun accidents in 2013….505.

Suicides make up the rest and don't count since they will just use the method of the other 19,000 suicides who didn't use a gun.

Americans with guns stop 1.5 million violent criminals each year according to bill clinton and his Department of Justice.

1.5 million crimes stopped vs. 8,145 gun murders committed by career criminals for the most part in isolated inner city neighborhoods, usually controlled by democrats.
1.5 million crimes stopped by armed civilians.

Try to do the math….use your toes when you need them.

Guy, you can't spew about bullshit numbers and talk about math

Okay, here's some math for you. 1.5 Million imaginary DGU's.

But the FBI only finds 200 occurrences of "justified homicide" a year with a gun. which means that you guys pull out your penis compensation 7500 times and 7499 of those times, you don't shoot the scary Negro. Um. I mean the Criminal. Yeah, the "Criminal'.

Hard to believe you guys show that much restraint, especially giving your wank fantasies about shooting bad guys you spew here every day.
Yes moron. Mercer was able to pass the every single gun law that you anti gunners want…he passed more than one background check….he could have had a license, he would have registered his guns, and he would have used a 10 round magazine….and if there had been enough time, since Oregon passed Universal Background Checks, he would have passed them./

Then the background checks are INADEQUATE.

and they are designed to be so.

The thing was, the Media found out this guy was on lithium, had been thrown out of the Army on a Section 8, went to a special school for crazy people, had posted boatloads of Crazy on Social Media, and they figured this out within hours..

Which goes back to my solution. You give or sell someone a gun and he kills somoene with it, you do his time.


If you didn't know you were giving a gun to a crazy person, shame on you for not finding out.
1.5 million crimes stopped by armed civilians.

Try to do the math….use your toes when you need them.

Guy, you can't spew about bullshit numbers and talk about math

Okay, here's some math for you. 1.5 Million imaginary DGU's.

But the FBI only finds 200 occurrences of "justified homicide" a year with a gun. which means that you guys pull out your penis compensation 7500 times and 7499 of those times, you don't shoot the scary Negro. Um. I mean the Criminal. Yeah, the "Criminal'.

Hard to believe you guys show that much restraint, especially giving your wank fantasies about shooting bad guys you spew here every day.

You are still a fucking moron........normal people don't shoot criminals unless they have to...and bill clinton's Department of Justice ran the study and used to anti gun whackos to do it...and they came up with 1.5 million times a year.....
Yes moron. Mercer was able to pass the every single gun law that you anti gunners want…he passed more than one background check….he could have had a license, he would have registered his guns, and he would have used a 10 round magazine….and if there had been enough time, since Oregon passed Universal Background Checks, he would have passed them./

Then the background checks are INADEQUATE.

and they are designed to be so.

The thing was, the Media found out this guy was on lithium, had been thrown out of the Army on a Section 8, went to a special school for crazy people, had posted boatloads of Crazy on Social Media, and they figured this out within hours..

Which goes back to my solution. You give or sell someone a gun and he kills somoene with it, you do his time.


If you didn't know you were giving a gun to a crazy person, shame on you for not finding out.

They aren't "inadequate" they aren't going to fucking work no matter how you juice them up...why...because criminals steal their fucking guns or get someone with a clean record to pass the background check and buy the gun for them...moron.

yes....punish everyone who didn't pull the trigger...........and what do we do with you assholes who created gun free zones......how much time do you serve for all the deaths you are responsible for....
They aren't "inadequate" they aren't going to fucking work no matter how you juice them up...why...because criminals steal their fucking guns or get someone with a clean record to pass the background check and buy the gun for them...moron.

Yet, these kinds of restrictions work fine in Canada, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, etc.

So they aren't going to work if they aren't tried. I think that's what you are grasping for. Because people who tried it find they work just fine.
You are still a fucking moron........normal people don't shoot criminals unless they have to...and bill clinton's Department of Justice ran the study and used to anti gun whackos to do it...and they came up with 1.5 million times a year.....

Yeah, I think they only people who came up with that are the voices in your head. They had drugs for that now.

Gun fetishists aren't "Normal People".
They aren't "inadequate" they aren't going to fucking work no matter how you juice them up...why...because criminals steal their fucking guns or get someone with a clean record to pass the background check and buy the gun for them...moron.

Yet, these kinds of restrictions work fine in Canada, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, etc.

So they aren't going to work if they aren't tried. I think that's what you are grasping for. Because people who tried it find they work just fine.

No they don't. They have different cultures in each of those countries and their criminals don't use guns as often as ours do...and they can get guns just as easily as our criminals can. Australia....they have increasing gun crime and their gun ownership levels are now the same as they were before the confiscation....

A 15 year old immigrant teenager got a gun and murdered a police officer last week. In Britain, a 19 year old got a pistol, 90 rounds of ammo and pipe bombs from the dark web...he planned on shooting up the university that expelled him...last week.

Gun control doesn't work in any of those countries...Japanese culture keeps all crime low..all crime, not just gun violence...the Japanese people are conformists, the do not act out against the group and they obey authority..it has nothing to do with access to gun France...Yeah...3 terrorists, 2 on terrorist watch lists, and one a convicted felon got fully automatic rifles, grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade launcher easily.....then you have the gunmen who shot up the Jewish school in France and the same week as the 3 terrorists were using fully automatic rifles, gunmen shot up a Marseilles neighborhood with fully automatic rifles an hour before the prime minister was going to give a speech about crime there. gun crime is so bad in Marseilles, France, the politicians there have called for the military to go in and lock the place down.

And Sweden....another gun controlled country...their immigrant gangs have been shooting at each other with fully automatic rifles and throwing grenades at each other all during the summer..

so no....their gun control laws do not work. The fact that their criminals shoot people less is cultural, not gun control.
Oh yeah...gun control works in Italy too...except for criminals in their court buildings......

Milan court shooting: Man kills lawyer, judge and co-defendant - BBC News

The suspect, Claudio Giardiello, was arrested in a suburb after fleeing the scene on a motorbike. He was reportedly a defendant in a bankruptcy case.

He is believed to have shot dead a co-defendant, his former lawyer and a bankruptcy court judge.

Earlier reports of a fourth death were proven wrong. The shooting has prompted scrutiny of security measures.

Questions are being asked about how Mr Giardiello managed to smuggle a weapon into a well-guarded building, use it several times and escape.

The suspect was arrested by carabinieri officers in Vimercate, about 25km (15 miles) north-east of central Milan, near the town of Monza.
Joe...you should really research these things before you post....another shooting from Italy...you twit....

Gunman kills four, wounds at least five in Naples shooting

A man shot dead four people, believed to include his wife and other members of his family, and wounded at least five more after opening fire from the balcony of his home in the southern Italian city of Naples on Friday, police said.

As well as his wife, the 48 year-old nurse with no previous criminal record was believed to have killed his brother, sister-in-law and a local policeman with a pump-action shotgun in the Capodimonte neighborhood, police officials said.

At least five people, believed to include at least two police officers, were wounded when the gunman opened fire onto the street outside his house.

Criminals will get guns no matter how strict the gun control laws...
Oh...here you go joe..another shooting in Italy...a 3 year old murdered....

ROME – “Don’t kill women and children” used to be part of the mafia code of honor.

That’s why the recent shooting death of a 3-year-old, whose body was burned virtually beyond recognition, has shocked this nation long used to gruesome mob killings.

“Women and children used to be off limits,” said Patrizia Venturino, a local journalist who reports on mob hits. “But it’s all changed now. Women often become bosses if their husbands go to jail or are killed. And children, well, if they are a witness to a crime, they become a liability.”

On Jan. 19,the charred remains of toddler Nicola “Coco” Campolongo were found in a torched car near a farmhouse in the southern region of Calabria, which is a base for the ‘Ndrangheta, the most powerful and feared of the four Italian mafias. His body was found alongside the remains of his grandfather Giuseppe Iannicelli, and 27-year old Ibtissam Touss, who the police identified as Iannicelli's partner.

The killing of Campolongo sparked nation-wide outrage. Last Sunday Pope Francis called the murder “unprecedented,” asking worshipers to pray for Coco and for the boy’s killer to repent.

Italian authorities believe that Iannicelli, who was serving a drug-related sentence on house arrest and was related to a government witness called Pasquale Perciaccante, drove to an appointment with members of the mafia, possibly taking his young partner and grandson as a protective measure.

But not even the sight of a 3-year-old stopped the hitman, who shot all three point-blank in the head, placed a 50-cent coin on the roof of the vehicle as if to show that their lives were cheap, and set fire to it.
No they don't. They have different cultures in each of those countries and their criminals don't use guns as often as ours do...and they can get guns just as easily as our criminals can. Australia....they have increasing gun crime and their gun ownership levels are now the same as they were before the confiscation....

A 15 year old immigrant teenager got a gun and murdered a police officer last week. In Britain, a 19 year old got a pistol, 90 rounds of ammo and pipe bombs from the dark web...he planned on shooting up the university that expelled him...last week.

Guy, you can make these ridiculous claims all day, but the fact is, we have THOUSANDS of gun murders while they have mere dozens.

Even Canada, which is nearly identical to us in terms of culture except for the gun stupidity.

The only difference in "culture" is that these countries realize that gun ownership should be a privilage only granted to responsible people, while the US thinks crazy people have a "right" to guns.

Because if a crazy clown on lithium can't get a semi-automatic weapon and a 100 round drum magazine, are ANY of us truly free?
Joe...you should really research these things before you post....another shooting from Italy...you twit....

Italy only has 400 gun murders a year.

We have 11,000 a year.

Next lame argument. I'm not even bothering to read this shit, so stop posting them.
No they don't. They have different cultures in each of those countries and their criminals don't use guns as often as ours do...and they can get guns just as easily as our criminals can. Australia....they have increasing gun crime and their gun ownership levels are now the same as they were before the confiscation....

A 15 year old immigrant teenager got a gun and murdered a police officer last week. In Britain, a 19 year old got a pistol, 90 rounds of ammo and pipe bombs from the dark web...he planned on shooting up the university that expelled him...last week.

Guy, you can make these ridiculous claims all day, but the fact is, we have THOUSANDS of gun murders while they have mere dozens.

Even Canada, which is nearly identical to us in terms of culture except for the gun stupidity.

The only difference in "culture" is that these countries realize that gun ownership should be a privilage only granted to responsible people, while the US thinks crazy people have a "right" to guns.

Because if a crazy clown on lithium can't get a semi-automatic weapon and a 100 round drum magazine, are ANY of us truly free?

Sorry…they do not have the minority populations that we do in our inner cities and those populations drive almost all of the gun murder in our country.
Sorry…they do not have the minority populations that we do in our inner cities and those populations drive almost all of the gun murder in our country.

So it's okay if people get murdered if they're darkies?

Hey, the cleaners called, your sheets are ready to pick up.

Drugs kill 46,471 people a year, guns 8,145...gun grabbers want more drugs made legal?

Actually 'guns' have never killed anyone. People who reject the objective Laws of Nature (Progs) use guns to murder innocent people... .

As a demonstration of THE PROBLEM... those same 'people' murder 1,000,000 defenseless human beings EVERY YEAR, WHILE THEY ARE STILL IN THEIR MOTHER'S WOMB and claim such to be THEIR RIGHT!
Drugs kill 46,471 people a year, guns 8,145...gun grabbers want more drugs made legal?

Actually 'guns' have never killed anyone. People who reject the objective Laws of Nature (Progs) use guns to murder innocent people... .

As a demonstration of THE PROBLEM... those same 'people' murder 1,000,000 defenseless human beings EVERY YEAR, WHILE THEY ARE STILL IN THEIR MOTHER'S WOMB and claim such to be THEIR RIGHT!

But...But.....What about ABORTION? <sob>
Yeah....since I imagine a lot of you gun grabbers want drug legalization .....do you realize that drugs kill 46,471 people a year...in 2013 stats from the CDC....

Criminals murdered 8,454 people in 2013....

Why is it then that you guys want more drugs available but want guns banned...and yes....you want guns banned....

The above is a typical Reefer Madness drug-warrior method of conveying a false impression. The fact is the vast majority of drug-induced death is caused by legal, not illegal illegal drugs, including prescribed medications which are misused.

The following is excerpted from your linked report.


Drug-induced mortality In 2010, a total of 40,393 persons died of drug-induced causes in the United States (Tables 10, 12, and 13). This category includes deaths from poisoning and medical conditions caused by use of legal or illegal drugs, as well as deaths from poisoning due to medically prescribed and other drugs. It excludes unintentional injuries, homicides, and other causes indirectly related to drug use, as well as newborn deaths due to the mother’s drug use. (For a list of drug-induced causes, see Technical Notes.


Those who wish to peruse the full text will find the number of deaths resulting from illegal drugs is substantially smaller than those resulting from drugs which are legally available either by prescription or over-the-counter -- and it includes a rather large percentage of suicides.

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