Drumming UP A Fear Of The Koch Brothers


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Judicious, or at least copious, use of that Democrat wholly owned subsidiary, the main stream media, has allowed the Left to take the spotlight off the main purchaser of the political process, George Soros, and try to train the public's attention on relatively tiny political investments by the Brothers Koch, David and Charles.

a. "'Evil' Koch brothers just 59th on top political donation list"http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/02/evil_koch_brothers_just_59th_on_top_political_donation_list.html

2. The few hundred million the Koch's have donated compares marginally to over $8 billion by George Soros.
"Soros is a well-known supporter of progressive-liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2011, Soros gave away over $8 billion..." George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. ""New Democratic Strategy Goes After Koch Brothers," announced a New York Times.... Democrats are embarking on a broad effort that aims to unmask the press-shy siblings and portray them, instead, as a pair of villains bent on wrecking progressive politics.

a. The Kochs are so obscure, even to Times readers, that the reporter felt obliged to identify them right off the bat, necessitating a yawner of a lead paragraph.

4. Back inFebruary 2011 we noted an anti-Koch rally in California where various "progressives" were captured on video calling for the assassination of Supreme Court justices who voted to uphold the right to free speech.

a. .... Democrats like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid .... are joining in the demonization of private citizens, following Saul Alinsky's 13th rule: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "

[When you want to know what Democrats are doing, note what they accuse the other side of doing. Here, Reid claims for the Koch Brothers exactly what Soros has repeatedly done: ""Mr. President, these two brothers are trying to buy America. They not only funnel money through their Americans for Prosperity, they funnel money into all kinds of organizations to do the same thing that they're doing. They're trying to buy America."]

5. Alinskyite tactics were meant to be applied against the powerful by the powerless. When applied by powerful men, like Reid, who are supposed to be public servants, they take on the character of tyranny rather than rebellion.

6.... an anti-Koch protest over the weekend staged by a pair of unions, the New York State Nurses Association and the Service Employees International Union Local 1199, along with the state chapter of the NAACP. They were protesting a new hospital wing.

Yes, you read that right. They objected to "the soon-to-be-built David H. Koch Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital," for which the eponymous donor gave $100 million.

7. The Democrats are not quite as outmatched as all that. Along with the "political pulpits" afforded by the White House and the Senate majority, they also have a $2.5 billion corporation [the NYTimes] that is happy to disseminate their propaganda free of charge."
Best of the Web Today: Speak of the Devil - WSJ.com

Again, as always, the desire of the Left is to shut down any and all opposition voices in any way possible.

Any way.
because you like it when filthy rich people control your government huh.

why do you hate democracy?
The Koch brothers torture puppies and kittens

True story
because ideas dont matter huh?

pretending its the left who is trying to destroy our democracy so they can have a CEO utopia is silly.

The left is the only way OUT of the money game.
because you like it when filthy rich people control your government huh.

why do you hate democracy?

Gee, I'm glad you brought that up!

Now I can teach you about who bought the government:

1. In 1995, George Soros appeared on PBS with Charlie Rose, and said this:
"I like to influence policy. I was not able to get to George Bush (Senior). But now I think I have succeeded with my influence...I do now have great access in the (Clinton) administration. There is no question about this. We actually work together as a team."
Articles: Hillary, Soros, Alinsky, and Rush

a. Senators Reid and Harkin are taking their cues from Media Matters, a Soros-funded front group. As Hillary Clinton declared at the recent YearlyKos convention (her confirming sound bite played by Rush Limbaugh on the radio), she was the mastermind behind both The Center for American Progress (her think tank) and Media Matters (her media attack machine). Hillary provides the name and political connections that Soros craves, and Soros provides the money.

***see George Soros

Bet you're really, really upset about this!!!!
rw'ers want the best democracy undisclosed $$$ can buy :rolleyes: Good ol' PC threads :p :thup:

That she puts hours of thought into each one should yield better results; too bad the formatting is such a mess that nobody reads them.

1. Oooooo......I see the green-eyed monster of jealously shaking its ugly head.
Oh...that's Fluke's ugly head!

Tsk, tsk.

2. "That she puts hours of thought into each one..."
I always give 100% unless I’m donating blood.

3. But this is the best part: "... nobody reads them."

This is what....third or fourth time you wrote something like that?

Just the other day....
Oh...this is really funny!

I figured, let's see if I can make her look like a dunce: I'll write...and if she responds, she must have read it....

...after saying "nothing you write is worth reading."

I get such a kick out of this!

Now....write soon, y'hear!
rw'ers want the best democracy undisclosed $$$ can buy :rolleyes: Good ol' PC threads :p :thup:

That she puts hours of thought into each one should yield better results; too bad the formatting is such a mess that nobody reads them.

1. Oooooo......I see the green-eyed monster of jealously shaking its ugly head.
Oh...that's Fluke's ugly head!

Tsk, tsk.

2. "That she puts hours of thought into each one..."
I always give 100% unless I’m donating blood.

3. But this is the best part: "... nobody reads them."

This is what....third or fourth time you wrote something like that?

Just the other day....
Oh...this is really funny!

I figured, let's see if I can make her look like a dunce: I'll write...and if she responds, she must have read it....

...after saying "nothing you write is worth reading."

I get such a kick out of this!

Now....write soon, y'hear!


Next time you draft the Magna Carta or whatever yuk-fest you're coming up with, I challenge you to simply drop a line from "Send in the Clowns" in the middle of it. I promise you that nobody who "thanks" you will bring it up.

Sandra bothers you?


because ideas dont matter huh?

pretending its the left who is trying to destroy our democracy so they can have a CEO utopia is silly.

The left is the only way OUT of the money game.

Then the left had better stop using the Union, Soros and Hollywood money.
because ideas dont matter huh?

pretending its the left who is trying to destroy our democracy so they can have a CEO utopia is silly.

The left is the only way OUT of the money game.

1. The Shadow Party was born July 17, 2003, at Soros’s estate. It created the largest and most powerful juggernaut in American history.

Present were Madeleine Albright, John Podesta, John Pope (director of the Sierra Club), Andy Stern (SEIU), among others. The basic structure of the Shadow Party was a network of seven 527 organizations.

a. “… the network of nonprofit activist groups organized by George Soros and others to mobilize resources -- money, get-out-the-vote drives, campaign advertising and policy initiates -- to elect Democratic candidates and guide the Democratic Party towards the left.

The Internet fund-raising operation MoveOn.org is a key component. The Shadow Party in this sense was conceived and organized principally by Soros, Hillary Clinton and Harold Ickes.

Its efforts are amplified by, and coordinated with, key government unions and the activist groups associated with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The key organizers of these groups are veterans of the Sixties left.” http://www.churchmilitant.tv/cia/02fake/102.pdf

"...the Sixties left...."

That means the America-hating Left.

Those your pals?
That she puts hours of thought into each one should yield better results; too bad the formatting is such a mess that nobody reads them.

1. Oooooo......I see the green-eyed monster of jealously shaking its ugly head.
Oh...that's Fluke's ugly head!

Tsk, tsk.

2. "That she puts hours of thought into each one..."
I always give 100% unless I’m donating blood.

3. But this is the best part: "... nobody reads them."

This is what....third or fourth time you wrote something like that?

Just the other day....
Oh...this is really funny!

I figured, let's see if I can make her look like a dunce: I'll write...and if she responds, she must have read it....

...after saying "nothing you write is worth reading."

I get such a kick out of this!

Now....write soon, y'hear!


Next time you draft the Magna Carta or whatever yuk-fest you're coming up with, I challenge you to simply drop a line from "Send in the Clowns" in the middle of it. I promise you that nobody who "thanks" you will bring it up.

Sandra bothers you?



What do you mean "bothers you"?

I simply wouldn't have a slut as my avi.

Why do you?
Koch brothers are a force to be feared

1. They gathered their immense resources to block Obamacare: They failed
2. They worked tirelessly to make Obama a one term President: They failed
3. They worked to stop the spread of gay rights: They failed
4. They spent immense sums to repeal Obamacare: They failed

I can see why Liberals live in fear
1. Oooooo......I see the green-eyed monster of jealously shaking its ugly head.
Oh...that's Fluke's ugly head!

Tsk, tsk.

2. "That she puts hours of thought into each one..."
I always give 100% unless I’m donating blood.

3. But this is the best part: "... nobody reads them."

This is what....third or fourth time you wrote something like that?

Just the other day....
Oh...this is really funny!

I figured, let's see if I can make her look like a dunce: I'll write...and if she responds, she must have read it....

...after saying "nothing you write is worth reading."

I get such a kick out of this!

Now....write soon, y'hear!


Next time you draft the Magna Carta or whatever yuk-fest you're coming up with, I challenge you to simply drop a line from "Send in the Clowns" in the middle of it. I promise you that nobody who "thanks" you will bring it up.

Sandra bothers you?



What do you mean "bothers you"?

I simply wouldn't have a slut as my avi.

Why do you?

Supergirl puts out more than Sandra Fluke does

Next time you draft the Magna Carta or whatever yuk-fest you're coming up with, I challenge you to simply drop a line from "Send in the Clowns" in the middle of it. I promise you that nobody who "thanks" you will bring it up.

Sandra bothers you?



What do you mean "bothers you"?

I simply wouldn't have a slut as my avi.

Why do you?

Supergirl puts out more than Sandra Fluke does

C'mon now, old timer....you know that sex is just a distant memory for you.

I think of you whenever I hear this one:

Tom who had put his dad in a nursing home, decided he wanted to do something special for his lonely dad on his 90th birthday.

Tom called an escort service and said, "I want you to give my dad SUPER SEX!" the clerk replied, "I have just the woman."
So right after lunch Toms dad was relaxing in his room watching Jeopardy, when this beautiful woman walked in his room and said, "I'm here to give you super sex!"

Wingy thought about it a moment, and said, "I'll take the soup."
Koch brothers are a force to be feared

1. They gathered their immense resources to block Obamacare: They failed
2. They worked tirelessly to make Obama a one term President: They failed
3. They worked to stop the spread of gay rights: They failed
4. They spent immense sums to repeal Obamacare: They failed

I can see why Liberals live in fear

Yet, the NYTimes attack proves that Liberals do fear the Koch Brothers.


Because they tell the truth.

Next time you draft the Magna Carta or whatever yuk-fest you're coming up with, I challenge you to simply drop a line from "Send in the Clowns" in the middle of it. I promise you that nobody who "thanks" you will bring it up.

Sandra bothers you?



What do you mean "bothers you"?

I simply wouldn't have a slut as my avi.

Why do you?

Supergirl puts out more than Sandra Fluke does

Every guy wants some of that Supergirl cooze.
1. Oooooo......I see the green-eyed monster of jealously shaking its ugly head.
Oh...that's Fluke's ugly head!

Tsk, tsk.

2. "That she puts hours of thought into each one..."
I always give 100% unless I’m donating blood.

3. But this is the best part: "... nobody reads them."

This is what....third or fourth time you wrote something like that?

Just the other day....
Oh...this is really funny!

I figured, let's see if I can make her look like a dunce: I'll write...and if she responds, she must have read it....

...after saying "nothing you write is worth reading."

I get such a kick out of this!

Now....write soon, y'hear!


Next time you draft the Magna Carta or whatever yuk-fest you're coming up with, I challenge you to simply drop a line from "Send in the Clowns" in the middle of it. I promise you that nobody who "thanks" you will bring it up.

Sandra bothers you?



What do you mean "bothers you"?

I simply wouldn't have a slut as my avi.

Why do you?

Your size 32 dumbass always gets lured into commenting on her and, of course, calling someone you don't know a "slut". You're programmed to be a dumbass. Why is that?
What do you mean "bothers you"?

I simply wouldn't have a slut as my avi.

Why do you?

Supergirl puts out more than Sandra Fluke does

C'mon now, old timer....you know that sex is just a distant memory for you.

I think of you whenever I hear this one:

Tom who had put his dad in a nursing home, decided he wanted to do something special for his lonely dad on his 90th birthday.

Tom called an escort service and said, "I want you to give my dad SUPER SEX!" the clerk replied, "I have just the woman."
So right after lunch Toms dad was relaxing in his room watching Jeopardy, when this beautiful woman walked in his room and said, "I'm here to give you super sex!"

Wingy thought about it a moment, and said, "I'll take the soup."

After taking one look at Jumbo, I imagine most guys would prefer the soup.

Next time you draft the Magna Carta or whatever yuk-fest you're coming up with, I challenge you to simply drop a line from "Send in the Clowns" in the middle of it. I promise you that nobody who "thanks" you will bring it up.

Sandra bothers you?



What do you mean "bothers you"?

I simply wouldn't have a slut as my avi.

Why do you?

Your size 32 dumbass always gets lured into commenting on her and, of course, calling someone you don't know a "slut". You're programmed to be a dumbass. Why is that?

So....what is it you like about Fluke....you find her.....attractive?

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