Drumming UP A Fear Of The Koch Brothers

just real cute...we know you don't care who the Democrat party attack's..

At this point, not really.

The Koch Brothers are trying to buy our politics to enrich themselves.

BIG RIGHT-WING KOCHS haunt you in your dreams at night

no, more than likely, they will just slow down the inevitable march to America becoming a European style social democracy.

And not by much. They pissed away hundreds of millions in 2012 and Obama still won.
because you like it when filthy rich people control your government huh.

why do you hate democracy?

You don't want filthy rich people controlling your government? I am not crazy about it either but you are in for very rude awakening.... Every government around the world is controlled by the filthy rich. Why demonize Koch? Why aren't you demonizing Soros, too? Soros makes his money by betting against America.
just ran across this, from Slate of all places...Is this PATHETIC OR WHAT?

Pavlov’s Dogs: Democrats Fundraising Haul Triples With They Mention Koch Brothers Name…

Koch Brothers

Confirmed: Dems even more pathetic than we previously thought.

Via Slate:

When the Senate returns this week, we’ll learn whether Harry Reid will continue his epic assault on Charles and David Koch. As far as the party’s concerned, it’s been working—it’s gotten the press to cover their attacks, cover the Kochs, even look more closely at whether the Kochs are profiting from this or that Republican-backed deal. Republicans, in response, have been defending the patriotism and good faith of America’s most political billionaires—another effect Democrats were going for.

And here’s another reason that the Democrats will keep battering the Kochs. I’ve seen some numbers from fundraising emails from one campaign that were sent from roughly mid-January to mid-March, pretty bad news cycles for the party. Nineteen emails didn’t mention the Kochs. They raised, in total, $48,146.30, for an average of $2,534.02 per message.

But five emails mentioned, in at least some way, the Koch brothers. Those asks raised $32,668.72, an average of $6,533.74 per email. The Democratic base, which has been hearing about and fearing the Kochs for nearly four years, responds to this stuff.

Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
with bullshit.

Both the Koch Brothers and Soros are polluting the Democratic process.

What the OP won't admit is that

In a capitalist society, concentrated wealth is concentrated power. Washington is where the wealthy go to get subsidies, bailouts and no-bid monopoly control over most domestic sectors.

The Right wants you to believe that the country robs from the wealthy and gives to the Welfare Queens. They want you to focus on foodstamps which doesn't hold a candle to the trillions that flow out the back door in the form of subsidies and bailouts. Washington has been swallowed by a corporate lobbying empire.

from buying government? Congressman don't vote their conscience; they vote in fear of getting primaried by the wealthy people who own government.

Why not come clean and admit that government doesn't victimize the wealthy because it is owned by them?

1. "The OP is once again trying to distract us...."


You have a tapeworm?

Be honest...all it takes is a handful of shiny objects to distract you.

2. "Both the Koch Brothers and Soros are polluting the Democratic process."

Equivalence is the best the low-IQ set can manage.
The Kochs...a few hundred $million.
Soros.....Over $8 billion.

3. "...our government is run by and for the wealthy, not the poor."

One reason I refer to you as a moron is that you make statements without the facts....there are many special interests that must be accommodated,

In " Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government," Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

Sierra Club?
Little old blue haired ladies in tennis shoes....like you.

The other reason that I refer to you as a moron is that you're a moron.

4. "Why not find a way to prevent a handful of wealthy individuals..."

There does not exist in this nation any perennial group known as 'the wealthy' because of the income mobility in this nation.

See what I mean: you're a moron.
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because you like it when filthy rich people control your government huh.

why do you hate democracy?

You don't want filthy rich people controlling your government? I am not crazy about it either but you are in for very rude awakening.... Every government around the world is controlled by the filthy rich. Why demonize Koch? Why aren't you demonizing Soros, too? Soros makes his money by betting against America.

They can not answer that Q on the grounds that will incriminate them and their ilk...:D

Koch Brothers and George Soros Bankroll 2014 Midterms
by Christopher Spencer on March 24, 2014
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This thing with the Koch brothers is just HOW pathetic and Dangerous the Democrat party has become

Now they are taking to attacking YOU the AMERICAN citizens in this country

what was it last year, Grover Norquist, Ted Nugent, Sarah Palin, etc

how anyone can belong to such a party who has nothing but HOSTILITY against you is beyond me

libs are just afraid their low information voters might get exposed to some real information if enough of it gets out there.

Harry Reid more disliked than Koch brothers

March 25, 2014

The Democrats, still reeling from the findings of their favorite whiz kid Nate Silver that the odds favor the GOP taking over the Senate, get a few dollops of bad news in the George Washington University Battleground poll.

First, the left’s crusade against the Koch brothers isn’t working very well, as one might expect with an effort to vilify two businessmen unknown to the vast majority of voters. After months (years, even) of vilification, the brothers’ negative numbers (25 percent) are actually less horrible than those of Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who gets thumbs down from 35 percent, or the president who draws a negative reaction from 49 percent of voters. This only highlights how daft is the scheme to run against two private citizens not on the ballot and largely anonymous. (The effort, of course, is more properly seen as a fundraising ruse and lame attempt to engage the Democratic base.) But, it’s all the Democrats have these days.

In fact on foreign policy, Social Security, Medicare and even “representing middle class values” — all previous strong suits for the president – more voters disapprove than approve of the president’s performance. Even worse for the Democrats, a significant plurality blame the president for the current economy (32 percent) than Republicans (12 percent), and vastly more people (23 percent) blame big government over big labor, big banks or big business (all in single digits) for their failure to get ahead financially.

In short, the effort to demonize big business is a bust. That’s a problem for Democrats who have been trying use the evils of the private sector to justify vast expansion of government and to use the rich as a piñata. Americans hardly blame the rich at all for the economy. What they do believe overwhelmingly is that their economic situation has gotten worse (34 percent) or stayed the same (39 percent) over the last four years.


Harry Reid more disliked than Koch brothers

Harry Reid more disliked than Koch brothers

March 25, 2014

The Democrats, still reeling from the findings of their favorite whiz kid Nate Silver that the odds favor the GOP taking over the Senate, get a few dollops of bad news in the George Washington University Battleground poll.

First, the left’s crusade against the Koch brothers isn’t working very well, as one might expect with an effort to vilify two businessmen unknown to the vast majority of voters. After months (years, even) of vilification, the brothers’ negative numbers (25 percent) are actually less horrible than those of Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who gets thumbs down from 35 percent, or the president who draws a negative reaction from 49 percent of voters. This only highlights how daft is the scheme to run against two private citizens not on the ballot and largely anonymous. (The effort, of course, is more properly seen as a fundraising ruse and lame attempt to engage the Democratic base.) But, it’s all the Democrats have these days.

In fact on foreign policy, Social Security, Medicare and even “representing middle class values” — all previous strong suits for the president – more voters disapprove than approve of the president’s performance. Even worse for the Democrats, a significant plurality blame the president for the current economy (32 percent) than Republicans (12 percent), and vastly more people (23 percent) blame big government over big labor, big banks or big business (all in single digits) for their failure to get ahead financially.

In short, the effort to demonize big business is a bust. That’s a problem for Democrats who have been trying use the evils of the private sector to justify vast expansion of government and to use the rich as a piñata. Americans hardly blame the rich at all for the economy. What they do believe overwhelmingly is that their economic situation has gotten worse (34 percent) or stayed the same (39 percent) over the last four years.


Harry Reid more disliked than Koch brothers

Now, just wait.....

...didn't Harry just donate over $100 million of his own money to build a hospital in Brooklyn???

Oh...wait.....that was the Koch brothers.....Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post

Reminds me...a friend of mine, John Wing, was going to be a doctor, but he knew that no matter how good he was as a doctor, they'd never name a part of a hospital after him....
because you like it when filthy rich people control your government huh.

why do you hate democracy?

"...Tom Steyer, a Democrat who founded one of the world’s most successful hedge funds, burst onto the national political scene during last year’s elections, when he spent $11 million to help elect Terry McAuliffe governor of Virginia and millions more intervening in a Democratic congressional primary in Massachusetts.

....at least $100 million for an all-climate-change, all-the-time approach to various midterm campaigns, but will he content himself with attacking Republicans, or also wield his operation against non-true-believing Democrats, too?"
Billionaire Tom Steyer turning his anti-Keystone offensive into an all-out climate crusade for 2014 « Hot Air

"....Steyer to discuss the strategy against Keystone, said, “After years of watching rich people manipulate and wreck our political system for selfish personal interests, it’s great to watch a rich person use his money and his talents in the public interest.”
Ryan Lizza: How the Keystone XL Pipeline Tests the Administration’s Resolve on Climate Change : The New Yorker

"....commitment to those who are being targeted specifically because of their position in opposition to Keystone XL,...”
Steyer vows to aid anti-Keystone lawmakers - Andrew Restuccia - POLITICO.com

So.....this rich guy's money is just fine?
Preventing job growth in the U.S., and preventing our energy independence.....just grand.
because ideas dont matter huh?

pretending its the left who is trying to destroy our democracy so they can have a CEO utopia is silly.

The left is the only way OUT of the money game.

Then the left had better stop using the Union, Soros and Hollywood money.

Listening to the left complain about money corrupting democracy is like listening to a prostitute lamenting the lack of chastity in young women.

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