Druze teen faces jail over refusing to serve in Israeli army

More from the Electronic Intifada article

"Omar Saad is not alone in his community in refusing to serve in the Israeli army. As Patrick O. Strickland reported*for The Electronic Intifada last year, the number of Druze youths who refuse is growing. Omar, along with his brothers Mustafa and Ghandi,*performed*with Nigel Kennedy at the 2013 BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall in London earlier this year. During the live broadcast on BBC Radio 3, Kennedy was heard telling the audience: “It’s a bit facile to say it, but we all know from the experience of this night of music that giving equality and getting rid of apartheid gives a beautiful chance for amazing things to happen.”The BBC*edited out*his remarks in subsequent broadcasts."

Druze youth in military prison for refusing Israeli army draft | The Electronic Intifada

Omar has become a celebrity, with his music and activism, and he has become a role model for other Israeli Druze youth to follow.

Imprisonment will only increase his followers.

That is the nature of Persecution, it only strengthens the cause of those persecuted, Palestinians in Israel in this example.
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I think for the Druze a particular issue they face is being expected to serve in the miltary and being discriminated against.

So, there are two aspects to the story of Omar, his personal views of military service, and his experiences as an Israeli Druze.
Hitler ordered people to kill for him, just like Zionists do.

The law is the law?

That is not true for all, some brave souls refusebto be killers for any man or nation.

That was true of Jesus, He killed for noone , and that is what He taught His followers to do, follow His example.
Hitler ordered people to kill for him, just like Zionists do.

The law is the law?

That is not true for all, some brave souls refusebto be killers for any man or nation.

That was true of Jesus, He killed for noone , and that is what He taught His followers to do, follow His example.

A country that lets each individual do what they feel like will soon become a source of chaos.

As a lawyer, you should know the importance of laws.
First Prison Term for Conscientious Objector Omar Saad

In this article, Omar's prison address is provided.

All who support his decision, please write him or send your letter by email so he ultimately can read it. Israeli officials are known to deny mail to consciencious objectors.

His prison address is:

Omar Saad
Military ID 08143090
Military Prison No. 6
Military Postal Code 01860,



"Since the prison authorities often block mail from reaching imprisoned objectors, we also recommend you to send them your letters of support and encouragement via e-mail to:*[email protected]*(hitting “reply all” to this message will send the message to the same address), and they will be printed out and delivered during visits."

First Prison Term for Conscientious Objector Omar Saad | New Profile
WZO pushing new Jewish towns to 'balance’ Arab population in Israel's north

"The World Zionist Organization’s Settlement Division, which is defined by the government as one of its executive arms, is formulating a plan to settle more Jews in the Galilee to achieve a demographic balance with the Arab population. This would be accomplished by establishing new towns and expanding existing ones beyond the limits set in the national master plan for development."

WZO pushing new Jewish towns to 'balance? Arab population in Israel's north - NationalIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source
WZO pushing new Jewish towns to 'balance’ Arab population in Israel's north

"The World Zionist Organization’s Settlement Division, which is defined by the government as one of its executive arms, is formulating a plan to settle more Jews in the Galilee to achieve a demographic balance with the Arab population. This would be accomplished by establishing new towns and expanding existing ones beyond the limits set in the national master plan for development."

WZO pushing new Jewish towns to 'balance? Arab population in Israel's north - NationalIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Can I live in "Druze only" towns?

Your logic escapes me.
"In such a manner many whole towns were legally created in Israel which are, as the phrase goes, "clean of Arabs," or as we should say rather, "clean of Gentiles (goyim)." In other towns, like Upper Nazareth, only one special quarter is "devoted" to the dwelling of Arabs. Any attempt by an Arab to buy or rent a flat from a Jew is opposed openly and legally by all the branches of the government (the Ministry of Housing, municipality etc.) and also illegally by opposition of the local Jewish inhabitants which is not challenged by the Israeli police."

The Racist Nature of Zionism and of the Zionist State of Israel
WZO pushing new Jewish towns to 'balance’ Arab population in Israel's north

"The World Zionist Organization’s Settlement Division, which is defined by the government as one of its executive arms, is formulating a plan to settle more Jews in the Galilee to achieve a demographic balance with the Arab population. This would be accomplished by establishing new towns and expanding existing ones beyond the limits set in the national master plan for development."

WZO pushing new Jewish towns to 'balance? Arab population in Israel's north - NationalIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Can I live in "Druze only" towns?

Your logic escapes me.

I do not live in an Apartheid Nation like you do where certain peoples identified by ethnicity or race cannot live in certain places.

Why do you ask me how your racist Apartheid rules work?

Since Zionists are in control, if there is a rule that there are Druze only towns where only Druze can live it is a rule because Zionists enforce such a rule.

Jew only towns and Druze only towns, they are both racist laws of Zionism.
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Here is an article by an Israeli addressing racism in Israel. I only include here in this post the first area of racism he identifies.

"IT IS MY CONSIDERED OPINION*that the State of Israel is a racist state in the full meaning of this term: In this state people are discriminated against, in the most permanent and legal way and in the most important areas of life, only because of their originIn the State of Israel, one who is not a Jew is discriminated against, only because he is not a Jew, in these areas of life:

1) The right to live, to dwell or to open a business in the place of one's choice.*Most of the land in Israel belongs to or is administered by the Jewish National Fund — JNF — which is a Zionist organization, and operates an admitted racist policy: It forbids non-Jews to dwell on its lands or to open businesses and sometimes even to work, only because they are not Jews! This policy not only enjoys perfect legality here (in contrast to similar discrimination against Jews which is illegal in most countries of the world) but it is supported by all the instruments of Israeli rule....."

The Racist Nature of Zionism and of the Zionist State of Israel
Israel Shahak is certainly a fascinating individual. I read about him, a Professor in Israel, from biographical data about him from review of a book he wrote on Amazon .

"Shahak, who came to Israel in 1945 after surviving the concentration camp in Belsen during the Holocaust, contends that the potential for Israel's right-wing Jewish religious movements to seize power represents a threat to the peace of Israel and to the Zionist movement. He posits that Israel as a Jewish state constitutes a danger not only to itself and its inhabitants, but to all Jews and to all other people and states in the Middle East. Shahak, who was raised as an Orthodox Jew, condemns what he sees as discrimination against non-Jewish citizens of Israel. The real test facing both Israeli and diaspora Jews is the test of their self-criticism, which must include the critique of the Jewish past. Most disturbing, Shahak insists that the religion, in its classical and talmudic form, is "poisoning minds and hearts." This controversial attack of Israel by a Jew is bound to alarm Jewry worldwide...."

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/074530818X/ref=mw_dp_mdsc?dsc=1]Jewish History, Jewish Religion:Amazon:Books[/ame]
WZO pushing new Jewish towns to 'balance’ Arab population in Israel's north

"The World Zionist Organization’s Settlement Division, which is defined by the government as one of its executive arms, is formulating a plan to settle more Jews in the Galilee to achieve a demographic balance with the Arab population. This would be accomplished by establishing new towns and expanding existing ones beyond the limits set in the national master plan for development."

WZO pushing new Jewish towns to 'balance? Arab population in Israel's north - NationalIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Can I live in "Druze only" towns?

Your logic escapes me.

I do not live in an Apartheid Nation like you do where certain peoples identified by ethnicity or race cannot live in certain places.

Why do you ask me how your racist Apartheid rules work?

Since Zionists are in control, if there is a rule that there are Druze only towns where only Druze can live it is a rule because Zionists enforce such a rule.

Jew only towns and Druze only towns, they are both racist laws of Zionism.

Druze only towns and Muslim only towns are due to the fact that Jews who enter those places oftenly get stoned.

When I was a teenager, our busses used to drive us 40 minutes instead of 10, because from Rahat they used to stone our busses.

How is that Zionism's fault?
Can I live in "Druze only" towns?

Your logic escapes me.

I do not live in an Apartheid Nation like you do where certain peoples identified by ethnicity or race cannot live in certain places.

Why do you ask me how your racist Apartheid rules work?

Since Zionists are in control, if there is a rule that there are Druze only towns where only Druze can live it is a rule because Zionists enforce such a rule.

Jew only towns and Druze only towns, they are both racist laws of Zionism.

Druze only towns and Muslim only towns are due to the fact that Jews who enter those places oftenly get stoned.

When I was a teenager, our busses used to drive us 40 minutes instead of 10, because from Rahat they used to stone our busses.

How is that Zionism's fault?

Get real, Zionists are in power in Israel.

Zionists control where people live in Israel.

And I certainly am not reading of daily stonings of Israelis in the Galilee.

Nobody buys your dirty disgusting racist Zionist lies.
I do not live in an Apartheid Nation like you do where certain peoples identified by ethnicity or race cannot live in certain places.

Why do you ask me how your racist Apartheid rules work?

Since Zionists are in control, if there is a rule that there are Druze only towns where only Druze can live it is a rule because Zionists enforce such a rule.

Jew only towns and Druze only towns, they are both racist laws of Zionism.

Druze only towns and Muslim only towns are due to the fact that Jews who enter those places oftenly get stoned.

When I was a teenager, our busses used to drive us 40 minutes instead of 10, because from Rahat they used to stone our busses.

How is that Zionism's fault?

Get real, Zionists are in power in Israel.

Zionists control where people live in Israel.

And I certainly am not reading of daily stonings of Israelis in the Galilee.

Nobody buys your dirty disgusting racist Zionist lies.

Rahat is not in the Galile, Sherri

Gee, get a clue

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