VIP Member
You see, Bully in his blind hatred of anything Republican fails to state that many politicians and heads of state on either side of the aisle all with access to the same intelligence believed that Sadaam had WMD and was a threat to the region and to a lesser extent the world as a whole, we've all seen the famous quotes now! Anyway, it is a fact that Sadaam had WMD and had used them in the past. Bully likes to think its fact that there weren't EVER WMD in Iraq when we all know that is true. Who is to say that Sadaam in the months leading up to the war did not dispose of his weapons or moved them to Syria. I think this issue is still yet to be finished. But Bully likes to believe innuendo to be fact and fact to be innuendo, its ok, just smile and say attaboy!
The Republic, if it survived the liberal fascism of the Clinton era will certainly come out smelling like a rose in '08.
The Republic, if it survived the liberal fascism of the Clinton era will certainly come out smelling like a rose in '08.